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-   -   Major Additions - Concepta Series - vB Flash Header Pro (inc optional Banner Rotator) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=242176)

syrus.xl 05-08-2010 10:00 PM

Concepta Series - vB Flash Header Pro (inc optional Banner Rotator)
The most advanced vBulletin 4.0 header system ever released so far, with built-in banner rotator (optional). This is a product that we are giving away freely to the vBulletin community, even though it was originally designed as a commercial product. It includes everything to give you a sleek and stylish flash-based header system for the vBulletin 4.0 series. This product was released for vBulletin 3.0 series; however we had many asking for a version for vB4, so here it is with many improvements and we added many more functions to this version. This product comes in two versions, one with an advertising banner rotator built-in and one without, giving you full control of how you want to implement it on your own vBulletin. It does not use any of vBulletin 4.0?s advertising system, nor query your database or require product plugins.

Demonstrations Available
Shedevils Leisure District - The Front Page
Also available is our own demonstration - Go to www.digitalport.co.uk and scroll down to the footer on any page under Style Chooser -> Select "Concepta Series" to view. Remember to switch back to our default style afterwards.

Released: 06/07/10
1280 version Added
- see download attachments on this mod (Wide 1280 pixel version) v1.0.1280a

XML Configuration Files
Due to the setup procedure being quite complex we have made most of the configuration details available online only. This is to allow you to jump to the areas you need to configure in detail, this guide will give you the basic installation procedure, to setup vBulletin to use this modification. We have provided links to the relevant sections that cover the XML configuration. For best results always optimize any images, this will ensure the pre-loaders will only show for a short time, if at all.

Preview setup files included
These allow you to setup the header system locally before adding it your vBulletin, however we do not recommend that you upload these files. Use them for testing only.

*Fixed width Forums only ? the only reason why we stipulate this is due to the way flash functions. This product is designed for a 950 pixel width and a 150 pixel height; you will find how to adjust your forum to this fixed width by reading the Additional Stylevars section of this guide.
**Fluid forum setup - Should you wish to use it on a fluid forum then we recommend that you use a fade to alpha on your background images, this will still allow you to use this modification, but not to its full capacity.

  • Import your logo and place it anywhere within the header (requires no coding knowledge to setup)
  • Import numerous backgrounds with numerous load and unload transitional effects
  • Imports your 468 x 60 pixel banner adverts with support for PNG, JPG and SWF file formats (banner rotator version only)
  • Over 80 transitional effects, each banner can use these on a single banner or you can set to randomize all banners
  • Pre-loads all images ?on-the-fly? and caches them therefore using very low bandwidth consumption
  • Package includes pre-loaded images and banners and pre-configured (change as required). Full documentation in Word, PDF and text formats.

Important ? Before uploading anything:

Please read on how to setup the vB Flash Header System locally, this will help you see what the header will look like before installing it on vBulletin. The previewer files are for setup purposes, they contain documentation as well to allow you to view your header before uploading.

Online Articles
Full Technical Specifications please visit:
Digital Port UK - Concepta Series 4 - vBFlash Header Pro--Technical Specifications

Logo/Site Name setup visit:
Digital Port UK - Concepta Series 4 - vBFlash Header Pro--Designing the Logo/Site Name Image

How to Design Your vBFlash Header Background Images visit:
Digital Port UK - Concepta Series 4 - vBFlash Header Pro--Creating Your Background Images

How to Design/add your own advertising banners visit:
Digital Port UK - Concepta Series 4 - vBFlash Header Pro--Banner Rotator Setup

Basic Installation
During this installation all you are doing is replacing the default vBulletin logo coding with our custom code.
Use the Preview Files first to setup your header as you want it.
Upload all contents of either the "vB Flash Header no Ads" or the "vB Flash Header with Ads" folder to vBulletin forum root.
Please follow our links to configure the various areas of this modification in detail. Instructions vary on which version you are installing and configuring.

2 Template Edits (required)


<script type="text/javascript" src="{vb:stylevar yuipath}/yuiloader-dom-event/yuiloader-dom-event.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
Before add:

<!-- Concepta Code Start -->
<script src="xeon_hp_js/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Concepta Code End -->


<div><a name="top" href="{vb:raw vboptions.forumhome}.php{vb:raw session.sessionurl_q}" class="logo-image"><img src="{vb:stylevar titleimage}" alt="{vb:rawphrase x_powered_by_vbulletin, {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}}" /></a></div>
Replace with:

<!-- Concepta Code Start -->
<div><a name="top">
<script type="text/javascript">
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','950','height','150','title','cc_vbhead','src','cc_hp_head','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','wmode','transparent','movie','cc_hp_head' ); //end AC code
</script><noscript><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="950" height="150" title="cc_vbhead">
  <param name="movie" value="cc_hp_head.swf" />
  <param name="quality" value="high" />
  <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
  <embed src="cc_hp_head.swf" width="950" height="150" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed>
<!-- Concepta Code End -->

End of Template edits.

Stylevar Changes
These changes are required to fix your vBulletin to 950 pixels wide, the same width as the vB Flash Header.
Common - doc_maxWidth - Units: px
Common - doc_maxWidth - Size: 950
Common - doc_minWidth - Units: px
Common - doc_minWidth - Size: 950
Common - doc_margin - Units: px
Common - doc_margin - Top: 0
Common - doc_margin - Right: auto
Common - doc_margin - Bottom: 0
Common - doc_margin - Left: auto

End of Stylevar changes.

Additional Stylevar Edit
If you wish to make the header flush with the navbar you will need to change the following Stylevar.
Stylevar Edit
Header - header_padding - Units: px
Header - header_padding - Bottom: 0

Transitional Effects

Please see the vB Flash Header Pro Transition settings file in this package.[font=Arial]

Another high quality product brought to you by Digital Port UK
Digital Port UK - Home

Update Log:
5/20/10 - Embed code updated due to 'Back to top' anchor code missing.


syrus.xl 05-09-2010 08:56 PM

Quick Note:
The transitional effects available within the header and banner rotator total over 80. These can be set up for every image onload and onUnload, used randomly or sequentially.

Just a few...Arc, Blur, Drop, Fade, Fold, Rotate, Slide, Squares, Twist, Wave, Wipe, Wobble, Zoom

Each one of the above has numerous variations...

FAQ Section:
My banners rotate once and stop, why is this?
This is a common issue if you have changed the default images, but not replaced them with the same amount. The SWF file will continue looking for images that are not available, therefore you will need to edit the XML file and delete the references to images that no longer exist.
Known Issues:
'link' parameter is missing "_self" target tag on main background XML and opens new tab or window. To be Fixed in next release. Requires new main swf compile.

Preech 05-09-2010 10:27 PM

Sweet. I'm give it a run on the test server.

goxy63 05-10-2010 08:35 AM

Nice, taged rated nominated
Can I use this one just on my homepage (cms), and how?
Will try it out first on my test forums


syrus.xl 05-10-2010 08:50 AM

Yes, you can use this just on the vBcms. You would need to create a child style of your main style. Apply this modification to the child style, then set your vBcms to use the child style and not your default style.

If you need further details let me know.

goxy63 05-10-2010 10:17 AM

Well that was quick
Thank you, will try it out asap


KURTZ 05-10-2010 11:08 AM

great hack :)

FiMeTi 05-10-2010 01:55 PM

5 stars + nominated. Perfect job!

fluidswork 05-10-2010 04:38 PM

great addition .................

syrus.xl 05-10-2010 09:16 PM

Thanks for all the compliments! Much appreciated...

If you need any help just ask - no problem is too small :)

murekhalir 05-11-2010 05:38 AM

will be giving this a try =D

EDIT: WOW - just looking at the Demo. WOW.

Delilahs 05-11-2010 07:11 AM

the instructions are pretty vague, I've uploaded the files to my root. done the file edits and nothing shows up.

I've looked at the documentation, and no where does it say as to what directory we are loading any images to, in fact, in your description above it says. "Features:
Import your logo and place it anywhere within the header (requires no coding knowledge to setup)
Import numerous backgrounds with numerous load and unload transitional effects
Imports your 468 x 60 pixel banner adverts with support for PNG, JPG and SWF file formats (banner rotator version only)
Over 80 transitional effects, each banner can use these on a single banner or you can set to randomize all banners
Pre-loads all images ‘on-the-fly’ and caches them therefore using very low bandwidth consumption
Package includes pre-loaded images and banners and pre-configured (change as required). Full documentation in Word, PDF and text formats."

so I assume from that, that it should work automatically, it doesn't

Help is required please

syrus.xl 05-11-2010 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2035004)
the instructions are pretty vague, I've uploaded the files to my root. done the file edits and nothing shows up.

I've looked at the documentation, and no where does it say as to what directory we are loading any images to, in fact, in your description above it says. "Features:
Import your logo and place it anywhere within the header (requires no coding knowledge to setup)
Import numerous backgrounds with numerous load and unload transitional effects
Imports your 468 x 60 pixel banner adverts with support for PNG, JPG and SWF file formats (banner rotator version only)
Over 80 transitional effects, each banner can use these on a single banner or you can set to randomize all banners
Pre-loads all images ‘on-the-fly’ and caches them therefore using very low bandwidth consumption
Package includes pre-loaded images and banners and pre-configured (change as required). Full documentation in Word, PDF and text formats."

so I assume from that, that it should work automatically, it doesn't

Help is required please

By looking at your source code it looks like the headinclude template edit is missing. This is required for the main header display to show, please check this is in place - if you still have problems, just PM me and I will look over the installation.

The 'Features' list is what it can do. You need to read the instructions from the 'Basic Installation' first. This informs you which contents to upload, depending on the features you require. It also states to use the Previewer Test files before uploading, so you can change the default images.

whitedd 05-11-2010 08:01 AM

...inastalled and nominated...
...please,where i can pay fee for non-branding version...

syrus.xl 05-11-2010 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by whitedd (Post 2035015)
...inastalled and nominated...
...please,where i can pay fee for non-branding version...

Thank you. The non-branded version will be available later today in our website store.

Delilahs 05-11-2010 12:22 PM

all done and working a treat, including new affiliate numbers for vbseo etc.

nominated for MOTM

x626xblack 05-11-2010 03:03 PM

I am ignorant to how this works. "Please read on how to setup the vB Flash Header System locally,"

Where do I read on how to set it up locally? I went through the site links and the documentation in the zop

KURTZ 05-11-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl (Post 2034274)
Quick Note:
The transitional effects available within the header and banner rotator total over 80. These can be set up for every image onload and onUnload, used randomly or sequentially.

Just a few...Arc, Blur, Drop, Fade, Fold, Rotate, Slide, Squares, Twist, Wave, Wipe, Wobble, Zoom

Each one of the above has numerous variations...

can you give us a complete list of these effects?

another question what about the branding free? right now what we can do with your addon?


syrus.xl 05-11-2010 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by x626xblack (Post 2035190)
I am ignorant to how this works. "Please read on how to setup the vB Flash Header System locally,"

Where do I read on how to set it up locally? I went through the site links and the documentation in the zop

Basically, just open either one of the folders which you wish to upload, inside you will find a "Previewer" file. This will load the header in to your browser locally, allowing you to change the images, etc before uploading the full contents to your server. The Previewer files contain further documentation.

I thought I had covered these files, maybe I didn't - there was a lot of documentation to type up.

You should be okay now. :)

syrus.xl 05-11-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2035198)
can you give us a complete list of these effects?

another question what about the branding free? right now what we can do with your addon?


All transitions are listed under the Documentation/vB Flash Header Pro Transition settings.txt file. It shows all in and out effects available.

The branding-free version will be available shortly in our store.

KURTZ 05-11-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl (Post 2035206)
All transitions are listed under the Documentation/vB Flash Header Pro Transition settings.txt file. It shows all in and out effects available.

The branding-free version will be available shortly in our store.

OK thanks, just another question:

i've changed the cc.hp.head.xml file like the following:

PHP Code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<slideshow randomDisplay='false'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img1.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img2.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img3.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img4.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img5.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img6.jpg' lupk='' upEffect='Coarse Blur' downEffect='Wave down'>

but i don't see any change onto my header ... any tip? (check here: http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php this is my testing board)

but if i change the 'values' into the ads .xml file i see that the changed effects are running correctly ...

x626xblack 05-11-2010 05:39 PM

Thanks. I got it.. Just change the images in the folders and click the preview file to see what it looks like... I appreciate the reply.

syrus.xl 05-11-2010 05:46 PM

EDIT: I gave you the wrong code, the correct code is below. I did not notice you had changed the actual in and out effect values and parameters.

Because the parameters are hard-coded in to the main swf file, you cannot change the values, only the parameters of the values. Therefore, if you wanted to use header to link to your forumhome, then you just need to do the following:

XML with new transitions and forum home page link

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<slideshow randomDisplay='false'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img1.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img2.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img3.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img4.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img5.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img6.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>


COL NIL SATIS 05-11-2010 05:55 PM

Looks amazing this does ..simply awesome

Delilahs 05-11-2010 05:58 PM

dont forget to change the link in the code from

to the forum link of your forums, or it diverts to Concept ;)

KURTZ 05-12-2010 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2035292)
dont forget to change the link in the code from

to the forum link of your forums, or it diverts to Concept ;)



Originally Posted by syrus.xl (Post 2035282)
EDIT: I gave you the wrong code, the correct code is below. I did not notice you had changed the actual in and out effect values and parameters.

Because the parameters are hard-coded in to the main swf file, you cannot change the values, only the parameters of the values. Therefore, if you wanted to use header to link to your forumhome, then you just need to do the following:

XML with new transitions and forum home page link

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<slideshow randomDisplay='false'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img1.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img2.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img3.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img4.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img5.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>
    <image src='cc_hp_head_images/img6.jpg' link='http://fniv.it/vb/forum.php' inEffect='Coarse Blur' outEffect='Wave down'>


just changed the .xml file with this, and now it runs correctly, so when i need to change the effect i need to put the url of my forum in the .xml file? why this isn't requested for the ads?

syrus.xl 05-12-2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2035634)

Your forum url is only required in the cc_hp_head.xml if you wish to link all header images to your forum or site home. It is an optional field.


just changed the .xml file with this, and now it runs correctly, so when i need to change the effect i need to put the url of my forum in the .xml file? why this isn't requested for the ads?
The banner ads uses the cc_hp_ad_rotator.xml, this file allows you to enter the direct url to your ad images, the actual link to the site you wish to link to, and of course the effects you want to use. You do not put your own website url in this XML unless you wanted to link a banner to your own website.

KURTZ 05-12-2010 11:00 AM

OK, just another question: can i change the width (for example i got a 1280px banner) and the timing of the banners? how?

syrus.xl 05-12-2010 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 2035648)
OK, just another question: can i change the width (for example i got a 1280px banner) and the timing of the banners? how?

It was designed with a default width of 950 pixels to comply with standard monitor displays, or it would cause 'side-scroll'. The timing can only be set internally at the moment, it was not a value I brought out in to the XML.

If you wanted it like this then we can provide a custom-built version, designed to your own requirements.

KURTZ 05-12-2010 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by syrus.xl (Post 2035652)
It was designed with a default width of 950 pixels to comply with standard monitor displays, or it would cause 'side-scroll'. The timing can only be set internally at the moment, it was not a value I brought out in to the XML.

If you wanted it like this then we can provide a custom-built version, designed to your own requirements.

superb, when i'll upgrade my board (and buy your hack) i'll contact you ... ;) thanks for all mate ;)

x626xblack 05-12-2010 12:46 PM

Great work. Fixed width is killing me though on my CMS it jams way too much content into one area. Works fine for forum but not for Main CMS

They still sell standard width monitors?LOL

If you go to my site and change the Style to Test Style you will see what I mean. I do not have your hack installed but I did configure my test style as per the doc.

syrus.xl 05-12-2010 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by x626xblack (Post 2035704)
Great work. Fixed width is killing me though on my CMS it jams way too much content into one area. Works fine for forum but not for Main CMS

They still sell standard width monitors?LOL

If you go to my site and change the Style to Test Style you will see what I mean. I do not have your hack installed but I did configure my test style as per the doc.

I'll see if I can change how it handles background images, at the moment all images with a fixed upper left registration point.

Delilahs 05-12-2010 05:27 PM

Syrus, Can you not get the ad banners to show under the rigt hand side below where people log in etc?

syrus.xl 05-12-2010 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2035879)
Syrus, Can you not get the ad banners to show under the rigt hand side below where people log in etc?

Not sure what you mean... The banner rotator is below the login/register area.

Delilahs 05-12-2010 06:00 PM

if you look at my site, yo will see that it isn't, what would I need to do to sort it out?

edit, It's because i'm not on fixed width and very few of my users have little screens

syrus.xl 05-12-2010 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Delilahs (Post 2035886)
if you look at my site, yo will see that it isn't, what would I need to do to sort it out?

Ah I see... that is because this mod was designed for a fixed width of 950pixels, not fluid. The 950 pixel width complies to web standards for older monitor displays without causing side-scroll.

Someone else mentioned this previously, I will look in to a fluid version - but with the vBulletin CSS I think I will need to split the modification or find a way of getting it to use a longer background image.

ProFifaLeagues 05-12-2010 09:08 PM

A1 mod very happy great work Syrus thank you!

VonDoom 05-12-2010 10:42 PM

Fantastic!!! Installed Rated and Nominated. http://www.canine-chat.com/index.php

x626xblack 05-13-2010 10:45 AM

Any chance you have a version that we can set the size?

CRT's are pretty much not sold any more. Here are the common sizes for LCD's. Since you have to make it fixed and want to make sure it accommodates the most people. While 1024 is livable, 1280 would be preferred and fit monitors 15.4 and above..

Here is an idea. Two versions.. One 1024 for standard aspect ratio monitors and laptops and 1280 for wide screens.


KURTZ 05-13-2010 11:19 AM

1440*900 is the most used resolution onto the laptops ... ;)

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