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daveaite 12-24-2010 10:00 PM

Please delete this modification. Rebuilding Modification

A Dynamically Driven Forum Slider for your vBulletin4.X Forum or Suite. Sites like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, MTV, all use Dynamic Sliders as their Main Focus of the Home Page.

  • Automatically Pulls Content from your Forums! Images and Text
  • Display Text from Forum Threads
  • Display Images from Forum Threads
  • Automatically cut off long titles
  • Automatically cut off long descriptions
  • Easy Customization in Admincp Options
  • No work after installation
  • New Content Automatically displayed
  • Special Permissions of who can post
  • 5 Minute Installation
  • Custom default image if no images are present in thread.
  • Works with External Sites
  • Powerd By Jquery
  • Deep Links to new content in Your Forum
  • Unique Custom Coded Slider

See a Complete list of all features of the Lite version.

SEO Features
  • Drives traffic from your front page to deep threads in your forum
  • Adds fresh content hourly or daily to your Home Page
  • Parses title and content to your front page.
  • Not a FLASH Based Slider.

Other features:
Frequently Asked Questions

A live version can be seen on MMORPG Games. Installation Instructions included inside.

Q: It's not working. Error?
A: Make sure RSS Syndication is Turned on, on your forum.
Go to Settings > Options > External Data Provider > Enable RSS Syndication

Q: It's not parsing any data?
A: Try switching the rss feed as a test


Scroll down to first post for more images.

Update log: 3/27/2011
-Fixed Copyright issues
-Fixed overlapping with navbar and forumslider if navbar used pulldowns in css3 or javascript
-Fixed core components to improve performance
-Fixed Aesthetics - Looks cleaner.

daveaite 12-25-2010 05:48 AM



mitch84 12-25-2010 07:22 AM


naisho 12-25-2010 08:36 AM

Doesn't work on my site...
I only get your image and when I click it it drives me to my homepage.

daveaite 12-25-2010 08:46 AM

Make sure you have RSS Feeds enabled.

Go to Settings > Options > External Data Provider > Enable RSS Syndication

naisho 12-25-2010 08:50 AM


Go to Settings > Options > External Data Provider > Enable RSS Syndication
Everything is already set to Yes on that page and I am able to read my rss feeds with rss readers.

daveaite 12-25-2010 08:52 AM

Whats your website?

naisho 12-25-2010 09:02 AM

I also tried another rss feed with the same result:

Edit: Sorry! it took some time but it's working with vbulletin.com RSS feed.
For the lite (free) version I think you should let people use their own image.
I guess nobody will want to keep your image on their own site.

daveaite 12-25-2010 09:10 AM

Well its tough to know what your doing wrong if you don't give us your url. :P Makes sure its a PHP Widget. That you place the code in the "Config"

Also, that default image - you can change. If theirs no images from the thread its pulling it will display the default image.
It's included in the Lite download and changeable to anything. :)

whitedd 12-25-2010 09:50 AM

...dont work...

failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/fslider/public_html/core/include.php on line 27

daveaite 12-25-2010 09:57 AM

I just visited your site and it was working.

Dr.osamA 12-25-2010 10:49 AM

good work


but they show an incoding wrong see attachment plzzz
and show only one image !!

Display Text from Forum Threads               
Display Images from Forum Threads

can i translate it to Arabic and add here ???

daveaite 12-25-2010 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.osamA (Post 2138872)
good work

can i translate it to Arabic and add here ???

Thanks and Yes.

The lite version shows a max of 2 at a time if thats what your asking.

Also you need to use the

[img] and [/img]
between your .jpg images the same way youd want any image to show. If the image shows in your thread and in your RSS feed it will work. It won't work if you add images after the RSS feed parses your threads. So before you post a thread, make sure it has the images you want.

If your a normal vBulletin user, this mod uses the same installation process as any other mod. Its fairly easy to install. :)

Dr.osamA 12-25-2010 12:51 PM

hi agaen


i am Coder/Designer = i know hwo to install it , i don't ask for install

i ask for incoding , i have it like (ط?ط?ط?ظ†ط? ظٹط?ط? ط?ظ†ط?ط? ظ…ط?ط?طھ...)
is there any way to change incoding ???

where i have to use this [img ] and [/img ]

if you think in post, it is there

yo cat try it in my site

user : vBulletin
pass : 123456

abdelali 12-25-2010 03:36 PM

How we can use this for vbadvanced CMS.

Juggernaut 12-25-2010 04:01 PM

Extremely promising, will install right now :D

Juggernaut 12-25-2010 06:09 PM

Does this work only for images as attachments? I'm not getting anything with images used from image hosting sites like image shack.

iyama 12-25-2010 09:07 PM

Option to remove branding $99 + $24 = $123,- ;)

I was also looking today for a working slider.
This one i like very much. :D

I tag this one in waiting.

teamsupra 12-26-2010 12:33 AM

$123 for pro? Whoa.. There are a lot of free slideshow apps that can be easily implemented in VB. The only difference between this one and the free one's would be on the free ones you would have to explain the image, description and url in an XML file, while this one simply pulls it from your RSS feed.

Not a bad plugin but no way should the ability to add more than 2 images or branding free cost $123.

THanks for the lite teaser but I will pass.

daveaite 12-26-2010 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Juggernaut (Post 2138974)
Does this work only for images as attachments? I'm not getting anything with images used from image hosting sites like image shack.

This works for images that use BB code or (image tags). Im not quite sure if attachments work, if they parse into RSS then yes. Remember it must show in your rss feed for it to show in the slider. I've used images from image shack and hosting sites and it worked perfectly.


Originally Posted by iyama (Post 2139009)
Option to remove branding $99 + $24 = $123,- ;)

I was also looking today for a working slider.
This one i like very much. :D

I tag this one in waiting.

Thats a static slider - doesn't change after you build it. In the past we developed these custom static ones but really it was lame because it would be too time consuming to update every time you wanted it to look different. ForumSlider updates automatically with no maintainance.


Originally Posted by teamsupra (Post 2139064)
$123 for pro? Whoa.. There are a lot of free slideshow apps that can be easily implemented in VB. The only difference between this one and the free one's would be on the free ones you would have to explain the image, description and url in an XML file, while this one simply pulls it from your RSS feed.

Not a bad plugin but no way should the ability to add more than 2 images or branding free cost $123.

THanks for the lite teaser but I will pass.

We have hidden discount codes around the site if you search through the blog. Also there will be more features in pro as time comes including multiple styles, size adjustments, mini navigation and other forum enhancements. It took a lot of time to develop and integrate this into vBulletin. It's not for every site, but if your trying to go big with your website, or already have lots a guests and visitors, then it's worth it.

insaneoz 12-26-2010 01:43 AM

@Dr.osamA: Sorry, however ForumSlider doesn't support the Arabic language. If you manage to modify the mod to get it working for you in Arabic, please do let me know.

@abdelali: Please stay tuned for the next release, we plan on including support for vbadvanced CMS in it.

@Juggernaut: Thanks :). Currently is just parses the XML files and looks for <img>...</img> tabs. With vBulletin using the BBCode [img] should automatically convert that into <img>...</img> when you post a topic or thread.

@iyama: That is a nice slider. I like the idea of it having a shadow behind the images.

@teamsupra: If this mod is over your price tag, feel free to develop your own and use that. Please do keep in mind that this mod is only at early stages of development and is under active development. So you can expect a lot more features in the future.

For those curious, here is a teaser on what you can expect in the next update:
  • [Bug Fix] Recognising the forumslider ad as a separate slide item.
  • [Feature] Title will also be a hyperlink.
  • [Feature] Pause slider on mouse over.
  • [Feature] Two additional templates.
  • [Feature] Multiple sliders per license to one site.
  • [Feature] Cleaner loading of slider content.

NarutoFTW 12-26-2010 02:52 AM

what if my homepage is the forum itself without CMS? will it still be effective? Also, will this plugin cause conflict with vBSEO?

daveaite 12-26-2010 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by NarutoFTW (Post 2139112)
what if my homepage is the forum itself without CMS? will it still be effective? Also, will this plugin cause conflict with vBSEO?

It works with just vbforums4.x as well. Documentation will come soon for that. With just a forum, it requires a slight different installation.

Also it works with vBSEO.

empty2002 12-26-2010 05:23 AM

hey, i want to dirrect link to forum not content?

mitch84 12-26-2010 05:24 AM

finally uninstalled
+100$ version pro
only 2 images in version lite
error message
a joke

daveaite 12-26-2010 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by empty2002 (Post 2139137)
hey, i want to dirrect link to forum not content?

Go into options > forumslider and change the RSS feed to an RSS of the forum of your choice.

For all those using ForumSlider, send me an email at support@forumslider.com or PM me and we'll consider your site up for demo at http://forumslider.com/category/demos/

iyama 12-26-2010 12:44 PM

instal and uninstal.

Thinking forumslider is more to geth costumers from here than support more the lite version. ;)

whitedd 12-26-2010 12:54 PM


instal and uninstal.
...me too...

vividbreeze 12-26-2010 02:13 PM

Can I set which forums I want it to pull from?

This is pretty expensive btw when there is another mod thats half the price, i wont link it but here is the features ....please tell me how yours is better because I am interested and may buy it even at that price due to the other mod works but would like more features.

The other mod: (How does yours compare??)
Display threads jpg attachments (one per thread) into a slideshow from any preset forums
Fully automated.
Over 12 display modes including external Flickr feed
Supports unlimited categories, unlimited images.
Fast loading, NO QUERIES
XML driven. Search engines love that
Admincp configurable

insaneoz 12-26-2010 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by vividbreeze (Post 2139227)
Can I set which forums I want it to pull from?

This is pretty expensive btw when there is another mod thats half the price, i wont link it but here is the features ....please tell me how yours is better because I am interested and may buy it even at that price due to the other mod works but would like more features.

The other mod: (How does yours compare??)
Display threads jpg attachments (one per thread) into a slideshow from any preset forums
Fully automated.
Over 12 display modes including external Flickr feed
Supports unlimited categories, unlimited images.
Fast loading, NO QUERIES
XML driven. Search engines love that
Admincp configurable

Please keep in mind ForumSlider is a very new thing and is under constant development. Currently ForumSlider can do all the above feature (however the forums threads have to be setup as a RSS Feed before hand). Feel free to wait a week or so and check back, I am confident we will have a new update by then. Also here are some future features we want to include:

Intelligent Image Substitution - A robust system that will search an image bank (with thousands of images) and find a image which matches very closely to the content, using keyword comparison. This is only for those items in a RSS Feed which don't have images.

Flexible Slider Customization - Allows you to fully customize your slider how you wont it - without requiring you to write a single line of code. We plan on having both an online slider designer and a downloadable version programmed in either C++ or C#.

daveaite 12-27-2010 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by insaneoz (Post 2139307)
Please keep in mind ForumSlider is a very new thing and is under constant development. Currently ForumSlider can do all the above feature (however the forums threads have to be setup as a RSS Feed before hand). Feel free to wait a week or so and check back, I am confident we will have a new update by then. Also here are some future features we want to include:

Intelligent Image Substitution - A robust system that will search an image bank (with thousands of images) and find a image which matches very closely to the content, using keyword comparison. This is only for those items in a RSS Feed which don't have images.

Flexible Slider Customization - Allows you to fully customize your slider how you wont it - without requiring you to write a single line of code. We plan on having both an online slider designer and a downloadable version programmed in either C++ or C#.

In addition, we plan on integrating a similar site wide notification system - when someone posts a new thread - a clean notification is displayed to everyone on the forum in the bottom right - similar to the New York Times. Just stay tuned, we won't let you down. :)

Pictures Updated.



insaneoz 12-27-2010 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by mitch84 (Post 2139138)
only 2 images in version lite
a joke

We have increased this to 3 slides for Lite users.

daveaite 12-27-2010 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by insaneoz (Post 2139528)
We have increased this to 3 slides for Lite users.

Users do not need to re-upload package for this to work.

daveaite 12-29-2010 08:15 AM


daveb47 12-29-2010 09:32 AM

Getting this error and nothing displayed


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/bikesntr/public_html/packages/vbcms/widget/execphp.php(191) : eval()'d code on line 1

daveaite 12-29-2010 10:30 AM

Make sure you have RSS syndicate on. What's your URL

daveb47 12-29-2010 11:36 AM

Rss syndicate is on,


Update,Now got it working i think

daveb47 12-29-2010 12:48 PM

Nothing to do with your mod but cant get rss feed from most of my forums,some work fine.
I am using this code



CMSTemplateZ 12-29-2010 12:51 PM

Thanks but a tad expensive.. will pass for now, but will watch this grow and hopefully become a solid product.

COL NIL SATIS 12-29-2010 02:00 PM

tagged..looks very promising this does

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