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Mosh 03-19-2010 10:00 PM

Panic Button - Global
1 Attachment(s)
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.

What Does This Hack Do?[hr]Silver[/hr]
This is a variation to my vBulletin 4.0.x Panic Button - Postbit hack. If you have that hack installed, installing this one, will uninstall that hack.

Do your members ever view your site from work when they should not be doing so? Will they get in to trouble if they do get caught by their boss? If the answer is yes to both questions, then this hack is for you.

This hack gives your members their own vBulletin Boss Key (i.e. Panic button), which is displayed at the bottom right of every page including the CMS, blog and your own custom pages (as long as the headinclude_bottom template is being called by the custom page, which it should be), so your members can quickly click themselves to the safety of legitimate url if the boss turns up, while your members are at work.

NOTE: The Panic Button always floats at the bottom right, even when you scroll down the page.

This hack has been tested and works with Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 4+, Opera 10+, Safari 4+ and Internet Explorer 7+.

This should work with most other browsers and versions, but is not guaranteed, as the positioning is controlled by CSS.

This hack was created because I was inspired by the following two hacks:
If your members report errors when clicking on the panic button, first thing to ensure is that they used the full url (including http://) when typing in the site their panic button will go to, ie http://www.google.com (will work) and not like this - www.google.com (will not work). The second thing to check for, is that the Panic Button - URL Jump box is not empty.

Limitation with this hack[hr]Silver[/hr]
People keep asking for usergroup permissions for this hack.

While this would easy to implement, what people fail to realise is that User Profile Fields are not controlled by usergroup permissions at all, and even if usergroup permissions were added to this hack, the User Profile Fields would still be viewable by members even if they do not have permissions to use them.

User Profile Fields are either viewable by all or viewable by none, this is how they were implemented in vBulletin by design, there is no in between with User Profile Fields.

So, I will not be adding usergroup permissions to this hack.

vBulletin Version Compatibility[hr]Silver[/hr]
This hack can be used with vBulletin versions 4.0.0 - 4.2.1.

For the v3.8.x version of this hack, which will also work with v3.7.x and v3.6.x - check here.

Hack Support/Feature Requests[hr]Silver[/hr]
IMPORTANT: This hack is no longer supported.

Install/Uninstall Instructions[hr]Silver[/hr]
The Panic Button - Global Installation Instructions 4.0.xxx.pdf instructions file is included in attached .zip

Version History[hr]Silver[/hr]
v4.0.2 - Saturday 5th February 2011
-- Changed: Version number formatting
-- Added: AdminCP exclude pages option

v4.0.001 - Saturday 20th March 2010
-- Released at Wolfshead Solutions on Saturday 13th March 2010
-- Initial v4.0.x Release

Thanks go out to Paul M who gave me permission to use some of his install code.

Show Your Appreciation [hr]Silver[/hr]
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.

elenh 03-20-2010 12:24 PM

Thanks mate!

Front Range 4x4 03-20-2010 09:24 PM


Thank you!

The Fuzz 10-02-2010 03:05 PM

Easy installation due to the very clear cut instructions. :up:

dacho 10-02-2010 03:41 PM

thanks mate

Inzvestor 10-02-2010 06:50 PM

Superb product - worked straight away

gpc10347 10-04-2010 11:37 AM

Knowing there's no support here for us free riders, I still need to ask:
I find that the panic button graphic appears during a pop up that appears on newattachment.php for a photo gallery... and it appears right on top of the 'Done' button.

Not a huge deal, the plug in works perfectly but it's a little confusing for users uploading pics into the gallery.


Trevor Matthews 10-23-2010 03:55 PM

Great work. Excellent instructions until the bit about the additional.css, being a vbulletin newbie I struggled to find the file :o

What would I need to edit to make the button higher up so it doesn't clash with my CometChat button?

Would it be this.....

#panic {
position: fixed;
width: 60px;
bottom: 5px;
right: 5px;
z-index: 999;

Do I just make the bottom figure larger?

Thanks again.


Trevor Matthews 10-23-2010 04:07 PM

OK, cracked it, they are the position and size of the button....

JohnKF 10-29-2010 08:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's an alternate button, one blue the other orange...

Attachment 123228
Attachment 123229

...don't forget to rename the one you use.

OldSchoolDSL 12-24-2010 07:15 AM

Installed & works in 4.1 PL2

Mosh 01-08-2011 12:58 AM

Hi all,

Free support has now been moved back to vBulletin.org.

Please see the first post for more information (and also this thread at Wolfshead Solutions).

Enjoy :)


Mosh Shigdar - Wolfshead Solutions.

Mosh 01-08-2011 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by gpc10347 (Post 2106615)
Knowing there's no support here for us free riders, I still need to ask:
I find that the panic button graphic appears during a pop up that appears on newattachment.php for a photo gallery... and it appears right on top of the 'Done' button.

Not a huge deal, the plug in works perfectly but it's a little confusing for users uploading pics into the gallery.


mmmmmm...... OK, it is a good idea. I will add an file exclusion list to the next version :)

poita 01-09-2011 10:06 AM

Just a newbie to forum mods, very easy to setup and install.

Installed and working fine on 4.0.8 :)


Mosh 02-04-2011 11:42 PM

Update: v4.0.2
-- Changed: Version number formatting
-- Added: AdminCP exclude pages option

OldSchoolDSL 02-05-2011 03:49 AM

Updated (allow overwrite, yes)

Seems to be working


Thank you for continuing this modification :)

Question: Is there away to move the panic button a little higher up? Not to much higher from its current point, but for those of us who may have something like Comet-chat installed... The panic button seems to be a little covered up.

Mosh 02-05-2011 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Trevor Matthews (Post 2113236)
Great work. Excellent instructions until the bit about the additional.css, being a vbulletin newbie I struggled to find the file :o

What would I need to edit to make the button higher up so it doesn't clash with my CometChat button?

Would it be this.....

#panic {
position: fixed;
width: 60px;
bottom: 5px;
right: 5px;
z-index: 999;

Do I just make the bottom figure larger?

Thanks again.



Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2158944)
Updated (allow overwrite, yes)

Seems to be working


Thank you for continuing this modification :)

Question: Is there away to move the panic button a little higher up? Not to much higher from its current point, but for those of us who may have something like Comet-chat installed... The panic button seems to be a little covered up.

You would need to alter the additional.css template in each style:

HTML Code:

#panic {
position: fixed;
width: 60px;
bottom: XXpx;
right: YYpx;
z-index: 999;

And change the bottom (XXpx) and right (YYpx) settings to alter the location of the panic button.

Merriweather 04-05-2011 10:44 PM

Just upgraded from my old 3.8 to this one on my new 4.1.2. Excellent! Thank you. :)

JasonP38 04-06-2011 04:33 PM

I uploaded it and installed it following the instructions word for word but its not working....any suggestions? :)

Mosh 04-07-2011 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by JasonP38 (Post 2181580)
I uploaded it and installed it following the instructions word for word but its not working....any suggestions? :)

If you did all the steps correctly..... especially Step 7, then I am not sure without looking at your site (I would need a test login for that, just a normal user would do for now).

JasonP38 04-08-2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 2182104)
If you did all the steps correctly..... especially Step 7, then I am not sure without looking at your site (I would need a test login for that, just a normal user would do for now).

sure. :)



JasonP38 04-08-2011 02:37 PM

btw, if you need to access my admin control panel I can PM the usename and password to you.

Mosh 04-08-2011 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by JasonP38 (Post 2182323)
btw, if you need to access my admin control panel I can PM the usename and password to you.

I have just had a look, and yes, it looks like I will need that AdminCP access after all.

Mosh 04-08-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by JasonP38 (Post 2181580)
I uploaded it and installed it following the instructions word for word but its not working....any suggestions? :)

I had a look, you had not done Step 7 correctly.

I no longer have need for the AdminCP access. Now it works ;)

JasonP38 04-09-2011 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 2182434)
I had a look, you had not done Step 7 correctly.

I no longer have need for the AdminCP access. Now it works ;)

thank you :) I really appreciate it.

whitey92lx 05-22-2011 04:25 PM



Trevor Matthews 06-13-2011 05:38 PM

I just upgraded to vb 4.1.4 and this mod now stops people registering as when submitting the form it is reported that a Panic Button choice has not been selected correctly.

I have had to un-install this mod that we have been using since last year.

Will there be a version for 4.1.4?

Mosh 06-13-2011 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Trevor Matthews (Post 2207225)
I just upgraded to vb 4.1.4 and this mod now stops people registering as when submitting the form it is reported that a Panic Button choice has not been selected correctly.

I have had to un-install this mod that we have been using since last year.

Will there be a version for 4.1.4?

Please post the exact steps someone does to replicate this error and the exact error message so I can look into it further.

Mosh 06-18-2011 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Trevor Matthews (Post 2207225)
I just upgraded to vb 4.1.4 and this mod now stops people registering as when submitting the form it is reported that a Panic Button choice has not been selected correctly.

I have had to un-install this mod that we have been using since last year.

Will there be a version for 4.1.4?


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 2207347)
Please post the exact steps someone does to replicate this error and the exact error message so I can look into it further.

I have tested this with a test forum that has vBulletin 4.1.4 and this hack installed and can not replicate issue, it allows users to register with no error messages. So, unless you can provide the steps taken to replicate your issue, I cannot help further as it works fine for me.

Trevor Matthews 10-03-2011 02:57 PM

Sorry not to have got back to you on this issue.
I have uninstalled it and have had no time to reinstall and try it again.
The issue was that when someone tried to register on the forum the warning popped up that the Panic Button options had not been selected correctly even when they had.

They were then unable to register as there was no way around the warning.

scottct1 04-02-2012 01:20 PM

Does not work in vBullet 4.1.11 in fact it breaks the style chooser when the product is installed.

Mosh 04-08-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by scottct1 (Post 2315997)
Does not work in vBullet 4.1.11 in fact it breaks the style chooser when the product is installed.

Sorry I did not notice this post earlier. Can you tell me if this happens with vBulletin's default style? As I can not replicate this issue, and it works fine with vBulletin 4.1.11 for me.

CubicWebs 07-23-2012 05:25 PM

Nice would be better if you can say set the URL to go to when your in Admincp

So if they click it, they are redirected to a private forum where the user and the admin can see it.

justicechick 12-11-2012 12:07 AM

<i>I've got this installed , my templates edited as instructed and the gif in the forum directory but there is still no button showing up?????</i>

Mosh 12-11-2012 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by justicechick (Post 2389917)
I've got this installed , my templates edited as instructed and the gif in the forum directory but there is still no button showing up?????

You may not have done Step 3 of the install instructions correctly, as it is a .png file and goes into your /images/misc folder of each style you have.

justicechick 12-11-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 2389959)
You may not have done Step 3 of the install instructions correctly, as it is a .png file and goes into your /images/misc folder of each style you have.

I have it in public_html/images/Take5/misc
Take 5 is the style I am using.

da prez 12-12-2012 05:25 AM

Try public_html/images/Take5/images/misc
If the tree doesn't exist, try creating it and puttng the file in there and see if it helps.

justicechick 12-12-2012 12:30 PM

I have placed the image but still nothing. Nice concept but apparently over this newbs head.

justicechick 12-16-2012 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by da prez (Post 2390163)
Try public_html/images/Take5/images/misc
If the tree doesn't exist, try creating it and puttng the file in there and see if it helps.

This is the exact link I have on my server with the panic.png in it


Still nothing. If anyone else has any suggestions or can help let me know plz.

da prez 12-16-2012 12:54 AM

Try : /public_html/forum/images/Take5/images/misc

Where "forum" = the name of your forum folder.

Somewhere in the tree will make it work, sometimes ya gotta search :D

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