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consolegaming 05-24-2010 10:00 PM

Split Useronline on Forumhome
1 Attachment(s)
Splits the User Online section on the Forum Home to allow for staff/team members and users to be split into separate groups. This is the latest version of my previous mod and is now compatible with 4.0.x. My 3.7.x version was itself a new version of Surviver's original modification which was made for vBulletin 3.6.4.

My 3.7.x version of the modification can be found here:

The rjs_split_online_40_vb4.1.2.zip download is only compatible with vBulletin 4.1.2 and above.

However if you are still using 4.0.x up-to 4.1.1 then please use the original download: rjs_split_online_40_pre4.1.2.zip

  • Currently allows for five different types of extra users (Admins, Staff, Premium, VIP, Donators) on top of the usual members (for those not assigned to any of the other groups).
  • This is controlled through the usergroup manager whereby you can select Yes or No for each of the five types of users.
  • This works off a user's display usergroup for which section/s they will appear in on the online listing.
  • The titles for the six groupings (5 plus members) can now be managed inside the Vbulletin Options inside the Split Useronline section.
  • Compatibility with User Legend Hacks (providing their Execution order is set to 2 or more)
  • You can use HTML markup to change the colours of the titles. e.g
    HTML Code:

  • The default additional spacing between the groups is now optional. This is managed in the VBulletin Options alongside the other settings above.
  • There are no manual template edits any more.

  1. Upload all necessary files to their respective directories. Overwrite files where prompted.
  2. Install the product XML file. Be sure to Allow Overwrite.
  3. Check that Split Useronline tool is turned on: vBulletin Options -> Split Useronline -> Activate: Yes
  4. Decide whether you want to use the additional spacing between Groups.
  5. If you are using a 4.0.x version prior to 4.0.6 then you will need to make the below template change:

    Style Manager -> Expand the "CSS Templates" Group -> Customize "split_online.css"

    And then change the following:

    #wgo_onlineusers .commalist li.nocomma:after {content: "";}
    #wgo_onlineusers .commalist li.br {display:block;}

    To (i.e. remove "#wgo_onlineusers "):

    .commalist li.nocomma:after {content: "";}
    .commalist li.br {display:block;}

    After you do upgrade to 4.0.6 just revert the above template and all will be fine.
  6. Set relevant permissions for each usergroup.

Upgrading from 2.0.0 (was made for vBulletin 3.7.x)
Do not uninstall the old version of this mod before installing. Upgrading from my 3.7.x version of this modification should be painless. It will auto remove the previous version (if you have it installed). As detailed above I've switched from using phrases to vbulletin options to define the titles for the groupings. This was done due to user feedback from the last release. The groups each have a default title in place however they can easily be changed to your own preference.

Upgrading from 1.0.3 (was made for vBulletin 3.6.4)
Unfortunately anyone wishing to upgrade from Survivor's original modification will be unable to. You will need to uninstall this product at your own convenience. The usergroup assignments are also managed through the usergroup permissions screen rather than the vBulletin settings.

2.5.0 - 4.0.x compatible release.
2.5.1 - Fixing issue with friend icons/invisible icons not appearing.
2.5.2 - Changed order of groups and made the extra spacing optional.
2.5.4 - Added an Automated CSS Template instead of manual template edits.
2.5.5 - Resolved compatibility issues with latest VBulletin. vBulletin 4.1.2 and above only

Author Notes
The main priority was simply to get a 4.0.x compatible version released but at the same time I did try to listen to user feedback and thus increased the number of groupings to five. In addition to this I also changed how the group titles are defined in an attempt to make this more accessible.

Credit for the original version of the modification still goes to Surviver.

Also the credit for the ilog function and the product un-installation process found within the installation code goes to Paul M.

consolegaming 05-25-2010 12:41 AM

Just a quick note to say that I'll be adding screenshots and fine-tuning the description tomorrow.

In the meantime please let me know if you have any problems. And don't forget to mark it as Installed!

MrD 05-25-2010 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
nice Mod :)
But i have a Spaceline between the Usergroups.
Attachment 117531

consolegaming 05-25-2010 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2043083)
nice Mod :)
But i have a Spaceline between the Usergroups.
Attachment 117531

That was actually intended. It's easily removed though.

Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager -> Edit the 'Display' Plugin for the 'Split Useronline' Product.

On the second line you'll see this:
PHP Code:

$break '<li class="br nocomma"><br /></li>'

Just change it to (remove the <br />):
PHP Code:

$break '<li class="br nocomma"></li>'

and the line break will be no more.

BadgerDog 05-25-2010 11:28 AM

Installed ... thank you ... :)

Really missed this add-on from 3.7 after upgrading to v4.03 ..

Nice to have it back ... :up:

Can HTML code be embedded and used to enhance group descriptions?


consolegaming 05-25-2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2043100)
Installed ... thank you ... :)

Really missed this add-on from 3.7 after upgrading to v4.03 ..

Nice to have it back ... :up:

Can HTML code be embedded and used to enhance group descriptions?


You mean the title of the groups? Well the quick experiment I did worked fine.

i.e. I just put <span style="color:red">Staff</span> instead of just Staff and I couldn't see any problems with that. Or do you mean something else?

BadgerDog 05-25-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by consolegaming (Post 2043111)
You mean the title of the groups? Well the quick experiment I did worked fine.

i.e. I just put <span style="color:red">Staff</span> instead of just Staff and I couldn't see any problems with that. Or do you mean something else?

That's exactly what I meant .... :up:

I thought that some folks might want to change color of the descriptions to match the color of the usergroup HTML markups if they did that ...

Thanks .. nice mod ... :)


MrD 05-25-2010 06:00 PM

Works Fine,
Thx :)

stained 05-25-2010 07:36 PM

Many thanks. Works perfectly :up:

consolegaming 05-26-2010 12:02 AM

Okay, added the screenshots and changed the wording of the initial post slightly. Decided to mention that you can use html in the titles to stylise them further.

Thanks for the install guys! If anyone has any problems with anything, just post here and I'll be happy to assist.

MrD 05-27-2010 04:39 PM

the + behind the Usernames, if a User is Buddy are not Working.

consolegaming 05-28-2010 12:37 AM

Thanks for reporting the issue MrD. It was a bit of a strange one. Had to look at how the variable was defined in vB's own files. Looks like after the plugin hook is called they then call a function which further altered the loggedin array which is used for this plugin.

This issue has now been resolved. To fix it I just added the same function call into the Split Plugin. The only file that's changed is the main product file.

To get the latest release: Simply re-download the zip file as before and then Import the Product as you did before (Please make sure that 'Allow Overwrite' is set to Yes). If you follow all of this then the invisible and buddy marks should now both be appearing.

EDIT: This is the first Update I've had to release so this process is a little new to me but I've changed the zip file so it's up-to-date and sent out a notification of the update. Oh and changed the version number. As far as I know that's all I need to do lol.

raagaswaram 05-28-2010 01:24 AM

In Vb4.0.3 I have installed it but all groups is showing in single line.Can you please tell me how to solved it i have verified this with other styles too.

consolegaming 05-28-2010 05:43 AM

Can I just check the following:

1) Is it definitely turned on in the settings?
2) Do you have any other products installed that may affect the who's online listing?It cou;d be that the execution order of this other product is doing something to remove the changes.
3) Have you set some usergroups up as staff/admin usergroups? i.e. set the "Is this a staff usergroup" questions to Yes inside the edit usergroup screen.

And lastly this product works off the user's display usergroup. It doesn't check all the usergroups the user is in. Not at the moment anyway. This doesn't need to be their primary usergroup, it can be a secondary usergroup just this is what affects what their usertitle appears as.

BadgerDog 05-28-2010 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by consolegaming (Post 2044373)
To get the latest release: Simply re-download the zip file as before and then Import the Product as you did before (Please make sure that 'Allow Overwrite' is set to Yes). If you follow all of this then the invisible and buddy marks should now both be appearing.

Updated ... thank you .. :)

I can confirm fix works fine for v4.03 ... :up:


consolegaming 05-29-2010 10:37 PM

That's good to hear ;).

Thanks for the installs so far.

kavi2005 06-07-2010 06:03 AM

Will this mode work on vBulletin version 3.8.5 ?

consolegaming 06-07-2010 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by kavi2005 (Post 2049763)
Will this mode work on vBulletin version 3.8.5 ?

No but this version should (untested, but pretty sure):


hqlman 06-14-2010 07:00 PM

How can you make like the admin group always remain right at the top because when i activated two usergroups i noticed that the admin one moved to the 2nd position but i'd like it to be at the top always,

screenshot: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/06/58.jpg

Bounce 06-14-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by hqlman (Post 2053645)
How can you make like the admin group always remain right at the top because when i activated two usergroups i noticed that the admin one moved to the 2nd position but i'd like it to be at the top always,

screenshot: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/06/58.jpg

I'd like the same, there does not seem to be anyway you can change the order

also can you change the names, ie change VIP to Private Members?

Bounce 06-14-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by hIBEES (Post 2053661)
I'd like the same, there does not seem to be anyway you can change the order

Sussed that... in the plugin manager move the text

HTML Code:

                $activeusers .= $start.$options['split_admin'].':</b></li>'.$onlineusers['admins'].$break;
                $show_m = true;

To below

HTML Code:

                $activeusers .= $start.$options['split_staff'].':</b></li>'.$onlineusers['team'].$break;
                $show_m = true;

consolegaming 06-15-2010 10:47 AM

Sorry I had intended for admins to be at the top but must have forgot about that lol. I'll get it fixed in a new release shortly. The intended order should have been: Admins, Staff/Team, VIP Members, Premium Members, Donators and then Members.

But yeah that Plugin code above is how you change the order. As I said though I'll get the order to work like I described above in my next release which I'll do in the next couple of days (just fixing that).

And hIBEES you can change the names to whatever you would like through the vBulletin Options -> Split Useronline page. If you want to change what they're called on the usergroup management screen i.e. in the AdminCP then you'll need to edit the phrases. All of the phrase names for this plugin begin with the prefix "split_".

Bounce 06-15-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by consolegaming (Post 2053954)

And hIBEES you can change the names to whatever you would like through the vBulletin Options -> Split Useronline page. If you want to change what they're called on the usergroup management screen i.e. in the AdminCP then you'll need to edit the phrases. All of the phrase names for this plugin begin with the prefix "split_".

Thanks, got it just after I posted the code change, thanks for nice hack :up:

BadgerDog 06-16-2010 04:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Installed... thanks ... :up:

Is there a way of eliminating the extra spacing between groups being displayed? (see pic)

With a few user groups, it will spread out vertically pretty fast, so it would be good to eliminate the extra line feed between group displays.


Bounce 06-16-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2054315)
Installed... thanks ... :up:

Is there a way of eliminating the extra spacing between groups being displayed? (see pic)

With a few user groups, it will spread out vertically pretty fast, so it would be good to eliminate the extra line feed between group displays.


You mean the spacing? post 4 takes care of that....


BadgerDog 06-16-2010 06:25 PM

Yup .. thanks ... :up:

I downloaded the update which overwrote my previous change I made as shown in post #4 ... :D

Made the change again ... I'll have to remember this for the next update ...


consolegaming 06-18-2010 05:47 PM

OK just released a slightly updated version. Upgrade instructions are as usual.

Fixed the ordering as I promised (Admins is now at the top). The exact ordering is now:

Admins, Staff/Team, VIP Members, Premium Members, Donators and then Members.

You can still call these groups whatever you would like but I felt the ordering needed to change to properly reflect the default names.

Lastly as the extra spacing/break line seemed to be causing a bit of an issue for a few users I've changed it into an option in the settings. Just set 'Use Additional Spacing' to No if you don't want the gap to appear. Thought it was best to do it properly than continue advising people to edit the plugin themselves.

BadgerDog 06-18-2010 07:54 PM

Thanks for the update .... :)

Appreciate the linefeed addition ...


LilPimp 06-27-2010 04:22 AM

Can you do Staff, Members, and Contributors too?

I don't have enough contributors yet, im just wondering.

consolegaming 06-27-2010 03:22 PM

Sorry? You can call the groups whatever you want. And there is a 'Staff' group already.

BadgerDog 07-01-2010 10:34 AM

Ok, updated to v4.0.4pl1 and it's still running fine, however, the Admin Group still appears as the second group, even with this latest download of the mod.

Am I missing something? :confused:

Thanks for any help ... :)


consolegaming 07-02-2010 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2062661)
Ok, updated to v4.0.4pl1 and it's still running fine, however, the Admin Group still appears as the second group, even with this latest download of the mod.

Am I missing something? :confused:

Thanks for any help ... :)


I don't have a clue what happened lol. I'm sure I made the change but when I just checked it weren't there lol. I can't have saved it or something. Apologies about that. I've just re-made the change and uploaded the new files. The only thing that's changed from the previous version is the main product file. Sorry about the confusion. I blame lack of sleep :D.

murekhalir 07-03-2010 07:38 AM

I'm getting an error on 4.04 where it leaves a ' ,' comma after the admin usergroup line.


edit: it appears to appear all over. comma errors.

consolegaming 07-03-2010 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by murekhalir (Post 2063668)
I'm getting an error on 4.04 where it leaves a ' ,' comma after the admin usergroup line.


edit: it appears to appear all over. comma errors.

You need to make the template edit that I mentioned in the initial post.

Add the following CSS to one of the css templates (vbulletin.css works fine)


.commalist li.nocomma:after {content: "";}
.commalist li.br{display:block;}

BadgerDog 07-03-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by consolegaming (Post 2063380)
I don't have a clue what happened lol. I'm sure I made the change but when I just checked it weren't there lol. I can't have saved it or something. Apologies about that. I've just re-made the change and uploaded the new files. The only thing that's changed from the previous version is the main product file. Sorry about the confusion. I blame lack of sleep :D.

Thanks ... :)

Re-downloaded and re-installed.

Again, a nice mod and it's much appreciated ...


COL NIL SATIS 07-03-2010 09:11 PM

tagged...looks very good this does

BadgerDog 08-01-2010 08:01 PM

Any reason why the usergroup titled "Awaiting Email Validation" doesn't appear at all? :confused:

The usergroup has nothing checked, so shouldn't it appear along with the standard registered usergroup as just "Members"?

Anyone else notice this? :)


BadgerDog 08-08-2010 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by BadgerDog (Post 2077810)
Any reason why the usergroup titled "Awaiting Email Validation" doesn't appear at all? :confused:

The usergroup has nothing checked, so shouldn't it appear along with the standard registered usergroup as just "Members"?

Anyone else notice this? :)


Anyone else have this problem?


MrD 08-12-2010 10:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
in Vb4.0.6 the Categories are in a single line :)
Attachment 120697

pedroenf 08-13-2010 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2082601)
in Vb4.0.6 the Categories are in a single line :)
Attachment 120697

And how to fix it?

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