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-   -   Board Optimization - FUZZY SEO Booster - increase long tail search traffic AUTOMATICALLY! (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=234192)

MOGmartin 01-25-2010 10:00 PM

FUZZY SEO Booster - increase long tail search traffic AUTOMATICALLY!
1 Attachment(s)
New Version: 13th October 2010 - fixes the following:
1) searches that contain backslashes no longer give a database error
2) statistics pages cleanued up, improved pagination for big boards
3) random "ghost" keywords like "0h" now solved.

What does this plugin do?

It automatically increases your search engine traffic for long tail queries, by embedding the actual search terms that people use to find your site in an auto-updating tag cloud on every page.

This is one of the plugins used by SEOforums.org - the #1 SEO forum in google!

Full description, screenshots and more about this plugin is available here

I have also released a brand-free (gold) version here


1. Download plugin archive and unzip it. You will find in the zip file, a product XML and

an "upload" folder.

2. Login to yor vBulletin admin control panel.

3. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".

Click on "[Add/Import Product]".

4. Import the XML file that came with this download. Make sure you choose "allow

overwrite" = yes.

5. Upload all content from folder "upload" to you forum root direcory.

You are welcome to use this plugin free of charge on condition that the link in the footer remains. You can remove that by purchasing the brand free version over at my site (the link is at the top of this description).

~VB Staff Comment:

Please note that this modification adds a link to one of three of the developers sites to the footer of each page.

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 09:31 AM

---- if you want any more information on me, or my forum that this was created for, check this post:

ChopSuey 01-26-2010 09:44 AM

Impressive! Tagged.

lolo? 01-26-2010 09:49 AM

thanks for this mod
ihave install but i have one error message

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 193

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by lolo? (Post 1966915)
thanks for this mod
ihave install but i have one error message

Hi mate,

where are you getting this error message, is it on installation?



EDIT: What version are you using of vb as well?

lolo? 01-26-2010 09:53 AM

hello i'm using vb4.01
i have this message on the top of header after install
and there is no cache template

lolo? 01-26-2010 09:57 AM

i have copy this in cache template seems to work

global $globaltemplates;
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_home';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_forumdisplay';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_thread';

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by lolo? (Post 1966919)
i have copy this in cache template seems to work

thanks for the update, looking at the error now and will update the plugin accordingly!

milsirhc 01-26-2010 10:06 AM

Does this work for vb 3.8.4?

lolo? 01-26-2010 10:06 AM

i think position on forumhome_wgo_pos2 is better than forumhome_wgo_pos1
for me ;)

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by milsirhc (Post 1966928)
Does this work for vb 3.8.4?

not as far as Im aware, but feel free to try it (although it will be officially unsupported) - you may need to modify the templates to get it to install, if thats the case I can give you instructions mate.


Originally Posted by lolo? (Post 1966929)
i think position on forumhome_wgo_pos2 is better than forumhome_wgo_pos1
for me ;)

I will add position selection to the next version of the plugin, and I appreciate the suggestions, keep them coming!

lolo? 01-26-2010 10:13 AM


I will add position selection to the next version of the plugin, and I appreciate the suggestions, keep them coming!
no problem ;) i'm waiting your update :)

Carnage 01-26-2010 10:32 AM

Couple of questions:

1. Does this work with the CMS and blogs? (can it insert the keywords into a widget?)
2. Is there a branding free option (eg to remove the linkback) if so, how much?

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Carnage- (Post 1966947)
Couple of questions:

1. Does this work with the CMS and blogs? (can it insert the keywords into a widget?)
2. Is there a branding free option (eg to remove the linkback) if so, how much?

1) CMS/Blogs integration: not currently, I was going to build it around the full suite, but after playing around with the beta versions I actually just modified wordpress to suit the new vb as you can see on my board (http://seoforums.org) as I wasnt a fan of the whole vb4 CMS at all.

I will however have widget functionality built into the next release, which will come out once Ive got through all the suggestions of this release.

2) branding free version/paid version: I haven't really thought about that to be honest, I guess I could launch a "gold" version... I will come back to you on that mate.



WxP 01-26-2010 11:39 AM

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 88

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by WxP (Post 1966977)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 88

a fix was posted above: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....19&postcount=7

Im sorting this out as well in the plugin, but for now you can use the fix above...

tokenyank 01-26-2010 12:27 PM

'Ello mate!

This looks very good indeed!

Just out of curiosity, have you tested this with vBSEO and if so, are there any conflicts?

If not, give me a shufty and I'll give you access to my test board with vBSEO installed so you can play with settings... I'd love to use this, but I don't want to break the $160 product I bought for SEO! :)



gbechtel 01-26-2010 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by lolo? (Post 1966919)
i have copy this in cache template seems to work

Do I create a new template? Where exactly does this go?

global $globaltemplates;
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_home';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_forumdisplay';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_thread';

Skyrider 01-26-2010 12:34 PM

Just curious.. What is better to use, to use this or to use vB's SEO? I'm afraid that all vB's SEO links won't work anymore that have been posted in threads & posts.

tokenyank 01-26-2010 12:40 PM

This in conjunction with vB's inbuilt SEO will be fine... This product doesn't take the place of other SEO features like mod_rewrite/etc... It just captures search terms used to 'find' your site and updates the cloud to include those particular keywords, thus giving you relevant longtail keywords.

In short, this is merely but one weapon to use in the SEO battle, it isn't a 1-stop solution to SEO though.

/correct me if I'm wrong\

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by tokenyank (Post 1967003)
'Ello mate!

This looks very good indeed!

Just out of curiosity, have you tested this with vBSEO and if so, are there any conflicts?

If not, give me a shufty and I'll give you access to my test board with vBSEO installed so you can play with settings... I'd love to use this, but I don't want to break the $160 product I bought for SEO! :)



my board: http://seoforums.org has both installed with no conflicts,

I recommend vbSEO completely, my addon simply improves it further for the long tail search queries.

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by gbechtel (Post 1967007)
Do I create a new template? Where exactly does this go?

global $globaltemplates;
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_home';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_forumdisplay';
$cache[] = 'f_seo_plugin_thread';

Just working on an update so hold tight, new version being uploaded ASAP

WxP 01-26-2010 12:45 PM


Toupsx 01-26-2010 12:46 PM

How about making the information go into a block instead of the What's Going On? box?

Would search engines such as google be able to find it as well as the What's Going On? box or would putting it inside a block widget not work as well for SEO?

dtv100 01-26-2010 12:51 PM

any plan for a 3.8.4 version ?

Zaiaku 01-26-2010 12:52 PM

I do like this may have to give this one a try. nice work

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 01:07 PM



Originally Posted by MOGmartin (Post 1967016)
Just working on an update so hold tight, new version being uploaded ASAP

Delifed 01-26-2010 01:08 PM

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]\includes\class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 47

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by dtv100 (Post 1967027)
any plan for a 3.8.4 version ?

nope, not really sorry.

its ground up coded for vB4 - as was my entire site at http://seoforums.org

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Toupsx (Post 1967019)
How about making the information go into a block instead of the What's Going On? box?

Would search engines such as google be able to find it as well as the What's Going On? box or would putting it inside a block widget not work as well for SEO?

Either way is fine, using it in a block would be more obtrusive in my opinion, but I can do it as well if it gets enough support?

Delifed 01-26-2010 01:09 PM

Ya still got an error.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]\includes\class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 47

kjpp 01-26-2010 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Delifed (Post 1967044)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]\includes\class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 47

I have this error to.

WxP 01-26-2010 01:18 PM

Not working for me again:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 88

F0xy 01-26-2010 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by dtv100 (Post 1967027)
any plan for a 3.8.4 version ?

Yeah I would like to see a 3.8.X version as many vbulletin users didn't jump to vb4 and you would be helping a large part of the community by providing it for 3.8.x even without official support.

Go on...you know you want to :D

MOGmartin 01-26-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Delifed (Post 1967047)
Ya still got an error.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]\includes\class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 47


Originally Posted by kjpp (Post 1967055)
I have this error to.


Originally Posted by WxP (Post 1967058)
Not working for me again:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 88

working on it right now!



ahmedbehiry 01-26-2010 01:54 PM

I've installed it.. and it seems to be working.. but all the tags I'm getting are in the wrong encoding
HTML Code:

ظ?ط?ط?  ظ?ط?طھظ?ط?ط? طھط?ظ?ظ? ط?ظ?طھظ?

ط?ظ?ط?ظ?ط?ط?  ظ?ظ?طھ ظ?ط?ط?ظٹ ظپظٹ ط?ظ?ط?ط?ظٹظ? ظ?ط?ظ?ط?ظ?ط?ظ?ط?

is there a way to fix this?

Gene Steinberg 01-26-2010 01:55 PM

Good to hear.

This is the error I get:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 54

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:4501) in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 4597
But it'll be a great addition to our forums when it works.

One more thing: I'm not seeing any variation in the style/size of the text balloon it displays, even though I'm using your default setting for styles. Although text sizes are changed in our forums, the actual style names are unaltered from stock.


Gene Steinberg 01-26-2010 02:04 PM

Tried your 1.1 version. Same problem.


MOGmartin 01-26-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gene Steinberg (Post 1967094)
Tried your 1.1 version. Same problem.


yep, working on it right now mate, will update the version as soon as Ive got the bugs ironed out, thanks for your interest!

tokenyank 01-26-2010 02:12 PM

Just installed on a clean test board with no other mods...


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(399) : eval()'d code on line 85
Which pertains to:


        * A list of datastore entries to cache.


        * @var        array


        public $datastore_entries = array();


In bootstrap...

I should refresh before posting a 'bug'... I see you're working on it mate, as you were! :)

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