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Boofo 06-13-2010 10:00 PM

Ultimate Header Greeting for vB 4
1 Attachment(s)
Ultimate Header Greeting for vB 4
Version 1.0.7
(By Boofo)

What does this product do?
This product adds an Ultimate Greeting to the header set to each member's local time, instead of the server time, as well as showing the user's real name, if one is available, in the header and the postbit. It also adds the options to automatically check the 'Register Rules Agree' and 'Remember Me' checkboxes.

Version Information:
Version 1.0.0 --Initial release for vB 4
Version 1.0.1 --Added "Ultimate Header Greeting Font Color" setting and made greeting text bold so it matches the line better.
Version 1.0.2 --Added "New User Profile Field" instructions for the real name to the install file. The Real name will now show both in the header and the postbit, if it is available.
Version 1.0.3 --Added option to check "Register Rules Agree" checkboxes separately from the "Remember Me" checkboxes. Added STANDARD_ERROR templates "Remember Me" checkboxes automatic templates edits.
Version 1.0.4 --Fixed issue with phrases and real name not showing properly for some language translations if you had more than one language installed. Added "Sunday brunch" greeting for Sunday at 11:00 am. The lunch greeting will not be shown on Sunday, but will show on all the other days.
Version 1.0.5 --Removed font color setting and added Style Variable setting for the Ultimate Header Greeting Font Color, so it can be set for each style separately.
Version 1.0.6 --Added CSS code so the username is now in the same color as the welcome greeting. Added setting to remove the "My Profile" link from the header, since clicking on the username/real name in the welcome greeting will already take you to your profile. Added birthday greeting that will show all day on each member's birthday. Added setting to turn the birthday greeting on/off.
Version 1.0.7 --Expanded setting to remove the "My Profile" link from the header and/or navbar templates since some designers insist on moving the link to places it shouldn't be moved to. Hopefully, this will allow more custom styles to be able to use this setting without having to manually edit the templates.

A big thank you goes out to Dragonsys for supplying me with a backup of my "Ultimate Navbar for vB3.7" mod, on which this is based.

Installation overview:
1 Product XML (3 Plugins, 30 phrases, 6 settings and 1 Style Variable)

Installation Instructions:
1. Add the following code to the bottom of the additional.css template:

.boofo_uhg_fontcolor, .boofo_uhg_fontcolor a, .boofo_uhg_fontcolor a:link, .boofo_uhg_fontcolor a:visited {
font-weight: bold !important;
color: {vb:stylevar boofo_uhg_fontcolor} !important;

2. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to 'Plugin System'
Click "Manage Products"
Click "Add/Import Product"
Click the "Browse" button, and locate the product-boofo_ultimate_header.xml file on your computer

3. Go to your Admin CP
Scroll down to "User Profile Fields"
Click "Add New User Profile Field"
Choose "Single-Line Text Box" for Profile Field Type
Enter the following information:

Title: Real Name
Description: Enter your real name here.

Profile Field Type: Single-Line Text Box
Field Required: No
Field Editable by User: Yes
Private Field: No
Field Searchable on Members List: No
Show on Members List: No
Which page displays this option? Edit Profile

NOTE: These are my settings. Your mileage may vary.

4. Go to your Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> "Ultimate Header Greeting" and set the following options:
--Enable the Ultimate Header Greeting: Click Yes to enable the "Ultimate Header Greeting". (Default is 'No')
--Real Name Profile Field Number: Enter the profile field number for the Real Name, if you have one. Otherwise, leave this option set at 0. (Default is '0')
--Remove My Profile Link in Header: Click Yes to remove the "My Profile" link in header. (Default is 'No')
--Check Remember Me Boxes: Click Yes to check the "Remember Me" boxes automatically. (Default is 'No')
--Check Register Rules Agree Boxes: Click Yes to check the "Register Rules Agree" boxes automatically. (Default is 'No')
--Show Birthday Greeting: Click Yes to show the birthday greeting all day to each member on their birthday. (Default is 'No')

5. Go to your Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> StyleVars (In the All Style Options drop-down) -> Boofo -> boofo_uhg_fontcolor
Enter the color code of the font color that you want the greeting to show up in. -- Default is #FFF099 (Because I'm too lazy to remember the default color for my own site.)

NOTE: You will need to do this for all styles.



if ($mark_as_installed != 'clicked')
        $you_get = 'squat';
        $you_get = 'support';

Charlie98902 06-14-2010 09:21 AM

Thanks tagged and will use later today.

your24hourstore 06-14-2010 11:56 AM

can you make this change the color of the messege boofo the color never works with my header for WELCOME

put a option for #000000 in it ?

Boofo 06-14-2010 01:12 PM

It uses the default header. Whatever the message color is before you install it is the same color it should be after you install it. The color doesn't get touched, just the wording. Were you able to see the word Welcome before?

your24hourstore 06-14-2010 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2053442)
It uses the default header. Whatever the message color is before you install it is the same color it should be after you install it. The color doesn't get touched, just the wording. Were you able to see the word Welcome before?

I could see its just kind of camouflaged, would like to set it to a new color how bout a mod to do just that LOL

Charlie98902 06-14-2010 02:32 PM

Go into stylvars and change the color of that text is what he just said. You can't change just that color alone bu the whole text area up there.

your24hourstore 06-14-2010 06:20 PM

the rest is fine its white the welcome is a grey color so its not if it was white also it would be ok , so .. ive changed what i can

your24hourstore 06-14-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2053442)
It uses the default header. Whatever the message color is before you install it is the same color it should be after you install it. The color doesn't get touched, just the wording. Were you able to see the word Welcome before?

the mod didnt change a thing other than the greeting :>
so its fine
was just saying what i would like

Charlie98902 06-14-2010 07:36 PM

Go into the header and manually edit the color then? I didn't experience what you are mine stayed whit along with the rest of my text links up there.

Front Range 06-14-2010 07:43 PM

Nice Boofo, installed.

Boofo 06-14-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by harleyparts (Post 2053626)
the mod didnt change a thing other than the greeting :>
so its fine
was just saying what i would like

I'll look into adding the ability to color the greeting line. It shouldn't be too hard at all.

your24hourstore 06-15-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2053684)
I'll look into adding the ability to color the greeting line. It shouldn't be too hard at all.

love it love it now it can work on anyones graphics thanks man , i knew you could work it out

AzzidReign 06-16-2010 12:20 AM

Interesting...not sure if it's worth the hassle for me but good release.

KURTZ 07-25-2010 12:54 PM

Bob, this is a really interesting product (also for the remember me option, that's really useful!!)

but i need another option for the postbit ... can you add something?

Boofo 07-25-2010 01:09 PM

What option for the postbit?

KURTZ 07-25-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074233)
What option for the postbit?

the visualization of the name in the postbit Bob, like the Mosh's product ... :)

Boofo 07-25-2010 02:01 PM

It is already there in the postbit with this mod. Did you check it?

KURTZ 07-25-2010 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074267)
It is already there in the postbit with this mod. Did you check it?

i haven't seen it ... maybe i had lost an option?

ps. just installed onto my playing board ... it doesn't runs ... (you still have the fully access Bob, check yourself)

Boofo 07-25-2010 07:58 PM

Does it show up in the profile?

Xencored 07-25-2010 11:23 PM

Very nice Thanks Rob :)

KURTZ 07-26-2010 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074410)
Does it show up in the profile?


Xencored 07-26-2010 10:31 AM

Be even better if it said more random stuff :D

KURTZ 07-26-2010 01:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
translation on-line! :D

ps. Bobby, still need the fix ... :p

RobbieZ 07-26-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Animemike (Post 2074677)
Be even better if it said more random stuff :D

Not hard to do Mike, what do you want changing ? PM me :D

Nexia had the exact same mod on vb3.8 which I altered according to my board - eg Popcorn time {username} ;)

BlueCheri 07-26-2010 02:28 PM

I liked it, mark installed :)


KURTZ 07-26-2010 02:38 PM

found another issue: i've already translated all phrases but i haven't the translated greets in the header ... :S

Boofo 07-26-2010 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by RobbieZ (Post 2074769)
Not hard to do Mike, what do you want changing ? PM me :D

Nexia had the exact same mod on vb3.8 which I altered according to my board - eg Popcorn time {username} ;)

No, it was not the exact same mod. My version of this has been around way before that one. Where do you think the time code came from for that one?

Boofo 07-26-2010 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2074784)
found another issue: i've already translated all phrases but i haven't the translated greets in the header ... :S

The phrases are there for the greetings, too.

Boofo 07-26-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2074658)

I use the postbit_legacy. I will have to see what is going on but it looks like you have some other mods in the postbit.

KURTZ 07-27-2010 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074928)
The phrases are there for the greetings, too.


if i change the lang your greets aren't show up ...


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074929)
I use the postbit_legacy. I will have to see what is going on but it looks like you have some other mods in the postbit.

yes, maybe there is an incompatibility, but with the mosh' hack i haven't any trouble ...

Xencored 07-27-2010 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by RobbieZ (Post 2074769)
Not hard to do Mike, what do you want changing ? PM me :D

Nexia had the exact same mod on vb3.8 which I altered according to my board - eg Popcorn time {username} ;)

Hey i was not after changing anything
Just saying it would be better with a few more of bobs random comments in it :)

Boofo 07-27-2010 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2075184)
if i change the lang your greets aren't show up ...

Are you changing the phrases or the code itself? Others have translated this for their specific languages and have had no issues.

Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2075184)
yes, maybe there is an incompatibility, but with the mosh' hack i haven't any trouble ...

Well, that makes no sense as Mosh and I are using almost the same code, as there is really only one way to do this.

Boofo 07-27-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Animemike (Post 2075188)
Hey i was not after changing anything
Just saying it would be better with a few more of bobs random comments in it :)

I asked for a list of wanted phrases and times when I released the vb 3 series versions and got very little back in responses. There are 2 in there that are for a specific minute of each day. If you guys want more, you have to let me know and they have to make some sort of sense and use for the majority.

KURTZ 07-27-2010 04:36 PM

Bobby i've only touched (translated) the phrases ... not the code ... you can view this by yourself onto my testing board ...

RobbieZ 07-27-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2074927)
No, it was not the exact same mod. My version of this has been around way before that one. Where do you think the time code came from for that one?

Didnt mean to disrespect Boofo. Sorry if I did

Boofo 07-27-2010 05:43 PM

No problem, sir, and sorry I snapped. Long story, sucky ending. ;)

Boofo 07-27-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2075376)
Bobby i've only touched (translated) the phrases ... not the code ... you can view this by yourself onto my testing board ...

The new version "should" fix your problem. Please let me know either way.

KURTZ 07-27-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2075425)
The new version "should" fix your problem. Please let me know either way.

awesome Bobby ... ;)

Xencored 07-27-2010 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo (Post 2075373)
I asked for a list of wanted phrases and times when I released the vb 3 series versions and got very little back in responses. There are 2 in there that are for a specific minute of each day. If you guys want more, you have to let me know and they have to make some sort of sense and use for the majority.

Am game for more mate if you have time ;)

Boofo 07-27-2010 07:25 PM

Well, make a list and I will look at it.

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