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-   -   Social Group and Album Enhancements - [Scandal's] vBGallery (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=284213)

Scandal 06-08-2012 10:00 PM

[Scandal's] vBGallery
1 Attachment(s)
Turn your vBulletin Album system to an organized Gallery. Watch presentation!

The basic idea of Scandal's vBGallery is to organize vBulletin Albums AND forum attachments (pictures) to a section with lots of functions (categories, search, latest objects, statistics, menus etc).
Designed for vBulletin 4.2.0 (otherwise you must add the navbar links manually).

- Categories system for Albums (like Forums for threads)
- Five (5) levels of subcategories allowed
- Album, picture and comment search
- Who browsing Gallery (= Gallery Home, Albums, Pictures)
- Gallery statistics
- Forum attachments gallery (with ability to act it as category)
- Pages: latest pictures - latest albums - latest comments (with feature to turn them to "All")
- "My Comments" feature (display all user comments)
- My Pictures/Albums in "this" category
- Ability to set custom statusicons to categories
- Notifications to users with "uncategorized" albums to move them
- Ability to hide empty categories (= with 0 albums)
- Admincp environment
- No annoying copyright info

Language Packs:
- Deutsch (Sie) - Deutsch (Du)


1. Upload all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. Import *xml product.
3. (Important) Open template album_edit and find:
HTML Code:

<fieldset class="blockrow">
add below:
HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['sc_gallery_onoff']">
{vb:raw formdata.catid}



1. FIRST OF ALL: Upload and replace all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. THEN: Import XML product with "Allow Overwrite" to YES.

Who can view vBGallery;
Access to vBGallery has all members who belongs to usergroups with "Can View Albums" to YES.

What if I decide to turn off or uninstall vBGallery;
You are back to Albums without data lose (except the category of each Album - function of this hack).

How could I change the size of Gallery's thumbnails?

vBGallery use the thumbnail size you have set via admincp. To change it go to:
Admincp > Options > Message Attachment Options
... and set your value to "Thumbnail Size"
... afterwards you must rebuild attachment thumbnails at: Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails

How to install navbar links (for vBulletin 4.0.X - 4.1.X)
Read this post

*Links (for vBulletin 4.0.X - 4.1.X)

My Stuff:
(My Albums)-> /album.php
(Add Album)-> /album.php?do=addalbum
(My Comments)->/gallery.php?do=mycomments
(Pending Albums)->/gallery.php?do=pending

(Latest Pictures)->/gallery.php?do=latestpictures
(Latest Albums)->/gallery.php?do=latestalbums
(Latest Comments)->/gallery.php?do=latestcomments

v1.0 first release (beta)
v1.2 second release
- New layout choice for galleridisplay: Grid layout with feature to change the width of albumbits via admincp
- Integration of vBulletin's sidebar with Gallery Home (admin can enable or disable it on admincp)
- New feature: flood check and character limit check for the search engine
- Improved breadcrumb (add category name to navbit) ("Gallery > {category name} > Member List > {username} > Albums > {album name}" )
- "Inverse pyramid like" statistics for categories [a main category "has" the albums of its subcategories - like forum statistics (threads/posts) works for subforums]
- New feature: admin can enable/disable the view of empty categories (= categories with 0 Albums)
- New feature: admin can enable/disable the use of search engine by guests
- Building of Gallery Statistics by cronjob (= refresh every one hour). Very important for server performance.
- 1 bug fixed
v1.5 third release
- Classic layout abolished
- New: Notification feature = users with Albums in category "Uncategorized" auto-notified by the system to move them to a subject category (pending albums)
- New feature: admin can set if he want him users to display Albums or Pictures when open the categories.
- New: menus "Browse Albums" & "Browse Pictures" on Gallery Display (user can navigate the albums/pictures in the category)
- New: My albums/pictures in "this" category feature
- Admincp environment improved (List Albums)
- 3 bugs fixed
v1.6 fourth release
- Galleryhome: fixed the view of description for header categories
- New feature: ability to add custom statusicons to categories (screenshot)
- 1 phrase undefined variable fix
- pending albums: 1 bug fixed
v2.0 fifth release
- New feature: forum pictures attachment gallery (with ability to turn it as gallery category)
- search feature for attachment gallery
- 1 phrase issue fixed
- 1 bug fixed
- better attachments gallery popup

Developer's notice: I give support only for code errors, not for style problems.

Tested on vBulletin 4.2.0

Scandal 06-09-2012 01:52 PM


Manoel J?nior 06-09-2012 02:01 PM

Wowwwwww!!! Very Thanks.... I'll test.

Manoel J?nior 06-09-2012 02:04 PM

Takes too much space. There is the possibility of putting three albums per line?


Scandal 06-09-2012 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2338112)
Takes too much space. There is the possibility of putting three albums per line?


No, it uses the css and logic of Forumdisplay. Maybe 'll change it to next versions. ;)
You can increase or dicrease the number of Albums per page in Gallery Display.

Manoel J?nior 06-09-2012 03:34 PM

Suggestions for the next release:

- Inclusion of links on Navbar or navtab
- Able to add more than one album in the grid row
- Users can suggest categories and these go for moderation

Congratulations modification, is excellent!

temsamane 06-09-2012 05:43 PM

before i download this mod, i have a question..

is it possible to show automatically the attachment pictures (on forum topics) in this gallery?

Regs 06-09-2012 06:11 PM

This looks nice!

Any chance of the developer producing a Photopost vBGallery to vBalbums importer?



Rckcrwlr 06-10-2012 10:17 AM

Tagged for future

Preech 06-10-2012 01:01 PM

Is it possible to get a live demo.

Alfa1 06-11-2012 12:55 AM

A Photopost Pro importer would be awesome.

Feature suggestions:
- Grid layout for album overviews.

Regs 06-11-2012 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2338603)
A Photopost Pro importer would be awesome.

Feature suggestions:
- Grid layout for album overviews.

I asked first Alfa, back of the queue!


thecore762 06-11-2012 01:43 AM

Also tagged!

Hornstar 06-11-2012 02:32 AM

I'd love a photopost pro importer too.

Nice release!

victorvu 06-11-2012 04:24 AM


I like this mod better than the previous, but still lack a few, such as automatically slide photo, arrows for next photo and previous photo, plus thumbnails and have it hide or unhide. Able to display picture info or hide it.

If this is going to be next release, it is a perfect.

Installed, voted, and nominate.



Scandal 06-11-2012 03:57 PM

Thanks for your comments! Surely will add more functions to next releases (I need your ideas for this ;) ). If anyone who install v1.0 beta has detect any problem, please post it. ;)
The basic idea of Scandal's vBGallery is to organize vBulletin Albums to a section with lots of functions (search, latest objects, statistics etc).

Originally Posted by Preech (Post 2338429)
Is it possible to get a live demo.

Unfortunately my site works with vBulletin 3.8.7, so I can't provide a live demo currently.
I develope my hacks to localhost sites (on my PC). Maybe someone here could post a link to him site with installed Scandal's vBGallery. :)

Preech 06-12-2012 08:45 AM

Appreciate the response Scandal.

BaanFarsang 06-12-2012 12:18 PM

I like your MOD, but I need the tools for setting of usergroup permission view.


Halfhidden 06-12-2012 08:06 PM

This is going to be one of the most important mods ever released on Vbulletin. This is what the community has been asking Vbulletin to do since time began. I know that if you develop it and add cool features, keep it up to date and sell a full feature suite many will buy that too.
I have several Photopost installs, and like many others have given up on the terrible support Photopost give.
Tagged and watching... Nominated too!!

Skyrider 06-12-2012 08:27 PM

Does this mod allows images only to be added from a specific group and or account? Rather than showing everyone's images.

Leica.Robbiani 06-12-2012 08:37 PM

Hi there,

gallery.php gives back a blank page on vb4.0.6.

Best regards


BaanFarsang 06-13-2012 04:44 AM

There are problems on Non-English language/UTF-8 translation!


Athena1984 06-13-2012 06:59 AM

This is a great modification! Some ideas for future releases, I would like to see the categories displayed as a side menu as opposed to the forum like display kind of like a widget. I would also like to see the ability to create more subcategories. I also think the album display should be easier to edit. I don't like how close the image is to the wording and it's taking me some time to figure out how to change this. Other than that, I think this looks really promising and I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

jo8jo 06-13-2012 01:29 PM

Works fine on my vB 4.2 PL1.
Some ideas for future releases:
- configuration for album thumbnail size (e.g. via ACP)
- easier edit of albumdisplay
- show picture comments & infos below the picture

Anyway this looks really promising :)

midwan 06-14-2012 10:17 PM

Looks really good so far, we've installed it and are really happy with the way it integrates with VB 4.2.0.

Some sort of moderation on new uploads would be nice to see in a next version!

victorvu 06-15-2012 01:58 AM


I installed it and set up a few catagories and it went smoothly. When creating albums, it did not let me choose a catgory. I have about 20 catagories created, but only see one with one sub-catagory, a short list. The rest is not there.

Can you tell me what happened?

A short note: Is it possible to have a Golld version cheap, so everyone can buy one for your good work?



victorvu 06-15-2012 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by victorvu (Post 2338633)

I like this mod better than the previous, but still lack a few, such as automatically slide photo, arrows for next photo and previous photo, plus thumbnails and have it hide or unhide. Able to display picture info or hide it.

If this is going to be next release, it is a perfect.

Installed, voted, and nominate.



Hi all:

I figured with out already. Thanks.


Scandal 06-16-2012 04:29 PM

Version 1.2 available! Enjoy! :up:

  • New layout choice for galleridisplay: Grid layout with feature to change the width of albumbits via admincp
  • Integration of vBulletin's sidebar with Gallery Home (admin can enable or disable it on admincp)
  • New feature: flood check and character limit check for the search engine
  • Improved breadcrumb (add category name to navbit) ("Gallery > {category name} > Member List > {username} > Albums > {album name}" )
  • "Inverse pyramid like" statistics for categories [a main category "has" the albums of its subcategories - like forum statistics (threads/posts) works for subforums]
  • New feature: admin can enable/disable the view of empty categories (= categories with 0 Albums)
  • New feature: admin can enable/disable the use of search engine by guests
  • Building of Gallery Statistics by cronjob (= refresh every one hour). Very important for server performance.
  • 1 bug fixed


1. Upload all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. Import *xml product.
3. (Important) Open template album_edit and find:
HTML Code:

<fieldset class="blockrow">
add below:
HTML Code:

<vb:if condition="$vboptions['sc_gallery_onoff']">
{vb:raw formdata.catid}


How to upgrade:

1. FIRST OF ALL: Upload and replace all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. THEN: Import XML product with "Allow Overwrite" to YES.

Scandal 06-16-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by jo8jo (Post 2339269)
Works fine on my vB 4.2 PL1.
Some ideas for future releases:
- configuration for album thumbnail size (e.g. via ACP)
- easier edit of albumdisplay
- show picture comments & infos below the picture

Anyway this looks really promising :)

How could I change the size of Gallery's thumbnails?
vBGallery use the thumbnail size you have set via admincp. To change it go to:
Admincp > Options > Message Attachment Options
... and set your value to "Thumbnail Size"
... afterwards you must rebuild attachment thumbnails at: Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails

Check v1.2 ;)

Front Range 4x4 06-17-2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Leica.Robbiani (Post 2339098)
gallery.php gives back a blank page on vb4.0.6.

Blank page on 4.1.12 too. :(

Alfa1 06-17-2012 02:34 AM

Does your addon provide for albums that are already existent? For example my board has hundreds of existing albums. How do these get into the gallery?
Maybe show the gallery owners a notification that they need to update their albums?

Another issue is that many albums have no thumb, making the album gallery empty.

Does your addon provide a function to browse all pictures in a category, without having to open up member albums?

Please consider to add some enhancements to image viewing and album browsing. vbulletin looks really outdated and lacks simple functionality. Its miles behind facebook, G+, flickr and even xenforo. I think a nice jquery image viewer with comments on the side would make a world of difference.

Manoel J?nior 06-17-2012 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2340258)
Does your addon provide for albums that are already existent? For example my board has hundreds of existing albums. How do these get into the gallery?
Maybe show the gallery owners a notification that they need to update their albums?

Another issue is that many albums have no thumb, making the album gallery empty.

Does your addon provide a function to browse all pictures in a category, without having to open up member albums?

Please consider to add some enhancements to image viewing and album browsing. vbulletin looks really outdated and lacks simple functionality. Its miles behind facebook, G+, flickr and even xenforo. I think a nice jquery image viewer with comments on the side would make a world of difference.

Very interesting!! Me too.


After the update is coming in my email an error database:


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:

                              SELECT sc_gallery.title
                              FROM sc_gallery AS sc_gallery
                              WHERE catid =;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Saturday, June 16th 2012 @ 08:35:50 PM
Error Date    : Saturday, June 16th 2012 @ 08:35:51 PM
Script        : xxx/forum/album.php?u=2835&albumid=613
Referrer      :
IP Address    :
Username      : N?o Registrado(s)
Classname    : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :

How to fix?

Scandal 06-17-2012 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2340272)
After the update is coming in my email an error database:


Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:

                              SELECT sc_gallery.title
                              FROM sc_gallery AS sc_gallery
                              WHERE catid =;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Saturday, June 16th 2012 @ 08:35:50 PM
Error Date    : Saturday, June 16th 2012 @ 08:35:51 PM
Script        : xxx/forum/album.php?u=2835&albumid=613
Referrer      :
IP Address    :
Username      : N?o Registrado(s)
Classname    : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :

How to fix?

Are you sure that there is an album in your database with ID 613?
1. Try to open the following page (replace "xxx" with your site domain):
Do you receive database error or any other message?
2. Go to admincp > Maintenance > Execute SQL Query
... and run the query:

FROM album
WHERE albumid=613

... and tell me the returning results.

I believe that there isn't an album with id 613 to your database (the guest who view this database error was a google bot). I send you on PM a plugin change, so you'll never receive this db error again.

Scandal 06-17-2012 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2340258)
1.Does your addon provide for albums that are already existent? For example my board has hundreds of existing albums. How do these get into the gallery?
2. Maybe show the gallery owners a notification that they need to update their albums?

3. Another issue is that many albums have no thumb, making the album gallery empty.

4. Does your addon provide a function to browse all pictures in a category, without having to open up member albums?

5. Please consider to add some enhancements to image viewing and album browsing. vbulletin looks really outdated and lacks simple functionality. Its miles behind facebook, G+, flickr and even xenforo. I think a nice jquery image viewer with comments on the side would make a world of difference.

1. All the already existent Albums when you install vBGallery, goes to the category "Uncategorized". I want to notice that vBGallery displays only the non empty (=0 pictures) and non private Albums to registered users (admins can see private albums).
So, after a new installation of this hack, you should move the existent Albums to the categories you like 1-1.
Finally on admincp there is the tool List Albums (I will improve it to next releases).

2. Cool idea! I'll keep it in mind, I'll try to add notification system for this reason.

3. I think that albums with no thumb are the empty albums. vBGallery doen't display empty Albums. When an empty Album gets a picture, vBGallery shows it. If you have non empty Albums with no thumbnails, maybe you should run the script "Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails".

4. hmm no :o I think it is very easy to build a function page for this, so stay tuned for the next release!

5. It is not on my priorities to change the layout of picture viewer but I'll think about it.

Scandal 06-17-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Leica.Robbiani (Post 2339098)
Hi there,

gallery.php gives back a blank page on vb4.0.6.

Best regards



Originally Posted by Front Range 4x4 (Post 2340225)
Blank page on 4.1.12 too. :(

Are you sure that you have complete the upload of gallery.php to your server?
Try to re-upload it and tell us the result. ;)

Leica.Robbiani 06-17-2012 11:18 AM

Hi there,


Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340343)
Are you sure that you have complete the upload of gallery.php to your server?

Yes I am.


Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340343)
Try to re-upload it and tell us the result. ;)

I've downloaded the latest version and did an upgrade. Same result, a blank page. My vB is just Forum, not Suite. Maybe this will be a problem, some other mods (not yours) are also not working correctly with vbf.

On my localhost with vbs4.2.0 the gallery is working. But after installing there I see in the stats:

Albums: 1 Pictures: 1 Comments: 1 Disk Space: 1 Bytes

This is not correct, I have no album and no picture.

Best regards


Scandal 06-17-2012 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Leica.Robbiani (Post 2340360)
1. I've downloaded the latest version and did an upgrade. Same result, a blank page. My vB is just Forum, not Suite. Maybe this will be a problem, some other mods (not yours) are also not working correctly with vbf.

2. On my localhost with vbs4.2.0 the gallery is working. But after installing there I see in the stats:

Albums: 1 Pictures: 1 Comments: 1 Disk Space: 1 Bytes

This is not correct, I have no album and no picture.

Best regards


1. I install vBGallery v1.2 to a fresh vB4.2.0 Forum (not Suite) in a localhost and works fine except of the statistics (see below). Can you send me via PM a list of the hacks you are using on your forum? Also, can you detect any difference between your normal site and your localhost site?*
- Finally, try the following: go to vBGallery Options (admincp) and try to turn off Statistics and Active Users, then try to open the gallery page. Does it open?

2. I detect the problem with the stats. The problem was that if the script recognize "0" disk space, returns '' (null) and stops before build the stats. This happening only in sites with 0 disk space (=not one uploaded picture).
If you want to fix the stats problem on your localhost:
- upload at least one "test" picture
- go to admincp > Scheduled Tasks > Scheduled Task Manager
... and run the task "vBGallery by Scandal - build stats"
vBGallery v1.5 will fix this problem.

*I try to detect the problem with the blank page. :erm:

Alfa1 06-17-2012 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340292)
1. All the already existent Albums when you install vBGallery, goes to the category "Uncategorized". I want to notice that vBGallery displays only the non empty (=0 pictures) and non private Albums to registered users (admins can see private albums).
So, after a new installation of this hack, you should move the existent Albums to the categories you like 1-1.

For big boards it would be very unhandy to change each album 1 by 1. Especially if there is only 1 admin, like on my sites.


Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340292)
Finally on admincp there is the tool List Albums (I will improve it to next releases).



Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340292)
If you have non empty Albums with no thumbnails, maybe you should run the script "Maintenance > General Update Tools > Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails".

Unfortunately that does not resolve it.


Originally Posted by Scandal (Post 2340292)
5. It is not on my priorities to change the layout of picture viewer but I'll think about it.

I'm currently using Photopost Pro alongside vb albums. The main benefit of PP is some basic functionality that vbalbums do not yet have. I would love to have only 1 gallery solution.

Please consider to add an importer for images, & albums from photopost and photoplog. Photoplog has been abandoned. Many people use photopost pro. You could make the importer a pro feature.

Will there be a vb3 version?

Leica.Robbiani 06-17-2012 08:43 PM

Hi scandal,


can you detect any difference between your normal site and your localhost site?*
Thanks a lot for your hints, but nothing did work on my localhost. The "build stats" script stucks.

Just please give me a little time to install it on my test directory on my server. My localhost is a Windoze system, my server runs with Linux. Maybe there will be a difference, this wouldn't be the first time.

Normally first I install mods on my localhost, when they work there I install them in my test directory on the server, only if they work there I install them on the production site.

Please don't get upset.

Best regards


sandboa 06-17-2012 10:36 PM

Would love to see permission ability

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