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-   -   VBstatistics on non vb pages (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=23389)

07-21-2001 10:00 PM

On this forum I saw much more scripts, which show on non vb pages information about vb. But all of these marketed as additive to vb, use their own configuration files and consequently need for additional adjustment. Want to offer script, which all data takes from vb, including style, template, can move necessary template and function from vb and show other (non vb) of the page through vb interface

Devels 07-22-2001 10:49 PM

1. Download attached file(statistics.zip).
2. Unzip file (finish as open.php file)
3. Put this file on your vbulletin directory
4. Sit back and relax, while Win... (Oh, it is not good :D ), ok, next..

Included functions or "As I can use it?"
1. If you want to see any template on your page write in non vb page (must is *.php page)
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? tpl=needed_template"; ?>

  • full.server.address = server address, where you install this script.
  • vbdirectory = directory, where you install vb on this server
  • needed_template = name template what you want see.
2. If you want to see header with included style and meta (all header) vb you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=header"; ?>

optional you can write title on this page as
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=header&vbtitle=your_title"; ?>

  • your_title = words, what you want view on title
3. If you want to see footer on non vb pages you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=footer"; ?>

4. If you want to see logincode, you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=login"; ?>

Note: This output not included in < table > tag (have view as < tr >..... < / tr >) you must include it itself
Example : < table >code include here < / table >
5. If you want to see forum jump select box you write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=forumjump"; ?>

Note: you must create in directory, where you want include this function new directory "images" (or other name, as name vb forum images directory) and copy from vb images directory file "go.gif" in this new created directory.
6. If you want to see code buttons, smilies or icons for use this code on other pages (example guestbook and other), you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=code"; ?>
<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=smilies"; ?>
<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=icons"; ?>

7. If you want to see sample style for include it on non vb pages, you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=style"; ?>

8. If you want to see last posted messages on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastpost"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastpost&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number messages to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters.
All view as table: [poster name(as link to this post)][post data]
9. If you want to see last active threads on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastthread"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastthread&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number threads to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters
All view as table: [title thread(as link to this thread)][post data, name poster, image to last post]
Note: you must create in directory, where you want include this function new directory "images" (or other name, as name vb forum images directory) and copy from vb images directory file "lastpost.gif" in this new created directory.
10. If you want to see the most active writers on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=maxactive"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=maxactive&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number writers to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters.
All view as table: [poster name(as link to him info)][number sended post, him activity]
11. If you want to see other, non vb page in full vb style(header, footer, style), write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? in=your_page"; ?>

  • your_page = name your page
Note: You can include sub directories as:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? in=your_dir/your_page"; ?>

  • your_page = name your page
  • your_dir = name your directory
Note: not include as your_dir/your_file.php, script make ".php" itself!!!
Note: not probe include pages from other sites!! your_dir is directory on YOUR server!!!

Want good luck.
P.S Forgive for my english, my native language is php :confused:

Kengan 07-23-2001 01:31 AM


Originally posted by Devels
1. Download attached file(statistics.zip).
2. Unzip file (finish as open.php file)
3. Put this file on your vbulletin directory
4. Sit back and relax, while Win... (Oh, it is not good :D ), ok, next..

Included functions or "As I can use it?"
1. If you want to see any template on your page write in non vb page (must is *.php page)
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? tpl=needed_template"; ?>

  • full.server.address = server address, where you install this script.
  • vbdirectory = directory, where you install vb on this server
  • needed_template = name template what you want see.
2. If you want to see header with included style and meta (all header) vb you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=header"; ?>

optional you can write title on this page as
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=header&vbtitle=your_title"; ?>

  • your_title = words, what you want view on title
3. If you want to see footer on non vb pages you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=footer"; ?>

4. If you want to see logincode, you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=login"; ?>

Note: This output not included in < table > tag (have view as < tr >..... < / tr >) you must include it itself
Example : < table >code include here < / table >
5. If you want to see forum jump select box you write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=forumjump"; ?>

Note: you must create in directory, where you want include this function new directory "images" (or other name, as name vb forum images directory) and copy from vb images directory file "go.gif" in this new created directory.
6. If you want to see code buttons, smilies or icons for use this code on other pages (example guestbook and other), you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=code"; ?>
<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=smilies"; ?>
<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=icons"; ?>

7. If you want to see sample style for include it on non vb pages, you must write
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=style"; ?>

8. If you want to see last posted messages on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastpost"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastpost&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number messages to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters.
All view as table: [poster name(as link to this post)][post data]
9. If you want to see last active threads on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastthread"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=lastthread&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number threads to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters
All view as table: [title thread(as link to this thread)][post data, name poster, image to last post]
Note: you must create in directory, where you want include this function new directory "images" (or other name, as name vb forum images directory) and copy from vb images directory file "lastpost.gif" in this new created directory.
10. If you want to see the most active writers on your non vb page, write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=maxactive"; ?>

Note: Default numper last messages is 5, for change it number write:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? ac=maxactive&limit=your_number"; ?>

  • your_number = number writers to view on this include
Note: Default width table is 100%, plz insert this include in other table which assign necessary parameters.
All view as table: [poster name(as link to him info)][number sended post, him activity]
11. If you want to see other, non vb page in full vb style(header, footer, style), write plz
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? in=your_page"; ?>

  • your_page = name your page
Note: You can include sub directories as:
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php? in=your_dir/your_page"; ?>

  • your_page = name your page
  • your_dir = name your directory
Note: not include as your_dir/your_file.php, script make ".php" itself!!!
Note: not probe include pages from other sites!! your_dir is directory on YOUR server!!!

Want good luck.
P.S Forgive for my english, my native language is php :confused:

Looks cool ! let me try ! thanks !! :cool: :confused: :rolleyes: ;)

orca 07-23-2001 06:18 AM

Kengan, don't quote big messages. It's not very readable.

dost 07-23-2001 08:10 AM

Nice hack I'll try it.[QUOTE]P.S Forgive for my english, my native language is php

Devels 07-27-2001 04:57 AM

See this script in action on arabic page ;).

RobAC 07-27-2001 09:53 AM


Originally posted by Devels
See this script in action on arabic page ;).
Unfortunately, because the page is in Arabic, there's no way for non-Arabic users to really see this hack in action.

the_sisko 07-27-2001 10:54 AM

Sounds great and usefull. It's a great idea and esay to use. Will try it at home later.


ArabicFox 08-01-2001 09:34 AM


Pilot 08-01-2001 08:30 PM

Looks good, can you put the documentation in the zip and include an example php page and also how to make it work in a HTML page with SSI please?

Ruth 08-02-2001 12:46 AM

the hack is not working with me, i am trying to use the header in non vB pages, when i upload open.php and add the line, nothing seems to change in the page.

any idea?

Devels 08-02-2001 06:09 AM


Originally posted by Ruth
the hack is not working with me, i am trying to use the header in non vB pages, when i upload open.php and add the line, nothing seems to change in the page.
any idea?

1. Check again --> all instruction you make?
2. Write in nonVb page this string (w/o backspaces).
PHP Code:

<? include "http://full.server.address/vbdirectory/open.php?ac=header"; ?>

You must write this string ONLY in *.php files!
In other files (as SSI) in make in this time (full help instructions).

Pilot 08-02-2001 07:13 AM

Great, what we need are some working sample HTML and PHP pages in the zip file.

Does your code disconnect from the database afterwards, I have seen some hacks that leave the connection hanging which seems a bad idea to me?

Ruth 08-02-2001 07:37 AM

Thanks Devels, but i don't think it is working with 2.0.3

Pilot 08-15-2001 02:55 PM

Any news on the documentation for this?

I tried it and found that it gave really odd results on a non-VB page - UNLESS the user had a cookie stored with VB login information.

So a new user coming along and displaying this non-VB page with SSI - would generate the VB login prompt instead of the required SSI information.

This hack does not work properly unless you are already logged in (or cookied).

My site requires login for all access - can this hack be changed so it can used on a home page where the user may not even have registered yet (let alone logged in!)?

Slave 08-22-2001 08:18 AM

Any news on this?

I'm having a play with it and I don't see to be able to get it to work .. so a zip file with some help/example pages would be good ..


Seby 05-05-2002 03:41 PM

Hi there,

I have some problems with the stats on my page. I made a template with the following stuff in it:
PHP Code:

<font color=#A7A7A5>Forum Stats:<br>
Members: <b>$numbermembers</b><br>
Total Posts: <b>$totalposts</b><br>
Total Threads: <b>$totalthreads</b></font

Look at it here: http://www.cscentral.com/forums/open...pl=forum_stats

it doesn't seem to work, anybody know what's wrong with it?


SHalliday 05-06-2002 12:39 AM

Any way to make the path to VB ABSOLUTE?

vbpath =="/forums"

This because if the include is called OUTSIDE the VB directory some functions wont work.

portalguy 02-08-2003 07:43 PM


Originally posted by SHalliday
Any way to make the path to VB ABSOLUTE?

vbpath =="/forums"

This because if the include is called OUTSIDE the VB directory some functions wont work.

Where do you do that??

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Template Usage:
  • (1)ad_footer_end
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  • (6)option
  • (1)post_thanks_navbar_search
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  • (19)printthreadbit
  • (1)spacer_close
  • (1)spacer_open 

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  • global
  • postbit
  • showthread
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  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
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