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IB Adrian 12-08-2010 08:00 PM

vBulletin.org staffing changes

I would like to announce that there are some staffing changes on vbulletin.org
Carrie and Lynne (Usernames: calorie and Lynne respectively) will be collectively taking over Marco van Herwaarden's responsibilities as the vbulletin.org site coordinator.
We would like to have you join us in welcoming Carrie and Lynne into this role, and take the time to thank Marco for his contributions to the site over his time here.

Adrian - vBulletin

vbenhancer 12-08-2010 09:02 PM

ok, so i'm the only one here who's sad to see Marco overtaken by the job?

i may be his biggest fan *(aside of his wife and kids, but hey, you know...)

btw, welcome in your new rank, Carrie and Lynne...

Ohiosweetheart 12-08-2010 09:38 PM

Congrats Carrie and Lynne!

Boofo 12-08-2010 09:46 PM

Two of the best staff members here got the job! Congrats!

DataHero 12-08-2010 10:10 PM

Congratulations to the both of you!

exyuteam 12-08-2010 10:27 PM

Congratulations to the both of you - Carrie and Lynne!

-=Leb=- 12-08-2010 11:06 PM

Congrats to both of you :) , i'm sure you both will do a great job as always, but i will miss marco he was a great coordinator <3

Hippy 12-08-2010 11:30 PM

congratz Carrie and Lynne
all the best marco

JacquiiDesigns 12-09-2010 12:29 AM

Wow! Interesting news. Marco and I have had many clashes here at the .org - so I can't in all honesty say I'm sad to see him go... But I wish him well.

Congrats to both of you Carrie and Lynn! Excellent choices for the Coordinator position(s) if I may so so meself.


fanyap 12-09-2010 01:09 AM

This is GREAT news, many people had clashes with Marco. He was holding this site back a lot, I expressed my concerns about the way he was running this site for about two years. I AM VERY GLAD TO READ THIS NEWS, "Thanks" for everything you did Marco, but personally I won't miss him at all. This is a great decision and I can't wait to see more positive steps taken.

Brandon Sheley 12-09-2010 01:31 AM

btw, I didn't know IB ran the shots here :)

8thos 12-09-2010 02:12 AM

Brief Bio on these people? Only one I know is Lynne. She's frigging awesome, I love her! 4 months ago, I didn't know anything about running a vbulletin site. When I asked questions she was friendly and answered them on time.

RobbieZ 12-09-2010 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Loco.M (Post 2131135)
btw, I didn't know IB ran the shots here :)

Modifications (also known as "hacks") allows the users to modify the vBulletin in many ways. vBulletin's official sister site vBulletin.org gives the ability to download thousands of modifications which are primarily written by volunteers who are vBulletin customers. The official written purpose of vBulletin.org is:
To extend vBulletin.
To educate members.
To help solve problems.
To support the entire member base professionally and equally.
To provide a place where people can attain and share information about vBulletin.

JacquiiDesigns 12-09-2010 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by RobbieZ (Post 2131148)
Modifications (also known as "hacks") allows the users to modify the vBulletin in many ways. vBulletin's official sister site vBulletin.org gives the ability to download thousands of modifications which are primarily written by volunteers who are vBulletin customers. The official written purpose of vBulletin.org is:
To extend vBulletin.
To educate members.
To help solve problems.
To support the entire member base professionally and equally.
To provide a place where people can attain and share information about vBulletin.

I'm pretty sure Brandon knows much about vBulletin and it's official sites LOL
But what has your post to do with his statement about IB??? o.O

--------------- Added [DATE]1291869026[/DATE] at [TIME]1291869026[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by fanyap (Post 2131130)
This is GREAT news, many people had clashes with Marco. He was holding this site back a lot, I expressed my concerns about the way he was running this site for about two years. I AM VERY GLAD TO READ THIS NEWS, "Thanks" for everything you did Marco, but personally I won't miss him at all. This is a great decision and I can't wait to see more positive steps taken.

Hmmm - I thought I was the only one with such clash hahahahaha!
It'll be interesting to see if the staff changes will bring about additional functionaly changes, etc. and a new ambiance to this community.

Lynne 12-09-2010 02:57 AM

Thank you guys. Carrie and I will be doing our best to work with the rest of the Staff and see what we can do here to help the site get going again.

And thank you to Marco for always being patient when showing me the ropes here. :)

And Brandon, IB doesn't call all the shots here. Marco was the interface before between vb.org and vb.com and now Carrie and I are doing that. That's all that has really changed. It just may seem strange at first since Carrie and I were both mods here and now are mods over on vb.com. So, we are seen on both sites even though the sites are actually separately run.

Atakan KOC 12-09-2010 03:30 AM


MaryTheG(r)eek 12-09-2010 05:05 AM

I can't say that I'm sad that Marco gone from here. Actually this is great news for me. I admit that he is a honest guy, and he tried his best to keep the community working under the rules. But he was missing something. He was unable to understand that you don't ban a coder with 5 active modes for 15 days, just because he/she wrote a price in a post, and let the other members awaiting for support for such a long time.

Same applies for Calorie, I don't count her as helpfull person here, except if you're asking support for her Photoplog.

I need pages of pages to write for Lynne, but I prefer to say just a phrase: "She can keep this site active and all members happy, just by her presence."


Simon Lloyd 12-09-2010 07:16 AM

I agree, Lynne is a fantastic choice, great disposition and patient too :)

FreshFroot 12-09-2010 08:43 AM

Glad to see you two get the new spots. You've always helped me out here especially you Lynne. So thanks a lot and congrads :D

--------------- Added [DATE]1291891525[/DATE] at [TIME]1291891525[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 2131187)
I can't say that I'm sad that Marco gone from here. Actually this is great news for me. I admit that he is a honest guy, and he tried his best to keep the community working under the rules. But he was missing something. He was unable to understand that you don't ban a coder with 5 active modes for 15 days, just because he/she wrote a price in a post, and let the other members awaiting for support for such a long time.

Same applies for Calorie, I don't count her as helpfull person here, except if you're asking support for her Photoplog.

I need pages of pages to write for Lynne, but I prefer to say just a phrase: "She can keep this site active and all members happy, just by her presence."


So true.. if there is one person in the world who keeps vB.org sane! It''s Lynne!

marcopolo 12-09-2010 11:54 AM

All I can say is big congrats to Lynne from personal experience, wherever she's posting she's a constant source of help and advice and a massive asset to have. :)

toolmanwill 12-09-2010 11:57 AM

BIG congrats to Lynne!! I have never dealt with Carrie but i have been friends for many years with Lynne and she has helped me GREATLY!!! Good luck to you both :)

BirdOPrey5 12-09-2010 11:57 AM

I don't think I've ever heard of "Carrie" ??? But Lynne. I'm sure she'll make a great Admin.

I know Marco didn't come across as the easiest person to get along with... I remember on our debate on the .co domain extension I was so sure I was going to be right and Marco was actually wrong about something... but no... I got owned... he was right all along and the registrar companies were lying. :p

Is Marco leaving the .org altogether or will he still be around after this change?

Alfa1 12-09-2010 01:13 PM

Lynne is one of the most helpful people I have come across on the net. I have a lot of respect for her.

I hope Marco sticks around.

MaryTheG(r)eek 12-09-2010 02:56 PM

Simple Statistics from their profiles:

Calorie (since 2003): Posts 2,756 .. 1 post perday (in most cases even this post is to support her Mod).

Lynne (since 2004): Posts 26,017 ... 11,49 posts per day, all helpfull.

The numbers talked.....

Brandon Sheley 12-09-2010 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2131166)
And Brandon, IB doesn't call all the shots here. Marco was the interface before between vb.org and vb.com and now Carrie and I are doing that. That's all that has really changed. It just may seem strange at first since Carrie and I were both mods here and now are mods over on vb.com. So, we are seen on both sites even though the sites are actually separately run.

Thanks for the breakdown, I guess I just found it odd that Adrian was posting the announcement.

Either way, congrats to everyone :)


Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke (Post 2131151)
I'm pretty sure Brandon knows much about vBulletin and it's official sites LOL

Thanks, I LOL'd too :p

Princeton 12-09-2010 03:11 PM

Congrats to Carrie and Lynne :up:

realmr 12-09-2010 03:21 PM

congrats to Carrie and Lynne :) Wish u all the best :D

Paul M 12-09-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2131267)
Is Marco leaving the .org altogether or will he still be around after this change?

I believe he has left IB, so I dont know, I guess that will be up to him. :)

Vinyljunky 12-09-2010 04:04 PM

Well done :up:

Reeve of shinra 12-09-2010 04:35 PM

Lynne is awesome!

TheLastSuperman 12-09-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2131050)
Two of the best staff members here got the job! Congrats!

Ditto! (Well I can vouch for Lynne, I have only noticed references of Calorie before and used one of her mods so the only reason is I don't know her well enough to vouch lol)


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 2131166)
Thank you guys. Carrie and I will be doing our best to work with the rest of the Staff and see what we can do here to help the site get going again.

And Brandon, IB doesn't call all the shots here. Marco was the interface before between vb.org and vb.com and now Carrie and I are doing that. That's all that has really changed. It just may seem strange at first since Carrie and I were both mods here and now are mods over on vb.com. So, we are seen on both sites even though the sites are actually separately run.


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 2131187)
I can't say that I'm sad that Marco gone from here. Actually this is great news for me. I admit that he is a honest guy, and he tried his best to keep the community working under the rules. But he was missing something. He was unable to understand that you don't ban a coder with 5 active modes for 15 days, just because he/she wrote a price in a post, and let the other members awaiting for support for such a long time.

Same applies for Calorie, I don't count her as helpfull person here, except if you're asking support for her Photoplog.

I need pages of pages to write for Lynne, but I prefer to say just a phrase: "She can keep this site active and all members happy, just by her presence."


Well let's just be harsh and kick a man when he's down eh? Gosh let's all cheer up, no one likes change but we have it here and Marco's heading out so I can't be confused with an arse-kisser therfor long story short he had rules and principles as do we all! I had a infraction once, I PM'd him to clear things up and it was reversed, that's how ethical he was however imo he did not like to put up with whining or showing true colors of any sort but again, imo I will not speak for him but believe I know him well enough to know he's a good guy and did not deserve that being publicly plastered on the site he has ran and maintained for years, that was quite honestly, rude in the very sense of the word.

Enough of all that though, I truly LOVE that Lynne was promoted and I know it's going to be a lot of hard work for her... we just lost some of those hours she puts into helping us all with helpful posts.. I'm sad about that (kidding) however I know she'll be faster than a speeding bullet i.e. faster than Superman, well she's always better than me so no worries here this is going to... I must go back to my early years here but "Rock" with Lynne :D.


MaryTheG(r)eek 12-09-2010 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2131460)
Well let's just be harsh and kick a man when he's down eh?

What I wrote here now, it's something that I've told to Marco (and Calorie) 2 years ago, and much more I post it in a support ticket to vb.com. I was never been a double faced person. Similar situation exists with Paul M too, but I can't say anything against him. His almost 20,000 posts, his mods and articles are very helpfull to the community. Just we don't like each other.

--------------- Added 09 Dec 2010 at 21:25 ---------------

I can see IB Adrian here. At least someone who is not hidding his online status. That's good. Very good I can say. And if he decide to hear what members are saying, should be the best.

IB Adrian 12-09-2010 05:33 PM

Everyone, just to respond to a few questions/comments.

I would like to re-iterate our thanks for Marco's contributions to the site, whatever personal differences you may have had, we are very grateful for the effort that Marco placed into vb.org

Internet Brands - while technically owning vb.org aren't going to be overseeing its day to day operation - you received this announcement from me as it involved vBulletin's official representative on vb.org - I would like to participate more in the community going forward, but the site will continue to be run by vb.org members, we (vBulletin) are very grateful to have a community like vbulletin.org to support our product with modifications in the manner than everyone here does, and I would like to participate more in it to see how we can support it better. :)


Atakan KOC 12-09-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by IB Adrian
Everyone, just to respond to a few questions/comments.

I would like to re-iterate our thanks for Marco's contributions to the site, whatever personal differences you may have had, we are very grateful for the effort that Marco placed into vb.org

Internet Brands - while technically owning vb.org aren't going to be overseeing its day to day operation - you received this announcement from me as it involved vBulletin's official representative on vb.org - I would like to participate more in the community going forward, but it will continue to be run by vb.org members


Who are you? :)


Originally Posted by MicroHellas
I can't say that I'm sad that Marco gone from here.

Calm down Maria. :) Look into the future and remember the past...

MaryTheG(r)eek 12-09-2010 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Atakan KOC (Post 2131494)
Who are you? :)

Calm down Maria. :) Look into the future and remember the past...

Remember or ...forget the past? ...lol.. Happy to see you again back. Didn't liked the "Advisor's" title, or.... ???:p

--------------- Added [DATE]1291924105[/DATE] at [TIME]1291924105[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by IB Adrian (Post 2131493)
....., we are very grateful for the effort that Marco placed into vb.org

If I remember well, you said something similar for Ken when he gone. Come on Adrian. As you said, here is not vb.com to be official. Let yourlselve talk free. Free up your mind. Believe me you'll feel an ulimited freedom like being at the edge of a high mountain :-)).

Atakan KOC 12-09-2010 05:48 PM

"Advisor?" Hehehee... Even if I forgot....

IB Adrian 12-09-2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Atakan KOC (Post 2131494)
Who are you? :)

Good question - I'll introduce myself in the Community Lounge :)

Atakan KOC 12-09-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by IB Adrian (Post 2131503)
Good question - I'll introduce myself in the Community Lounge :)

Then ... Welcome to forum. :)

MaryTheG(r)eek 12-09-2010 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by IB Adrian (Post 2131493)
... and I would like to participate more in it to see how we can support it better. :)

Its simple as 1-2-3.
  1. Find a "Lynne" living in Europe
  2. Ask Administrators to decide in which camp they belong. vBulletin or xenForo. To have a big community working well, must exist trust between Admins and Members. What type of trust to give to someone who is Admin here, and on the same time is posting a module at xenForo on how to transfer posts from vB to xenForo?
  3. Restrict Admins to have commercial mods.

IB Adrian 12-09-2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Atakan KOC (Post 2131505)
Then ... Welcome to forum. :)

Thankyou :)

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