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-   -   *phew - wipes sweat from brow* here is my Ikonboard -> VBulletin Post Convertor (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=27056)

08-31-2001 10:00 PM

might do a forum convertor next.. you can find my user convertor further down the page..
please let me know if you use this as a lot of hard work (and a whole lot of this saturday morning) went into it :)


KarateKid[WBC] 09-01-2001 02:35 PM

great, I will try it :)

Razzie 09-01-2001 03:08 PM

Good one!

justsomedude 09-01-2001 09:19 PM

well, i had a bit of a malor problem while attampting the
conversion :(

What i did was simply upload into my existing forum folders the conv_posts.php & then edit each one indivigually as to direct the posts from that folder into the appropriate forum, then call each conv_posts.php one at a time just by changing the URL from "www.mysite.com/..../forum1/conv_posts.php" to "www.mysite.com/..../forum2/conv_posts.php" and so on.

well, i got through about 5 forums without a problem & i was about to offer to have LoB's baby for him :) then things turned real ugly real fast. While the script was running on the 5th forum, it got about 50% complete & returned an error.
(i didn't copy the error, but it was something on line 122 & now the only way for me to get the error is to run the script again which i really don't want to do 'cause i've already begun repairing the problem it caused)

now all of my threads have been merged (one form the vb board & 1 from the IB) and all were moved into a single forum :eek: AHHHH

to rectify the problem, i now have to split each thread manually & move it to it's appropriate forum.

I honestly don't know what caused the error with only one of the forums 'cause it worked flawlessly on the others.

I post this not to complain, just as a warning to others who are considering utilizing the script. I sincerely do appreciate LoB's efforts!!

LoB 09-01-2001 10:51 PM

hmm if there's a recurring problem, if you post the error i will attempt to fix it for you asap

justsomedude 09-01-2001 11:26 PM

well, i decided to suck one up for the team:)

I forced the error again, and after running for a bit i get the following error. (there's many more "conversions" above the one that gives the error)


Creating Topic: 1 Title: klmlk

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 1.thd

Creating Topic: 2 Title: Timezones

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 2.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 2.thd

Creating Topic: 3 Title: Loader

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 3.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 3.thd

Creating Post:

Thread number in Database:

Thread filename: 3.thd

Warning: file(".thd") - No such file or directory in /home/xxx/htdocs/postconv/forum5/conv.php on line 121

Done Processing!

as i said, about 4 other fourms were successfully created, but then i git this error. subsequently every forum i execute the script for returns the error. I have to assune that is the reason that the rest of the database got screwed up. (All forums in the database..even ones i did not try to create.. are now lumped into 1 or 2)

hope this helps!

Dimitri 09-02-2001 12:58 AM

I got the same error just running it for one forum. When looking at my vB now, it merged many of the old ikonboard threads with the newer vB threads. Only way I can fix this is to restore from a backup, otherwise it'd take hours and hours to split threads up. :(

LoB 09-02-2001 10:35 AM

hmm can someone have a look and try and fix it? i have no idea what's causing that...
wait i think i know the problem...

when adding the threadid to the database it uses the number from list.cgi for that thread, however, if a thread of that number already exists in the database... splat i imagine....

i tried to do it another way (i.e. see what the last thread_id was in the database) but couldent figure out how to do it....

Dimitri 09-02-2001 12:56 PM

That sounds about right. Only about 2 of my 100+ threads came over cleanly. The others were merged with existing threads, from all different forums I might add, including private ones (yikes!).

MadMikey 09-02-2001 04:47 PM

Hey LoB, you have no idea how much I appreciate your efforts in this. I've just been waiting patiently for 'a' converter to switch over to the new forums.

The user / post converters seem to work well on an empty database so I'm not have the problems the other were.

However a couple of issues are keeping me from making the move permanently:

User Converter: The 'joindate' field is not being populated from ikonboard so all users show up as 1969 or something.

Post Converter: All of the IkonCode and formatting got converted to HTML and forums that don't do HTML show all the HTML tags. No biggie though.

Any idea how to fix these (manually if necessary) ? If either of these prove to be too difficult, I'll understand. After looking and the vBulletin db structure, I bailed on the idea myself (grin)

Thanks again for your hard work


LoB 09-02-2001 05:32 PM

woohoo appreciation, mesa likes this :D

ummm it shouldent be too hard to fix those problems, i was in kindof a hurry to get them done as my main server had went down along with the ikonboard so i had to quickly switch everything to vb (new backup host didn't support PerlCGI)
but yeah, tomorrow when i get back from work ill fix the issues and do a repose, sorry for the merged threads guys :D

justsomedude 09-02-2001 07:17 PM


User Converter: The 'joindate' field is not being populated from ikonboard so all users show up as 1969 or something.
if your using Ib 2.7, there was a bug where all users were taged with a 12/31/1969 registration date. If your using that version, you'll have to fix that bug before you convert the posts.

deniskin 09-08-2001 11:14 PM

I would like to learn, whether the problem in converting messages was solved? I have in view of messages arising mess at use of the converter?

heero koi 09-09-2001 02:34 AM

what exactly is a post coverter? and BTW, Karate Kid, did you make that spinning logo?

LoB 09-09-2001 08:15 AM

yeah the post convertor bug was solved a while ago, it will 100% work now

KarateKid[WBC] 09-10-2001 11:29 AM

I converted now successfully 1500 Postings and 300 Threads and 255 User. THANK YOU VERY MUCH :) :)

@ heero koi: No, this logo made a friend. He is a graphical profi

GraphicW 10-09-2001 10:03 PM

I just used this converter and it really works wonders. Only one word of caution to anybody that decides to use it. Rename the THD files from your IB to unique values higher than any of the existing post ID's in your VB database. Makes sure that the renamed THD files correspond in the list.cgi file. If you do not do this and have a VB with posts on it already, you will end up overwriting existing posts as the IB posts will share the same ID with the exisitng VB posts. This particular hack in my oppinion is suitable for only those that have a working knowledge of VB database.

eva2000 10-10-2001 05:36 AM

nice :)

Scott MacVicar 10-10-2001 06:34 AM

I could put it through its paces and try on my friends board it has
56,000 posts
6000 threads
4000 members

I would just do it as a test though.

Jawelin 11-12-2001 01:07 PM

Should I import the users or the posts, before ?

I think the first one, as I noticed that in forums imported before than the users who wrote there, all the users ar marked 'Guest'.
Is mine the right solution ?

Thank you very much.

Jawelin 11-12-2001 01:12 PM


Originally posted by GraphicW
I just used this converter and it really works wonders. Only one word of caution to anybody that decides to use it. Rename the THD files from your IB to unique values higher than any of the existing post ID's in your VB database. Makes sure that the renamed THD files correspond in the list.cgi file. If you do not do this and have a VB with posts on it already, you will end up overwriting existing posts as the IB posts will share the same ID with the exisitng VB posts. This particular hack in my oppinion is suitable for only those that have a working knowledge of VB database.
Excuse me, but if I have a lot of different IB forums to import in an empty VB database, how can I rename all the .thd files ?
In each IB forum I have numbers from 1 to N.... Shall I have to renumber them in an incremental order among different forums (IB & VB ones) ?

Thanks again

Jawelin 11-13-2001 07:41 PM

Actually, why the first free threadid is not taken from autoindex as the postid is ?
How can I do this to resolve the bug ?

Thank you very much.

Dunst 11-17-2001 08:21 AM

nice one :)

i just imported 5500 posts and 1200 threads :D

big big thx for your hard work...

thanx :D

Jawelin 11-17-2001 09:15 AM


i just imported 5500 posts and 1200 threads
In how many forums ? :eek:

Dunst 11-17-2001 09:21 AM

mhhh... 20(+/- 2) i think...

Jawelin 11-17-2001 09:33 AM

I have +/- the same number, but all thread numbers are overwritten .... :stupid: :o :(

Is there any new version of the conv_post which uses the threadid= AUTO_INCREMENT across forums instead of the filename.thd number ???
I even tried to link the forum number (for example 12) with the threadid in the conv...php, like this : threadid=1201310 in both thread and post tables, but this way I have A LOT OF HOLES in my thread table at the end.... :)
How could I recompact those numbers ?

Thanks a lot.


Dunst 11-17-2001 09:48 AM

pffffffff.... damn...

after recounting my board i see the same... everything is overwritten :( damn...

well...well... anyone has a idea?

DarkReaper 12-01-2001 02:46 AM

Doesn't work with 2.2.1...... :(

Jawelin 12-01-2001 08:46 AM

:( Neither with 2.0.X and complex (many forums) Ikonboards....
I just made some little patches to the great work of LoB and renamed the threads number in output as XX0xxxx where XX is the forumXX index in IB, and xxxx is the .thd name...
Later, for my own mind-problems (:p) I renumbered - by hands and some SQL UPDATE FROM SELECT - all the threads in MySQL DB to a sequence, making of course the post table to follow the new numbers... ;)

There isn't a hack or ... Only a lot of handy work!!! :(

IanW 01-24-2002 12:07 AM

Just wondering if anyone has managed to get this convertor to work properly yet. I really need a posts convertor and urgently too.

If anyone has an updated version of this convertor, please post it here.


ukliam 01-26-2002 09:48 AM

conversion worked for me, but the formatting sucks a bit.. have got lots of <p> and <br> in the posts.

What is the best way to fix this without turning HTML on?

IanW 01-26-2002 11:22 AM

You sure?

A few people in this thread has complained about the overwriting of threads.

How many forums do you run on your board?

Where can I find your board?

ukliam 01-26-2002 02:42 PM

My forums are only small, had about 12 threads I had to split/move and that was it, my main forum moved across perfectly.

got 5 forums 200 topics and 2500 replies. Not a patch on what some people are trying to move across.

ukliam 01-26-2002 04:08 PM

so, can anyone help with the fact I have useless <br>'s & <p>'s all over the place, making for very badly formatted posts?

Please :)

wintz 03-14-2002 08:56 AM

Hi, does anyone know if this hack works for iB 3.01? thanks

Royal 03-17-2002 12:31 PM

does this also works for ib 3 gold ?
if so can somebody please help me ?

cuz i already tried and it faild :disappointed:

my msn is djroyal00@hotmail.com just add me :)

Yurai 10-04-2002 09:51 PM

Does this import script work with ikonboard 3.0.1 und vB 2.2.6? And what is also important, will all posts, threads and user beconverted? Are there any well-known bugs or does it work properly?

Bison 12-17-2002 01:17 AM


Infopro 05-23-2003 11:48 AM

I have just used this convertor recently and it worked pretty much as expected. I do have lots of crap html code in posts now, <font =#000000> and that sort of thing, but this is left over from that POS ikonboard, and we'll just live with it and move on.
I can remove these by turning on html, but i won't. Our forums have a dark background and the font color it produces is black, so I'm stuck with html code in some threads.

We converted over 50,000 posts and a few hundred members and things are great now that we've moved to VB.

Thanks for this hack. I had two choices. Deal with the old html crap left behind from IB, or start over with a fresh install of VB.
I'll deal with the <font=#000000> instead. ;)

proxyMX 07-15-2003 04:45 PM

Does this work with 2.3.0??

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