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almannai 02-11-2010 10:00 PM

AdvanceReply For QuickReply
1 Attachment(s)
What is this:
This mod will replace QuickReply with AdvanceReply.

Current Version:

Features :
  • On/Off Switch.
  • Force show even if quickreply is disabled.
  • You can hide reply button from show thread page.
  • You can hide reply Aditional Options like attachment manager subscriptions etc.

1. Download plugin.

2. Login to your vBulletin admincp.

3. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".

4. Click on "[Add/Import Product]".

5. Import the XML file that you download. Make sure you set "allow
overwrite" to "yes".

Bugs fix:
ver 1.0.1
1.Fixed compatibility with vb 4.0.2.
2. mobile style problem
This fix as it is from TheLastSuperman where buttons would not function when clicking to reply or quote a post from within the mobile style.

In the sidebar_sthread plugin wrap everything below the first $AR4QR_enabled=0; with the if conditional supplied:

PHP Code:

if (
$vbulletin->session->vars['styleid'] != XX)

They need to change the XX in if ($vbulletin->session->vars['styleid'] != XX) to the styleid # of their mobile style.


princeedward 02-12-2010 07:33 AM


Mark as Installed! for a test...any screenshots images might better...

thanks and best regards....


molieman 02-12-2010 07:34 AM

I don't understand what this is.

This adds features to the Quick Reply, or replaces it with only the features listed in the above feature list?

New Joe 02-12-2010 07:35 AM

I all ready have this one installed and working fine:
What's the difference with yours?
Why change?

Tize. 02-12-2010 08:19 AM

Please Screenshots!
Thanks for the addon.

Tize. 02-12-2010 08:22 AM

Great item, good work mate!!
Thank you very much.

almannai 02-12-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by princeedward (Post 1980595)

Mark as Installed! for a test...any screenshots images might better...

thanks and best regards....


Screenshot is added


Originally Posted by molieman (Post 1980596)
I don't understand what this is.

This adds features to the Quick Reply, or replaces it with only the features listed in the above feature list?

It will replace Quickreply with full newreply features. So instead of hitting "reply to thread" the full reply will be displayed bellow each thread. See screenshot


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 1980598)
I all ready have this one installed and working fine:
What's the difference with yours?
Why change?

I don't know what Marco1 plugin do I didn't installed it. But as from the screenshow it will add more features to quick reply and messages. While this mod will move what you see in reply to thread page below each thread nstead of the quickreply.

You can choose what ever you like:)


Originally Posted by Tize. (Post 1980619)
Please Screenshots!
Thanks for the addon.


Originally Posted by Tize. (Post 1980620)
Great item, good work mate!!
Thank you very much.

you are welcome

Tize. 02-12-2010 09:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you Almannai.

Old Sistem.

New System.

almannai 02-12-2010 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tize. (Post 1980641)
Thank you Almannai.

Old Sistem.

New System.


Thanks Tize

I've adde your jpg's to screenshout :)

Skyrider 02-12-2010 09:41 AM

Any possible way you can "attach" the second box options to the first quick reply box? So it won't show 2 boxes showing options?

Tize. 02-12-2010 10:28 AM

Thank you my friend.
Great File , great friend and great Programmer!!

almannai 02-12-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1980659)
Any possible way you can "attack" the second box options to the first quick reply box? So it won't show 2 boxes showing options?

If you mean to add Additional Option box below Quickreply box. I don't think that will work


Originally Posted by Tize. (Post 1980679)
Thank you my friend.
Great File , great friend and great Programmer!!

Thank you very much for your support

Front Range 02-12-2010 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by New Joe (Post 1980598)
I all ready have this one installed and working fine:
What's the difference with yours?
Why change?

Marcos version doesn't have upload options but is compatible with selective quoting, otherwise they appear very similar. I need the selective quoting otherwise I'd use this one.

ARP 02-12-2010 11:53 AM

I don't know why you are coding same idea that's already coded by the professional vbulletin 4 Coder Marco ?
And he do all we need and all the requests in his own Mods so I have contacted him yesterday about the new version 5.0 of his Advanced editor Mod and he has give me a prototype of his new version it have attachments and smiles box under the quick reply box which make the box very very nice design.

Really Marco is from the best vBulletin 4 Coders, Sorry But I can't support you I like your Mods if it doesn't already done from another Coder but there is many other Mods we need it for vb4 so don't code the same idea since it's already coded by any other coders here in vb.org.

almannai 02-12-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Front Range (Post 1980707)
Marcos version doesn't have upload options but is compatible with selective quoting, otherwise they appear very similar. I need the selective quoting otherwise I'd use this one.

Check MARCO1 mod maybe it suite you more


Originally Posted by ARP (Post 1980716)
I don't know why you are coding same idea that's already coded by the professional vbulletin 4 Coder Marco ?
And he do all we need and all the requests in his own Mods so I have contacted him yesterday about the new version 5.0 of his Advanced editor Mod and he has give me a prototype of his new version it have attachments and smiles box under the quick reply box which make the box very very nice design.

Really Marco is from the best vBulletin 4 Coders, Sorry But I can't support you I like your Mods if it doesn't already done from another Coder but there is many other Mods we need it for vb4 so don't code the same idea since it's already coded by any other coders here in vb.org.

MARCO1 is friend of mine I will not take his code

This idea is very old I code it since I was coding with inision board

My idea was just to move Reply post to quick reply while marco1 has different approch I didn't see his mod or download it to check

This is just another mod to help forum admins, they will decide which one is best for their forum. I don't mind if they select Marco1 mod but I will be more than happy.


GeorgeB85 02-12-2010 12:27 PM


I have Marco1's mod that almost does the same thing, but I like this one even more, for me personally.

Working perfectly!

Charlie98902 02-12-2010 02:06 PM

How can I stretch this to be long as the older style quick reply?

almannai 02-12-2010 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Charlie98902 (Post 1980806)
How can I stretch this to be long as the older style quick reply?

you can't as this mod is using default post reply settings.

Forum Lover 02-13-2010 05:46 AM

Does it do the same for blogs too? Tagged.

almannai 02-13-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Forum Lover (Post 1981202)
Does it do the same for blogs too? Tagged.

Not in this version


Forum Lover 02-13-2010 04:30 PM

Its okay. No one care bout the blog. :(

Got any future plan for it please??

almannai 02-14-2010 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Forum Lover (Post 1981469)
Its okay. No one care bout the blog. :(

Got any future plan for it please??

I didn't decide yet. Not much fans for this mod as you can see.


Originally Posted by Dr.osamA (Post 1981648)
good work man



thank you

Forum Lover 02-14-2010 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1981832)
I didn't decide yet. Not much fans for this mod as you can see.

thank you

Lets do the blog please. At least u will get one fan. :p

Orakk 02-14-2010 03:54 AM

Really like having the smilies on right side, thanks.

Attachment bb code knob doesn't work for me lest I hit Preview Post knob first and prefer not to display the second box for it takes up too much room.

Also, we don't use the Ratings system so could an off switch for that one be added via adminCP section so it doesn't display in the second box below reply.

Cheers, Nice mod..

icemann 02-14-2010 05:23 AM

I like it............to each their own. :cool:

GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 04:56 AM

I have noticed that where you would add the "title" to a new post for an existing thread, is now aligned all the way to the right for some reason after upgrading to 4.0.2. Is there any way to fix it?

almannai 02-20-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Forum Lover (Post 1981838)
Lets do the blog please. At least u will get one fan. :p

I will see if it is possible and let you know

If mod updated you will be notified


Originally Posted by Orakk (Post 1981858)
Really like having the smilies on right side, thanks.

Attachment bb code knob doesn't work for me lest I hit Preview Post knob first and prefer not to display the second box for it takes up too much room.

Also, we don't use the Ratings system so could an off switch for that one be added via adminCP section so it doesn't display in the second box below reply.

Cheers, Nice mod..

you can disbale rating from
Admin CP -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Manager -> Edit Forum -> Allow Thread Ratings in this Forum

but you have to do it for any forum you don't want rating in it


Originally Posted by icemann (Post 1981883)
I like it............to each their own. :cool:



Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987065)
I have noticed that where you would add the "title" to a new post for an existing thread, is now aligned all the way to the right for some reason after upgrading to 4.0.2. Is there any way to fix it?

Could you send a screenshot

Regards to all

GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 02:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987308)
I will see if it is possible and let you know

If mod updated you will be notified

you can disbale rating from
Admin CP -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Manager -> Edit Forum -> Allow Thread Ratings in this Forum

but you have to do it for any forum you don't want rating in it


Could you send a screenshot

Regards to all

My screen shot is attached

almannai 02-20-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987323)
My screen shot is attached


I will try to fix it soon


GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987336)

I will try to fix it soon


Your welcome. Dont know about anyone else, but that is the only tiny flaw I see. I think it is a result of vb 4.0.2 but could be wrong.

almannai 02-20-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987396)
Your welcome. Dont know about anyone else, but that is the only tiny flaw I see. I think it is a result of vb 4.0.2 but could be wrong.

It is fixed now:)

and you are right it is due to 4.0.2, as it changes a lot of things

GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987400)
It is fixed now:)

and you are right it is due to 4.0.2, as it changes a lot of things

I guess something else is causing my problem, as I imported the one you just uploaded, but it is still miss aligned.

almannai 02-20-2010 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987425)
I guess something else is causing my problem, as I imported the one you just uploaded, but it is still miss aligned.

Did you select yes to overwrite?

If so please follow these steps:

1. uninstall the product
2. go to style mamanger and search for AR4QR_temp
3. if it is there select it and press Revert and select Yes
4. reinstall the product


GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987433)
Did you select yes to overwrite?

If so please follow these steps:

1. uninstall the product
2. go to style mamanger and search for AR4QR_temp
3. if it is there select it and press Revert and select Yes
4. reinstall the product


It wont show the template page for the mod if it is not installed. So I re installed it, and I found the page. I reverted the template, then uninstalled the mod, then re installed it, and it is still showing it as before.

almannai 02-20-2010 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987441)
It wont show the template page for the mod if it is not installed. So I re installed it, and I found the page. I reverted the template, then uninstalled the mod, then re installed it, and it is still showing it as before.

sorry man I didn't replace the old xml file with the new one

It is replaced now

please download the file and make sure its version is 1.0.1


chefsache 02-20-2010 05:10 PM


perfect!!! and thanks!!!



GeorgeB85 02-20-2010 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987458)
sorry man I didn't replace the old xml file with the new one

It is replaced now

please download the file and make sure its version is 1.0.1


We all make mistakes. No worries. Working now. Thanks.

Orakk 02-21-2010 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by almannai (Post 1987308)
You can disbale rating from
Admin CP -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Manager -> Edit Forum -> Allow Thread Ratings in this Forum

but you have to do it for any forum you don't want rating in it

Thank you sir, I really should have thought of that myself..

Worked a treat, Cheers. :up:

almannai 02-21-2010 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by chefsache (Post 1987471)

perfect!!! and thanks!!!



Your welcome


Originally Posted by GeorgeB85 (Post 1987477)
We all make mistakes. No worries. Working now. Thanks.


Originally Posted by Orakk (Post 1987732)
Thank you sir, I really should have thought of that myself..

Worked a treat, Cheers. :up:


GeorgeB85 02-25-2010 12:09 PM

Disregard this post..I figured out the issue. I didn't realize the hide reply button was set to yes, and not no.

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