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-   -   Major Additions - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=254197)

ibautocommunity 11-23-2010 10:00 PM

CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal login
1 Attachment(s)
***Attention: This product is currently UNSUPPORTED***

We would like to release an Alpha version of the vBulletin4 Cerberus product. This product allows you to create one vBulletin4 installation which can power unlimited number of domains and sub-domains; while allowing to customize each domain differently to make it look like different sites or sections. Domains will have one universal admincp and user login information.

www.supercoolautoforum.com - main site, all forums
ferarri.supercoolautoforum.com - custom style and forums, same login
bmw.supercoolautoforum.com- custom style and forums, same login
honda.supercoolautoforum.com - custom style and forums, same login
supercoolmotorcycleforum.com - custom style and forums, same login

*** Why are you releasing this, I want more features?! ***

This is a very simple product; we believe that the basic functionality provided in this product will satisfy a lot of communities - and since the product is simple - it will be easy to extend it and modify it to work for your custom community requirements.

Overview of Current Features:
  • One shared installation of vBulletin 4
  • One shared user account on all domains
  • Custom Style for each domain
  • Custom Forum listing for each domain
Known Issues:
  • CMS and Blogs are currently not configured to have special domain-specific categories and sections. CMS is shared across all sites although the appearance will be different for each domain.

Project Contributors: s.lauderdale;m.biddle;a.ahn; anders

ibautocommunity 11-24-2010 07:23 PM

This will work with vBSEO - but requires an individual vbseo license per each custom domain to be legal and function correctly.

Brandon Sheley 11-24-2010 07:28 PM

nice addon!

/me tags it

About the vbseo, can it be enabled or disabled on the forums?
Say I have one site with vbseo, I sync a new forum up that doesn't have vbseo, will the product still work?


1up_dave 11-24-2010 10:27 PM

Thanks for releasing this! I will probably try this out soon.

tafreeh 11-24-2010 11:14 PM

can we have vb4 and vb3 ?
Great plugin.. Finally I can expend my forum :)

sticky 11-24-2010 11:53 PM


NO WAY!!! Finally, yes, nice work guys!

sticky 11-24-2010 11:59 PM

Will it be configured eventually so domains can have their own CMS page? Can posts from either domain be promoted to the CMS?

If I have for example Car Make A on one forum and Car Make B on the other is there anything I can do to have the CMS setup to show either A or B but not both, or at least let the user choose at this time?

sticky 11-25-2010 12:08 AM

Also, just want to make sure, there are shared forums across domains as well, correct?

WhatChaMissin 11-25-2010 02:14 AM

I'm a bit of a novice, which is probably why I can't get this to work. But do the different sites need to use the same config file? Is it possible to get some documention?

fluidswork 11-25-2010 07:57 AM

Great addon ............

J6488EEA8E90 11-25-2010 08:51 AM

tagged for future use. looks great

desi-boy 11-25-2010 01:39 PM

wow don't tell me

it's possibll

gr8 man Gr8
plez some More SS


cloferba 11-25-2010 07:16 PM

does this work on a shared hosting account?

GeorgeB85 11-25-2010 08:30 PM

See hacks like this would be awesome, but it is beyond stupid to have a valid vbulletin license for each subdomain like sub.maindomain.com. It is still on the maindomain.com domain, so there should be no need for licenses for each subdomain.

Nephalim 11-25-2010 09:53 PM

Anyone have this working? The sample forum URL goes to a error page :(

kayobrussy 11-25-2010 10:04 PM

I cant understand how is works.

Any tutorial?

Nephalim 11-25-2010 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by kayobrussy (Post 2125758)
I cant understand how is works.

Any tutorial?

You can have two different domain names like:
They both go to one VBulletin forum, but when a User clicks either it will have a different style / skin / forum. But it's just ONE VBulletin forum. I think.:D

We're looking for something like this last week as using two domains currently with two different styles in Our one forum. Is not working.

Alfa1 11-25-2010 10:15 PM

Thanks for releasing this. Some questions:

- if a user logs in on domain 1, will the user be visible on who's online on domain 2?
- can a vb3 and a vb4 installation be combined? i.e. domain 1 runs vb3, while domain 2 runs vb4.

Overbr 11-25-2010 10:30 PM

hello, thanks for sharing the mod.
But please, you need a tutorial on how to make it work, install the vb 4.0.8 and it did absolutely nothing, even configuring the cpanel.
We have 4 domains

What to do. Htacess usage?
How do the targeting?

What is the correct installation process?


Nephalim 11-25-2010 10:45 PM

Just tried it on a test site and it did nothing. Threw 404 errors and a few DB errors. So we uninstalled. Hope you get it sorted out because this sounds really promising!!:cool:

COBRAws 11-25-2010 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2125761)
Thanks for releasing this. Some questions:

- if a user logs in on domain 1, will the user be visible on who's online on domain 2?
- can a vb3 and a vb4 installation be combined? i.e. domain 1 runs vb3, while domain 2 runs vb4.

Having one forum running on vb3 and another on vb4 wont be possible since this hack only allows a single installation to "operate" on several domains and/or subdomains.


I would like to know if lastonline cookie affects all forums or just the one visited.

War.Frog 11-25-2010 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2125743)
See hacks like this would be awesome, but it is beyond stupid to have a valid vbulletin license for each subdomain like sub.maindomain.com. It is still on the maindomain.com domain, so there should be no need for licenses for each subdomain.

Agree 100%. Running a thousand different sites from one domain and using multiple subdomains appears to be completely within the licensing terms of vBulletin.

SocialNetworkBuzz 11-26-2010 07:46 AM

Will this work with 4.1.0 Beta 1?

SocialNetworkBuzz 11-26-2010 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Nephalim (Post 2125770)
Just tried it on a test site and it did nothing. Threw 404 errors and a few DB errors. So we uninstalled. Hope you get it sorted out because this sounds really promising!!:cool:

Working great for me. I was getting ready to start 2 new forums, so used them as a test..

http://www.worldofcataclysm.net/ and http://www.hoosierforums.com/

I must say well done! I like how each domain can even use it's own facebook connection API. A helpful feature for someone like me as my two sites would have nothing in common would be able to tie Admin accounts to select which username to post under. Also custom profile fields based on domain would be amazing.


Originally Posted by COBRAws (Post 2125781)
I would like to know if lastonline cookie affects all forums or just the one visited.

I'm gonna guess based on the "cookiedomain=.domain-1.com" in the config for each domain, that stuff based on domains don't share same cookies, but things like user profile do since it is a unique global.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2125761)
if a user logs in on domain 1, will the user be visible on who's online on domain 2?

Yes, all domains share same WoL and account profile.

Overbr 11-26-2010 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Stabatha (Post 2125913)
Working great for me. I was getting ready to start 2 new forums, so used them as a test..

http://www.worldofcataclysm.net/ and http://www.hoosierforums.com/

I must say well done! I like how each domain can even use it's own facebook connection API. A helpful feature for someone like me as my two sites would have nothing in common would be able to tie Admin accounts to select which username to post under. Also custom profile fields based on domain would be amazing.

which procedure you did for installation?
You can say step by step?


SocialNetworkBuzz 11-26-2010 09:48 AM

Sure, was easy, first I just imported the product.xml then once it completed I went into setting --> options and scrolled down all the way to the bottom and selected vB Cerberus and then just filled in the box in the top right corner based on the example in the left side.

Like this..


bbtitle=Hoosier Forums

SocialNetworkBuzz 11-26-2010 10:05 AM

Cookies per domain don't seem to work. I logged into worldofcataclysm.net using my admin account name. Then logged in in another browser tab to hoosierforums.com using the admin account I made for it. Afterwards going to a new page on my 1st domain I was now logged in as second domains Admin instead of the 1st domains.

Overbr 11-26-2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Stabatha (Post 2125917)
Sure, was easy, first I just imported the product.xml then once it completed I went into setting --> options and scrolled down all the way to the bottom and selected vB Cerberus and then just filled in the box in the top right corner based on the example in the left side.

Like this..


bbtitle=Hoosier Forums

in their domain are configured as host? Park or in vps and domains in differentiated services?
Why did the installation, but when I try to access www.xxxx.com he does absolutely nothing.
I have a forum in the same subdomain http://forum.xxxx.com directing and pointing at him with http://www.XXX1.com http://www.XXX2.com or no directions.

The problem here is not to be directing the pointing to the domain .. do not know if this term is well
If I could pass the config used on your VPS / HOST thank

Santori 11-26-2010 12:14 PM

Each forum can have his own style, this is an vb native option.

I only see usable this mod for acumulate domains.

SocialNetworkBuzz 11-26-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Overbr (Post 2125937)
in their domain are configured as host? Park or in vps and domains in differentiated services?
Why did the installation, but when I try to access www.xxxx.com he does absolutely nothing.
I have a forum in the same subdomain http://forum.xxxx.com directing and pointing at him with http://www.XXX1.com http://www.XXX2.com or no directions.

The problem here is not to be directing the pointing to the domain .. do not know if this term is well
If I could pass the config used on your VPS / HOST thank

I use cPanel. I first created domain 1 in WHM and gave it a static IP. I then went into cPanel -> AddOn Domains and added Domain2 as a addon domain. For Document Root: I used just public_html so it shares same directory as domain one.

ibautocommunity 11-26-2010 03:03 PM

This mod requires a bit of advanced configuration; I will do my best to provide a thorough installation tutorial. You cannot just install this mod - you must configure your domains and sub-domains on the server. The mod does not configure this for you - it configures the re-direction features.

BirdOPrey5 11-26-2010 03:22 PM

I looked through this code... is there any reason it wouldn't work on 3.8? It installed fine but I don't have other domains to test this yet.

ibautocommunity 11-26-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2126014)
I looked through this code... is there any reason it wouldn't work on 3.8? It installed fine but I don't have other domains to test this yet.

It actually could work - we ported it from a 3.8 mod; added some new features (4.0 facebook / universal login) and tested on 4.0 environment. So, it could potentially work just fine on 3.8 as well.

BirdOPrey5 11-26-2010 04:31 PM

Thanks, that's what I'm thinking too... If I can ever test it on 3.8 I'll let you know.

sticky 11-26-2010 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 2125743)
See hacks like this would be awesome, but it is beyond stupid to have a valid vbulletin license for each subdomain like sub.maindomain.com. It is still on the maindomain.com domain, so there should be no need for licenses for each subdomain.

They should get their money for multiple domains, it isn't stupid at all.

Dont rain on this, let's be happy we finally have it. If you can't afford it, don't use it.

FReeSTER 11-26-2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by ibautocommunity (Post 2126010)
This mod requires a bit of advanced configuration; I will do my best to provide a thorough installation tutorial. You cannot just install this mod - you must configure your domains and sub-domains on the server. The mod does not configure this for you - it configures the re-direction features.

Please do please, I have been for years looking for something like this but the more I look the more I dont have a clue how to get it to work.

I will like to have 2 forums in the same domain using a sub-domain. but no clue how to do it

Thanks, will wait for the tuto :):up:

Santori 11-27-2010 12:21 AM

Although I have my doubts, if you did this hack will be by something.
I also wait for a good tutorial

FReeSTER 11-27-2010 05:59 PM

I will buy me a new License for vB, now I ask, Do i need to install vB on a new database or just use the same database I currently using.

iBaker 11-27-2010 07:02 PM

There have been many attempts over the years to achieve a single login system for users over different domains with vb installs but each one of them have had issues, limitations or just simply don't work.

I have tried them all as I have a desperate need for this but my users are sick of me trying something that seemed to work in testing but ended up not working in the end and it always effects users logins causing heartache to them so I am reluctant to try yet again but I really need this.

So can someone tell me will this work if I had:

The domains are hosted on different servers in different countries

If a user registers/logs in at any one of the domains that they are registered/logged in across all mydomains at the same time?

One solution I tried a couple of years ago sort of worked but the time it took for a user to login took a considerable amount of time so performance was a big issue...is there a performance hit with this across say 6 domains?

I really hope this one finally works as I am right in the middle of opening new sites using Xenforo instead of vBulletin but a single login mod is the most important to me.

Thanks for your help!

BirdOPrey5 11-27-2010 07:04 PM

FYI while it does install on 3.8 it causes a fatal error on the login/logout screen due to some 4.0 php code (VB Class?) so it will need SOME edit to work on 3.8.x.

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