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Plugin Pete 07-12-2011 10:00 PM

Plugin Pages CMS for vBulletin 3.8
1 Attachment(s)
Welcome to the Plugin Pages? CMS Beta page for vBulletin 3.8. This is the start of an exciting new capability for vBulletin forum owners, and we hope that you will be able to participate. We look forward to your feedback and input.

The best way to understand Plugin Pages is to see it. A very generic demo is available at http://pluginpages.com/forum/pages.php. This same demo catalog comes with the distribution kit.

Plugin Pages is a CMS that?s designed to create catalogs. The base catalog type is an Amazon product catalog. This will be followed by a Product Review catalog, a Coupons Catalog, and an Articles Catalog (2011 deliverables). After Plugin Pages goes Gold with the four basic catalog types, more catalog features will be added, including videos, recipes, vehicles, business/website listings, pets and more.

For a more complete overview of Plugin Pages, please see the first post or our website.

Plugin Pages Beta Process

At a minimum, we will visit this thread twice a day, Monday through Friday, to answer questions and provide support. All of the documentation and FAQs are on the PluginPages.com website. When we answer a new question here on vBulletin.org we will add it to the documentation. Please help us manage our workload by reading the FAQ and documentation to see if it answers your questions. If our documentation is unclear or not accurate, please let us know so we can fix it.

On completion of Beta Phase I we will introduce Plugin Pages for vBulletin 4. Our goal is to create a single distribution for vBulletin 3.8.x/4.1.x. We have no plans to support vBulletin 3.6 or 3.7 (good chance it is compatible, but not tested) or vBulletin 4.0.x.

With Beta Phase II we will introduce Article Catalogs for how-to articles. Article Catalogs allow you to publish your community?s best how-to content in an organized fashion to help support product catalog sales. Beta Phase III will introduce the first interactive catalogs for members, including Review Catalogs and Coupon Catalogs.


This beta is for vBulletin 3.8.x only. It has not been tested on 3.7.x or 3.6.x, however it may work. We have not tested it. This beta version will not work on 4.x.x and we will not answer question about how to make it work on 4.x.x.

You will need an Amazon AWS account and a developer?s key so that you can access the Amazon catalog API. Don?t bother installing Plugin Pages until you have your AWS account and have the developer key and secret key. The catalog will not work without it.

API access to eBay, Commission Junction and Shopzilla are optional, however, you need access to at least one of the APIs to use the shopping comparison feature in Plugin Pages. We recommend joining all of these affiliate networks.

Google Adsense is also optional. If you don?t have or can?t get Adsense, you may use another ad delivery network.


The installation process is quick and easy. Upload the distribution files, import the Product XML file, and set permissions on several folders. That?s the install process in a nutshell.

Plugin Pages adds several tables to your database for catalog storage. It does not modify any vBulletin tables or files.

After installation you will need to add your affiliate network API key information and adjust a few setting for your site. We made every effort to make installation easy to get you up and running quickly.

Our demo catalog ships with the distribution kit. We highly recommend loading this catalog before attempting to make your own. It will help you learn and become familiar with all of the features so you can be on your way building your own catalog. If you have an automotive forum, please feel free to use and modify the demo catalog as much as you like.

In this first beta implementation we have added ?meta noindex? to the header area of all templates. We believe this is the right thing to do during the initial shakeout.

Also, we do not automatically add a link to your navigation bar. Once you decide how you want to use the catalog you can add your own link where ever it makes the most sense. We may change this in the future and make it an option.

Plugin Pete 07-13-2011 10:00 PM

Reserved for additional information.

Plugin Pete 07-13-2011 10:04 PM

Plugin Pages is a catalog builder, plain and simple. Over time we will offer all sorts of catalog building capabilities. If there is a strong demand, we will support it.

Plugin Pages has the singular purpose of helping forum owners monetize their website’s search engine traffic with value-added content. The idea was born from our own experience creating and running an automotive forum with more than 60,000 members. Our unique visitor traffic was about 20% members/forum referrers and 80% search engines. This is a common traffic pattern with most forums.

Plugin Pages helps you monetize more of your search engine traffic by producing and organizing community related content that helps people make buying decisions. In other words, it helps you get in the direct flow of online commerce. In the process of doing this, your search visitor bounce rate goes down while the page views-per-visitor goes up.

The Plugin Pages product catalog offers you five ways to generate revenue from every page, including Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction, Shopzilla and Google Adsense. Plugin Pages creates an automatic shopping comparison environment and leads visitors to Amazon reviews (optional). For additional support on these networks, we have fully integrated third-party link monetization tools.

Plugin Pages is automatic and low maintenance. Every effort has been made to automate as many steps as possible without creating a bloated system. This includes all steps to import products and keep them up-to-date. A basic catalog can be created in a matter of minutes.

The Right Tool at the Right Time
According to a recent Yahoo! survey, “social networks, the mobile Web and coupon sites are transforming how consumers shop. For savvy shoppers with digital tools at their fingertips, the purchase process has become akin to playing a game.”

Yahoo concludes that “As consumers increasingly go online to evaluate their options, socialize them, and get the best possible deal, the process has become far more fun and social. Shoppers collaborate with other “players” (consumers and brands) to navigate their choices and get to the consumer “win” – finding good value for their money or discovering a great, new product.”

The Yahoo! survey isn’t news to most forum owners. Forums play a huge part in the online buying habits of consumers. With that in mind, doesn’t it make sense to formalize a process and get in the game with shoppers? We think it does, and that’s the whole idea behind Plugin Pages. When the shopper catalog components (e.g., products, coupons, reviews, and articlea) of Plugin Pages are put together, your community won’t simply let visitors and members play the game, it will be the game board.

Manoel J?nior 07-13-2011 10:37 PM

Very nice!!!

Very thanks

Plugin Pete 07-13-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Manoel J?nior (Post 2220230)
Very nice!!!

Very thanks

Thank you. Please let me know if I can assist you in getting started.

reteep 07-15-2011 10:44 AM

This looks very interesting, but why did you do it for vB 3.x and not 4.x?

Kind Regards

MikesSite 07-15-2011 02:33 PM

Looks very interesting

Plugin Pete 07-15-2011 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by reteep (Post 2220782)
This looks very interesting, but why did you do it for vB 3.x and not 4.x?

Kind Regards

I'm working on the vB 4.x version now. I want it to be compatible with both and it seemed easier to make it forward compatible rather than backward compatible.


nascartr 07-16-2011 12:46 AM

This looks great, however, I am in a state that Amazon does not allow affiliates from so this is no good. I am an Ebay affiliate so is there an option to make this primarily integrated with Ebay the way it is with Amazon?

Plugin Pete 07-16-2011 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 2221036)
This looks great, however, I am in a state that Amazon does not allow affiliates from so this is no good. I am an Ebay affiliate so is there an option to make this primarily integrated with Ebay the way it is with Amazon?

No worries. I'm in the same boat.

I made the system fully compatible with Skimlinks. You can choose to have all links or just some links running through Skimlinks. So, for instance, you can run Amazon links through Skimlinks and run eBay and Commission Junction direct.


P.S., do you have a NASCAR or diecast related community?

reteep 07-16-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Plugin Pete (Post 2220932)
I'm working on the vB 4.x version now.

Ok great, I'm on board as soon as there's a 4.x version.

nascartr 07-16-2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Plugin Pete (Post 2221040)
No worries. I'm in the same boat.

I made the system fully compatible with Skimlinks. You can choose to have all links or just some links running through Skimlinks. So, for instance, you can run Amazon links through Skimlinks and run eBay and Commission Junction direct.


P.S., do you have a NASCAR or diecast related community?

Yeah, I do. We're centered around NASCAR diecast collectors actually. I still don't understand how the Skimlinks integration is supposed to change how the page is totally integrated with amazon, products pages and all into the page being totally integrated with ebay items?

Plugin Pete 07-16-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by nascartr (Post 2221221)
Yeah, I do. We're centered around NASCAR diecast collectors actually. I still don't understand how the Skimlinks integration is supposed to change how the page is totally integrated with amazon, products pages and all into the page being totally integrated with ebay items?

Thanks. Let me see if I can do a better job explaining.

Plugin Pages uses the Amazon API to let you rapidly build product catalogs. From these catalog pages, the program does a "fuzzy search" on eBay and other affiliate networks to find the same or related items for shopping comparison. If the Amazon product titles are good it does a great job finding the same item on eBay.

When the program finds a matching eBay item within a set criteria it displays two buttons on the information box. One button goes to Amazon and the other goes to eBay ("I'm Feeling Lucky" button).

Another way Plugin Pages highlights eBay is by searching eBay when a visitor clicks on a tag link. There are two "Super Tags" on items pages. One is brand and the other is category. If you do a good job defining brands and categories, you end up with a ton of great eBay product pages.

Plugin Pages uses the Skimlinks API to rewrite Amazon URLs so they are monetized through Skimlinks. The Amazon links get tagged with Skimlinks' Amazon Associate ID and they credit you with 75% of the opportunity. Skimlinks pays you instead of Amazon. If you live in New York, California, Illinios or one of the other few states that is trying to impose sales tax collection on Internet merchants, its a good way to get around the problem until it all gets sorted.

I am working on using the Skimlinks catalog as an alternative to Amazon. That said, I did a quick look at diecast merchants on Commission Junction and Google, and few pay as well as Amazon.

If you'd like my assistance building a catalog for your site, please let me know. I was amazed at how big diecast is on eBay and Amazon, NASCAR in particular.

Alfa1 07-16-2011 08:48 PM

Tagged! I assume there will be a branding free version?

Will there be any way for users to post reviews and comments? Will it be possible to include those comments in the new posts function? That would greatly increase sales.

Do you take any % of affiliate commission?

Plugin Pete 07-16-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2221305)
Tagged! I assume there will be a branding free version?

Will there be any way for users to post reviews and comments? Will it be possible to include those comments in the new posts function? That would greatly increase sales.

Do you take any % of affiliate commission?

Hi Alfa1,

The branding free version is built in. It's an option in the CP. It's based on the level of the shared opportunity.

Regarding reviews, yes, I am actively working on the "Reviews Catalog" now. The Reviews Catalog creates a whole new catalog structure for reviews that becomes tightly linked to the product pages. That way people searching for product reciews will find a page that's structured as a review. Where possible, pages are formatted with microdata markup for Google Rich Snippets.

I'm not using forum/thread/comment tables to store catalog data, so it will not be possible to list new reviews along with new posts/threads. However, I will be creating a module for vBadvanced, so you will be able to have new reviews on the home page.


Alfa1 07-16-2011 11:29 PM

That module can then also be placed in the sidebar. This all looks great.

But am I understanding it correctly that it is not possible to buy a gold version of this addon and that the only option is to share 15-25% of the affiliate commission? That would be very expensive for active big boards. No matter how great the software is.

Plugin Pete 07-17-2011 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2221351)
That module can then also be placed in the sidebar. This all looks great.

But am I understanding it correctly that it is not possible to buy a gold version of this addon and that the only option is to share 15-25% of the affiliate commission? That would be very expensive for active big boards. No matter how great the software is.

The "Pro" version will be available after this puppy gets through beta. It will include four catalog types:

- Products
- Coupons
- Reviews
- Articles

For now I'm keeping it simple. While in Beta all links are passed through with your affiliate IDs. That's an even trade for putting up with limited functionality and whatever bugs crop up.

Alfa1 07-17-2011 06:49 PM

Will the Pro-version allow me to use my own affiliateids, without sharing commission?

Plugin Pete 07-17-2011 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2221565)
Will the Pro-version allow me to use my own affiliateids, without sharing commission?

Yes, that's the plan.

Alfa1 07-17-2011 09:21 PM

Thanks! I assume I can buy it at some point? Or is it subscription based?

Alfa1 07-17-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Plugin Pete (Post 2221343)
I'm not using forum/thread/comment tables to store catalog data, so it will not be possible to list new reviews along with new posts/threads.

For vb4 will you be provide for a way to let new reviews/ comments show up in 'Whats new'? For example like this addon provides for: What's New - Reloaded

Within what time frame do you plan to materialize reviews and paid listings?

Will there be a GARS importer?

Do you plan to add Google Affiliate Network, Clickbank, Cafepress and Zazzle?

Plugin Pete 07-17-2011 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2221621)
For vb4 will you be provide for a way to let new reviews/ comments show up in 'Whats new'? For example like this addon provides for: What's New - Reloaded

Within what time frame do you plan to materialize reviews and paid listings?

Will there be a GARS importer?

Do you plan to add Google Affiliate Network, Clickbank, Cafepress and Zazzle?

I'm working on the vb4 templates now. Everything is going along pretty smooth, so I should have the same code base I released for 3.8 available late this week. At that point I will start on the templates for reviews. None of this is new, I originally built it for WordPress, so I'm simply converting from one template system to another and making the mods for user profiles, etc.

I was a GARS user for 5+ years. I didn't think about an importer, but it seems possible. I used GARS for articles, not reviews, so I will need to set it up and add review structures so I can see how the data is stored. For reviews I used the Censura system (a royal PITA!).

I will support the Google Affiliate Network, Pepperjam, Share-A-Sale and Linkshare. I'm not sure about the others yet. I did play around with creating an importer for Clickbank. If there is demand I can do it.

I have not decided on a sales model for the Pro version yet. I'm still looking and taking input.

Regarding your question about "What's New," to the extent that it is possible to provide this information without hacks to the original vB files, YES. So, if I can find the hooks to make it possible, I will do it.

Alfa1 07-17-2011 11:11 PM

Thanks Pete. I am using GARS for reviews and business directory. I have 11.000 entries in that. I'd like to use the business directory so that companies can buy expanded listings/reviews.

Plugin Pete 07-18-2011 12:00 AM

Alfa1, on my former community I integrated phpMyDirectory with my vB 3.x forum to allow vendors to buy listings and add products that would display in rotation in ad spots on the forum. It worked great, but it was a PITA to maintain.

I will be applying the phpMyDirectory concept to my Plugin Pages CMS. The goal would be to let any sponsor/advertiser have a listing in a "Sponsors" catalog and bid to have the button on a product catalog page link to their store.

I originally made this work the hard way by creating a web page spider that would scan and index all of my sponsor's stores. From the spider data I created a shopping comparison catalog using a system called Price Tapestry. When I lashed it all together, my sponsors got exposure from review pages, business listings and the shopping catalog.

My goal is to bring all of those same features together in a truly integrated system for vBulletin. Your input is appreciated.


interfx 07-18-2011 11:29 PM

I'm ready, when you have a VB4 beta ready to go...

What is your pricing model going to be for the PRO version? Shared affiliate or full price (willing to pay)

Plugin Pete 07-19-2011 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by interfx (Post 2222206)
I'm ready, when you have a VB4 beta ready to go...

What is your pricing model going to be for the PRO version? Shared affiliate or full price (willing to pay)

The vB4 beta should be ready by the end of the week. I need to finish cross browser compatibility.

I have not finalized anything on the Pro version. It's still to early for me to discuss.


interfx 08-02-2011 10:53 PM

Any update on the Vb4 beta?

interfx 09-10-2011 01:55 PM

Been another month. Any update?

downloadsuk 10-08-2011 01:37 PM


We are very interested in this plugin and are waiting for the VB4 beta.

Pete - any updates?


Alfa1 04-15-2012 11:40 PM

Its too bad that the developer has gone missing and that the pluginpages site is gone.
This add-on had a lot of promise.

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