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demo7up 12-03-2011 11:00 PM

Dynamic License Plate & Text in Postbit.
1 Attachment(s)

Here is it is for all Car Enthusiast Site's all i ask is that you link back to my site in way, shape or form. Site: http://www.nycjdm.com Or please throw a donation my way :) I will not help support this unless you have marked this installed, can either send me a link with the link back to my site or have placed a donation.

This Mod should work for any vB 4.+

So first we need to setup the CSS for the custom div that positions the License Plate & Text

1. Navigate to Admin CP => Styles & Templates => Style Manager => Edit Templates => CSS Templates => additional.css

At the bottom of this file add (you can change the css to match your site width etc..


div.jdm_plate p {
padding-top: 25px;
margin: 0 auto;

2. Navigate to AdminCP => User Profile Fields =>Add New User Profile Field

You will need to create 2 fields, one to Select License Plates the Other to Add the Text to it.

So create the first custom field we will call this x (make sure u get the field id)

Profile Field Type: Single Selection Menu

Title: License Plate

Description: Please choose your License Plate from the drop down list above. If you do not see yours listed please request them <a href="www.yoursite.com/your_forum_for_requests">here.</a>

<img src="path-to/license_plates/Japan.png" alt="Japan" />
<img src="path-to/license_plates/New_York.png" alt="NY" />

Options: Now this is case sensitive and each option must be named exactly like the corresponding image so for me its:


The Second Profile Field we will call y (make sure u get the field id)

Profile Field Type: Single-Line Text

Title: License Plate Text

Description: Enter your License Plate Text Here.

Max length of allowed user input: 6 or 7

Default Value: What ever you want up to 6 or 7 Characters.

Now save that ... Hopefully you have both Field Id's and now on to the next step

3. Navigate to Admin CP => Styles & Templates => Style Manager => Edit Templates => Postbit Templates => postbit_legacy

find and place code between the code in the box or place it where you would like it to show in the post bit.


{insert bottom code here}
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">

Display Code make sure you change the X and Y to the correct profile id's


<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldxx']">

    <div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://path-to/license_plates/{vb:raw post.fieldxx}.png);">
<p><b>{vb:raw post.fieldyy}</b></p>

Note: Blank License Plates can be found @ http://www.blankplates.com/

demo7up 12-04-2011 10:48 PM


bosanci28 12-05-2011 03:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
hi,and thanks for this,

any clue why i get this:?

if i take avatar out ,there are 6 plates numbers,

also my plates are in .jpg




i manage to fix it:

find this in postbit_legacy


<vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>

and add above the code from first post or main post! (change path to whatever you want where you put your pictures
and also the field X and Y !)



<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldXX']">

    <div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://www.yoursite.com/images/buttons/plates/{vb:raw post.fieldXX}.jpg);">
<p><b>{vb:raw post.fieldYY}</b></p>

<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">

and in my case or my forum skin that i have , i used this code :


div.jdm_plate p {
padding-top: 35px;
padding-left: 35px;

and my blank plates are re-sized to 180x90 .jpg


(sorry for the codes added just in case other people have the same problem
like i had in my case.)

demo7up 12-05-2011 11:51 AM

Im glag you were able to get it to work. No sweat if it helps others #whynot lol

duketxboy 12-05-2011 07:25 PM

no luck with it here

demo7up 12-05-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by duketxboy (Post 2274972)
no luck with it here

what seems to be the issue? what step isnt working? Also if you have tried to install it please mark as installed and i will help you set it up correctly.

bosanci28 12-05-2011 07:35 PM

is there a way in my case on the code above ,to <center> the text?
like if you put "M5" to be in the middle !... i mean to auto align , if one letter was entered to be in the middle ,
because if i add only like this:



<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<vb:if condition="$post['field46']">

    <div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://www.forum.dynavin.us/digitalvb/morbid/buttons/plates/{vb:raw post.field46}.jpg);">
<center><p><b>{vb:raw post.field47}</b></p>

<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">

will start from the middle...

if 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 letters to auto center itself... if possible...


demo7up 12-05-2011 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by bosanci28 (Post 2274975)
is there a way in my case on the code above ,to <center> the text?
like if you put "M5" to be in the middle !... i mean to auto align , if one letter was entered to be in the middle ,
because if i add only like this:



<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<vb:if condition="$post['field46']">

    <div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://www.forum.dynavin.us/digitalvb/morbid/buttons/plates/{vb:raw post.field46}.jpg);">
<center><p><b>{vb:raw post.field47}</b></p>

<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">

will start from the middle...

if 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 letters to auto center itself... if possible...


Please mark as installed! Also It should be auto centering the text. After you mark as installed send me the link to your site any page with the license plate enabled. And ill check it out.

bosanci28 12-05-2011 07:53 PM

i marked install yesterday !...friend.

post 7 thats my code....that i have right now... and the .css from above post.


demo7up 12-05-2011 08:01 PM

okay what i think u need to do is

in the css replace


padding-left: 35px;


margin: 0 auto;
that should do it. Let me know if that works for you.

bosanci28 12-05-2011 09:35 PM

worked perfect ,thanks!....

demo7up 12-07-2011 08:01 PM

awesome good news!

Jebadiah04 12-08-2011 12:14 AM

4.18 compatible?

demo7up 12-30-2011 05:34 PM

yeah im using in 4.1.9

1320Nation 12-30-2011 11:44 PM

Sorry guy but your instructions are not setup for someone installing this mod for the first time. Starting with the #2. instructions I think you are saying to add all the text I have in the quote in the Description Area? All of it? Also whats up with using the Japan and Newyork, are just a reference?


Please choose your License Plate from the drop down list above. If you do not see yours listed please request them <a href="www.yoursite.com/your_forum_for_requests">here.</a>

<img src="path-to/license_plates/Japan.png" alt="Japan" />
<img src="path-to/license_plates/New_York.png" alt="NY" />

Options: Now this is case sensitive and each option must be named exactly like the corresponding image so for me its:
Then from the same text you have whats in this quote added-

<a href="www.yoursite.com/your_forum_for_requests">here.</a>
Since there is nothing mentioned in you instructions I'm to think that above quoted text about yoursite.com is part of the directions for members with what they need to? Otherwise if it is meant for the person installing the mod, you do not have it listed in the instructions.

Next in #3. you have-

{insert bottom code here}
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
What code are talking about. Nowhere anywhere have you mentioned about code or the code that needs to be included in this part of the instructions.

And lastly you have-

<div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://path-to/license_plates/{vb:raw post.fieldxx}.png);">
<p><b>{vb:raw post.fieldyy}</b></p>
What in the world is 'path-to'? Is this suppose to be a directory we were to have uploaded somewhere on our own websites, or?

The better it is explained how to do a mod, the less people like myself are going to be asking questions that are not necessary. This is another reason why most people will skip over from getting involved in adding a mod. Or giving the developer a donation. I say that because I have given several developers donations as my way of saying I appreciate the efforts put into a well put together mod.

demo7up 12-31-2011 01:01 AM

Ask for help nicely and apologize for your dumb remarks or beat it!

1320Nation 12-31-2011 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by demo7up (Post 2282398)
Ask for help nicely and apologize for your dumb remarks or beat it!

Hey man, please DO NOT waste any time on anything I mentioned. Your mod means very little to me. I simply tried helping you out by pointing out some areas you are lacking in. Look at other developers detail their instructions. Look at those that take pride in what they do as you can see from the mod's of the month, ect. You might also take a look around and notice you are not on your own website to be bulling people around.

Btw, if you can't deal with constructive criticism, then you have no business being involved with public websites.

demo7up 12-31-2011 07:45 AM

lol your a d**k i didnt post it to get MotM or could careless about it some one asked for it and i gave it to them.. Thats pretty much it... Your right im not on my own site but this page belongs to my mod.

whats constructive about

The better it is explained how to do a mod, the less people like myself are going to be asking questions that are not necessary. This is another reason why most people will skip over from getting involved in adding a mod. Or giving the developer a donation. I say that because I have given several developers donations as my way of saying I appreciate the efforts put into a well put together mod.
please do tell me.... I dont care to be like other developers... and if my mod meant very little to you, you wouldnt have take the time to rip it apart.... Im sorry but I cant help but laugh @ your Bully comment. Go read a book... then come back to the forums when you can actually be useful. Instead of thriving on other peoples work. Why don't you learn how to do it yourself? Lazy? Or the intelligence just isn't there? Also If you havent noticed this is a template mod if you dont know wtf you are doing you probably shouldn't be doing it. Learn what a URL is before actually writing some trash as you did. People who cant even speak english were able to install this without issue.

And just for shits and giggles

Answer to Statement #1

If you followed the direction as described you would have noticed that I listed each input field and the corresponding value.

as for japan and new york This was built for my site. If you had just the tiniest bit of common sense. You would have realized that OBVIOUSLY you can add or remove you own license plates hence the reason i did not prepackage any and I provided a link to download some.

Statement Number #2

If you actually Read what was going on.


Please choose your License Plate from the drop down list above. If you do not see yours listed please request them <a href="www.yoursite.com/your_forum_for_requests">here.</a>

To me that means the link that my user can click to make a request. Dont know how you could of possibly messed that up. Ask yourself DO YOU KNOW WHAT A LINK MEANS OR LOOKS LIKE?

Statement #3


{insert bottom code here}
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">

Its exactly as it states Right under this code box is another code box


<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<vb:if condition="$post['fieldxx']">

    <div class="jdm_plate" style="background-image:url(http://path-to/license_plates/{vb:raw post.fieldxx}.png);">
<p><b>{vb:raw post.fieldyy}</b></p>

Thats what you enter where this is {insert bottom code here}

Statement #4

What in the world is 'path-to'?

Why is it so hard to read!!!!!!! http://path-to/license_plates/ What does that mean to you again cause to me it means where on my website i am going to store my license plate images.

Again There was nothing constructive about anything you wrote. Your just a plain idiot who cant follow directions. And if you did have trouble installing it all you had to do was ask for help not be some critic of something you absolutely know nothing about.

demo7up 01-01-2012 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by rooban12 (Post 2282750)

I'm trying to install this mod, but I got a problem here,
You mentioned that we have to create 2 fields, do we need to do them one by one or in one go?

Thank you


So The Custom Fields needs to be created one by one.

One Field would be for a dropdown menu that allows you to select the License Plate


The Second Field would be for the text input that displays on the License Plate.

If you continue to have any issues let me know and ill try to walk you though it step by step.


demo7up 01-01-2012 01:25 PM

Quick note please mark as installed if you havent already thanks.


Originally Posted by rooban12 (Post 2282759)

Its working now and thank you for your help, but could you tell me how can centre the License Plate?


Thank you

I don't see the license plate on this page?

Do you have a page where it is active?


Also, please tell me how can I change the font colour.

In the css the you change the color from black to what ever you like you can also use hex color codes. #000000 etc... or Red, white, black etc


div.jdm_plate p {
padding-top: 25px;
margin: 0 auto;

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