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CMSTemplateZ 12-15-2010 10:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all, Been a while since i have released a style (ive not been online much of late due to a close friend passing away, so my apologies for my lack of support of late).

Today i am releasing my New 4.1 style that i have created for my Battlefield 3 forums website.


LIVE PREVIEW: Battlefield 3 *Have a good look around, Many features / nice touches)

- Full CMS STYLED.. vBulletin 4.1 publishing suite.
- Custom Postbit userinfo section
- Many VB4 bugs addressed / hard-coded out
- Social Networking (Facebook & Twitter Buttons implemented
- Many Many more features / nice touches

You will need to replace the logo with your own, i am not including source files for this release.

I have big plans for this website / project, at the time of writting this my site is relatively un-modded, i do plan on heavily modding this site so the style may change over time, however i will do my best to update this style for everyone.

I would also like to encourage any Gaming / Battlefield Fans to sign up and become active around the forums, partners / staff also wanted, PM me via my site (Battlefield3forums) if your interested,Thanks.

NOTE* This is released for free, this style includes a Footer Link (font size "9") a non-intrusive credit link, This must remain in place if you wish to use this style for your website. Ive put a lot of work into this style and hope other people find it useful, however i will not tolerate anyone removing due credits, anyone selling my work, anyone editing my work for profit of any kind.

Regards, Darren

Da22Da 12-16-2010 03:44 PM

Thanks for the nice style.
by any chance is the vb_transparent style yours as well? if so is there is any chance to update it?
thanks in advance

CMSTemplateZ 12-17-2010 01:42 AM


by any chance is the vb_transparent style yours as well? if so is there is any chance to update it?
thanks in advance
No this was created from scratch, i did se a few graphics from the older style... now vBulletin will allow you to import older styles into 4.1 and it will automatically adjust to the older stylevars, so you should still be able to import it without issues, i do do what i can to sort through my older releases and update them, the problem is there are a tone of new styles and a tone of dropped ones.

*NOTE: I will be moving all my releases / demos to http://cmstemplatez.com/ This will take a few solid days to complete the process, i will also update what i can to native 4.1 styles, so please bare with me over the coming days / weeks. I will update all style demo links and set in place full re-directs to the styles new demo location.


Da22Da 12-17-2010 02:00 PM

well said mate,
only problem with that style & yours is the profile colors /font color not showing at all.
all working fine on 4.0.7 but on 4.0.8 & 4.1.0 still facing that issues besides the quote colors.
I'll use default member info template until i get it up to date:).
thanks again

andyv72 12-17-2010 02:06 PM

can you upload the banner psd ?????

teamsupra 12-18-2010 11:44 PM

UserCP font's are missing need to fix this as it is unusable in its current state

CMSTemplateZ 12-20-2010 09:37 PM


can you upload the banner psd ?????
As mentioned in the OP, this is a personal project and the header image / logo PSD is not being included.


Originally Posted by teamsupra (Post 2136147)
UserCP font's are missing need to fix this as it is unusable in its current state

Good you please provide a screenshot for me and i'll address this and upload a new package. Thanks

teamsupra 12-22-2010 09:36 PM

NO need for a screenshot login and go to someone's profile. You will see :)

teamsupra 12-24-2010 10:10 PM

Will this skin get fixed?

concepts 12-26-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by teamsupra (Post 2137791)
NO need for a screenshot login and go to someone's profile. You will see :)

Thanks for the template! installed no problems.. The issue is not that font's are missing, they are just hidden.. highlight over the areas and they are still there, so I had to do some simple profile editing. Fixed the problem..

See the template live on my site RUOFFICIAL

maddenminds 12-28-2010 09:12 PM

I have it installed here- SportsTournys

Still trying to figure it out.

CMSTemplateZ 12-29-2010 02:47 AM


Thanks for the template! installed no problems.. The issue is not that font's are missing, they are just hidden.. highlight over the areas and they are still there, so I had to do some simple profile editing. Fixed the problem..
Yes it's not a problem with the style... it's a problem with the customizable profiles.. i did create a default one for the style... the problem is that the changes do not pass through to the .xml when exported... this is a vBulletin 4x issue and not a problem with my styles or anyone else's styles.

jaffaman 01-01-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by concepts (Post 2139393)
I had to do some simple profile editing. Fixed the problem..

See the template live on my site RUOFFICIAL

Could you please tell me what edits you done.

maddenminds 01-01-2011 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by CMSTemplateZ (Post 2140471)
Yes it's not a problem with the style... it's a problem with the customizable profiles.. i did create a default one for the style... the problem is that the changes do not pass through to the .xml when exported... this is a vBulletin 4x issue and not a problem with my styles or anyone else's styles.

Im having a problem getting images to show up ( .png & .gif ) these are in vsa chatbox as well as other plugins & even in users profiles. Have you addressed this in this post yet?

my forum

maddenminds 01-02-2011 09:12 PM

PLEASE HELP! Any ideas how i can get images to show?? PLEASE! https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

Qwk86gn 01-03-2011 03:51 AM

Your site is running vBulletin 4.0.2, I'm going to venture to say that this style will not work like you would like it to. Way to many changes since 4.0.2 -> 4.1

Most likely your addons are requiring vB 4.1 also. Either the images are not uploaded in the correct place or the templates are just not woking with your vB 4.0.2

You should think about updating.

tlwwolfseye 01-03-2011 04:58 AM

What Stylevars are the one I would need to adapt in text color so it shows all the profile text under "My Profile", because there is the stuff that one can't see because of the wrong colors.

Such as "VISITOR MESSAGES" , "ABOUT ME" and so on. Also the stuff all around my avatar in the profile isn't visible as well. Please tell me which style vars are to be changed so people can see that text.

Also, where can I get rid of that Twitter/Facebook crap below the Navbar ? Don't need that stuff.

Qwk86gn 01-03-2011 05:22 AM

You would need to customize your profile to achieve the colors you would want. vB seems to have made virtually impossible to customize the user profile when creating a skin. It takes on certain colors of other fonts through the style and most of the time they are so far out of whack its not even worth the trouble of creating a style.

This is the biggest thing holding us back from releasing new premium styles. Also making it very difficult to help you guys out as there is nothing we are able to do besides tell you to customize your profile the way you would like the profiles to look, then hit the button "Save as site default".

That method works but it WILL change every style you have installed to those settings, and I have not found a way to revert it once its done.

tlwwolfseye 01-03-2011 05:33 AM

What Stylevars are the one I would need to adapt in text color so it shows all the profile text under "My Profile", because there is the stuff that one can't see because of the wrong colors.

Such as "VISITOR MESSAGES" , "ABOUT ME" and so on. Also the stuff all around my avatar in the profile isn't visible as well. Please tell me which style vars are to be changed so people can see that text.

tlwwolfseye 01-03-2011 06:09 AM

Sry for the doublepost above, was one click too many.

So what you're saying is that vB as it is currently, is f*** up regarding skins ? Great. Now I know why I shouldn't have wasted my money on continueing the license. I didnt looked a lot on this Site lately, but whenever i looked it seemed that a new Version has come out. Kinda like bug after bug after bug it appears like.

I disabled the Profile Customisation on my Board because I don't want people, by accident, to mess things up that, as you say, can't be fixed afterwards.

And regarding this skin here, it doesn't matter which skin i use ? I am not able to solve these problems in any other skin too ?

tlwwolfseye 01-03-2011 06:43 AM

Just saw this site here.


When you check out this, these problems seem to be solved. And since as a non-registered user I shouldnt be able to see the profile the way this user has setup it for himself, I wonder what or how he did it so that stuff appears instead of being almost invisible like on my own site.

Any help is appreciated !

jaffaman 01-03-2011 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by maddenminds (Post 2142933)
PLEASE HELP! Any ideas how i can get images to show?? PLEASE! http://www.themaddenminds.com/wp-con...mgdontshow.jpg

Have you checked your image path ?
I looked on your gxboxlive and noticed that you need to sort out the right path...
It's the same with your shoutbox you need to sort out the image path or just re upload the images in the to the right folder.

If you right click the red cross and copy image url and paste it in your address bar you will see what the right path should be.

Shoutbox path is.... themaddenminds.com/forums/images/battlefield3forums.com/statusicon/

gxboxlive path is..... themaddenminds.com/forums/images/battlefield3forums.com/misc/gxboxlive/silk/

Hope that helps.

Baf_Jams 01-03-2011 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by maddenminds (Post 2142933)
PLEASE HELP! Any ideas how i can get images to show?? PLEASE!

change the file name from .png to .gif
do this with any red X that appear
right click on the red x a to get the file path and name :)

or upload your own images renaming them to suit

Qwk86gn 01-03-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 2143133)
Just saw this site here.


When you check out this, these problems seem to be solved. And since as a non-registered user I shouldnt be able to see the profile the way this user has setup it for himself, I wonder what or how he did it so that stuff appears instead of being almost invisible like on my own site.

Any help is appreciated !


Originally Posted by Qwk86gn (Post 2143109)
You would need to customize your profile to achieve the colors you would want. vB seems to have made virtually impossible to customize the user profile when creating a skin. It takes on certain colors of other fonts through the style and most of the time they are so far out of whack its not even worth the trouble of creating a style.

This is the biggest thing holding us back from releasing new premium styles. Also making it very difficult to help you guys out as there is nothing we are able to do besides tell you to customize your profile the way you would like the profiles to look, then hit the button "Save as site default".

That method works but it WILL change every style you have installed to those settings, and I have not found a way to revert it once its done.

That method highlighted in red will only be available for adminstrators of the site. Users cannot do this without correct permissions, so no need to worry about someone messing it up. The owner of the site you linked has obviously done what I have said here then saved it as site default.

Style designers cannot do this on their vB installs as it would bork up every style then we would have to run SQL queries to reset things. So I have been leaving user profiles untouched when doing a style.

Check this post here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/conte...-Profile-Style

tlwwolfseye 01-03-2011 09:24 PM

Well, all that sounds very confusing. Is that going to change in future vB versions or did the Developers of vB messed that up intentionally so it doesn't work anymore ? Which wouldn't make sense to me, but then, there were far less sense making moves from other software developers than that, so it wouldnt be really a surprise.

I just hope that this is going to be fixed soon. :(

CMSTemplateZ 01-04-2011 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye (Post 2143550)
Well, all that sounds very confusing. Is that going to change in future vB versions or did the Developers of vB messed that up intentionally so it doesn't work anymore ? Which wouldn't make sense to me, but then, there were far less sense making moves from other software developers than that, so it wouldnt be really a surprise.

I just hope that this is going to be fixed soon. :(

Again i would like to stress... IT'S NOT A PROBLEM WITH THE STYLE.. as you can see from my Battlefield 3 site (in my sig or demo link) i did style the profile section for this style, the changes do not export to the .XML when exporting the style...

vBulletin.com wont even offer any assistance on matter because they are too busy fixing their 100's of other F up's... every style will experience the same problem.. the only way to fix this is to create a customized profile and set it as your sites default (this will be a problem if you are using multiple styles on your site).

We can only hope that VB.com address this ASAP.

maddenminds 01-04-2011 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Qwk86gn (Post 2143083)
Your site is running vBulletin 4.0.2, I'm going to venture to say that this style will not work like you would like it to. Way to many changes since 4.0.2 -> 4.1

Most likely your addons are requiring vB 4.1 also. Either the images are not uploaded in the correct place or the templates are just not woking with your vB 4.0.2

You should think about updating.

ok ima try this first since im running 4.0.2

CMSTemplateZ 01-04-2011 03:02 AM


ok ima try this first since im running 4.0.2
I do suggest you update to 4.1 or wait a week or so for 4.1.1 to become available... Just sent you a PM by the way

maddenminds 01-04-2011 04:28 AM

great suppurt, Thank you CMSTemplatez, I look forward to seeing what your project brings and will definatley become a customer im sure of it.

CMSTemplateZ 01-04-2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by maddenminds (Post 2143693)
great suppurt, Thank you CMSTemplatez, I look forward to seeing what your project brings and will definatley become a customer im sure of it.

Thanks for your Kind words :) SkinDen will be open for business very soon, just waiting on 4.1.1 to become available, we will then update our new premium styles ASAP.. and the free releases will be updated shortly after.

Nice site you have by the way, best of luck to you.

LLent 01-08-2011 01:46 PM

so what you are saying is we have to wait till the release of vb 4.1.1 till we get a fix for user profile font color correct...

youngsavdotcom 01-10-2011 01:59 AM

perhaps the best I have seen yet!! Great job!

CMSTemplateZ 01-10-2011 10:49 AM


so what you are saying is we have to wait till the release of vb 4.1.1 till we get a fix for user profile font color correct...
YES... again it's not a issue with any of my work or other style designers.. the problem is with vBulletin itself, while i did configure the profile section to match the rest of the forum style... when exporting the style the profile section / stylevars do not export...

We are hoping that 4.1.1 addresses this, should vBulletin not address this in the next release we will provide a tutorial for users to follow to configure the profile section to match the rest of the style.


Hdeaf.com 01-16-2011 09:05 AM


CMSTemplateZ 01-16-2011 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Hdeaf.com (Post 2149907)

Your welcome... but you might want to be careful replying to so many vBulletin style posts as it looks like spam, considering you have replied to 20+ styles with "Nice" or "Thanks" it does look a little suspect.... Just warning you so you don't get banned, i like the fact people take the time to say thanks.

LLent 01-16-2011 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by CMSTemplateZ (Post 2146951)
YES... again it's not a issue with any of my work or other style designers.. the problem is with vBulletin itself, while i did configure the profile section to match the rest of the forum style... when exporting the style the profile section / stylevars do not export...

We are hoping that 4.1.1 addresses this, should vBulletin not address this in the next release we will provide a tutorial for users to follow to configure the profile section to match the rest of the style.


thanks for the reply back 4.1.1 is out i have it installed are you going to update this skin soon to fix user profile looking forward to getting this resolved thanks in advance

CMSTemplateZ 01-16-2011 04:43 PM

the 4.1.1 update did not address the member profile section... i am going to send you a PM now with some code to fix this tho.. (it's code in progress atm, but better than nothing).

Eduardo Leon 01-18-2011 05:06 PM

nice style ... !

thnx and tagged (: !

CMSTemplateZ 01-21-2011 10:10 AM

Thanks for all the positive feedback, should have an update for the weekend for this style, mainly to fix the profiles fields.

xtremegamers 04-13-2011 11:08 PM

Can you make me a custom introduction and i can pay ya?

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