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-   -   vBcode and smilie user interface improvement (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=23366)

s.molinari 07-21-2001 10:00 PM

Ok, I'm not sure if this has already been done. I checked Kier's original hack and I searched for other possible hacks and didn't find any.

This hack or code improvement, as I would like to call it, helps out with the problem of the vBcode or smilies always being added to the end of the text in the textarea box. In other words no matter where you would like to add a vBcode or smilie it will always be placed at the end of the text written.

The new vbcode.js script below will fix this. With this improvement you could go any where in the text that you have written and add smilies or format the text in what ever way you would like. The added vBcode or smilie will always be inserted at the point where the cursor is.

Please note: You must add the following in the textarea tag for the message, otherwise the new script will not work. You'll find these textareas in the newreply and newthread templates.

Your new textarea tag should look like this(red code denotes the chages that should be made):


<textarea name="message" rows="20" cols="$textareacols" wrap="virtual" tabindex="2"
onChange=getActiveText(this) onclick=getActiveText(this) >$message</textarea>

All you have to do after changing the templates is copy the new vbcode.js onto your server and voila, your users will be loving you. :)

Enjoy and let me know what you think.


s.molinari 07-22-2001 02:32 PM

oops.......pressed the wrong botton. Here is the file.


eva2000 07-22-2001 02:32 PM

huh is the change in vb_code.js and the newthread and newreply as well?

s.molinari 07-22-2001 02:47 PM


Originally posted by eva2000
huh is the change in vb_code.js and the newthread and newreply as well?
You must change the newthread and newreply templates in order to get the changes in the vbcode.js script to work.

Make more sense now?


eva2000 07-22-2001 02:50 PM


Originally posted by s.molinari

You must change the newthread and newreply templates in order to get the changes in the vbcode.js script to work.

Make more sense now?


yup i posted before you did the attachment post that's why hehe

Freddie Bingham 07-22-2001 02:51 PM

Please remember to not post vBulletin source code *which* includes the javascript files.

ToraTora! 07-22-2001 02:57 PM

could you give a better area for description in the new reply and new thread area? Is this a hack for 2.01, because i am not finding these statements for 2.0.

Proximate line locations, or something along those lines?

ztsky 07-22-2001 02:59 PM

Works well,thank you.

ToraTora! 07-22-2001 03:00 PM

i must be blind, or this is for 2.01....

ToraTora! 07-22-2001 03:05 PM

nevermind. Blind is the answer we are looking for here. :)

dxb 07-22-2001 03:23 PM

ok now what can we do without the the file :confused:

ToraTora! 07-22-2001 03:27 PM

my thoughts exactly. here i searched for this crap, and finely found it, only to discover the main ingrediant is missing.

I think in these such cases, delete the whole thread, so people arent adding this and than finding out there is something missing.
(like i did)

dxb 07-22-2001 03:53 PM

yeah your right Tora Tora because we cant force the hack writter to write the instructions because I think sometimes it takes along time to do so

anyway I hope Scott with have the time to rewrite the instructions :( because it is a hack I would love to have

ztsky 07-22-2001 03:57 PM


Originally posted by dxb
yeah your right Tora Tora because we cant force the hack writter to write the instructions because I think sometimes it takes along time to do so

anyway I hope Scott with have the time to rewrite the instructions :( because it is a hack I would love to have

How do you think about *.js ?

ToraTora! 07-22-2001 03:59 PM

it wasnt the instructions that caused the problems though. It was the file that was attached that did.
That is why i said, if the hack is presented, and a good portion of it is taken away, than axe the whole works, because hes not going to be able to post the java script again. :)

ztsky 07-22-2001 04:04 PM


Originally posted by ToraTora!
it wasnt the instructions that caused the problems though. It was the file that was attached that did.
That is why i said, if the hack is presented, and a good portion of it is taken away, than axe the whole works, because hes not going to be able to post the java script again. :)

I see.

Freddie Bingham 07-22-2001 04:35 PM

ztsky since you think it is ok to post the source code why don't you also put your *valid* vb license information in your profile.

s.molinari 07-22-2001 05:43 PM


Originally posted by freddie
Please remember to not post vBulletin source code *which* includes the javascript files.
Sorry, I wasn't aware of that rule. It makes since though. How stupid of me. I'm sure, however, many users would be happy with the improvement. Maybe you could include it in the next version.

Everyone, this "hack" was not in it's own right a hack but rather an improvement in the vbcode.js script. I unfortunately didn't know about posting vB source code so my attaching the script went against the rules. Therefore the script has been removed.


s.molinari 07-22-2001 06:00 PM

vB Dev Team,

Just a note. If you do decide to use the vbcode.js script could you please let me know. Either per email or PM or even a post, doesn't matter.


Delhaze 07-22-2001 07:03 PM

Why haven't the VB develpoers created an area on the webserver that is protected for valid license holders, like the members area, where files like this can be downloaded.

If it doesn't happen I can see customers moving to FREE open source alternatives as soon as they become as powerfull, and with hacks easily available.

kchii 07-22-2001 07:03 PM

Sounds like a great hack. I have a valid license (info entered in profile), so if someone could verify this and send me the updated js file? I'm not sure if this is possible, but and help would be much appreciated. Thanks! :)

s.molinari 07-22-2001 07:35 PM


Originally posted by Delhaze
Why haven't the VB develpoers created an area on the webserver that is protected for valid license holders, like the members area, where files like this can be downloaded.

If it doesn't happen I can see customers moving to FREE open source alternatives as soon as they become as powerfull, and with hacks easily available.

Your point is a good one but situations like mine are an exception. I don't think there are too many code improvements to warrant such extra effort as you explained. What I did isn't exactly a bug fix and not really a hack, that's why I say it is an exception. We will just have to wait and see if the new vbcode.js file will be implemented in the next version.


Freddie Bingham 07-22-2001 08:02 PM

Scott send your improvements to Kier and if they are kosher than he can make the needed changes in time for 2.0.2

s.molinari 07-22-2001 08:15 PM


Originally posted by freddie
Scott send your improvements to Kier and if they are kosher than he can make the needed changes in time for 2.0.2
Willdo - havedone :)


samtha25 07-22-2001 08:48 PM


Originally posted by s.molinari
Your point is a good one but situations like mine are an exception.
Not sure how exceptional as this is the second case I've come across just now of something being removed for license violation in just the last few minutes while searching for something else.

The point about competition from open source is a good one, as this is one area where open source may well produce an excellent contender. One of the tricks of competing against open source is to capture as much of the flavor of it as possible without giving away the store. So, I think the idea of having a download area for hacks/improvements from the members only area or perhaps a licensees' only forum for such exchanges is a very good one.

TDawson 07-22-2001 09:38 PM

We need a "Members Only" forum!!!!!!

tubedogg 07-22-2001 11:20 PM


Originally posted by samtha25
Not sure how exceptional as this is the second case I've come across just now of something being removed for license violation in just the last few minutes while searching for something else.
That was kind of a fluke. I think the last time this happened was in March or April.


The point about competition from open source is a good one, as this is one area where open source may well produce an excellent contender. One of the tricks of competing against open source is to capture as much of the flavor of it as possible without giving away the store. So, I think the idea of having a download area for hacks/improvements from the members only area or perhaps a licensees' only forum for such exchanges is a very good one.
I would tend to agree. However I think the way it is now is a good system too. It allows it be out in the open without compromising vBulletin's source.

Delhaze 07-22-2001 11:36 PM

I think in this case it's a bit pointless imposing any restriction.

This is after all a .js file.

The original can be download from ANY vb site.

Can somebody who manged to install the new file give me a link to their vb site.

I won't download it honest, although if I happen to find it in my cache ...........

tubedogg 07-22-2001 11:56 PM

The general discussion is about vB source as a whole, not just .js files. Yes, .js files can be downloaded as you say, however PHP files cannot. We cannot pick and choose what parts of the license we enforce, or when we enforce them.

Delhaze 07-23-2001 12:17 AM

I think you'll find that you actually can, but you choose not to.

Anyway, thanks for the hack Scott, it is working brilliantly. :D

tubedogg 07-23-2001 12:38 AM

Let's put it this way: it's bad business to only enforce certain portions of a license. If we weren't going to enforce something, why would we put it in the license?

And in this case, allowing people to post full vB files would be completely against the point of running the business and selling vBulletin. And please don't start the argument of "then why isn't it free".

Delhaze 07-23-2001 01:42 AM

For those of you who want to install it, and have managed to aquire the new .js file, I have found the following templates need to be changed:

Calendar Templates
  • calendar_enterevent

New Posting Templates
  • newreply
  • newthread
Private Messaging Templates
  • priv_forwardmultiple
  • priv_sendprivmsg
  • priv_sendtobuddies

Any one know if there are any more?

This hack is a absolute must have, I've only had it installed for an hour or so, and already writing this message without it is tedious. :mad:

Please VB People, tell us it will be included in the next update. ;)

ToraTora! 07-23-2001 03:02 AM

i was here when this all went down, and two people got it. I was to busy searching for things in the wrong places, and as such, missed the boat. I knew it would be taken down, and rightfully so. I think we can all agree on that. If its going to be added to the next release, than I can wait. Im not going to add a bunch of things, only to repeat it again, or not have to due in part its already included, which it sounds like it will.

However, there is another valid point made amongst this. I would also like to see what is on the slate for release, and what the release date time period is looking like.
Kind of a planning situation for me on what, if any, mods I could add to our board, without having to worry about having everything wiped out again.
That is why we are currently with 2.0, because we knew the other one would be rite around the corner (3 months..or so.)


Freddie Bingham 07-23-2001 01:55 PM

On slate for release? Just bug fixes. When? Don't know.

snyx 07-23-2001 05:12 PM


Originally posted by freddie
ztsky since you think it is ok to post the source code why don't you also put your *valid* vb license information in your profile.

oh, could someone take a shot of it for me, I wanna see (or atlest know) what improvments it makes?

s.molinari 07-23-2001 05:14 PM


Originally posted by Delhaze
I think you'll find that you actually can, but you choose not to.

Anyway, thanks for the hack Scott, it is working brilliantly. :D

I didn't give it to him, honest! :)


ToraTora! 07-23-2001 05:40 PM


Originally posted by snyx

oh, could someone take a shot of it for me, I wanna see (or atlest know) what improvments it makes?

Instead of the VB code, or smilies always showing up at the end of your paragraph, they could now be inserted where ever you wanted them.

snyx 07-23-2001 05:51 PM

ooooooooh! I like that!
can ya add it to the dev. forum?

s.molinari 07-23-2001 06:03 PM

For those who are interested:

I sent the new vbcode.js file to Kier and he is looking it over. When he gives it the go ahead, I'm sure it will be added to the new release.


s.molinari 07-23-2001 06:05 PM


Originally posted by Delhaze
For those of you who want to install it, and have managed to aquire the new .js file, I have found the following templates need to be changed:

Calendar Templates
  • calendar_enterevent

New Posting Templates
  • newreply
  • newthread
Private Messaging Templates
  • priv_forwardmultiple
  • priv_sendprivmsg
  • priv_sendtobuddies

Any one know if there are any more?

This hack is a absolute must have, I've only had it installed for an hour or so, and already writing this message without it is tedious. :mad:

Please VB People, tell us it will be included in the next update. ;)

Thanx for the update. I wasn't sure if I had all the templates where vbcode.js was used. Obviously I missed afew. ;)


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