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bad_madman 08-08-2001 10:00 PM

With this hack it is possible to use categories for avatars.

Latest version: 1.31 (9-29-2002)

- Tested with vBulletin 2.2.5, 2.2.6 RC, 2.2.6 Final
- categories can be activated and deactivated
- hide single categories general (v1.25.2)
- hide single categories on FAQ page (v1.25.2)
- sorting order of the categories (v1.25.2)
- browse custom avatars (v1.25.2)
- add multiple avatar categories (v1.25.2)
- avatar statistics (v1.25.2)
- Provide definite custom avatars also for other users (v1.30)
- category permissions (Usergroups) for each individual group adjustable
- all (global) categories permissions enabled/disable
- show up 'not categorized avatars' enable/disable
- hide empty categories
- category selection per select menue
- no select menue, if no categories or categories deactivated
- bug fixing in original member.php: "0 to 0 of 0" instead "1 to 0 of 0"
- show up 'no avatars available' instead nothing if 0 avatars
- replace avatar name by avatar filename (without file extension).
- upload/add: Set default Avatarname to Filename (without file extension)
- remove all avatar names.
- tip,if different minimum post settings for individual avatars in categories
- edit avatar option: with view of avatar / list of users (v1.25.2)
- mass move avatars
- move/remove selected avatars (v1.25.1)
- move/mass move in NEW category (v.1.25.2)
- dynamic display width: If number avatars on screen < display width then display width = number avatars
- screen name AND category name. if you select a screen name, then show up the screen name instead category name
- how many User use a definite Avatar (Control Panel) (v1.25.1)
- show up counter for avatars for each category in Control Panel
- show up counter for avatars in select menu (v1.25.1)
- if you do not have categories, nevertheless applicable
- categories for the FAQ page (Help-View on vBulletin) (v1.25.1)
- categories now also in Control Panel -> Users administration (v1.25.1)
- jump feature and CSS Navigation (Cascade Style Sheets), if you like.
- installation instructions are contained in sqltodos.php now (v1.25.2)

Updates 1.31 (9-29-2002):
- Bug fixed: New users (registration process) can choose avatars from not permitted or hidden categories.

Updates 1.30 (6-29-2002):
- Bug fixed: Page navigation is missing, if avatars are in a category between 100 and 249
- Faster statistics routine
- Provide definite custom avatars also for other users
- Small bug in user.php eliminated (if you use 'categories in Control Panel -> Users administration')

Updates 1.25.2 (6-09-2002):
- Tested with vBulletin 2.2.5, 2.2.6 RC, 2.2.6 Final
- Hide single categories general
- Hide single categories on FAQ page
- Sorting order of the categories
- Browse custom avatars (v1.25.2)
- Add multiple avatar categories
- Avatar statistics
- Modify avatars in Admin CP: move/mass move in NEW category
- Bug fixed: The same avatars from first category show up in every category.
- Bug fixed: SQL-Error in Admin CP, if the 'minimum posts' setting isn't a number.
- Bug fixed: If avatars are moved, the number avatars isn't actualized in the current category. (MSIE cache problem)
- Bug fixed: SQL-Error, if user avatar was deleted (Admin CP -> edit user avatar).
- Bug fixed: Remove deleted avatars in User settings in SQL DB (Admin CP).
- Smaller changes in avatar_categ.php
- The complete installation instructions, 'firststeps' and updateinfos are contained in sqltodos.php now. You must copy and execute only the file into your forums admin directory.

Updates 1.25.1 (5-27-2002):
- Bug fixed: User can call categories, which wasn't opened for the Usergroup.
- Total number avatars in a category (select menue).
- Categories now also for the FAQ page (Help-View on vBulletin) possible. e.g. Link
- Categories now also in Control Panel -> Users administration
- More options in Control Panel / Bug fixing in HTML Source
- How many Users use a definite Avatar (+list of Users) (CP).
- Adminlog function enabled (avatar_categ.php)
- Config/Admin-File (avatar_categ.php) for .php3 including now.

Updates 1.25:
- Adaptation to new version (2.2.5) in admin/index.php. @Syphin had already changed this - thx!
- Installation instructions enlarges.
- First steps after installation added. Please, read firststeps.txt!

- Categories view
- FAQ Page
- Control Panel
- Edit Avatar
- Modify Avatars
- Add Categories
- Edit user avatar
- Avatar statistics

- Read !readme.txt in ZIP-ARCHIV!
- Proceeding also for an update of a previous version so!


bad_madman 08-09-2001 08:14 PM

here preview picture 1: categories view

bad_madman 08-09-2001 08:15 PM

here preview picture 2: control panel

Freddie Bingham 08-09-2001 08:34 PM

Is all of the code in avatar.php included in your new avatar.php file?

bad_madman 08-09-2001 08:54 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by freddie
Is all of the code in avatar.php included in your new avatar.php file?

HalfBreed 08-12-2001 07:04 PM


snyx 08-12-2001 08:10 PM

I plan on testing it in 2.03 so I will get back to ya tonight.

Lordmusic 08-13-2001 01:37 AM

*sniff* you did it for me? *sniff*
Get it working in 2.03 and I will put ever such good use to it!

bad_madman 08-13-2001 06:07 AM

My test at version 2.0.3 was just successful. You can use also my new Script, which everything executes automatically (tested on V2.01 and 2.03).


-Fixed MySQL query (sub routine call in avatar_categ.php) Error message "Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/blabla/unixpath/vbPortal/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 154"
-Fixed function call "Fatal error: Can't redeclare already declared function in /home/blablabla/unixpath/forum/admin/avatar_categ.php3 on line 17"
-Fixed error in installation.txt (run avatar_hack_install.php instead sqltodos.php)
-08-24-20001: Fixed SQL error with Upload attempt of non-categorized Avatars.
-09-05-2001: Problems with avatar upload in avatar_categ.php fixed (Syntax error of me in the Script).
-Downloads up to 10-01-2001: 163
-10-01-2001: Because of to many problems provisionally download deactivated.

SuitCase 08-13-2001 06:12 AM

Great stuff, thank you! I can't wait to check this one out. :)

floleb7 08-13-2001 07:44 AM

when i want to go to modify

Fatal error: Can't redeclare already declared function in /home/latriade.net/www/forum/admin/avatar_categ.php3 on line 17

snyx 08-13-2001 07:53 AM

I get the same?

bad_madman 08-13-2001 07:53 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by floleb7
when i want to go to modify

Fatal error: Can't redeclare already declared function in /home/latriade.net/www/forum/admin/avatar_categ.php3 on line 17

floleb7 08-13-2001 08:02 AM


bad_madman 08-13-2001 08:05 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by floleb7
when i want to go to modify

Fatal error: Can't redeclare already declared function in /home/latriade.net/www/forum/admin/avatar_categ.php3 on line 17

floleb7 08-13-2001 08:15 AM

it works thks :)

floleb7 08-13-2001 09:36 AM

it's possible to have the same things for that page

e.g selection of category and only XX avatars show per page

orca 08-13-2001 10:31 AM

I'm not sure whether I got the instructions right:

If admin/index.php and member.php are already modified from previous hacks, will this cause any trouble?

If the two templates headinclude and modifyoptions are already edited how can I apply the changes without loosing those edits?

bad_madman 08-13-2001 10:50 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by floleb7
it's possible to have the same things for that page

e.g selection of category and only XX avatars show per page

bad_madman 08-13-2001 11:14 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by orca
I'm not sure whether I got the instructions right:

If admin/index.php and member.php are already modified from previous hacks, will this cause any trouble?

snyx 08-13-2001 03:02 PM

dood, excelent hack man, Im very pleased with it!
great job!

Lordmusic 08-13-2001 07:19 PM

Small idea, how about allowing sub Categories. IE categories of Street Fighter, then a link to Male/Female/All

bad_madman 08-13-2001 08:01 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by floleb7
it's possible to have the same things for that page

e.g selection of category and only XX avatars show per page

snyx 08-13-2001 09:00 PM

you mean like you almost done one with actuall catigories? like when they edit avatar insted of showing 50 per page, there in sections, and you like click into them, ect?

(excuse my spelling)

Lordmusic 08-13-2001 09:19 PM

That's the plan. A drop down menu where you can select the sections.

However I suggest adding sub Categories.

You click on a selection, but then there is a link to more sections within the subject.

Like say you select star wars. Then it shows you a page that has links to people, bots, weapons... Stuff like that. Making stuff ever so sorted :)

snyx 08-14-2001 12:39 AM

Very cool, can't wait.
Got 2 questions, you don't have to answer em'
A) Will I be able to upgarde from THIS hack?
B) When ya think ya will have it? Week?


Dakota 08-14-2001 12:57 AM

Great hack, this is one that should definately be included with vB. I have wanted something like this for a long time. I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Also looking forward to the show avatars addition to it when you get it done.

HalfBreed 08-14-2001 01:41 AM

Wow! Impressive hack!

I am experiencing one issue though (although it's not mission critical it still is a concern) and that's within the control panel itself.

When I go to modify a particular category of avatars, it does list the avatars and everything just fine, however, at the top of the screen on EVERY category I get the same message:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/hohavoc/public_html/vbPortal/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 154

if ( isset($this->query_id) ) {
      line 154: $this->record = mysql_fetch_array($this->query_id);
    } else {
      if ( !empty($query_string) ) {
        $this->halt("Invalid query id (".$this->query_id.") on this query: $query_string");
      } else {
        $this->halt("Invalid query id ".$this->query_id." specified");

Any idea what this means??

I'm using the latest mysql, php, apache and linux kernel on our host.
v 2.0.3 of jelsoft's bulletin board.

Dakota 08-14-2001 01:51 AM

I get the same error, but its really not a big deal, or atleast doesn't seem like it.

bad_madman 08-14-2001 04:38 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by HalfBreed
When I go to modify a particular category of avatars, it does list the avatars and everything just fine, however, at the top of the screen on EVERY category I get the same message:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/hohavoc/public_html/vbPortal/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 154....

HalfBreed 08-14-2001 04:43 AM


Originally posted by Bad_Madman

edit avatar_categ.php
search for:

  $avatar_categs=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM avatar_categories WHERE avatar_categoriesid!=0");
and replace it with:

  $avatar_categs=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM avatar_categories WHERE avatar_categoriesid!=0");
Hmmm. Apparently nevertheless still a few bugs :(

Yes!!! But, that fix worked like a champ so that means one less to contend with. :)

dxb 08-14-2001 09:24 AM

I know it's a dumb question but I got lost between your two posts Bad_Madman

so now we have two files to download one is


and the other one is


so what exactly we are supposed to do

follow the instruction in the first zip or just upload the files in second zip file and use the sqltodos.php and then run the avatar_hack_install.php

please if it's possible clearify this :)

and thanks alot

bad_madman 08-14-2001 10:08 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dxb
...follow the instruction in the first zip or just upload the files in second zip file and use the sqltodos.php and then run the avatar_hack_install.php

please if it's possible clearify this :)

and thanks alot...

Dakota 08-14-2001 03:19 PM

I am using vB 2.0.3 on another forum that I help, and when I installed I get this error when I try to go to Add or Modify

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getrowbg() in /*/*/public_html/forum/admin/adminfunctions.php on line 83

Here is the code in that part of adminfunctions

// ###################### Start getrowbg #######################

function getrowbg () {

// returns the current alternating class for <TR> rows in the CP.

        global $bgcounter;

        if ($bgcounter++%2==0) {

                return "firstalt";

        } else {

                return "secondalt";



Dakota 08-14-2001 03:50 PM

Ok, well I got rid of the error by deleting this part of avatar_categ.php

on line 5:

function getrowbg () {

        global $bgcounter;

        if ($bgcounter++%2==0) { return "firstalt";

        } else {return "secondalt";}


bad_madman 08-14-2001 04:00 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dakota
Ok, well I got rid of the error by deleting this part of avatar_categ.php...

bad_madman 08-14-2001 11:16 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by floleb7
it's possible to have the same things for that page

e.g selection of category and only XX avatars show per page

Dakota 08-15-2001 04:43 AM

I got this error.

Parse error: parse error in /(/*/*/*/bidforpower.com/htdocs/forum/misc.php on line 208

Line 208 is just

using vB 2.0.1

bad_madman 08-15-2001 07:15 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dakota
I got this error.

Parse error: parse error in /(/*/*/*/bidforpower.com/htdocs/forum/misc.php on line 208

Line 208 is just

using vB 2.0.1

floleb7 08-15-2001 07:27 AM


great thks man ;)

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