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-   -   June and July 2012 Board of the Month Nominations (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=283792)

BirdOPrey5 06-01-2012 10:26 AM

June and July 2012 Board of the Month Nominations

Due to low turnout during the summer months the June BOTM Nominations will be extended until the end of July. Please continue to nominate your boards and second boards as usual.

Voting for nominations for both June and July will take place at the end of July.



This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of June AND July 2012!

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

The rules for this thread:
  • Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
  • All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
  • All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
  • All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.

Nominations will be accepted until the last day of June 2012 (Close to midnight- maybe a few hours earlier, maybe a few hours later. There is no exact time.)

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: http://www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable and a real URL (One link only.)
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
DO NOT STRAY FROM THE ABOVE FORMAT. Save your creativity for your FORUM- this is not the place for it.

When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

You MUST enter the URL to your forum in the "URL:" line. DO NOT put a link with your site's name. Your entry will be rejected. Only 1 link is allowed.

You MUST put all your seconds in ONE post. If that means editing your original post to add more seconds, then DO it. We throw out seconds that are made in multiple posts.

Please post only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.

IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms, BirdOPrey5, or an Administrator.

BlueCheri 06-04-2012 04:20 AM

Site Name: Offwalk - The Off topic forums

URL: http://www.offwalk.com

Description: International general chat and discussion forum. A place to meet and make new friends. Relaxing and refreshing platform for online community.

Reason for Nomination:

- Spam free community
- Community with good contents
- Friendly staff and members
- Simple and easy to browse
- Growing community
- Offering many interesting special features


KGodel 06-06-2012 03:47 PM

Site Name: Zealot Gaming

URL: http://www.zealotgaming.com/forum/forum.php

Description: Zealot Gaming is a mulit-platform gaming community that fosters friendship and friendly gaming. We're a clan that supports various games and is always growing. In just a short year we've grown to over 300 members, and seek to encourage loyalty, integrity, and zeal while gaming. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that enhances the gaming experience and attempts to banish the negatives such as raging and flaming.

Reason for Nomination:

While we are not the biggest site, we have a lot of things that highlight our members and encourage friendly gaming. Our combination of mods encourages constant activity and helps our members feel like part of a larger gaming community, not simply a giant chat room. We're a successful site and a successful clan!

alkatraz 06-08-2012 01:13 AM

Site Name: Northwest Nissans

URL: http://www.northwestnissans.com

Local Nissan car club with active classifieds. 1 million posts since 2001. :)

Reason for Nomination:
Just did a redesign. Clean, fixed width CMS. We've got a number of customizations to make the classified experience better. Including thumbnails in the classified forums and automatic "PM/EMail" the seller buttons in classified threads. We've implemented a unique, craigslist-inspired rule where no one can reply to the classified posting expect the thread poster which stop flamewars and cuts down on moderation.

Thanks for your consideration!

jimsflies 06-09-2012 03:46 AM

Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: Reef Aquarium Community
Reason for Nomination: Customize style. Lots of work!

Code Geass 06-09-2012 10:34 PM

Site Name: Gta-Arab
URL: http://www.gta-arab.com/gt
Description: Grand Arab: This site is specialized in all GTA game edition, by professionals and designers, providing for all members and players all the lessons and additions to the game
Reason for Nomination: That the Arab and exclusive site only to support the game and has a staff of professional designers and programmers of the game and has many of the servers of the game and has the exclusive Style Forum

I apologize because I do not know English good

ru55ian 06-10-2012 11:02 PM

Site Name: Discuss Everything Forum

url: http://discuss.org

Description: Discuss Everything Forums is a friendly community where people are free to discuss all topics, debate all issues, and best of all, everyone is able to participate, as anonymous posting is allowed. All and all, Discuss.org is an offtopic forum that offers everything you could dream about in a discussion board.

Reason for Nomination:

1. New skin
2. lot of custom work
3. anonymous posting

Thanks for your consideration.

BGN64 06-11-2012 10:42 AM

Site Name: MeridianYachtOwners.com
URL: http://www.meridianyachtowners.com/
Description: A boating forum for owners of Meridian Yachts to enthusiastically discuss all aspects of Meridian Yacht ownership.
Reason for Nomination: Custom style and graphics. The most open, civil, spam free, independent, boat brand forum around.

exel 06-13-2012 04:57 PM

Site Name: Elite-Source

URL: http://elite-source.com/

We're a forum powered by our community. It's our goal to provide our members with a place to learn, discuss, share. To gain valuable insight to the online world and beyond. We will provide you with essential tips and tricks you may need to accomplish your goals. Elite-Source will also focus on helping people solve problems. From server problems, to computer repairs, to script support, we're here to help! Our community is also welcome to friendly chat which you can do so in our General Discussion forums!

Reason for Nomination: These forums are suppose to be friendly, a place where you can come and sit back and relax, or look for answers. We strive to bring good, quality, unique content to our members and we hope to continue doing so.

RSNF 06-13-2012 08:43 PM

:up: +1 very nicely done!!!


Originally Posted by BGN64 (Post 2338684)
Site Name: MeridianYachtOwners.com
URL: http://www.meridianyachtowners.com/
Description: A boating forum for owners of Meridian Yachts to enthusiastically discuss all aspects of Meridian Yacht ownership.
Reason for Nomination: Custom style and graphics. The most open, civil, spam free, independent, boat brand forum around.

vBseo.it 06-16-2012 07:47 AM

Site Name: ItalianHack.org - MMORPG & FPS
URL: http://www.italianhack.org
Description: The first community with 50,000 gamers
Reason for Nomination: Excelent style and graphics. 50,000 Users Registered, and lot more..!

JacquiiDesigns 06-16-2012 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by vBseo.it (Post 2339989)
Site Name: ItalianHack.org - MMORPG & FPS
URL: http://www.italianhack.org
Description: The first community with 50,000 gamers
Reason for Nomination: Excelent style and graphics. 50,000 Users Registered, and lot more..!

Really lovely design. Congratulations :)


Originally Posted by datoneer (Post 2350812)
Site Name: IMSpot - Webmaster Forums, Internet Marketing Forums
URL: http://www.imspot.org

Description: Discussion related to search engine optimization, internet marketing, hosting, webmaster tools and general discussion.

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom style and graphics
- Community with good and informative content
- Friendly staff and members
- Easy to navigate
- Growing fast
- Spam free
- And much more


vwdforum 06-25-2012 08:28 AM

Site Name: Close Protection World

URL: http://www.closeprotectionworld.com/

Forum created for the security industry in the UK, however following rebranding from .co.uk to .com now caters for the worldwide security industry.

Reason for Nomination: Great design showing the best of vbulletin forums.

BirdOPrey5 07-01-2012 10:43 AM

Please see the top post, I have extended the nominations for an additional month due to the low turnout that is common in the summer months. (We had to do the same last year as well.)

The next vote will be the end of July / 1st of August and will count nominations made in both June and July.

afterlab 07-02-2012 07:38 PM

Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox Live Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.

ged 07-04-2012 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by alkatraz (Post 2337611)
Site Name: Northwest Nissans

URL: http://www.northwestnissans.com

Local Nissan car club with active classifieds. 1 million posts since 2001. :)

Reason for Nomination:
Just did a redesign. Clean, fixed width CMS. We've got a number of customizations to make the classified experience better. Including thumbnails in the classified forums and automatic "PM/EMail" the seller buttons in classified threads. We've implemented a unique, craigslist-inspired rule where no one can reply to the classified posting expect the thread poster which stop flamewars and cuts down on moderation.

Thanks for your consideration!

Very neat. I liked your site very much. :)


Sage Knight 07-05-2012 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by afterlab (Post 2344583)
Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox Live Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.

+1, so awesome it does not even resemble one bit to an average vB install.

omniqix 07-06-2012 08:40 AM

Site Name: Pizzastic.com
URL: http://www.pizzastic.com/forum/
Description: Forums for talking about pizza.
Reason for Nomination:[/B] Because everyone loves Pizza! and because of the cool pizza theme.

nsdqmaester 07-16-2012 04:32 AM

Site Name: Gaming Warzone
URL: http://www.sec8-clan.com
Description: Gaming Community based around PC & Console Gaming
Reason for Nomination: We have been asked to nominate our board by a member. We are focused on making our community a nice place to hang out and chill with. We are focused on having the community around what you are looking for as a gamer.

rockerzteam 07-16-2012 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by nsdqmaester (Post 2348546)
Site Name: Gaming Warzone
URL: http://www.sec8-clan.com
Description: Gaming Community based around PC & Console Gaming
Reason for Nomination: We have been asked to nominate our board by a member. We are focused on making our community a nice place to hang out and chill with. We are focused on having the community around what you are looking for as a gamer.

I second this. Not only is it a great community but the time and effort put into this is well deserving of the BOTM!!!!!

97lt1ta 07-16-2012 09:08 PM

Site Name: VegasLsx

URL: http://vegaslsx.com/vbulletin/forum.php

This local car club is the biggest gm performance club in all of Nevada. The community is Fun environment with lots of knowledgeable automotive enthusiasts that are always willing to lend a helping hand. They have a ton of events that weather it be weekly meets or huge car shows.

Reason for Nomination:
Websites constantly improving and has alot of good information with some really cool pictures and videos

tanerokutan 07-17-2012 05:18 AM

URL: http://www.gsfans.org

Site Name: GSfans.org

Description: Galatasaray fans, supporters zone.

Reason for Nomination:

- Always active
- Latest news
- Warm conversations
- We love Galatasaray & our forum

silpher 07-20-2012 01:35 AM

Site Name: GBCheats

URL: http://www.gbcheats.com/

Description: Forum dedicated to the Gamers.

Reason for Nomination:
Well organized Forum, as well with a gentle Staff and a very nice Forum design. Good direct and organic traffic.

saini1987 07-20-2012 10:33 AM

Site Name: WHangOut.com
URL: http://www.whangout.com
Description: Webmaster Forum: SEO, Internet marketing, Web hosting Forums
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated.
Spam free community
Friendly Staff (only me currently :p)
Growing day by day

datoneer 07-23-2012 05:28 PM

Site Name: IMSpot - Webmaster Forums, Internet Marketing Forums
URL: http://www.imspot.org

Description: Discussion related to search engine optimization, internet marketing, hosting, webmaster tools and general discussion.

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom style and graphics
- Community with good and informative content
- Friendly staff and members
- Easy to navigate
- Growing fast
- Spam free
- And much more

JacquiiDesigns 07-23-2012 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by datoneer (Post 2350812)
Site Name: IMSpot - Webmaster Forums, Internet Marketing Forums
URL: http://www.imspot.org

Description: Discussion related to search engine optimization, internet marketing, hosting, webmaster tools and general discussion.

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom style and graphics
- Community with good and informative content
- Friendly staff and members
- Easy to navigate
- Growing fast
- Spam free
- And much more

I'll edit my original post to reflect this second :)

Emrah Kaya 07-30-2012 06:40 PM

Site Name: Telays.Com
URL: http://www.telays.com
Description: Webmaster Forums
Reason for Nomination: Customize style.

TilkiBey 07-30-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Emrah Kaya (Post 2352838)
Site Name: Telays.Com
URL: http://www.telays.com
Description: Webmaster Forums
Reason for Nomination: Customize style.

+1 for this site :up:

sematopdemir 07-30-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Emrah Kaya (Post 2352838)
Site Name: Telays.Com
URL: http://www.telays.com
Description: Webmaster Forums
Reason for Nomination: Customize style.

+1 Great site full support

Scyther 07-31-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by datoneer (Post 2350812)
Site Name: IMSpot - Webmaster Forums, Internet Marketing Forums
URL: http://www.imspot.org

Description: Discussion related to search engine optimization, internet marketing, hosting, webmaster tools and general discussion.

Reason for Nomination:

- Custom style and graphics
- Community with good and informative content
- Friendly staff and members
- Easy to navigate
- Growing fast
- Spam free
- And much more

+1 fr this site!
It's a really well made site with lots of unique and impressive Content!

atmaca 07-31-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Emrah Kaya (Post 2352838)
Site Name: Telays.Com
URL: http://www.telays.com
Description: Webmaster Forums
Reason for Nomination: Customize style.

+1 for telays. :)

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