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KeyCAPTCHA 01-16-2011 10:00 PM

KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA with Social Features
1 Attachment(s)
  • If you use KeyCAPTCHA please click "Mark as Installed" in the right menu "Mod Information" at this page.
  • If you like KeyCAPTCHA please click "Nominate for MOTM" in the right menu "Mod Information" at this page.
  • Please feel free to post your feedback about KeyCAPTCHA.

KeyCAPTCHA - Interactive CAPTCHA
Unlike many other captchas, it does not require any text typing.

Social Features:
You may support charity funds by enabling social advertising in KeyCAPTCHA. Also you can earn money by specifying social and commercial advertising shares in KeyCAPTCHA on your website.

Free Variants of Using KeyCAPTCHA:
  1. Anti-spam protection. Social advertising. Monetization through commercial ads.
  2. Anti-spam protection. Monetization through commercial ads.
  3. Anti-spam protection. Social advertising.
  4. Anti-spam protection without any ads.
Integration with vBulletin Human Verified Actions:
  • Register
  • Post
  • Contact Us
  • Search
  • Recover Lost Password
  • Blog comments
  • CMS comments
KeyCAPTCHA Unique Technologies
  • Instead of guessing symbols, our CAPTCHA offers visitors to complete an easy interactive task.
  • If KeyCAPTCHA hasn't been solved correctly, page refreshing doesn't take place that allows the user not to fill in the form repeatedly. It occurs since there is an initial checkup of CAPTCHAs in the KeyCAPTCHA servers before sending a filled-in form to the protected web server.
  • Our CAPTCHA also can be used even if your hosting provider blocks all outgoing connections.
Effective Anti-Spam Protection
  • The geo-cluster is used to operate KeyCAPTCHA service. Our geo-cluster includes the servers located in diverse European data centers. Some servers are in the special DDoS stable data centers in Switzerland to ensure trouble-free 24x7x365 mode service operation.
  • KeyCAPTCHA blocks spammers using anonymizers or anonymous HTPP proxies to distribute a hand spam.
  • There is no info of correct CAPTCHA solution in the visitor's browser.
  • CAPTCHA verification is processed by the KeyCAPTCHA servers.
  • Data transferring between your web server, the visitor's browser and the KeyCAPTCHA server is protected by a digital signature.
  • 112 to 165 bit variable length password is used to generate a digital signature.
  • KeyCAPTCHA is a code executable in the visitor's browser. It is not a static image as used in typical CAPTCHAs.
  • Having received our CAPTCHA, it's virtually impossible to transfer it to third parties in order to run any task what spammers also do bypassing typical CAPTCHAs.
  • Probability of guessing the answer by submitting a random solution is 1 to 30,000,000.
  • KeyCAPTCHA-used images are transferred encryptedly.
KeyCAPTCHA supports two operating modes: Flash and HTML5. The KeyCAPTCHA HTML5 mode is used in most modern browsers, such as Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, and also used in iPhone and iPad. The Flash mode has been developed to be used in Internet Explorer and Opera. While loading, KeyCAPTCHA identifies its operating mode depending on the visitor's browser.

KeyCAPTCHA Affiliate Program
KeyCAPTCHA Affiliate Program allows publishers as well as any Internet user to collect incomes. For more information on The KeyCAPTCHA Affiliate Program, go to Our CAPTCHA Blog.

  1. Register on and log-in to our site (https://www.keycaptcha.com);
  2. Add your site URL to a Site list;
  3. Follow the CAPTCHA installation instructions in our Wizard.

If you use KeyCAPTCHA please click "Mark as Installed" in the right menu on this page.

Delphiprogrammi 01-17-2011 08:36 PM


Alibass 01-20-2011 06:24 PM

Installed, works great. Thanks :):up:

avark 01-22-2011 11:20 AM


Delphiprogrammi 01-23-2011 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi (Post 2150669)

then why it is still here ? threads like this have one goal promote sales of the commercial product hmm i thought i've just readed that's not permitted i'm waiting for my infraction for discussing in public with a staff member by the way :D

Alibass 01-23-2011 08:29 PM

Looks more like your post was removed, not the mod.

I see nothing wrong with this mod and I use. They haven't shoved nothing down my throat I didn't want or ask for. The mod does what it says with no hitch, if you want more then you pay for it like anything else.

KHALIK 01-24-2011 02:49 AM


KeyCAPTCHA 01-27-2011 11:06 AM

  • @Alibass,
  • @avark,
  • @Delhiprogrammi,
  • @KHALIK,
  • @7lanet
  • @and all those whose thanking messages were deleted
    and/or never posted before
    (and we feel really sorry that we did not bqack-saved them in our records),
THANKS for your thanks!

We are reading and re-reading them periodically with a great pleasure!

@Delhprogrammi, we do not have access to edit/delete posts. Even more, there were firsts posts containing one word like "Excellent" without voting and/or marking as installed that disappeared.

twit us

KeyCAPTCHA 01-28-2011 04:47 AM

A new Email/Contact protection service (without the need of any plugin installation)

We have launched a new Email protectiion service
which is not yet reflected on our website but it is fully functional and tested:
Now you may start to give your Email adresses publicly
(in chats, forums, twitter, facebook, etc.)
as a protected from web scraper/harvesters link.
We believe that it can be also used instead of Contact US form
or even by blogger that do not have access to plugin installations.

As an example, you can try out now by clicking the link: corresponding to
  • faked@example.com

Quenching the spam,

Brian30fl 02-02-2011 05:25 AM

Installed could you tell me where to edit so i can center the box in the registration page?

KeyCAPTCHA 02-02-2011 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Brian30fl (Post 2157681)
Installed could you tell me where to edit so i can center the box in the registration page?

Hi, Brian30fl,
thank you for your time to try out our KeyCAPTCHA.

Please open a ticket for support on keycaptcha.com site to our support team by clicking on the "Support Team" tab
(at upper right corner of site's webpage)
then the "Add New Ticket" link.

The "Support Team" tab is visible for logged-in visitors only

This (opening a ticket) will permit us to communicate with you more efficiently and promptly as we will be able to identify already entered by you related data.

Also, some users download and install our plugin without registration and receiving a private key specific to each site (without which any captcha servie is inoperable).

Waiting a ticket from you now,
KeyCAPTCHA Support Team

Brian30fl 02-03-2011 02:58 PM

sent ticket sorry for the delay.

At this time i have had 27 attempts to crack the capcha and only 1 passed. no bots haven gotten thru.

MusixP 02-03-2011 03:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
my problem :

DaRK mAN306 02-03-2011 06:18 PM

Looks pretty good ..
I'll check it out when I have time ..

Thank you very much for this "innovative" solution ..

KeyCAPTCHA 02-04-2011 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Brian30fl (Post 2158265)
sent ticket sorry for the delay.

At this time i have had 27 attempts to crack the capcha and only 1 passed. no bots haven gotten thru.

Hi, Brian30fl,
thank you for your time to post it.

3 days ago our server geo-cluster surpassed the rate over a million/month of our never-cracked(*) KeyCAPTCHA served but google search queries insistently fail to find any user response from end-users.

(*) The main point is not that it was not yet cracked but that we monitor spam-bot activities and adjust our measures, including preventive replacement of both the pool of captchas and its type. KeyCAPTCHA is specifically designed to permit more rapid, flexible and effective response to spamming technologies development while others captchas are not.

KeyCAPTCHA 02-04-2011 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by MusixP (Post 2158282)
my problem :

Hi, MusixP,
thank you for your interest.

Please open a support ticket from under your registered user+ yourwebsite on our keycaptcha.com website to give us possibility to help you in the most effective, efficient, prompt, context-centered and painless way

Waiting your ticket now,

KeyCAPTCHA 02-04-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by MusixP (Post 2158282)
my problem :

Update (to previous answer):
There are zillion ways how to screw the simplest things which do not have any sense to discuss in forums.

The most frequent and corresponding to your screenshot way is to install our plug-in
without registering yourself+your protected site (and they + CMSs kind can be many)
at our KeyCAPTCHA server (site) and, respectively, without having recieved private key specific for each protected site
and registering for our protection service through our servers.

We observe dozens of such "issues" daily and we helpless to help out or intervene to them.

In other words, your screenshot does not tell us anything.

Alibass 02-10-2011 03:05 AM

Had to uninstall KeyCAPTCHA. There was a conflicting issue with Glowhost SOM here.

It would be nice if the two mods could run together.

KeyCAPTCHA 02-10-2011 01:28 PM

Hi, Alibass,
here the working day has ended 4 hours ago.
We shall look into this and reply tomorrow.

I'd like to advise you in future to open a support ticket with a question.
KeyCAPTCHA Team first answers and solves tickets and, after that,
in the end of the day, reads posts in forums.

KeyCAPTCHA 02-11-2011 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Alibass (Post 2160845)
Had to uninstall KeyCAPTCHA. There was a conflicting issue with Glowhost SOM here.

It would be nice if the two mods could run together.

We are currently looking into this, it is taking quite a time.
We shall reply next week that either we provide this compatibility or something different.

Alibass 02-11-2011 04:47 PM

Thank you for the update Key. :):up:

KeyCAPTCHA 02-14-2011 12:26 PM

Hi, Alibass,
we thoroughly checked the work of KeyCAPTCHA with [GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic and could not find any problem.

Please open support ticket with more detailed description of the problem on our KeyCAPTCHA.com site from under the logged in user.

Alibass 02-14-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2162489)
Hi, Alibass,
we thoroughly checked the work of KeyCAPTCHA with [GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic and could not find any problem.

Please open support ticket with more detailed description of the problem on our KeyCAPTCHA.com site from under the logged in user.

The issue when having KeyCaptcha installed causes GlowHost SOM not to be able to log spammer attempts in the admincp and the statistics on the forum home page.
You have to install SOM and wait for spammer registration attempts to see if you see logs and statistics before you can say you find nothing wrong.

KeyCAPTCHA 02-15-2011 07:38 AM

Hi, Alibass,
when we tested we couldn't reproduce this behavior.

Please open the support ticket in order for us to look into the problem specifically and concretely to your situation/configuration

fluidswork 02-15-2011 03:10 PM

Thanks ..... i just love this ..............

MorgUk 02-15-2011 06:04 PM

Installed cheers!

KeyCAPTCHA 02-25-2011 02:59 PM

Hi, MorgUk and fluidswork,
thanks for your thanks!
We are re-reading them with a pleasure! Not always every day but, at least, once in every 2 days.

We would like to inform that we have added the server-side support (feed) of additional languages to existed initially two basic ones (English and Russian) and now they are:
Note that these languages are available for websites under any CMS, not just VBullletin.
You should see the names of our volunteered translators upon clicking on the language-link
(of those from whom we have received to the moment the confirmations of permission for such publication)

UK Cultivator 02-27-2011 06:36 PM

I was having a complete nightmare with spam before I installed this hack. It stopped it dead in its tracks. So I felt compelled to make my first post here on vborg, just to say thank you.

UK Cultivator

KeyCAPTCHA 02-28-2011 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by UK Cultivator (Post 2167624)
I was having a complete nightmare with spam before I installed this hack. It stopped it dead in its tracks. So I felt compelled to make my first post here on vborg, just to say thank you.

UK Cultivator

UK Cultivator,
thanks for your time to register and post your response!

This is rather rare to encounter such explicit feedback on the internet
(as well as in other non-public secret archives)
about KeyCAPTCHA,
though we protect thousands of websites
and we know that spambots have never passed our captcha,
so making multi-layer (multi-plugin) protections
(as well as, in most cases, moderation) excessive.

Thanks you very much for your appreciation, time and kind words!
We need them!

KeyCAPTCHA 03-01-2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by KeyCAPTCHA (Post 2162489)
Hi, Alibass,
we thoroughly checked the work of KeyCAPTCHA with [GlowHost] Spam-O-Matic and could not find any problem.

Please open support ticket with more detailed description of the problem on our KeyCAPTCHA.com site from under the logged in user.

Besides our tests, in which we could not reproduce any problems,
here is an independent testimonial:
"works fine on 4.1.1 with glow spam matic modification too"
I also could not identify your ticket.
Could you write its number?

YkudzA 03-02-2011 02:16 AM

Installed. will test a month and if it will be ok , I`ll order Personal CAPTCHA :)
btw. отличный плагин :)

Eruantien 03-02-2011 02:41 PM

I love the idea of this modification, and would love to install it. I just can't seem to get a verification e-mail from your organization :)

KeyCAPTCHA 03-02-2011 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Eruantien (Post 2168733)
I love the idea of this modification, and would love to install it. I just can't seem to get a verification e-mail from your organization :)

Your account was not activated but you still can log in with created account.

You should open from under your logged in user a ticket on our keycaptcha.com site
(in tab "Support Team", visible only for logged in users) from which we activate your account.

We cannot activate an account from (or according to) post in a forum

kevoj 03-02-2011 05:59 PM

Does this work with vB 4.1.2?

KeyCAPTCHA 03-03-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by kevoj (Post 2168807)
Does this work with vB 4.1.2?

Yes and it is the same plug-in for all versions of vBulletin

KeyCAPTCHA 03-03-2011 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by YkudzA (Post 2168535)
Installed. will test a month and if it will be ok , I`ll order Personal CAPTCHA :)
btw. отличный плагин :)

We responded extendedly through PM to YkudzA

RoyalConvict 03-03-2011 07:39 AM

Graete Work! Installed!

KeyCAPTCHA 03-03-2011 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by RoyalConvict (Post 2169018)
Graete Work! Installed!

Wow, thanks, this is contagious,
we feel enthusiasm:
people repeatedly spend their time to register just to post thanks to us!

YkudzA 03-03-2011 12:20 PM

1) I bought the personal captcha (1 year), when my image will be approved and will you alert me via e-mail?
2) Is the purchase allow me to create a custom captcha for a numbers of sites/forums (multiple license)?

KeyCAPTCHA 03-03-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by YkudzA (Post 2169093)
1) I bought the personal captcha (1 year), when my image will be approved and will you alert me via e-mail?
2) Is the purchase allow me to create a custom captcha for a numbers of sites/forums (multiple license)?

Hello, YkudzA,
Please open support ticket because we have a lot of Personal CAPTCHA
(creating captchas from your own images in our online designer) clients
and we cannot identify clients/customers by posts in forums.
You can use it on one of your registered websites

For those who purchased this Personal CAPTCHA service before any possible future changes,
the conditions will be those at the moment of purchase independently of possible later changes of conditions

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