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Contest Master 03-01-2010 04:00 AM

MOTM for March 2010
Which Modification should win this months MOTM contest ?

Choose from the list, and vote for your favourite modification now.

Remember to support modifications by nominating them for next months MOTM, just click the 'Nominate for MOTM' link in the release thread - you can nominate as many as you like during the month.

Thank you,

vBulletin.org Staff

NAZIA 03-01-2010 04:32 AM

vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 2
first vote...:)

raicars 03-01-2010 04:37 AM

VSa - Advanced Forum Statistics (AJAX)

patrick91 03-01-2010 02:23 PM

It's difficult but i choose VSa - Chatbox

JWL 03-01-2010 05:06 PM

What would be the criteria for getting ones vote?

Quick Fixes?

With So many mods, I was wondering if there is a set of criteria that one may nominate?

I don't know I complicate things soooo Much

Anseur 03-01-2010 06:37 PM

Loving easy forms. having a version for all those waiting on upgrading to vb4 is great!

Emrah Kaya 03-01-2010 08:09 PM

VSa - Advanced Forum Statistics (AJAX) :up:

Floris 03-02-2010 01:41 AM

Three plugins for VSa, gee, I wonder who will win ..

Sorry, feels very unfair. I don't know any of the mods, but I voted for NOT vsa

bigjosh359 03-02-2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1994921)
Three plugins for VSa, gee, I wonder who will win ..

Sorry, feels very unfair. I don't know any of the mods, but I voted for NOT vsa

So because this dev did an outstanding job in the past month with his mods...that is unfair and you did not vote for it? How can you vote for a mod if you haven't even tried them, THAT seems unfair to all nominated.

Chatbox hands down!

JWL 03-02-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by bigjosh359 (Post 1995161)
So because this dev did an outstanding job in the past month with his mods...that is unfair and you did not vote for it? How can you vote for a mod if you haven't even tried them, THAT seems unfair to all nominated.

Chatbox hands down!

I might be taking a shot in the dark here, but I kind of understand Floris assume cynicism :cool:

There are 5 very worthy and very neato groovy super-duper mods each worthy of acceptance in the Mod Hall of Famers if there ever was one.

Since there are 5 nominees Three of which are VSa!!

Well I doubt it takes a PHd in theoretical physics to understand the probability of whom is going to win

The Key word is whom not what! so in defense of Cynics all around the globe, as well as president of the hair club for cynics I cast my vote for ... Wait I have not used any of these mods either, So I am going to vote for the one with the coolest name.. no wait, post pictures first, I want to vote for the nicest looking one

I mentioned criteria, one of them should simply be 1 Mod per member per month, I am sure there are other worthy mods that could make up the 5.

The prize must be worth it, like the academy awards or sumpin ... I see the back room deals, Sppsst hey judge, uh I found this $20 starbucks card with your name on it, just wanted to make sure you get it or Spppssst Judgy oh Judgy, ya eva see da part in da God Fadder wit da horses head? I gotch ya number dar judgy

bigjosh359 03-02-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by JWL (Post 1995272)
The prize must be worth it, like the academy awards or sumpin ... I see the back room deals, Sppsst hey judge, uh I found this $20 starbucks card with your name on it, just wanted to make sure you get it or Spppssst Judgy oh Judgy, ya eva see da part in da God Fadder wit da horses head? I gotch ya number dar judgy

I seem to remember Meryl Streep being nominated twice in the same category recently. ;)

Valter 03-02-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1994921)
Sorry, feels very unfair.

This is MOD of the month, not MEMBER of the month contest.

And based on membership votes:

Originally Posted by Contest Master (Post 1994230)
Remember to support modifications by nominating them for next months MOTM, just click the 'Nominate for MOTM' link in the release thread - you can nominate as many as you like during the month.

Thank you,

vBulletin.org Staff


borbole 03-03-2010 07:02 PM

My vote went for VSa - Advanced Forum Statistics (AJAX). It saved me a lot of time because I was just about to start working on a such a mod for my own forum when I saw it. Good work btw.

Floris 03-04-2010 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by bigjosh359 (Post 1995161)
So because this dev did an outstanding job in the past month with his mods...that is unfair and you did not vote for it? How can you vote for a mod if you haven't even tried them, THAT seems unfair to all nominated.

Chatbox hands down!

So to ensure "fame" on vborg,
all i have to do is release 15 mods
and request in the thread to get nominated
surely there are not enough competitors
so at least a few will be in.

ergo, doubling the changes of winning?

yes - sounds quite unfair.

It doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the mod. They might be very good, or very bad. But quantity here wins. It's that simple. If not one, then the other .. or perhaps the other.

Especially if what you say, they are excellent job done well, .. you even increase guaranteed winning on one of them.

It's nothing personal against the mod author, I just think it should be a mod from one author, from 5 nominated ones. So everybody has a fair run at it.

So yes, I play unfair too, and vote for the underdog, without even looking at the mod.

JWL 03-04-2010 04:16 AM

I don't know what all the fuss is about

I mean, hey everyone wants fairness, hope and change :erm:

GM gets a bailout then files chapter 11

AIG gets a bailout then gives all the Execs bonus's

So here there is no bonus's no bailout, just an unfair advantage with no real sets of criteria

Seems Ok to me :cool:

Valter 03-04-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1996614)
So to ensure "fame" on vborg,
all i have to do is release 15 mods

This just talks about you.

Feel free to ask Staff to remove all of my products from this poll, and even from vB.org if it will make you happy.

I've never released any of my add-on to see it in such contests, or 'ensure fame'. I'm doing it because I like to share my stuff with other people.

Please be kind to release your own 15 mods so we can enjoy your work too. Thanks in advance.

JWL 03-04-2010 05:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 113562

Floris 03-05-2010 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Valter (Post 1997129)
This just talks about you.

Feel free to ask Staff to remove all of my products from this poll, and even from vB.org if it will make you happy.

I've never released any of my add-on to see it in such contests, or 'ensure fame'. I'm doing it because I like to share my stuff with other people.

Please be kind to release your own 15 mods so we can enjoy your work too. Thanks in advance.

I am not personally addressing you with the 'first' post I made, but the web site staff. I think it's unfair that someone can be in a award poll multiple times, it seems unfair to the underdog. Then someone comments on it, and I reply back with my explanation. The mods from multiple coder could have been anything, it has nothing to do with you.

The Geek 03-05-2010 04:41 AM

So he has 3 mods nominated this month. At least 2 will lose. No reason to incentivise people to release LESS mods. Furthermore having all 5 mods from one person does not increase any of the mods chance of winning at all.

Who wants a mod of the month contest that ignores actual user nominations in favour of those that were NOT nominated to make sure the "underdog" (read: less nominated) is given a chance? They want a chance, build a better mod.

Whats next, people can only buy 1 lottery ticket a week? ;)

princeedward 03-05-2010 05:20 AM

My Vote Goes To Valters vSa Chatbox

one of the best chatbox around i guess...:



mikey1991 03-05-2010 10:57 AM

Easy forms, though it'd be nice if there was at least one vB3 mod here.

masons 03-05-2010 01:45 PM

I will vote for Vsa just because Floris did not, with his one vote making the upper dog the under dog and with my one vote the balance should be restored making the under (prev upper) dog the upper dog again,

Wow, I am so happy we had this talk!

GonE 03-05-2010 07:40 PM

VSa Chatbox is my vote, superb coder, superb mod.

DragonByte Tech 03-06-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1996614)
So to ensure "fame" on vborg,
all i have to do is release 15 mods
and request in the thread to get nominated
surely there are not enough competitors
so at least a few will be in.

ergo, doubling the changes of winning?

yes - sounds quite unfair.

It doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the mod. They might be very good, or very bad. But quantity here wins. It's that simple. If not one, then the other .. or perhaps the other.

Especially if what you say, they are excellent job done well, .. you even increase guaranteed winning on one of them.

It's nothing personal against the mod author, I just think it should be a mod from one author, from 5 nominated ones. So everybody has a fair run at it.

So yes, I play unfair too, and vote for the underdog, without even looking at the mod.

Couple of points:

1) If this was true, the coders with the most mods would also have most MOTM's. Thats not even close to being the case.

2) The staff don't decide who is up for MOTM - members do by voting. This means only the best/most popular mods get nominated. Coders should be PRAISED for releasing so many good/popular mods a month, not punished!

3) Having 3 mods nominated probably reduces the chance of winning if people were voting for the coder, not the product, since the votes would be divided by 3, instead of them all going to the same mod.

4) You don't win MOTM for having most votes total, only ONE mod wins.

In short: One person having more than one mod nominated by the users just shows that person probably DESERVES to win, since they are producing consistently good stuff. There are modders who release TONS of mods every month, but get very few nominations, and even fewer wins =)

I say well done to Valter for producing so many good mods this month, and thanks to the other coders for also making great mods!


JWL 03-06-2010 05:53 PM

I do not know if this helps

But I got a bumper sticker that says I voted for F*** Y**

I have no idea the relevance to the thread, but I love drama as much as the next guy. Now where is that admin from da Moo cycle place and his side kick Poopi

GonE 03-06-2010 08:39 PM

LOL @ Above poster

Floris 03-07-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by hitmancode48 (Post 1998715)
LOL @ Above poster

Word :D

Paul M 03-07-2010 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1994921)
Three plugins for VSa, gee, I wonder who will win ..

Sorry, feels very unfair. I don't know any of the mods, but I voted for NOT vsa

The mod that gets the most votes will win.

Who wrote them is totally irrelevant. Its perfectly fair, unlike your vote.


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1996614)
So to ensure "fame" on vborg,
all i have to do is release 15 mods
and request in the thread to get nominated
surely there are not enough competitors
so at least a few will be in.

ergo, doubling the changes of winning?

yes - sounds quite unfair.
So yes, I play unfair too, and vote for the underdog, without even looking at the mod.

So .......

Valter has released 52 mods across vb 4.0 and vb 3.8.

Paul M has released 52 mods across vb 4.0 and vb 3.8

According to your theory, we should be the only two appearing in the MOTM each month.

.... and yet, thats doesnt seem to be the case, perhaps I should complain its unfair. ;)

Floris 03-07-2010 04:09 PM


Its perfectly fair, unlike your vote.
That is utter nonsense, because I am completely free to vote for whoever I want, for whatever reason. You can't make me vote at all, or tell me that there are rules preventing you to vote for the underdog.

If you guys find it perfectly fine that one author is listed 5 out of 5 times, in this case 3 out of 5, so be it. Not going to bother with that, not my site, not my rules.

But saying I can not vote for whatever reason I want, as unfair, you sir, are out of line.

Plus, your math is wrong, but that's ok.

Let's vote for the new president: obama, obama, obama, obama, christopher walken .. you're not allowed to vote for the underdog .. Which seems to be your math.

But hey: enjoy your winnings vsa, it's a guarantee! You already have 78 votes out of the 118 votes. You can take that to the bank.

DragonByte Tech 03-07-2010 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999200)
That is utter nonsense, because I am completely free to vote for whoever I want, for whatever reason. You can't make me vote at all, or tell me that there are rules preventing you to vote for the underdog.

If you guys find it perfectly fine that one author is listed 5 out of 5 times, in this case 3 out of 5, so be it. Not going to bother with that, not my site, not my rules.

But saying I can not vote for whatever reason I want, as unfair, you sir, are out of line.

Plus, your math is wrong, but that's ok.

Let's vote for the new president: obama, obama, obama, obama, christopher walken .. you're not allowed to vote for the underdog .. Which seems to be your math.

But hey: enjoy your winnings vsa, it's a guarantee! You already have 78 votes out of the 118 votes. You can take that to the bank.

It doesn't matter how many votes HE has, just how many his individual MODS have.

For instance, Coder a could have 4 out of the 5 mods, and get 750 of the 1000 votes cast for their mods.

However, if all of those mods get 190 or so votes each, and the 5th guys mod gets 250, person B wins.

Therfore having multiple mods nominated doesn't guarantee a win. It could be that the votes that would have went to you if only 1 of your mods is nominated, instead get split BETWEEN your mods, and someone else wins =)

Also, I believe Paul called your vote unfair because it had nothing to do with how good the mods were, instead you just voted for the person who created it...

Which, unless i'm mistaken, is what you're complaining about o.O

Floris 03-07-2010 06:05 PM


Which, unless i'm mistaken, is what you're complaining about o.O
And which, by your guys definition, isn't a problem.

DragonByte Tech 03-07-2010 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999278)
And which, by your guys definition, isn't a problem.

Not at all. Your complaint was based on your misinterpretation (That a person has more chance of winning if they have more mods nominated, and that this is somehow an unfair situation caused by vb.org staff)

The issue involving you is that you flat out voted for a mod you never even used, just to try to skew the votes away from a talented modder =)

Paul M 03-07-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999200)
That is utter nonsense, because I am completely free to vote for whoever I want, for whatever reason. You can't make me vote at all, or tell me that there are rules preventing you to vote for the underdog.

No, its not, what is nonsense is your reason for voting, but if you want to make yourself look foolish, thats fine by me.


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999200)
If you guys find it perfectly fine that one author is listed 5 out of 5 times, in this case 3 out of 5, so be it. Not going to bother with that, not my site, not my rules.

Yep, our rules, at least you got that bit right.


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999200)
But saying I can not vote for whatever reason I want, as unfair, you sir, are out of line.

Nope, I am not out of line. I can express whatever opinion I like about your voting. Deal with it.


Originally Posted by Floris (Post 1999200)
Plus, your math is wrong, but that's ok.

What math would that be exactly ?

TBH, given you seem to dislike this so mutch, I wonder why you voted at all.

ChopSuey 03-07-2010 08:07 PM

BOTM Rules should be added to MOTM

Let me reiterate the rules for this thread:

* Only post nominations or seconds, no chatter.
Just saying :D

Sayid 03-11-2010 07:29 AM

mm Valter chatbox 4 sure

Forum Lover 03-11-2010 08:06 AM

I am a hardcore fan of VSa hacks. There are few of his hacks that I cant think run my board without. Unfortunately those are not on the list.

So, this time, I go for Easy Forms. :)

saghir 03-15-2010 04:14 PM

VSa - ChatBox (AJAX)


your24hourstore 03-30-2010 02:10 AM

Easy Forms - Create a form or multiple forms without php or html knowledge
the mod of the month no doublt

RvG2 03-31-2010 07:20 PM

Cyb! Valter! whatever :)

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