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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - [obsolete!] vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 3 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=235342)

bepe 02-07-2010 10:00 PM

[obsolete!] vbMediaWiki 4.0.2 RC 3
1 Attachment(s)
This version is obsolete:
New version:

bepe 02-08-2010 07:53 PM

How does the Integration look like:
  • Search integration:
    The MediaWiki content is implemented as a new content type into the vBulletin search
    system. Search results are shown together with the results from the Forum, Blog, CMS
    search. Indexing is all done exactly the same way as the original vBulletin content types.

  • Advanced Search:
    Search the indexed MediaWiki pages with advanced search
    options like title only, by user, by date and sort the results.

  • 'What's New' Integration:
    Showing a list of the last Wiki pages that where created or edited. The list is
    created directly from the Wiki database and does not rely on the vBulletin index.

  • 'Who's Online' integration:
    Showing the actual title with link.
    Different pharses for Viewing, Editing, History of a MediaWiki page.

  • Permissions Settings:
    Are done per Usergroup: Admin Control Panel -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager -> Edit
    Interesting might be the "Minimum of required posts" for editing Wiki pages;
    It will reduce write access to active forum members.
  • User Stats:
    Additional stats about how many pages a user edited or created.
    Forum -> Member List -> {?User} -> About Me
  • Integrated Skin:
    The vBMediaWiki Skin that is completely integrated into the forum
    - Wiki tab on the NavBar
    - Personal Wiki Links under the NavBar
    - NavBits showing the location
    - Content inside the page

    Original skins are still working, just some links are different and there is a new "forum" link at the top so the user can go back
    After the user logged in he can decide himself if he wants to use the integrated skin or another one

  • Login:
    Single Sign On over the forum.

Bouncer222 02-08-2010 08:07 PM

Sweet! -Tagged until updated.

daveaite 02-08-2010 08:08 PM

Wow this looks great! Keep up the hard work mate. This may be one of the most useful mods. Tagged.

Kolbi 02-08-2010 08:24 PM

Tagged too :)

vb4newb 02-08-2010 08:31 PM

Awesome, thanks for the great product

bepe 02-08-2010 08:34 PM

please remember that this is an alpha build and that there is much work to be done to get it all working really stable.

Reason that I released it this way is because I need ppl interested in testing it and ppl that will report any bugs and problems

Gnoll 02-08-2010 10:05 PM

no-word left to describe this work :) , only a question this addon can cause a Security Issue ?

Tagged + https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2012/01/12.gif

balkanboy 02-08-2010 10:07 PM

tagged waiting for stable :D

Hysteresis 02-08-2010 11:05 PM

This mod is awesome I can't wait for full release. Can you make it so it inherits forum style?

bepe 02-09-2010 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Gnoll (Post 1977826)
no-word left to describe this work :) , only a question this addon can cause a Security Issue ?

Tagged + https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2012/01/12.gif

Running a public server is always a Security Issue...
Just joking :P

... How does it work?
1. The user is doing a login via vBulletin, I did not temper with that whole login thing there... so it is as save as VB made it.
2. On access MW checks if a user is logged into VB
If yes, then it also logs in the user with the same name to MW... it creates a new MW user if the user does not exist yet (most likely that is, because it's the first login)
Important: WM does NOT change the VB user... it's only checking if someone is online in VB and the rights he has to access the wiki, then it is only using its own users
3. I did my best to make it secure ... I want to run it on my forum too when it is done :)

Anyway, I really don?t think it's causing any Security Issue... but if it would, then it's more likely that WM is compromised... but not VB... I hope that makes u feel better now :)

bepe 02-09-2010 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Hysteresis (Post 1977889)
This mod is awesome I can't wait for full release. Can you make it so it inherits forum style?

the forum style should be inherited; for more complex styles changing the whole page layout... something like header is now footer or so... you would need to change the MEDIAWIKI template

The content of MW is looking like the original media wiki... I think that is good, ppl should see that we are using the original one :) ... anyway, you can change the wiki skin by hand or by editing the css

... but it's almost impossible to make the content of the MW look 100% like the content of VB... Sorry if u meant that ... anyway, both skins are playing nice together

About impossible... make it fit to all possible skins is impossible... sure it is possible if you adapt the one skin u are using to the media wiki... ok... basically everything is possible, it's just a matter of time

Arcade Fire 02-09-2010 07:13 AM

Thanks, I will try.

mabersoft 02-09-2010 07:47 AM

Taged for gold. I will def be using this.

kisanjong 02-09-2010 07:48 AM

excellent work, thanks - tagged for beta release 5*

bepe 02-09-2010 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Arcade Fire (Post 1978108)
Thanks, I will try.

Thank you :)
Please report any existing problems/bugs/issues you come across.
Then I can try to fix it

I did a new install with different location of the wiki
... So I found myself that the Who's online is not working correctly
It?s fixed for the next version already

simunaqv 02-09-2010 08:27 AM

Wonderful piece of work. Marked as isntalled.
What version of MediaWiki are you using? And can you tell us abou the additional features that you are planning. :)

bepe 02-09-2010 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by simunaqv (Post 1978144)
Wonderful piece of work. Marked as isntalled.
What version of MediaWiki are you using? And can you tell us abou the additional features that you are planning. :)

Thank you :)

About the version, I'm using the latest one "1.15.1"... right forgot to mention that

Additional features... almost everything looks possible... we just need some good ideas :)
Someday... perhaps... things like this:
  • When searching the forum there should be wiki links in the result page
    - If the article exists to the article else link to create the wiki article
  • Scan posts on the forum for wiki titles and make them linked
    You should know this from the annoying advertising plugins... but the links to the wiki should not me annoying :) they might be really useful to the reader, so it makes sense
  • Add new wiki pages to the "What's new"
  • and so on...

All that is for involving the user more into the wiki and linking the wiki so that it becomes more interesting

xenaxial 02-09-2010 09:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Fantastic mod btw.

Just one problem. Using vb4.0.1 and mediawiki v1.5.1. I have the wiki installed as a sub directory of the vb4 install so its reachable from /wiki alone and so far have your mod allowing users to use their vb login on the wiki no problem. Only issue is the vbmediawiki skin. For some reason the default mediawiki skins work fine but if I set it to vbmediawiki or preview it with the user preferences in mediawiki I get some random garbage output.

I've just attached a image of what I'm talking about, I've also tried redownloading the files and reinstalling your skin for mediawiki. I'm happy to use the normal skins however it would be good to know if its something I could have done wrong or otherwise.


bepe 02-09-2010 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by xenaxial (Post 1978168)
Fantastic mod btw.

Just one problem. Using vb4.0.1 and mediawiki v1.5.1. I have the wiki installed as a sub directory of the vb4 install so its reachable from /wiki alone and so far have your mod allowing users to use their vb login on the wiki no problem. Only issue is the vbmediawiki skin. For some reason the default mediawiki skins work fine but if I set it to vbmediawiki or preview it with the user preferences in mediawiki I get some random garbage output.

I've just attached a image of what I'm talking about, I've also tried redownloading the files and reinstalling your skin for mediawiki. I'm happy to use the normal skins however it would be good to know if its something I could have done wrong or otherwise.


Hmm... that I've feared... a problem that I can not recreate :$
ok, this is my config right now:
  • VB installed to D:/www/ ... (is root of http://localhost/)
  • MW installed to D:/www/wiki ... (is http://localhost/wiki)
  • so I've added this two lines to LocalSettings.php:
    define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '..' );
    require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );
  • Admin Control Panel -> vBulletin MediaWiki: Options -> MediaWiki Path

can u tell me what is different in your case?

hollosch 02-09-2010 10:26 AM

Sounds good. Try to install it !!!

bepe 02-09-2010 10:35 AM


vbMediaWiki Version: Beta1 - by bepe

================================================== =========================

Changes: Beta1:
- product-vbmediawiki.xml - Fixed "Who's Online" showing still unknown Alpha:
- Initial release

================================================== =========================

Update from Alpha
STEP 1: Import the product product-vbmediawiki.xml via your Admin CP.

PS: Don't forget to set the CP settings again

xenaxial 02-09-2010 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1978179)
Hmm... that I've feared... a problem that I can not recreate :$
ok, this is my config right now:
  • VB installed to D:/www/ ... (is root of http://localhost/)
  • MW installed to D:/www/wiki ... (is http://localhost/wiki)
  • so I've added this two lines to LocalSettings.php:
    define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '..' );
    require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );
  • Admin Control Panel -> vBulletin MediaWiki: Options -> MediaWiki Path

can u tell me what is different in your case?

In my case:
  • VB installed to /var/www/cassa ... (is root of http://localhost/)
  • MW installed to /var/www/cassa/wiki ... (is http://localhost/wiki)
  • so I've added this two lines to LocalSettings.php:
    define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '..' );
    require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );
  • Admin Control Panel -> vBulletin MediaWiki: Options -> MediaWiki Path

I had the define( VB_INSTALL_PATH etc, set /var/www/cassa previously as well and the same garbage appears as described earlier. Thanks for the help, I'll keep tinkering :)

TimberFloorAu 02-09-2010 12:13 PM

Seeing as this is BETA its probably prudent to change settings to , Supported. As you seem to be supporting this mod. < watching with interest and tagged

bepe 02-09-2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by xenaxial (Post 1978244)

I had the define( VB_INSTALL_PATH etc, set /var/www/cassa previously as well and the same garbage appears as described earlier. Thanks for the help, I'll keep tinkering :)

I'm really sorry, I cannot recreate that problem :$

... I'm very new to that whole PHP stuff; usually I'm a C++ developer who decided to need a forum with a wiki integrated, so I've never seen something like that output before

We need to wait if some other users will have that same problem too, then we can search for similarities and I'll be happy to fix it


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1978253)
Seeing as this is BETA its probably prudent to change settings to , Supported. As you seem to be supporting this mod. < watching with interest and tagged

Ok, done ... hey, you look like a dev :) ... you ever seen such an output? ... I don?t even know what to Google for... perhaps "PHP garbage" ? no idea?

Arcade Fire 02-09-2010 12:55 PM

Hi bepe. I have a problem with special characters in spanish lenguaje (?,?,?,?,?,?,?). Can you fix this?, thanks

My logo & login desapear too (for adsense banner?):


xenaxial 02-09-2010 12:56 PM

Thats cool, for the most part your mod does what we need, the skin isn't a big deal and as a C++ dev myself appreciate where you're coming from. It could be something unique to the system we're running so if it turns out I'm the only one with this problem then its no biggy.

I'll quiz some php people I know who might be able to shine some light and relay anything that's helpful. Till then keep up the good work :up:

cosy 02-09-2010 01:00 PM

plz add paypal for donations

bepe 02-09-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Arcade Fire (Post 1978274)
Hi bepe. I have a problem with special characters in spanish lenguaje (?,?,?,?,?,?,?). Can you fix this?, thanks

My logo & login desapear too (for adsense banner?):


Admin Control Panel -> Languages & Phrases -> Language Manager -> [Edit Settings]
there set "HTML Character Set" to: utf-8

About the logo... I think you mean why it is not there if using the integrated skin
... I thought we would not need it, but you are right, some ppl might want it. I'll try to make an option for it

the Login is done over vBulletin, that is why it was removed

bepe 02-09-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by cosy (Post 1978278)
plz add paypal for donations

Donations???? Will I get rich now???? ... just joking :D

As a German student donations are always welcome!!
Thank you, will add a donation link to the mod :)

Arcade Fire 02-09-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by bepe (Post 1978291)
Admin Control Panel -> Languages & Phrases -> Language Manager -> [Edit Settings]
there set "HTML Character Set" to: utf-8

This fix the wiki, but broken my forum text. My HTML Character is ISO-8859-1 :(

bepe 02-09-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Arcade Fire (Post 1978303)
This fix the wiki, but broken my forum text. My HTML Character is ISO-8859-1 :(

ow... that is bad... ok, let me fix it here

Arcade Fire 02-09-2010 02:02 PM

Thanks :)

hollosch 02-09-2010 02:26 PM

Question about paths:

Wiki is located at www.mywiki.com (..httpdocs/www/clients/wiki/w)
vB is located in www.myvBulletin.com/forum (..httpdocs/www/clients/forum)

Located both on the same server , but different TLD's point to different folders on the server.
Is it possible to use the vBMediawiki in this configuration ? If yes - which paths to use ?

bepe 02-09-2010 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arcade Fire (Post 1978318)
Thanks :)

ok... I give up on it for now... the wiki does not suport ISO-8859-1 anymore, so no way to set it.

only way is to switch the forum to UTF-8, but then u need to convert all the posts too... not sure if there is a tool for that... sorry

bepe 02-09-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by hollosch (Post 1978333)
Question about paths:

Wiki is located at www.mywiki.com (..httpdocs/www/clients/wiki/w)
vB is located in www.myvBulletin.com/forum (..httpdocs/www/clients/forum)

Located both on the same server , but different TLD's point to different folders on the server.
Is it possible to use the vBMediawiki in this configuration ? If yes - which paths to use ?

ow my god... that are questions... needed to Google TLD to find that it is Top-Level-Domain :D ... sorry, I'm really new to this stuff
It made your question sound so complex somehow :)

Anyway, both are on the same server, so just set the wiki path to: "http://www.mywiki.com"
The forum path can be relative to the server.. Something like: "../wiki/w" or even full path "..httpdocs/www/clients/wiki/w"

But I did not try it yet... so can not tell for sure if it is working

Gnoll 02-09-2010 03:13 PM

i have the same problem @https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=111940&d=1265716428

lets see ,

define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, 'C:\AppServ\www\vbulletin4' );
require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );

vB Installed : C:\AppServ\www\vbulletin4 ( localhost/vbulletin4 )
MW Installed : C:\AppServ\www\mediawiki ( localhost/mediawiki )

Admin Control Panel -> vBulletin MediaWiki: Options -> MediaWiki Path

CoryHawk 02-09-2010 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by xenaxial (Post 1978168)
Fantastic mod btw.

Just one problem. Using vb4.0.1 and mediawiki v1.5.1. I have the wiki installed as a sub directory of the vb4 install so its reachable from /wiki alone and so far have your mod allowing users to use their vb login on the wiki no problem. Only issue is the vbmediawiki skin. For some reason the default mediawiki skins work fine but if I set it to vbmediawiki or preview it with the user preferences in mediawiki I get some random garbage output.

I've just attached a image of what I'm talking about, I've also tried redownloading the files and reinstalling your skin for mediawiki. I'm happy to use the normal skins however it would be good to know if its something I could have done wrong or otherwise.


Same issue for me. My settings are below

Forums = www.url.com
wiki = www.url.com/gawiki


define( VB_INSTALL_PATH, '/home/gadrama/public_html' );
require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );

VB options Settings = /gawiki

The wiki works fine as long as your skin is not selected. Once I preview your skin so that it will integrate with the forums.. it just produces the gibberish below:


?������??\{s?8??;????p?"g6%g?r$?l?q?'?ؙܖ+??HHbL?????ݪ?4????ܯ???G2?U7?D$?F???7?????????ݓ???I9M???????k???'????????w'??E??'y?qgi????Ox???m??b?h-???|??|?/V?????ي?????<??4I?? @??/_???????%e??$H?=O?  d1??,???5?o?????fi)Ӳyr9???S?+?E??įD8 ?B??????/??lv<?X?a????4?y??4?ʞ????v?1N?a?Dy0 Z?,5?aPH1?娶ޥ?>u?>h6O??8?????4?Neţ?ͦER?3??̃2y,.?;?$?e??_Z??^ٟh??????g?r??Q??ꑏGY>?>??Q\??????6+b?y?V??"?????d??LL? b?-d.#1???8??(N#??K ?O??X?3Qf?ߚ?? ^+0?????w6

etc... etc ... etc..

jGas 02-09-2010 06:22 PM


i cant wait to upgrade to vb4 stable version to use mediawiki :D

Stubbed 02-09-2010 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by cosy (Post 1978278)
plz add paypal for donations


That has nothing to do with this mod. If you want paypal donations get the appropriate modification for vB.

bepe - I'm watching this with great interest as well. Along with the CMS in vB4 this would go a long way to helping my community.

Regarding the gibberish above, that looks like binary output (ie, a jpg is being generated or something). What headers are being sent to the browser?

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