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kh99 08-08-2011 10:00 PM

Hide Quoting of Ignored Members
1 Attachment(s)
What is it?
This mod hides quotes of users in your ignore list. That is, if someone you're not ignoring quotes someone you are ignoring, the text of that quote will be hidden.

Option to enable/disable is under "Thread Display Options (showthread)".

1) In the Product Manager in AdminCP, import the product XML file (product-kh99ignorequotes.xml).

2) Rebuild post cache (Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Post Cache).

1) Uninstall the product from the Product Manager in the AdminCP.

2) Rebuild post cache (Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Post Cache).

1) Beta, has been tried out on version 4.1.5 but not extensively tested.

0.91 (Sep 03, 2011) - Fixed issue with including usernames in SQL
0.90 (Aug 08, 2011) - Initial Release

BirdOPrey5 08-09-2011 03:14 PM

Great idea :up:

Raul7 08-30-2011 09:20 PM

Great idea, is there anyway to HIDE the ENITRE post if it has a quote from the user in your ignore list?


Conehead555 08-30-2011 10:05 PM

OMG. I've wanted this for years. Works in 4.1.4 :)

bfdzio 08-31-2011 02:19 PM

Oh god my users had requested this for years. I thought they were nuts thinking it would happen easily. Nice.

kh99 09-01-2011 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2240164)
Great idea, is there anyway to HIDE the ENITRE post if it has a quote from the user in your ignore list?

I'll look at making that an option in the next release. But then you will have the issue where someone will quote the hidden post (which isn't by someone you're ignoring). I don't think I'm going to try to deal with that.

Raul7 09-01-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2240907)
I'll look at making that an option in the next release. But then you will have the issue where someone will quote the hidden post (which isn't by someone you're ignoring). I don't think I'm going to try to deal with that.

thanks alot, if we get to that point its ok. i understand nothing can be done about that. i think if you add these 2 features
  • hide the entire thread if the person started it is in your ignore list (there is one for 3.8, i can find the link if you think it will help
  • hide the post and posts that quote the person who is in your ignore list

thank you so much.

SpankMe 09-03-2011 04:50 AM

You need to escape usernames or you get a db error on usernames with single quotes in them.

PHP Code:

            if ($res $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "user WHERE username = '" '" . $db->escape_string($username) . "' "' LIMIT 1")) 

kh99 09-03-2011 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by SpankMe (Post 2241420)
You need to escape usernames or you get a db error on usernames with single quotes in them.

Thanks - I've updated the release with that fix.

(This update doesn't include the other changes discussed above).

rollerman 09-10-2011 01:43 AM


Tagged to install as I embark on upgrades this weekend.

Sometimes the simplist things are the most wonderful. :)

Raul7 09-26-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2241502)
Thanks - I've updated the release with that fix.

(This update doesn't include the other changes discussed above).


Thanks for all the effort, just wondering if the changes above will be implemented soon?


kh99 09-26-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2250365)

Thanks for all the effort, just wondering if the changes above will be implemented soon?


Yeah, sorry, I've been distracted by other things recently. I'll see if I can get to it this week.

Raul7 09-26-2011 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2250370)
Yeah, sorry, I've been distracted by other things recently. I'll see if I can get to it this week.

thanks in advance.

Raul7 10-14-2011 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2250370)
Yeah, sorry, I've been distracted by other things recently. I'll see if I can get to it this week.

i understand you been busy. just wondering if there is any update on this?

Thank you,

kh99 10-14-2011 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2257317)
i understand you been busy. just wondering if there is any update on this?

Thank you,

Oh man, I'm sorry, I totally forgot I promised you that. I've had a few problems in the past weeks, like my car got totaled and my landlord's threatening to sue me. Anyway, I'll try to get to it. :o

Raul7 10-20-2011 05:11 PM

^ oh sorry to hear that, no rush , really appreciate you doing this.

fly 10-21-2011 12:38 PM

fyi, there appears to be an uncached template. I don't remember seeing it before 4.1.7. Template is kh99_iqts_bbcode_quote_ignore

kh99 10-21-2011 12:48 PM

Thanks, I'll try to fix that in the next release.

fly 10-21-2011 03:33 PM

In the meantime, if anyone wants to resolve the cached template issue, here is what I did.

Add a new plugin under Plugins and Products with the following info

Product: Ignore Quotes
Hook Location: cache_templates
Title: Ignore Quotes - cache template
PHP Code:

if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread')
$cache[] = 'kh99_iqts_bbcode_quote_ignore';

Plugin is active: Yes

SpankMe 11-04-2011 07:22 AM

When this mod is disabled, the text "This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote" appears in every quote.

kh99 11-04-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by SpankMe (Post 2264306)
When this mod is disabled, the text "This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. Show Quote" appears in every quote.

If you rebuild the post cache it should solve that problem. I know I mentioned that you have to do it when uninstalling, but maybe I didn't realize that it has to be done when disabling. TBH I haven't looked at the code in a while.

In the next version I think I'm going to make it clear the post cache automatically when needed. The next version should be coming soon, I apologize to those who have been waiting for new features.

Raul7 01-13-2012 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2257331)
Oh man, I'm sorry, I totally forgot I promised you that. I've had a few problems in the past weeks, like my car got totaled and my landlord's threatening to sue me. Anyway, I'll try to get to it. :o

hi man, just wondering is it safe to say this change wont be happening anytime soon?


kh99 01-13-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2287181)
hi man, just wondering is it safe to say this change wont be happening anytime soon?


I appreciate your patience, but yeah, sorry, I haven't been doing any real vb programming in a while. I even tried to talk a couple other people into doing this for me, but no luck. I'll take another look at it, if it's not too difficult I might be able to wedge something in there :D

kh99 01-18-2012 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2240979)
thanks alot, if we get to that point its ok. i understand nothing can be done about that. i think if you add these 2 features
  • hide the entire thread if the person started it is in your ignore list (there is one for 3.8, i can find the link if you think it will help
  • hide the post and posts that quote the person who is in your ignore list

thank you so much.

I apologize to Raul7 and anyone else who's been waiting patiently for this, but I won't be able to add these features any time soon. And if I ever do, it will probably be a separate mod since the existing code in this mod to hide quotes doesn't help much toward those features.

Raul7 01-30-2012 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by kh99 (Post 2289546)
I apologize to Raul7 and anyone else who's been waiting patiently for this, but I won't be able to add these features any time soon. And if I ever do, it will probably be a separate mod since the existing code in this mod to hide quotes doesn't help much toward those features.

Thanks alot for looking into this anyways, I do appreciate the time you and rest of developers put into all these mods.


sticky 08-28-2012 10:10 PM

Not working right on 4.1.12, for some reason treats everyone like they are on my ignore list but also shows their quote.

kh99 08-28-2012 10:42 PM

Thanks, I'll take a look at it.

watershed 09-19-2012 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Raul7 (Post 2240979)
[*]hide the entire thread if the person started it is in your ignore list (there is one for 3.8, i can find the link if you think it will help

I'd also be very interested in such a mod as it has been requested by several of my members. I have actually recently added a tracker regarding the issue, you can see it at: http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBIV-15465

Please vote if you also need such a change to be made :)

ravenscape 02-13-2013 04:46 PM

Is there a similar mod for 3.8 that hides quotes by ignored users? I can't find one.

sypher_04 02-19-2013 06:19 PM

I wish the ignore features weren't so easily overridden. I've recently installed a forced ignore mod onto my board but haven't yet found a way to disable the ability to View Post, or in the case of this mod View Quote. So, it doesn't actually stop the posters from reading each others posts, just makes it a nuisance to do so.

kh99 02-19-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by sypher_04 (Post 2405262)
I wish the ignore features weren't so easily overridden. I've recently installed a forced ignore mod onto my board but haven't yet found a way to disable the ability to View Post, or in the case of this mod View Quote. So, it doesn't actually stop the posters from reading each others posts, just makes it a nuisance to do so.

Well, you could modify the kh99_iqts_bbcode_quote_ignore template so that the option to show it isn't available, like maybe:


<div id="kh99_iqts_toggle_{vb:raw containerid}_{vb:raw quoteid}" class="kh99_iqts_hidden kh99_iqts_hidden_{vb:raw userid}">{vb:rawphrase kh99_iqts_ignored}</div>
<div id="kh99_iqts_message_{vb:raw containerid}_{vb:raw quoteid}" class="message kh99_iqts_message_{vb:raw userid}">{vb:raw message}</div>

but then someone could still view the html source of the page to see it. Because of the way it works, there was no way to actually leave out the quote (well, of course it's possible but it would be a lot harder and probably couldn't be done with plugins). It works by assigning a separate CSS class to each quoted user on a page, and whether the class displays the quote or the "hidden" message isn't determined until after the template is rendered. But this is good enough for a lot of people who just don't want to have to look at anything posted by certain members.

huskermax 05-20-2013 04:28 PM

Do I have to Rebuild post cache? Won't that effect my post count. We had to purge threads and posts due to it filling up our server so my users care about their post count. So if this still will work for all future posts then that works for me. but if I have to rebuild the post cache just to get it to work then I can't use it.

kh99 05-20-2013 06:14 PM

The post cache doesn't affect the user post count. It's a temporary database table that saves the displayed text for posts, so that less processing has to be done to display threads. When you install this product you don't have to rebuild the post cache, but if you don't, quotes in existing posts won't be hidden until the cache expires (I think the default is 7 days). When uninstalling this mod, I believe the cache must be deleted or rebuilt or else the quotes won't be displayed correctly.

When I wrote the instructions I said to use the "Rebuild Post Cache" because it's the only good way to handle it via the admincp. But another way to do it would be to use Execute SQL Query under Maintenance (if it's enabled in the config.php for your user), or use phpMyAdmin, to truncate the "postparsed" table. If I were going to release an update, I would just add code to the mod to truncate that table when installing/uninstalling, but I didn't think of that at the time.

Spangle 05-20-2013 06:51 PM

Does anyone know if this works on 4.2.1 ?

Kat-2 06-09-2013 07:00 PM

Yes, I just updated, and tested it on 4.2.1, and it works.

Bozza 12-22-2013 11:02 PM

Seems to work well - thanks very much!

Barcham 02-17-2014 09:42 PM

Installed on 4.2.2 and it seems to work fine. This is a great mod that members on most boards would probably love to see installed. In fact, it should be part of Vbulletin to begin with!

Thanks a lot for this one!

DemOnstar 02-23-2014 04:01 PM

Testing this one too...

Quite a flurry on ignore related mods of late..

ozzy47 02-23-2014 04:05 PM

This one is not new, it was released in Aug of 2011 :)

Nirjonadda 02-23-2014 04:13 PM

Its Still Is in Beta Stage ?

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