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-   -   July and August BOTM Nominations (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=264823)

Roms 06-07-2011 12:04 AM

July and August BOTM Nominations
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of July and August 2011.

Please note that due to it being Summer this will be a dual month nomination.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Let me reiterate the rules for this thread:
  • Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
  • All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
  • All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
  • All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.
Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of August 2011 (close to midnight... close means +/- HOURS. YES, I WILL CLOSE AND GET TO IT AS "SOON" AS I CAN (Like when they have to type that code in the tv show "LOST" this is some serious stuff here!!!)

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.

IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms or an Administrator.

jimsflies 06-07-2011 03:16 AM

Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: reefkeeping community
Reason for Nomination: super modified vb site. Put a TON of work into it!

Hathaway 06-07-2011 12:17 PM

Site name: The United Federation of Planets

URL: http://www.ufplanets.com

Description: The United Federation of Planets or UFP, is a dedicated Star Trek PC gaming group which has operated since May 2002. Mainly involved in Star Trek Online, we also support Bridge Commander, the Elite Force series, Starfleet Command 3, RPG-X, and Armada II, while additionally offering partial support and facilities for non-Trek games to our current members.

Reason for Nomination: After 9 years we have a great tight knit and growing community. With that in mind, our web team has poured every ounce of effort, creativity and spare time to make sure our online community receives the very best both technically and visually.

LifesGreatestGift 06-08-2011 12:17 AM

Site Name: Windows Community Forum

URL: http://www.WindowsCommunityForum.com

Description: Windows Community Forum is a forum dedicated to news, discussion and support for any and all Microsoft Windows products.

Reason for Nomination: Everything is custom. Custom logo. Great community for Windows related content, help and support.

omniqix 06-08-2011 08:59 AM

Site name: ArmyAttack.com
URL: http://www.armyattack.com/
Description: forums to discuss anything military related
Reason for nomination: Clean style, and a place where you can go feel like in a military headquarters and talk about everything from boot camp to high tech weaponry

HellRZR 06-08-2011 10:38 AM

Site Name: sideXside.ca
URL: http://www.sidexside.ca
Description: New Website dedicated to UTV (sidexside) riders and enthusiasts.
Reason for Nomination: Many custom addition and add-ons with a nice look and feel.

RSNF 06-08-2011 11:39 AM

Site Name: redsoxnationfans.com
URL: http://www.redsoxnationfans.com
Description: Boston Red Sox Fan site featuring live chat rooms, Free entry raffles to win Red Sox Merchandise .
Reason for Nomination: Great Red Sox Fan site with a nice look and feel.

JasonP38 06-08-2011 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by cardz247 (Post 2204989)
Site Name: redsoxnationfans.com
URL: http://www.redsoxnationfans.com
Description: Boston Red Sox Fan site featuring live chat rooms, Free entry raffles to win Red Sox Merchandise .
Reason for Nomination: Great Red Sox Fan site with a nice look and feel.


omniqix 06-08-2011 11:15 PM

Site Name: Pizzastic.com
URL: http://www.pizzastic.com/forum/
Description: Forums for talking about pizza.
Reason for Nomination: Because everyone loves Pizza! and because of the cool pizza theme.

WNxWakko 06-09-2011 06:03 PM

Site Name: Warrior Nation
URL: http://warriornation.net/Forum/
Description: Multi-gaming clan that has been running successful for over 12 years.
Reason for Nomination: Custom skin, lots of mods. Put a lot of work into it.

swiftor 06-11-2011 02:25 PM

Site Name: GameOn Forums
URL: http://swiftor.com
Description: Friendly gaming community focused on live broadcast games.
Reason for Nomination: Into our third year, I'm proud of the community, their friendliness towards new members, and our very nice looking theme. Check out the new member welcome section.. you can feel the love.

JasonP38 06-11-2011 09:40 PM

Site name: Sudden Death Hockey Forums

URL: http://www.suddendeathhockeyforums.ca/

Description: NHL Hockey Forum for the hard core hockey fan

Reason for Nomination: Its a friendly place where any fan of any team can come to chat about the greatest game in the world.

HellRZR 06-15-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by TheWindows7Site (Post 2204830)
Site Name: Windows Community Forum

URL: http://www.WindowsCommunityForum.com

Description: Windows Community Forum is a forum dedicated to news, discussion and support for any and all Microsoft Windows products.

Reason for Nomination: Everything is custom. Custom logo. Great community for Windows related content, help and support.


jimsflies 06-15-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 2205542)
Site Name: Warrior Nation
URL: http://warriornation.net/Forum/
Description: Multi-gaming clan that has been running successful for over 12 years.
Reason for Nomination: Custom skin, lots of mods. Put a lot of work into it.


Frosty 06-16-2011 11:18 AM


Masked Crusader 06-17-2011 04:29 AM

Site Name: Masked Crusader
URL: http://www.maskedcrusader.com
Description: MMO trading/selling/buying forum for games like World of Warcraft, Aion, Runescape, etc.
Reason for Nomination:

* Custom Ratings System -- Shows on the threads and then there is a total ratings page per user that can be accessed via the "Ratings" link on the threads.
* Quick Masked Armory -- product that creates an anonymous World of Warcraft armory via another site I created called 'Masked Armory' and then posts it back via a JSON request and puts it in the message box!
* Auto-Banning + Duplicate IP CRON - Checks to see if the user has a previous registered username and if they do, then it adds a Neutral rating to their trader ratings. If they have a previously banned username, it automatically bans their new username.
* Trust Who Association Product - If a user has been Trust Who Verified (can Google what this is if need be), then they simply enter in their registered TWV e-mail and press submit. Upon hitting submit, the product goes and checks to see if their e-mail is indeed attached to any TWV account. If it is, then a verification e-mail will be sent out to that e-mail and the user can click on the link inside to associate his TWV account with his new forum account.

Note: A year and a month old and 4500+ members already!

TNERatedEdge 06-18-2011 02:01 PM

Site Name: Legion Sports
URL: www.mysportslegion.com
Description: Discussion all your sports talk!
Reason for Nomination:Over 60K in posts in 2 1.2 months

Reycer 06-18-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by shanejeffery86 (Post 2208849)
Site Name: Masked Crusader
URL: http://www.maskedcrusader.com
Description: MMO trading/selling/buying forum for games like World of Warcraft, Aion, Runescape, etc.
Reason for Nomination:

* Custom Ratings System -- Shows on the threads and then there is a total ratings page per user that can be accessed via the "Ratings" link on the threads.
* Quick Masked Armory -- product that creates an anonymous World of Warcraft armory via another site I created called 'Masked Armory' and then posts it back via a JSON request and puts it in the message box!
* Auto-Banning + Duplicate IP CRON - Checks to see if the user has a previous registered username and if they do, then it adds a Neutral rating to their trader ratings. If they have a previously banned username, it automatically bans their new username.
* Trust Who Association Product - If a user has been Trust Who Verified (can Google what this is if need be), then they simply enter in their registered TWV e-mail and press submit. Upon hitting submit, the product goes and checks to see if their e-mail is indeed attached to any TWV account. If it is, then a verification e-mail will be sent out to that e-mail and the user can click on the link inside to associate his TWV account with his new forum account.

Note: A year and a month old and 4500+ members already!

I second this one for sure! :up:

LifesGreatestGift 06-19-2011 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by HellRZR (Post 2204979)
Site Name: sideXside.ca
URL: http://www.sidexside.ca
Description: New Website dedicated to UTV (sidexside) riders and enthusiasts.
Reason for Nomination: Many custom addition and add-ons with a nice look and feel.

+1 ...

FlowHRS 06-19-2011 05:12 AM

Site Name: Kwickfix.net - Enter the Dark World of Hacking
URL: www.Kwickfix.net
Description: Kwickfix is your entry into the dark world of hacking.
Reason for Nomination: We do it fur da LuLz ;_;

( Are forums are private as we are a hacking community, we have a test accoutn setup, User: Demo Pass: Demo2 )

stevey123321 06-21-2011 01:19 PM

Site Name: PlaystationWorld
URL: http://www.playstationworld.co
Description: A Playstation gaming community
Reason for Nomination: Im very new to this and have probably spent double the time and money that I would of if I had a bit of experiance. I have made it as custom as I can with more work to do. Lots of prizes have and will be given out that come out of my own pocket and I think I have done a really good job with this site since February when it started.

oldfan 06-21-2011 02:52 PM

Site Name: Metallica Unauthorized
URL: http://www.metallifukinca.com
Description: Metallica fansite, sharing "legal" downloads
Reason for Nomination: We've been around for 11 years (June 22), I figured why not share all our hard work with you. Since vbulletin.org help my create it :)

wAnBoA 06-22-2011 02:06 AM

Site Name: Aboxcafe.com
URL: http://www.aboxcafe.com
Description: A forum extravaganza aiming for pure entertainment on pretty much every level, starting at Anime/Manga, going down the line through Graphics, Music, Games, News, Roleplays, Sports and Off Topic section (Cafe) for you to chillax and unwind with the other forum members.
Reason for Nomination: Total customised vbulletin site.

yaghoub 07-01-2011 06:04 AM

siet name: parsvbulletin

URL: http://www.parsvbulletin.com/forum.php

Our work is Professional design templates for vBulletin

we use latest code to creat Professional and nice templates for vBulletin. please test my templat white all browser

MentaL 07-02-2011 10:23 AM

Site Name: RaGEZONE.com
URL: http://forum.ragezone.com
Description: MMORPG development forum.
Reason for Nomination: We have been online for 10 years as of November 14th. I've been nominated in the past but never won. We have a large userbase that spans the entire world.

Frosty 07-02-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by wAnBoA (Post 2211138)
Site Name: Aboxcafe.com
URL: http://www.aboxcafe.com
Description: A forum extravaganza aiming for pure entertainment on pretty much every level, starting at Anime/Manga, going down the line through Graphics, Music, Games, News, Roleplays, Sports and Off Topic section (Cafe) for you to chillax and unwind with the other forum members.
Reason for Nomination: Total customised vbulletin site.

+1 definitely, clean style. :up:

ahmadnabil 07-05-2011 07:35 PM

Site name: Arab Forum for Human Resrouces

URL: http://www.hrdiscussion.com/

Description: This forum aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, new ideas, professional tools and best practices amongst HR professionals, consultants and students.

Reason for Nomination: As we built this forum to help Arab HR Specialists and Managers, we succeeded in more than 3 years now to have more than 190000 active members, they are cooperating all together to help each other sharing their knowledge and files which make our forum number 1 in Arab World at HRM Community.

mohamadahmad 07-05-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by ahmadnabil (Post 2217160)
Site name: Arab Forum for Human Resrouces

URL: http://www.hrdiscussion.com/

Description: This forum aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge, new ideas, professional tools and best practices amongst HR professionals, consultants and students.

Reason for Nomination: As we built this forum to help Arab HR Specialists and Managers, we succeeded in more than 3 years now to have more than 190000 active members, they are cooperating all together to help each other sharing their knowledge and files which make our forum number 1 in Arab World at HRM Community.

+1 ...

desender 07-05-2011 09:43 PM

Site Name: Motosiklet.net - Motorcycle Club Turkey
URL: www.motosiklet.net
Description: Best Motorcycle Site of Turkey
Reason for Nomination: Custom skin...

afterlab 07-06-2011 02:43 PM

Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox 360 Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.

CEO254 07-06-2011 07:09 PM

Site Name: Halftime Heat
URL: http://www.HalftimeHeat.com/forums
Description: A universal sports forum
Reason for Nomination: A simple easy to remember website. We cover a wide variety of sports and I believe it has alot of potential. We also have mobile apps for Android & Apple.

oldfan 07-07-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by afterlab (Post 2217424)
Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox 360 Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.

second, very organized!

trophyrider 07-08-2011 02:52 AM

Site Name: Motorcycle Sport Touring Association
URL: http://www.sporttouring.us
Description: A Motorcycle Sport Touring Club Website and Forum.
Reason For Nomination: New features added regularly including photo gallery, mileage log, event schedule and much more.

socialteenz 07-10-2011 10:16 AM

Site Name: Extreme Sporters
URL: http://www.extremesporters.com/
Description: Forum to discuss about sports which are considered dangerous & a medium for users to share the trick with others of the same interest.
Reason for Nomination: Custom theme & the forum is just a week old. We are unique =)

tanerokutan 07-10-2011 11:43 AM

Site Name: gsfans.org
Description: Galatasatay fan website
Reason for Nomination: we love our forum !

RedDog69 07-10-2011 12:20 PM

Site name: RapidRisers.org
URL: www.rapidrisers.org
Description: Friendly LinkSharing Community
Reason for Nomination: Custom skins & modifications ...

tekmiester 07-10-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hathaway (Post 2204589)
Site name: The United Federation of Planets

URL: http://www.ufplanets.com

Description: The United Federation of Planets or UFP, is a dedicated Star Trek PC gaming group which has operated since May 2002. Mainly involved in Star Trek Online, we also support Bridge Commander, the Elite Force series, Starfleet Command 3, RPG-X, and Armada II, while additionally offering partial support and facilities for non-Trek games to our current members.

Reason for Nomination: After 9 years we have a great tight knit and growing community. With that in mind, our web team has poured every ounce of effort, creativity and spare time to make sure our online community receives the very best both technically and visually.


Trystan^ 07-10-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 2205542)
Site Name: Warrior Nation
URL: http://warriornation.net/Forum/
Description: Multi-gaming clan that has been running successful for over 12 years.
Reason for Nomination: Custom skin, lots of mods. Put a lot of work into it.


used to be a member so i know the custom work put into the site great work ;)

Gio~Logist 07-11-2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by jimsflies (Post 2204487)
Site Name: CaptiveReefs.com
URL: http://www.captivereefs.com
Description: reefkeeping community
Reason for Nomination: super modified vb site. Put a TON of work into it!

Second : )

Jeff Ledger 07-11-2011 04:29 AM


Site Name: Gamertag Nation
URL: http://www.gamertagnation.com
Description: An Innovative Social Network for Xbox 360 Gamers
Reason for Nomination: Nowhere else can you find an organized list of Xbox 360 games, user-submitted reviews and ratings, guides, calendar events, and news from all of your favorite gaming sites. The growing popularity of social networking and our love for gaming has given us a reason to merge the two concepts into one. With your gamertag registered at Gamertag Nation, you can actively play Xbox 360 games on your console and visit our website for content directed specifically to the game you played. Compare your statistics, achievements, and gamerscore all at the same time, too. Even if gaming isn't in your blood, stay for the active community. Join groups with other members, make friends, leave comments, post blog entries, or just lounge in one of our many discussion forums. This simple idea has grown and evolved into the full-fledged social gaming community it is today.
I second this one! :-)

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