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Roms 12-06-2010 11:31 PM

January BOTM Nominations
This is the nomination thread for Board of the Month of January 2011.

Please note the BOTM Rules here:

Let me reiterate the rules for this thread:
  • Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
  • All seconds are to be placed in 1 post, with a max of 3.
  • All seconds should include the word "second" or "+1".
  • All posts must be in English.
Please abide by these rules or your post will be removed.

Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of December 2010 (close to midnight... close means +/- HOURS. YES, I WILL CLOSE AND GET TO IT AS "SOON" AS I CAN (Like when they have to type that code in the tv show "LOST" this is some serious stuff here!!!)

When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.

Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:

Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: vBulletin.org
URL: www.vbulletin.org - this must be clickable
Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site
Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximum of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you quote the nomination post you are seconding in your post (Use Multi-Quote Option if you are nomination multiple boards). If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.

Also, please make sure that you are seconding a forum that has already been nominated by its forum owner. Any seconds for a forum that has not been nominated yet will be counted as null and void.

Please posts only nominations or seconds, NO "Thank you" posts are needed, they clutter the thread and will be DELETED.

IMPORTANT inqueries regarding the BOTM Contests should be sent via PM to Roms or an Administrator.

Best of luck to all nominees! :D

CEO254 12-07-2010 12:51 AM

Site Name: Texas Takeover
URL: www.TexasTakeover.com
Description: #1 Site for Texas Hip-Hop
Reason for Nomination: Underrated forum that deserves a shot

pneo 12-07-2010 07:17 AM

Site Name: PNE-Online

URL: http://www.pne-online.net

Description: A forum for discussion of Preston North End Football Club and the City of Preston (UK).

Reason for Nomination: PNE-Online has been established as an advertisement free, community funded forum for over six years with over 1.1 million posts. After over a year of development we recently upgraded to VBulletin 4 and our new forum includes a fully customised CSS designed style with an abundance of unique imagery and a host of custom modifications created by ourselves such as an optional swear filter, RSS parser, prediction league, and hidden 'ignored user' quotes coupled with a selection of plug-ins from VBulletin.org such as the VSa ChatBox.

It would make all of our hard work and effort worthwhile if we could be awarded the VBulletin.org Board of the Month as the highest accolade for a VBulletin forum. :)

xr1200 12-07-2010 03:16 PM

Site: XR1200 Owners Group
URL: www.xr1200ownersgroup.com
Description: Owners group for a unique motorcycle, the XR1200, including Gallery entry page, CMS, Forums
Reason for Nomination: Cool site with interesting members

BirdOPrey5 12-07-2010 05:30 PM

Site Name: Joe's Ultimate Off Topic
URL: www.juot.net
Description: An acrasial off-topic web forum.
Reason for Nomination: Now home to a "BB and AME Code Depot" forum where I will make new BB Codes and AME definitions on request. Also close-knit off-topic community mostly of current and former Jeepers.

vividbreeze 12-07-2010 05:30 PM

We went with a web 2.0 feel to it :)

Site Name: Truck Mount Forums

URL: http://www.truckmountforums.com

Description: Truck Mount Forums specializes in providing carpet cleaning equipment information and resources for carpet cleaning business, carpet cleaning marketing and how to guides for water and fire restoration as well as tile cleaning and hard surface restoration.

Reason for Nomination:
Because there is no other vbulletin forum like ours out there, we have only been open to the public for 2 years and couple months and have had over[/B] 7,450+ people register on the forum and over 25,000 monthly uniques for a Carpet Cleaning/Disaster Restoration bulletin board, this has surpassed 2 of the worlds largest news related sites in the carpet cleaning and restoration industry! We have tried to go a different route on the design of the website to make it more cleaner and easier to navigate for the end user.

LifesGreatestGift 12-08-2010 12:02 AM

Site name: TheWindows7Site
URL: http://thewindows7site.com/forum
Description: Your source for Windows 7 News, Discussion & Support
Reason for Nomination: Custom Design and friendly staff. Great content.

FunnyMan 12-08-2010 02:44 AM

Website Name: DealDebate.com ? Get it for Le$$
Purpose: Hot Deals, Coupons, Free Stuff, Finance Deals etc.
URL: http://dealdebate.com

Description: DealDebate.com is a free, user-driven deal sharing website with a mission to provide consumers an avenue to collaborate and share information in order to make the best shopping decisions. It achieves this by providing users a frequently updated hot deals front page, forum, blogs etc. DealDebate.com prides itself on being user and community focused, never allowing paid placement for front page deal listings.

Reason for Nomination: There are many different websites on the internet and some of them provide deals, forums, articles, financial blog etc. But our motto is to bring everything together and create a portal which gives all necessary information for consumer to make the best shopping decisions. There are much more customization and features are in pipeline, but would like to nominate ours now to get valuable feedback and attention.

Appreciate your time and vote

Taurus1 12-09-2010 03:56 AM

Site Name: CreativX

URL: http://creativx.net/forums/

Description: We specialize in custom designed Visual Styles for Windows 7. Mostly for free.

Reason for Nomination: Just over a year old, and growing very fast. A very good showcase for various skins and mods installed. Best place for an awesome W7 theme.

Desibabu19 12-10-2010 01:09 AM

Site Name: R2IClubforums

URL: http://www.r2iclubforums.com

Description: Encouraging and helping Indians living abroad to Return to India, hence the name R2I.

Reason for Nomination: This is unique forum in this objective and have over 35,000 members. After living abroad for few years, it is not easy to return and settle down. It has interesting member experiences. It has the best discussions on 401k/IRA early withdrawals, and other financial objectives of Non-Resident Indians looking to return back to their home land.

Beor 12-10-2010 02:41 PM

Site Name: TodoDream

URL: www.tododream.com

Description: #1 Site for Receivers Linux

Reason for Nomination: 5 Years on the top, +50.000 members, 10.000 daily visits, Great web, and Great people

craiovaforum 12-11-2010 09:38 AM

Site Name: Craiova Forum
URL: www.craiovaforum.ro/forums
Description: Local community revolving around the city of Craiova, RO
Reason for Nomination: Heavily modified vbulletin installation, decent trafic for a local site (~20000 daily unique visitors).

GamerFill 12-11-2010 09:22 PM

Site name: GamerFill

URL: http://www.GamerFill.com

Description: An up-and-coming video game review site that covers all of the latest games with HD-quality video reviews. We also hold frequent contests, have our own two shows (as we call them) "Play With Us!" and "Are Bad Games Really Bad?", and have a highly dedicated writing staff who have been taking the reviewing world by storm since our launch.

Reason for Nomination: We're extremely community oriented, something that all of our competitors in the industry lack. We started in March of 2010, and have already obtained strong relationships with the gaming industry's leading Publishers and Developers.
We're always holding some kind of contest, pumping out new professional content for our readers, and always interacting on a 1-on-1 level with our readers.

tattooz 12-11-2010 11:05 PM

Site Name: Modification Nation

URL: http://www.modificationnation.com

Description: We are a totally free, friendly and non-judgmental Body Modification, Tattoo and Piercing Social Networking Community for Enthusiasts and Artists

Reason for Nomination: We are a growing site of body modification, tattoo and piercing enthusiasts and artists. We Offer discussion forums, blogs, a tattoo artists directory by state and a photopost gallery. We are striving to be the "next big thing" in the body mod world.

ForenOpfer 12-12-2010 08:57 PM

Site Name: Freggers-Forum.de
URL: http://www.freggers-forum.de/
Description: No.1 fan project of the 3D-Graphic-Chat "freggers.de"/"freggers.com", totally free, with many add-ons customized.
Reason for Nomination: Because this board is with round about 5 mio. hits / month and over 4,200 unique members the largest fan project of freggers.de/freggers.com

omniqix 12-13-2010 07:13 PM

Site Name: Pizzastic.com
URL: http://www.pizzastic.com/forum/
Description: Forums for talking about pizza.
Reason for Nomination: Because everyone loves Pizza! and because of the cool pizza theme.

Shadawg 12-16-2010 09:48 AM

Site name: Revolution of Gaming
URL: http://www.damnlag.com/rog/forum/forum.php
Description: Revolution of Gaming is a large gaming community that was started in 2008. A community built by gamers, for gamers who have a passion for playing video games as a fun social activity. All built around a structure that is fit for never ending growth and to create social experiences that inspire action.

Reason for Nomination: Awesome looking design and friendly users that makes the forum great.

omniqix 12-16-2010 10:00 PM

site name: Sake of Health
url: http://www.sakeofhealth.com/
Description: Talk about health and fitness related issues
Reason for Nomination: unique, elegant health theme and design

pr0sthetic 12-17-2010 11:28 PM

Site name: Chinese Crested Crush

URL: http://www.chinesecrestedcrush.com/

Description: An online community that allows those who love dogs, specifically Chinese Crested (Breed) but open to all, to connect with one another and propagate responsible ownership, breeding practices and general helpful information. Topics discussed include grooming/skin care, health care, rescue & adoption, show and general discussion(s). A truly genuine and caring online community.

Reason for Nomination: Not only is it one of the better looking, more graphically customized VBulletin 4.x forums online, it has also been responsible for and/or aided in the assistance of saving lives through promoting rescue efforts and dog adoptions for the past 6 years. Transitioned from phpBB2 to VBulletin earlier this year (Since doing so, removed 1/4 million posts.)

SoltanWorld 12-18-2010 06:15 PM

Site Name: SoltanWorld V.2

URL: http://soltanworld.com

Description: SoltanWorld is a Community website with all kinds of things. Music, Movies, Music Videos, TV Shows, New Albums, Forum, Image Gallery, and much more.

Reason for Nomination: Getting 40,000 in Alexa rank in 6 months and 6000 members

omniqix 12-18-2010 10:03 PM

site name: peertravel.com
url: http://www.peertravel.com/
Description: Talk about travel related issues
Reason for Nomination: Simple yet elegant travel theme and design, feels like you are on the beach

Baf_Jams 12-19-2010 10:35 PM

Site Name: Bafsquad.com
URL: www.bafsquad.com
Description: Online multi gaming squad
Reason for Nomination: Bafsquad is a P.C multi gaming squad, We are a free to join squad open to new members of all skill levels, Est 2001,we mainly concentrate on COD games with black ops being the latest, BAF have a teamspeak and dedicated servers match and ranked, we are also looking to see new members joining our already loyal and friendly squad.

ForenOpfer 12-20-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Shadawg (Post 2134753)
Site name: Revolution of Gaming
URL: http://www.damnlag.com/rog/forum/forum.php
Description: Revolution of Gaming is a large gaming community that was started in 2008. A community built by gamers, for gamers who have a passion for playing video games as a fun social activity. All built around a structure that is fit for never ending growth and to create social experiences that inspire action.

Reason for Nomination: Awesome looking design and friendly users that makes the forum great.

2nd, like it (;

Charro 12-20-2010 07:43 PM

Site Name: TuS Linter
URL: www.tus-linter.com
Description: This forum is a meeting place for all players of this club and invites other users to discuss about Soccer.
Reason for Nomination: Because a small Soccer club wants to be popular.

blake247 12-22-2010 03:25 AM

Site Name: Masons of Texas

Url: http://www.masonsoftexas.com

Description: Online community for Freemasons

Reason for Nomination: Masons of Texas is an online community for Freemasons and those who wish to become one. We may be Texas in name, but we have members from across the globe who enjoy our site. We feature an innovative design thats both sleek and compact and works well with our iOS and Android apps. Thank you for considering Masons of Texas for BOTM!

A.Chakery 12-22-2010 11:57 PM

Site Name: VetArena | Ultimate Pet Reference

URL: www.vetarena.com

Description: Ultimate pet reference ,Information and Articles about pet health care , Grooming , Breeds and feeding.

Reason for Nomination:Because We heavily modded/customized vbulletin and tried to create something new WEB.2.0 design, our SEO is heavily hard codded .We have 100% Validated XHTML 1.0 Transitional style. After all we tried to create something more user-friendly than a normal vbulletin.Please dong forget to check out our registration and customized article pages/threads/forums.

Masked Crusader 12-27-2010 02:57 AM

Site Name: Masked Crusader
URL: http://www.maskedcrusader.com
Description: MMO trading/selling/buying forum for games like World of Warcraft, Aion, Runescape, etc.
Reason for Nomination:

* Custom ratings system -- Shows on the threads and then there is a total ratings page per user that can be accessed via the "Ratings" link on the threads.
* Quick Masked Armory -- product that creates an anonymous World of Warcraft armory via another site I created called 'Masked Armory' and then posts it back via a JSON request and puts it in the message box!
* Auto-Banning + Duplicate IP CRON - Checks to see if the user has a previous registered username and if they do, then it adds a Neutral rating to their trader ratings. If they have a previously banned username, it automatically bans their new username.
* Trust Who Association Product - If a user has been Trust Who Verified (can Google what this is if need be), then they simply enter in their registered TWV e-mail and press submit. Upon hitting submit, the product goes and checks to see if their e-mail is indeed attached to any TWV account. If it is, then a verification e-mail will be sent out to that e-mail and the user can click on the link inside to associate his TWV account with his new forum account.

omniqix 12-27-2010 05:34 AM

Site Name: Sociopets.com
URL: http://www.sociopets.com/forum/
Description: Forum for owners of regular, exotic, and weird pets :X
Reason for nomination: Not many forums where the owners of pet snakes, monkeys, cockroaches, Bats. Llamas, Piranhas and Skunks can get togehter and chat

Killsparer 12-27-2010 09:54 AM

Site Name: Projekt Star Wars

URL: http://www.projektstarwars.de/forum/

Description: German discussion board about everything Star Wars (movies, series, fan-fiction/-art, conventions and much more)

Reason for Nomination: The largest and oldest (founded 1999) german-speaking Star Wars community with over 1.3 million postings, chat/blog/gallery-features and a custom design.

gurler 12-27-2010 02:46 PM

Site Name: Turkey's Interior Design Portal
URL: www.icmimar.com
Description: Most popular Interior Design Portal in Turkey
Reason for Nomination: Registration is difficult but have 3.000 members on 11 months. For about 30+ membership requests are rejected daily. and it have 4.000 unique visitors daily.

OldSchoolDSL 12-27-2010 09:00 PM

Site Name: SociallyUncensored.com
URL: SociallyUncensored.com
Description: The complete idiot's guide to an uncensored world
Reason for Nomination: The community is only 3 months old and has almost 25,000 post and allows for members to openly express themselves without the fear of censorship.

tanerokutan 12-28-2010 12:35 PM

Site name: gsfans.org
URL: http://www.gsfans.org/forum.php
Description: Galatasaray Fan Site
Reason for Nomination: Design is important but users are more important than theme, desing etc. We are candidate with all our outstanding users.

JacquiiDesigns 12-29-2010 08:51 PM

I nominate my forum:
  • Site Name: JPiC Forum For Writers
  • JPiC Portal: http://jpicforum.info
  • Forum Index: http://jpicforum.info/forum/
  • Description: Poetry in Color Forum is an award-winning, non-censoring online Community where open-minded Poets & Writers can freely share in the creation of literature.

  • Reason for Nomination: This forum is newly redesigned after a horrid issue with HostV left us with only a database backup and files I'd saved locally on my pc. Both the backup and files were from early 2008.

    JPiC had always been a great little community. The redesign incorporates quite a few custom modifications that we are proud of, including our JPiC Magnet Poetry and our Literary Articles Database. The mainsite is powered by Subdreamer CMS with vBulletin integrated w/ matching skin.

A lot of time and dedication has gone into the new JPiC 3.0 design. We lost thousands of posts, but it was better to recreate from something than nothing at all, so we're happy about that. Anyway - Hope ya'll like what I've done with it :)


Boofo 12-29-2010 10:14 PM

I second Jacquii's site.

Site Name: JPiC Forum For Writers

Paul M 12-29-2010 10:59 PM

I love purple, but having checked our rules, im not allowed to nominate or second. :)

omniqix 12-29-2010 11:38 PM

site name: needtechsupport.com
url: http://www.needtechsupport.com/
Description: forum for free technical support
Reason for Nomination: Clean theme, funny logo, forum where users can get free tech support for all sorts of issues

FreshFroot 12-30-2010 03:31 AM

I also second

JPiC Forum For Writers


behnam 12-30-2010 01:34 PM

I second A.Chakery's Forum :
VetArena | Ultimate Pet Reference

tunedtech 12-30-2010 10:28 PM

I second VetArena | Ultimate Pet Reference

XiTCLUB 12-31-2010 01:53 AM

Site Name: IT CLUB Pakistan
URL : http://www.xitclub.com
Description : Pakistani IT Learning & Entertainment Forum
Reason For Nominations: Because This Forum is great For Learning Computer & Real Time Entertainment, Free Computer Courses, IT Info, Online Movies & much more. This Forum gets 3000+ Unique Visitors Daily

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