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-   -   Show Thread Enhancements - ThreadNav: scrolling New Posts navigation bar for Showthread (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=273500)

nerbert 11-06-2011 11:00 PM

ThreadNav: scrolling New Posts navigation bar for Showthread
1 Attachment(s)
ThreadNav(2.1) puts almost all the information in New Posts or Today's Posts in a compact scrolling navigation bar in the thread display page (showthread). The location in showthread depends on the user's thread viewing settings. Buttons on either end scroll the list of new posts right or left and additional information is available in a drop down box when you hover over the lower portion of the post cell. The list automatically refreshes using AJAX once a minute (default).

In Version 2.1 you can now place ThreadNav in any vBulletin page. A simple setting will put it in Forum Home (index) and it can be added to other pages with a simple template edit (See instuctions in ThreadNav settings in your AdminCP for edits).

Updated Version 2.1
I've updated this recently to make it fully compatible with updates to Thread & Forum Ignore System, if it is installed. I also got rid of the text jiggle in some browsers when you hover over a cell to display the drop box.


  • Searches for New Posts or Today's Posts
  • List scrolls right or left with buttons at ends
  • Automatically refreshes once a minute (default setting)
  • Cell width adjusts automatically to fit available space
  • Hovering over lower portion of partially exposed cell
    snaps the cell into full view
  • Automatically integrates with Thread & Forum Ignore System
    if installed
In the cell for each thread:
  • Go to first unread post button (New Posts only)
  • Thread link goes to either first or last post depending
    on user settings for viewing threads
  • Name of last poster
  • Last post button
In the drop down box:
  • Date/time
  • Forum
  • Thread starter
  • Peplies
  • Views
  • Links for previewing first and last posts
User settings:
  • Turn ThreadNav off
  • Get New Posts
  • Get Today's Posts
Admin Control Panel:
  • On/off
  • Other pages to show ThreadNav
  • Set refresh interval
  • Maximum minutes ThreadNav will continue refreshing
  • Allow or disallow guests to see ThreadNav
  • Maximum number of posts to show
  • Minimum width of each post cell.
  • Excluded forums
Upgrading to version 2.0
  • Upload the new product xml file in Plugins & Products and overwrite the old file.
  • Be sure to revert all threadnav templates, including threadnav.css.
  • Some pages will require simple template edits. See the ThreadNav setting sin the Admin CP for more information.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Now compatible with vBSEO
  • All text in phrases
  • More tips on styling in threadnav.css
  • Resolved major incompatibilities with some styles
  • Miscellaneous aesthetic changes
  • Resolved misalignment of borders of cell and drop box in some styles
  • Improved closing of drop boxes when you mouse out
  • Fixed more incompatibility issues with some some styles
  • Fixed incompatibility issue with IE (GRRRRRRRRRR....)
  • Overhauled system for opening and closing drop boxes

Style is based on borders, font-color and background-colors of postbits. For styles with darker colors a note at the top of threadnav.css gives helpful styling tips. If you need to add space above or below ThreadNav see top of threadnav.css. Don't use line breaks.

Installation is simple: upload the XML file to Products and you're ready to go -- no external files or edits.

Version 2.0 was developed in vB4.2.2 but should work in any vB4 version.

Erica1977 11-07-2011 04:22 AM

Thumbs up Thanks for this Awesome mod works great on my site!:)

RSNF 11-07-2011 04:39 AM

Would be great if this worked for earlier versions than 4.1.6.............Nice work though.

Erica1977 11-07-2011 04:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmm made some more test and seems that having vbseo 3.6.0 it will not work when you click on the thread you see on first picture with arrow and doing that will take you to the second picture see the arrow on the second picture so not sure why its not letting me go to the thread.

Attachment 134279

Attachment 134280

sticky 11-07-2011 08:30 AM

Installed and a cool mod but the preview first post / last post window doesn't really stay open. Also, any way to add a space so it doesn't appear right under banners?

Nacho Vidal 11-07-2011 08:53 AM

Thanks! However, I'm having the same issues as Erica above with invalid links, I too use vBSEO.

Great idea though!

synseal 11-07-2011 10:18 AM

same for me, invalid links running vbseo.

Krusty1231 11-07-2011 10:42 AM

Nifty - thanks

nerbert 11-07-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by RSNF (Post 2265208)
Would be great if this worked for earlier versions than 4.1.6.............Nice work though.

Parts of this were developed on vB4.1.4. I'm sure this will work on earlier versions. If you have already tried it on earlier vB4 versions and it doesn't work, give me a description of what's happening.

nerbert 11-07-2011 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2265264)
Installed and a cool mod but the preview first post / last post window doesn't really stay open. Also, any way to add a space so it doesn't appear right under banners?

You can go to the "threadnav" template and add a <br> at the very top, or go to "threadnav.css" template and in .threadnav properties add

margin-top: 10px;

then you can adjust the spacing until it's just right.

nerbert 11-07-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Erica1977 (Post 2265219)
Hmm made some more test and seems that having vbseo 3.6.0 it will not work when you click on the thread you see on first picture with arrow and doing that will take you to the second picture see the arrow on the second picture so not sure why its not letting me go to the thread.

Would any of you with vBSEO post a link to one of your threads? if I can see the structure of the link I may be able to figure this out and I can post a modified template or something..

I don't have vBSEO and don't want but I will try to get this working.

nerbert 11-07-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2265264)
Installed and a cool mod but the preview first post / last post window doesn't really stay open. Also, any way to add a space so it doesn't appear right under banners?

It will close as soon as your mouse exits it. That's the only way to close it, otherwise it would take a button or something

sticky 11-07-2011 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265320)
It will close as soon as your mouse exits it. That's the only way to close it, otherwise it would take a button or something

It closes even when my mouse is still on it.

Erica1977 11-07-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265318)
Would any of you with vBSEO post a link to one of your threads? if I can see the structure of the link I may be able to figure this out and I can post a modified template or something..

I don't have vBSEO and don't want but I will try to get this working.

Here's my site: http://uorevolution.net/forums/ username= test2011 password= test1965

synseal 11-07-2011 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265318)
Would any of you with vBSEO post a link to one of your threads? if I can see the structure of the link I may be able to figure this out and I can post a modified template or something..

I don't have vBSEO and don't want but I will try to get this working.

This is a link to a thread on my forum with vbseo



nerbert 11-07-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by sticky (Post 2265324)
It closes even when my mouse is still on it.

Does it close immediately after you open it or does it stay open a while?

nerbert 11-07-2011 01:54 PM

For the vbseo problem would one of you try this?

Copy this and replace the "threadnav_bit" template:

HTML Code:

<td style="overflow:normal;" cellspacing="0px">
        <div id="cont_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="container">
                <div id="title" class="title">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">
                        <a href="showthread.php?goto=newpost">
                                <img class="gotonewpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/firstnew.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_first_post}" />
                        <a href="showthread.php?<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">x<vb:else />p</vb:if>={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==2">#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}</vb:if>">
                          {vb:raw thread.title}</a>
                <div id="name_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="name"
                        onmouseover="delay('info','{vb:raw thread.threadid}');"
                        onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                        <a href="showthread.php?p={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}">
                                <img class="gotolastpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_last_post}" />
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_by} {vb:raw thread.lastposter}
        <div id="info_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="info"
                onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div class="infotext">
                        {vb:raw thread.posttime}                                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_forum} {vb:raw thread.forumname}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_starter} {vb:raw thread.postusername}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_views}  {vb:raw thread.views}                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_replies} {vb:raw thread.replycount}
                <div class="buttons1">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:right">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:left">Preview First Post</a>

        <div id="prev_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prev"
                onmouseout="hidePrev(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div id="prevfirsttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.firstprev}
                <div id="prevlasttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.lastprev}
                <div class="buttons2">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevlast_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:right;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevfirst_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:left;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview First Post</a>

@ Erica1977, Try putting a <br> at the end of the "threadnav" template to put some space below it.

If everything works here I will upload a modified xml file and you can re-install.

RSNF 11-07-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by RSNF (Post 2265208)
Would be great if this worked for earlier versions than 4.1.6.............Nice work though.

Working fine now nice Mod great work!

Erica1977 11-07-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265350)
For the vbseo problem would one of you try this?

Copy this and replace the "threadnav_bit" template:

HTML Code:

<td style="overflow:normal;" cellspacing="0px">
        <div id="cont_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="container">
                <div id="title" class="title">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">
                        <a href="showthread.php?goto=newpost">
                                <img class="gotonewpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/firstnew.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_first_post}" />
                        <a href="showthread.php?<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">x<vb:else />p</vb:if>={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==2">#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}</vb:if>">
                          {vb:raw thread.title}</a>
                <div id="name_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="name"
                        onmouseover="delay('info','{vb:raw thread.threadid}');"
                        onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                        <a href="showthread.php?p={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}">
                                <img class="gotolastpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_last_post}" />
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_by} {vb:raw thread.lastposter}
        <div id="info_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="info"
                onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div class="infotext">
                        {vb:raw thread.posttime}                                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_forum} {vb:raw thread.forumname}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_starter} {vb:raw thread.postusername}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_views}  {vb:raw thread.views}                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_replies} {vb:raw thread.replycount}
                <div class="buttons1">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:right">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:left">Preview First Post</a>

        <div id="prev_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prev"
                onmouseout="hidePrev(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div id="prevfirsttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.firstprev}
                <div id="prevlasttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.lastprev}
                <div class="buttons2">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevlast_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:right;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevfirst_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:left;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview First Post</a>

@ Erica1977, Try putting a <br> at the end of the "threadnav" template to put some space below it.

If everything works here I will upload a modified xml file and you can re-install.

i copy and paste the code you put here replaced it still nothing same issue and not sure exactly where your telling me to put <br> at

Erica1977 11-07-2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Erica1977 (Post 2265329)
Here's my site: http://uorevolution.net/forums/ username= test2011 password= test1965

Did you try going to my site and go to any thread.

ellinofatsa 11-07-2011 02:37 PM

i have isntal it but problem with greek language

doctorsexy 11-07-2011 02:43 PM

Demo please..anyone

nerbert 11-07-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Erica1977 (Post 2265359)
i copy and paste the code you put here replaced it still nothing same issue and not sure exactly where your telling me to put <br> at

Just type it in at the bottom of the template. But if it isn't working there's no point making it look nice.

I think I'm going to have to download and install vbseo to see what's going on. In the mean time just turn ThreadNav off in adminCP.

I have other business to attend to but I'll see if I can get something working soon. Check back later.

Erica1977 11-07-2011 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265375)
Just type it in at the bottom of the template. But if it isn't working there's no point making it look nice.

I think I'm going to have to download and install vbseo to see what's going on. In the mean time just turn ThreadNav off in adminCP.

I have other business to attend to but I'll see if I can get something working soon. Check back later.

Ok Thanks

nerbert 11-07-2011 03:30 PM

Erica1977, do the buttons work and only the link doesn't?

Nacho Vidal 11-07-2011 03:39 PM

Just tried the above code replacement for the threadnav_bit, first link I click on works fine and you're taken to the thread's page but clicking on another link from the thread's page gives me:

No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

nerbert 11-07-2011 03:53 PM

Just thought of something.

This might work as a replacement for "threadnav_bit" template:

HTML Code:

<td style="overflow:normal;" cellspacing="0px">
        <div id="cont_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="container">
                <div id="title" class="title">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">
                        <a href="showthread.php?goto=newpost">
                                <img class="gotonewpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/firstnew.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_first_post}" />
                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">x<vb:else />p</vb:if>={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==2">#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}</vb:if>">
                          {vb:raw thread.title}</a>
                <div id="name_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="name"
                        onmouseover="delay('info','{vb:raw thread.threadid}');"
                        onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;p={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}">
                                <img class="gotolastpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_last_post}" />
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_by} {vb:raw thread.lastposter}
        <div id="info_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="info"
                onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div class="infotext">
                        {vb:raw thread.posttime}                                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_forum} {vb:raw thread.forumname}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_starter} {vb:raw thread.postusername}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_views}  {vb:raw thread.views}                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_replies} {vb:raw thread.replycount}
                <div class="buttons1">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:right">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:left">Preview First Post</a>

        <div id="prev_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prev"
                onmouseout="hidePrev(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div id="prevfirsttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.firstprev}
                <div id="prevlasttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.lastprev}
                <div class="buttons2">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevlast_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:right;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevfirst_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:left;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview First Post</a>

nerbert 11-07-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nacho Vidal (Post 2265386)
Just tried the above code replacement for the threadnav_bit, first link I click on works fine and you're taken to the thread's page but clicking on another link from the thread's page gives me:

No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Did you refresh the page after the template change?

I think the template I just posted should solve the problem. After the code change you must refresh the page in order to test it.

Nacho Vidal 11-07-2011 04:19 PM

I'll give it a blast, bear with me :)

Erica1977 11-07-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265392)
Just thought of something.

This might work as a replacement for "threadnav_bit" template:

HTML Code:

<td style="overflow:normal;" cellspacing="0px">
        <div id="cont_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="container">
                <div id="title" class="title">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">
                        <a href="showthread.php?goto=newpost">
                                <img class="gotonewpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/firstnew.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_first_post}" />
                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">x<vb:else />p</vb:if>={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==2">#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}</vb:if>">
                          {vb:raw thread.title}</a>
                <div id="name_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="name"
                        onmouseover="delay('info','{vb:raw thread.threadid}');"
                        onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;p={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}">
                                <img class="gotolastpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_last_post}" />
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_by} {vb:raw thread.lastposter}
        <div id="info_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="info"
                onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div class="infotext">
                        {vb:raw thread.posttime}                                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_forum} {vb:raw thread.forumname}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_starter} {vb:raw thread.postusername}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_views}  {vb:raw thread.views}                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_replies} {vb:raw thread.replycount}
                <div class="buttons1">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:right">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:left">Preview First Post</a>

        <div id="prev_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prev"
                onmouseout="hidePrev(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div id="prevfirsttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.firstprev}
                <div id="prevlasttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.lastprev}
                <div class="buttons2">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevlast_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:right;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview Last Post</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevfirst_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:left;padding:0px 3px 1px;">Preview First Post</a>

Ok it works now the only problem i am running into is on btech style it dont look right it only looks right on style seamus red and seamus orange and default can you log back on change the style to btechred

Nacho Vidal 11-07-2011 04:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The links work apart from the small button buy the side of the link to take you to the first post.

However, a bigger issues has appeard in that pasted text from other sources now has black diamonds with ? in the middle?

See the attached screenshot!

The diamonds go when the mod is disabled!

Sorry for giving you a headache! :)

nerbert 11-07-2011 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Erica1977 (Post 2265399)
Ok it works now the only problem i am running into is on btech style it dont look right it only looks right on style seamus red and seamus orange and default can you log back on change the style to btechred

This is a shot in the dark, but try this:

In "threadnav" template scroll near the bottom and find function setWidth()


                        if(cells[i].childNodes.length<5) {
and change it to this

                        if(is_ie) {

Erica1977 11-07-2011 05:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So my question is how do i change the wide and height on it first pic is same as btech red but style in btech blue see second pic its seamus would like to know how to change the height and weight like in sec pic first picture is what i need to change it look like the second pic.

Attachment 134297

Attachment 134298

Erica1977 11-07-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by nerbert (Post 2265421)
This is a shot in the dark, but try this:

In "threadnav" template scroll near the bottom and find function setWidth()


                        if(cells[i].childNodes.length<5) {
and change it to this

                        if(is_ie) {

Still looks the same didnt change nothing at all.

nerbert 11-07-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nacho Vidal (Post 2265406)
The links work apart from the small button buy the side of the link to take you to the first post.

However, a bigger issues has appeard in that pasted text from other sources now has black diamonds with ? in the middle?

See the attached screenshot!

The diamonds go when the mod is disabled!

Sorry for giving you a headache! :)

For your "bigger issue" try going to the "ThreadNav Search" plug in and comment out the second line like this:
PHP Code:

//header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); 

That line was suggested to me by another programmer to fix a bug in Internet Explorer (Damned IE!)

As soon as I get all these bugs fixed I'll update the xml file

Erica1977 11-07-2011 05:37 PM

another bug if you click the icon arrow by the text link takes you to invalid page.

Erica1977 11-07-2011 05:39 PM

the arrow that says go to unread thread will take you to invalid page.

RSNF 11-07-2011 05:50 PM

Just curious as the Coder states thanks to those of you that have tested it "NOTE: This product is not compatible with vBSEO
I'll work on it and see what I can do."

Have you all tried to temporarily disable VBSEO and see if the mod works without it? If it does would it not make sense to allow this coder the time needed to fully work on a solution to the issue instead of constantly pointing out more errors associated with the use of VBSEO?.

nerbert 11-07-2011 05:56 PM

Here we go again! Try this template:
HTML Code:

<td style="overflow:normal;" cellspacing="0px">
        <div id="cont_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="container">
                <div id="title" class="title">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">
                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;goto=newpost">
                                <img class="gotonewpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/firstnew.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_first_post}" />
                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==1">x<vb:else />p</vb:if>={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}<vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['tn_control']==2">#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}</vb:if>">
                          {vb:raw thread.title}</a>
                <div id="name_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="name"
                        onmouseover="delay('info','{vb:raw thread.threadid}');"
                        onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                        <a href="showthread.php?t={vb:raw thread.threadid}&amp;p={vb:raw thread.lastpostid}#post{vb:raw thread.lastpostid}">
                                <img class="gotolastpost" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/lastpost-{vb:stylevar right}.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase TN_last_post}" />
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_by} {vb:raw thread.lastposter}
        <div id="info_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="info"
                onmouseout="hideInfo(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div class="infotext">
                        {vb:raw thread.posttime}                                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_forum} {vb:raw thread.forumname}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_starter} {vb:raw thread.postusername}        <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_views}  {vb:raw thread.views}                <br>
                        {vb:rawphrase TN_replies} {vb:raw thread.replycount}
                <div class="buttons1">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:right">{vb:rawphrase TN_prev_last}</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" style="float:left">{vb:rawphrase TN_prev_first}</a>

        <div id="prev_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prev"
                onmouseout="hidePrev(event, '{vb:raw thread.threadid}');">

                <div id="prevfirsttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.firstprev}
                <div id="prevlasttext_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" class="prevtext">
                        {vb:raw thread.lastprev}
                <div class="buttons2">
                        <a href="javascript:prevLast ('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevlast_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:right;padding:0px 3px 1px;">{vb:rawphrase TN_prev_last}</a>
                        <a href="javascript:prevFirst('{vb:raw thread.threadid}');" id="prevfirst_{vb:raw thread.threadid}" style="float:left;padding:0px 3px 1px;">{vb:rawphrase TN_prev_first}</a>

Erica1977 11-07-2011 06:12 PM

Ok now seems everything is working , so only thing left if your working on a solution is the wide like i posted it about on different style btech. By the way great job so far.:up:

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