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Ghostt 04-22-2011 10:00 PM

Vb Anti ADblock Alert Box
1 Attachment(s)

This Mod is compatible to ALL Versions of the Vbulletin Software!

Vbulletin Anti ADblock Alert Box will show a beautiful alert box below the header which is enabled if the user surfs with any advertisement blocking software.

The notification is telling the user to disable his adblocking software on your free website which depends on the sponsor earnings.

Background info: Adblock is getting more and more popular at the expense of the webmasters.
on my friends website are more then 35 % with adblock enabled before he used this mod.
That means ca 35 % less earning! (with this addon and for example trendcounter.com you can easily check how much adblock users surfs with that "websites destroying software")

IF this addon stops working because of adblock adds a preventive filter for it. Just Reply here we will fix it asap! (v2 cant be removed by preventive filter. )

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Follow the 4 steps to Install the mod:

1/4. Upload the adframe.js file and the icon images to your server. [adframe.js to your root directory, not forum/ directory]

2/4. ADD this html code to the bottom of the header template (or where you want this alert box to apear)


<div class="a"></div>
3/4. ADD the following Code to bottom of the header template (to show alert on every page) or to the showthread template (If you want to show alert only on thread pages). You can edit the red marked text and ad english translation from the end of this post.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var adblock = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(adblock) {
        var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
            if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
                allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\">DIESE SEITE IST WERBEFINANZIERT UND DAHER KOSTENFREI. BITTE UNTERST&Uuml;TZEN SIE  WWW.EXAMPLE.COM MIT DER<strong> DEAKTIVIERUNG IHRES WERBEBLOCKERS AUF WWW.EXAMPLE.COM</strong>. VIELEN DANK! (<img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" /> <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\">WIE? und mehr Info<\/a>). <div class="x"><a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\"><img title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a><\/div><\/div>';


4/4. ADD this CSS rules to the bottom of "addtitional Style variables" of your Style.

HTML Code:

.blocked{background: #fff6bf url(/images/statusicon/exclamation.png) center no-repeat;background-position: 15px 50%; /* x-pos y-pos */text-align: left;padding: 5px 30px 5px 45px;border: 2px solid #ffd324; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top:5px;} .x {float: right;margin:-10px -7px 0 0;}
______________________________OPTIONAL____________ _______________________

Open a thread in your forum where you explain the users how to disable adblock on your page. you can use a image like this: http://i.imgur.com/mUzdG.jpg

And how it is important to support this free page with disabling the adblocking software on this page which is depend on the advertisment earnings.
Then replace the thread id with the green marked number in the code from the 3/4 step

** English translation (replace with red text in code.):

EXAMPLE.COM IS DEPENDING ON ADVERTISEMENT. <b>PLEASE DISABLE YOUR ADBLOCK</b> TO SUPPORT THIS FREE SITE! <a href="javascript:location.reload()"><img src="http://s1.directupload.net/images/140425/8ls6yqpi.png" alt="Reload" title="Reload Page after that" height="16" width="16"></a>  Thank you.
__________________________________________________ ______________________

Advanced Anti_ADblock_Alert_Box_Full_Site_Block_v2 Blocking NOT FILTERABLE for adblock and Increase earning up to 35%, without ads (tested), for only 30$!

if you want to buy it, PM me. Screen shot attached.

__________________________________________________ ______________________

  • Anti_ADblock_Alert_Box_Full_Site_Block_v2 | 23.05.2014
  • English translation added | 25.04.2014

rajubd 04-23-2011 07:30 PM

how can I block full website....

Ghostt 04-23-2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by rajubd (Post 2187875)
how can I block full website....

1. ADD before the red marked text from step 3/4:


<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url= http://example.com/forum/adblock.php\">
2. replace the orange marked url with your url to the site the user get if adblock is enabled.

2,5* (optional). set the redirection time (sec.) due replacing the blue marked digit

Kraxell 04-23-2011 09:27 PM

Danke dir / Thank you :)

Noerenberg 05-03-2011 08:12 AM

It works not on my vb4.1.3

the end of my header looks so

<div class="a"></div>
var adblock = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(adblock) {
var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\">DIESE SEITE IST WERBEFINANZIERT UND DAHER KOSTENFREI. BITTE UNTERST&Uuml;TZEN SIE WWW.EXAMPLE.COM MIT DER<strong> DEAKTIVIERUNG IHRES WERBEBLOCKERS AUF WWW.EXAMPLE.COM</strong>. VIELEN DANK! (<img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" /> <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\">WIE? und mehr Info<\/a>). <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\"><div class="x"><img title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a><\/div><\/div>';


Ghostt 05-03-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Noerenberg (Post 2191270)
It works not on my vb4.1.3

the end of my header looks so

HTML Code:

<div class="a"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var adblock = true;

<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(adblock) {
        var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
            if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
                allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\">DIESE SEITE IST WERBEFINANZIERT UND DAHER KOSTENFREI. BITTE UNTERST&Uuml;TZEN SIE  [url]WWW.EXAMPLE.COM[/url] MIT DER<strong> DEAKTIVIERUNG IHRES WERBEBLOCKERS AUF WWW.EXAMPLE.COM</strong>. VIELEN DANK! (<img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" /> <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\">WIE? und mehr Info<\/a>). <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\"><div class="x"><img title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a><\/div><\/div>';



the box just not appear or whats the error?

do you have added the css to your style and uploaded the adframe.js to your root directory (not forum/ directory) ?

it might be that adblock has made a new anti anti adblock filter. please check your adblock filter list if adframe.js is blocked by it. if yes. that means all ok.

Noerenberg 05-03-2011 03:11 PM


i do everthing what stand in the first post. But i see no alert to turn of the blocker.

adframe.js is on the filter list, what i can do know that it work?

Delphiprogrammi 05-20-2011 04:53 PM


Ghostt 05-25-2011 07:25 PM

sorry it seems there was a missing js start tag
HTML Code:

<script type="text/javascript">
in step 3/4.

please replace the code.

Spinball 06-22-2011 07:55 PM

Doesn't work. Try it. Install Adblock plus for firefox, subscribe to the Easylist and block ads.
Ads are blocked. adblock=false.

Ghostt 06-24-2011 08:34 PM

ok please check adblock plus filter if adblock.js is blocked or not.
if not we have to rename/move it.

Spinball 06-24-2011 09:05 PM

I don't know how to use adblock, so I wouldn't know where to look for exclusions.
They specifically have entries in for our site, though.

Ghostt 06-24-2011 09:13 PM

Click strg+shift+V when you have the tab of your board in the browser.
then check in the list if the adframe.js is red marked. if yes its right.

Spinball 06-24-2011 09:53 PM

I have lots of keys infront of me now and in the past going back to 1979, and not one has had strg written on it :confused:

Ghostt 06-24-2011 10:02 PM

oh sry strg is german.
english its CTRL

Spinball 06-25-2011 10:29 AM

Got it working in the end, thank you.
I think the key is for each person running a forum to randomly pick the name for their own .js file of a blocked .js file from the main filter list.
And then change this every time it breaks. Takes a couple of minutes to do.

archet1337 07-23-2011 06:01 AM

Nice mod, but I have one problem. I don't want to force my visitors to whitelist my site. Is it possible to make a close button on the notification box and making it not show again if closed once?

Ghostt 07-25-2011 01:14 AM

its close automatically when the user disable adblocking sofware.
its better because to keep the user allways in mind to not use this software.
this kind of notifaction is not so aggressiv like other anto adblock tools blockig whole site.
i suggest to include the script in the showthread.php not in header.

final kaoss 07-27-2011 01:17 AM

You need to fix rule 3, have one box for your language and the other for us english users. Thanks. Which according to google translate should be:



Ghostt 07-27-2011 01:28 AM

this google translation is very bad.
ok. i will add an english translation in the next days.

matthew1111 07-27-2011 01:32 AM

Hi, sorry but I can't find additional style variables :(

Can you help me find where it is? Thanks.

Ghostt 07-28-2011 03:44 AM

goto "styles and templates" >select> "all style variables " >click "go"
and scroll down to additionall style variables.

Armadio 10-12-2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ghostt (Post 2225900)
goto "styles and templates" >select> "all style variables " >click "go"
and scroll down to additionall style variables.

It's only my problem or this page is tagged "obsolete" and don't have "save" button?

Ghostt 11-28-2011 04:39 PM

@Armadio dont understand you, please describe it with more details.

Gemma 11-28-2011 05:48 PM

Thanks, this could come in useful :)

Ghostt 11-28-2011 05:56 PM

thanks Gemma

People and webmasters please rate this pluggin!

all the haters try to rate this mod low just because they like adblock and share /recommend it with their firends etc. they dont know what a big damage they are doing with this actions to the free sites and webmasters.

so please support share and rate this mod! thank you

ofir24 12-23-2011 12:01 PM

i understand your mod just ask from user to disable disable the ad-blocks,
i want to force the user to disable the ad-blocks otherwise he will not be able to sufer in my site, how do i do that?

karabaja3 12-27-2011 10:12 PM

so 'adframe.js' needs to be in a block list of AdBlock to get this mod working?

Ghostt 01-03-2012 07:03 PM

@ karabaja3 yes so you can choose every other filter part from the adblock filter list, if adblock does prevent actions.

ps. please rate and mark as installed guys :) !

ofir24 01-04-2012 05:25 PM

that's amazing, when i ask questions, they see the name "ofir"=israeli, and they don't answer or just because they don't want to answer me which i don't know why, but it's not the first time in "mod" section.

Ghostt 01-04-2012 05:34 PM

@ ofir24
this question is allready was answered.
its not possible in this version of plugin

Noerenberg 06-26-2012 04:00 PM

I try it again and i see no message. :-(

EDIT, now it run, hmm but not when i use tms.
but its ok, nice mod, thanks

Ellendway 11-12-2012 12:43 PM

Is there any chance to add background image to the text? Something like adblock icon?

Budget101 11-13-2012 02:07 PM

I've implemented this code and it does not work with "Do Not Track Plus" ad block software, regardless of how many different things we try.

emp1re 12-29-2012 04:10 PM

Somehow the redirect does not work on mozilla firefox.
It stays on the site. it does show the message but does not redirect after 2 seconds (the time i entered).

In chrome it works..chrome got redirected...
Any ideas ?

Ghostt 04-25-2014 03:01 PM


english translation added | 25.04.2014


@ Budget101 please test with adblock plus or noscript

@emp1re will be fixed on enough requests.

Ghostt 05-23-2014 02:22 PM

Anti_ADblock_Alert_Box_Full_Site_Block_v2 added

Budget101 09-28-2014 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ghostt (Post 2494655)
@ Budget101 please test with adblock plus or noscript


Thank you, it does work with those, but that wasn't my point. The point was that it doesn't work with the most widely used adblocker system. ;-)

RealitYYY 02-02-2015 08:30 PM

This stopped working recently and not sure why that is...



<div class="a"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var adblock = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(adblock) {
        var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
            if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
                allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\"><center><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="color:#FF0040">Turn AdBlock OFF and this will NOT show!!<span style="color:#FFFFFF"><br><a href="http://affiliate.astraweb.com/" target="_blank rel="nofollow"><img src="http://a.fststatic.com/aw.gif" alt="" /></a><br><a href=\"/showthread.php?t=125697\"><img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"READ THIS\" /><span style="color:#3366FF"> -> How to Disable AdBlock for This Site since the ads are NOT obtrusive. <- <\/a><a href=\"/showthread.php?t=125697\"><img title=\"How To Close This\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a></center><\/div><\/div>';


bzcomputers 02-02-2015 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by RealitYYY (Post 2535779)
This stopped working recently and not sure why that is...



<div class="a"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var adblock = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    if(adblock) {
        var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
        for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
            if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
                allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\"><center><span style="color:#FFFFFF"><span style="color:#FF0040">Turn AdBlock OFF and this will NOT show!!<span style="color:#FFFFFF"><br><a href="http://affiliate.astraweb.com/" target="_blank rel="nofollow"><img src="http://a.fststatic.com/aw.gif" alt="" /></a><br><a href=\"/showthread.php?t=125697\"><img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"READ THIS\" /><span style="color:#3366FF"> -> How to Disable AdBlock for This Site since the ads are NOT obtrusive. <- <\/a><a href=\"/showthread.php?t=125697\"><img title=\"How To Close This\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a></center><\/div><\/div>';


It appears Ad Block Plus is now blocking your adframe.js from loading.


This is not unusual I've seen it happen before for similarly named scripts like "ad-blocker.js". You need to rename the javascript file to something else and edit the reference to the name in the script above. It should then start to work again.

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