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-   -   Forum Display Enhancements - Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=233629)

Jhonnyf 01-19-2010 10:00 PM

Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced)
1 Attachment(s)
This mod allows you to easily add and remove tabs on the navigation bar using the adminCP. Tabs can appear as "selected" after being clicked, automatically deselecting the other tabs.
You also have the option of indicating which groups are allowed and not allowed to see the tabs via usergroup id.
Tabs may operate as normal select tabs, as drop-down menus. or as links to external sites.

The Hack only use 1 SQL sentence to create All the Menu, no Template edition

This Hack allows you to create tabs at the bar of vBulletin 4.0


- Upload all files in the UPLOAD folder to the root of the forum
- Import the product 'product-evbs_sstab_advanced.xml'
- Configure and manage your tabs in the "Tabs vbSoporte" menu in AdminCP
- Do not forget to "Allow Overwrite" if you are Updating to 2.0

20-01-10: ver 1.0
  • Create Tabs in vBulletin 4
23-01-10: ver 2.0
  • Create/Manager Tabs Drop Down
  • Create/Manager Sublinks for Tabs
  • Option to Disable FORUM, HOME, BLOG, WHAT'S NEW Defaults vBulletin Tabs and not delete their sublinks menu
  • Phrases in native English and all phrases are in variables
  • Code with new algorithm for better performance
  • Spanish Language (sstab_advanced_spanish.xml)
23-01-10: ver 2.0.1
  • Fix some bugs
  • Work with vBadvanced CMPS Menu
23-01-10: ver 2.0.2
  • Fix menu Tab mix problem
  • Define some Rules:
    1. If TABS is a menu -> No process Sublink
    2. If MENU TAB no have Item -> No Process
27-01-10: ver 2.0.3
  • Change Title Size from 20 to 50 characters
  • Fix Error when not have Tabs
  • Add 2 phrases that I forgot to include in the last version
  • Fix Groups Permission when is a TAB MENU or TAB with SUBLINK
  • Add MultiScript
  • membergroup with a list and checkbox (option to SET Colums in Config)
12-May-10: ver 2.0.4 (Compatible with vB 4.0.3)
  • Fix What's News
  • Add Option to ser Imagen to tabs
  • Credits in footer can be disable from Option Panel
  • Fix Calendar problem
  • Fix Option to URL_PARAMETER
19-Jan-11: ver 2.0.5 (Compatible with vB 4.1.1)
  • Fix All Hide Options
  • Allow to use Phrase as Titles (RULES)
    • If the "Phrase Variable Name" don't exist, them use the TITLE
************************************************** ***
To use this Option only Write the Part that Always repeat, por example for this URLs:
  1. http://x.com/showthread.php?1-Nuevo (Main thread)
  2. http://x.com/showthread.php?1-Nuevo&p=13#post13 (Post in thread)
  3. http://x.com/showthread.php?1-Nuevo/page2 (One page of thread)
You Only Set:
  1. Tab Label = Any Name
  2. URL = http://x.com/showthread.php?1-Nuevo (or only http://x.com/showthread.php?1- that have the ID of thread)
  3. Tab mode: URL_PARAMETER
************************************************** ****
About Phrases as TITLES
When you create a New Element (Tab, menu, etc) You see a box to put only the variable Phrase name

To create New Phrase go to
Languages & Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> Add New Phrase
************************************************** ****
Special Thank to
vB Style Taught me about new the CSS system and help me using CSS standards
dieKetzer Betatester and Translator to native English Language

  • This Hack is FULL AUTO-TEMPLATE but need the default NAVBAR template to work
  • This Hack have copyright ad at the bottom of the page (if you use this)
Spanish Version, (Version en Espa?ol, mi lenguaje Primario :D) -> Tabs Add System for vBulletin 4 (sstab advanced)

************************************************** *****

How to Add Variables Like userid:

if you need to use vBulletin variables to make URL like http://myurl.com/?u={userid} see this Post

Jhonnyf 01-20-2010 01:36 PM

Tab mode

URL = With this opcion only the Tab is highlight if match exactly with the URL

if you set "http://www.url.com/showthread.php?59-description"
only with that exactly URL work, then "http://www.url.com/showthread.php?59-description/page2" not macth

URL_PARAMETER = match the URL + Parameters (page=1,etc)
if you set "http://www.url.com/showthread.php?59-description"
then the condition to highlight is
"http://www.url.com/showthread.php?59-description[any, like parameter how /page2, etc]"


That is a Identificator to know with php archive you are load

You can find this open the php archive that you can highlight, for examples:

In calendar.php
PHP Code:


Open showthread.php
PHP Code:


Open Group.php
PHP Code:


dieKetzer 01-20-2010 02:08 PM

sorry guys, youre on your own with this mod.
i am off to greener pastures; xenforo.com

update (dec 2011) it appears another coder has made some changes to this mod and made them available. this may fix some issues you are having with this mod.

this mod is intended for vb4 and its default header navigation template set. if you try to use this on a third-party template set, youre on your own.


in the admin cp under the section 'Tabs vbSoporte' (in the left frame)...

-config - use to turn off/on the default vb tabs, such as forum, whats new, blogs, etc or to turn off the mod, or to change the number of allow/not allow columns to show.

-menu tabs - create a tab for the menu, and decide how it will function.
click 'add new tab' at the bottom and bring up the following
-----tab label - this is the name of the tab, and the text that will appear on the nav tab.
-----this tab is a menu- if you want the tab to activate a drop down list of links, select yes. if you want it to function as a link to a page, leave it set to no.
-----url- if you want this tab to link to a page, enter the url here. if this tab will activate a drop-down menu, leave this blank.
-----tab mode- there are 3 ways to decide how the tabs become 'highlighted', in a selected state:
---------this_script- the most reliable method is to enter the ''this_script' information and select this option. there are cases where tabs will interfere with one another and result in multiple tabs being selected at one time. this is a 'this_script conflict', so you may need to try a url option.
--------url- to instead use the url to enter a selected state, enter an absolute url (ie http://www.example.com/forum/memberlist.php). relative urls (ie /memberlist.php) will fail. do not enter anything into the 'this script' field. (currently bugged)
---------url_parameter- if your url contains parameters (somepage.php?action=1&etc), you will need to select this option. to enter a selected state, enter an absolute url (ie http://www.example.com/forum/memberl...p?action=1&etc). relative urls (ie /memberlist.php) will fail. do not enter anything into the 'this script' field. (currently bugged)
-----set the this_script value- if youre using the 'this_script' method, enter the information here, ie arcade. if you are instead using the one of the url options, leave this blank.
-----target- determines if the link should open a new window or not. _self=same window, _blank=new window. if you are attempting to use javascript* to open a new window you may want to leave this set to _self if extra windows open.
-----allow/not allow- you can make tabs visible to admin-only, invisible for the unregistered, etc.
-----tab is active- you can turn off a tab if need be
-----tab position- use this to position a tabs location on the nav bar relative to the default vb tabs.
-----display order- within each tab position, in what order will these tabs appear in the navigation bar? enter a numeric value. lower numbers appear first, a tab with an order of 10 will appear before one with an order of 20.
*you can set multiple tabs' display orders in one shot on the main menu tab page. remember to click 'save changes' when youre finished.

-drop-down items- if you selected tab is a menu=yes when creating a tab. you can enter its menu items here. a drop-down menu tab and its menu items are not expected to select/highlight.
click 'add item' at the bottom and bring up the following
-----parent tab- which tab is this a menu item for? select it from the list. if the tab is not listed, check to make sure you set its 'tab is a menu' option to yes.
-----menu text- what you want the link to say on the menu.
-----url- the page you want to link to
-----target- determines if the link should open a new window or not. _self=same window, _blank=new window. if you are attempting to use javascript* to open a new window you may want to leave this set to _self if extra windows open.
-----allow/not allow- you can make tabs visible to admin-only, invisible for the unregistered, etc.
-----menu item active- you can turn off a menu item if need be
-----display order- in what order will these tabs appear in the drop down menu? enter a numeric value. lower numbers appear first, a tab with an order of 10 will appear before one with an order of 20.
*you can set multiple menu items' display orders in one shot on the main menu item page. remember to click 'save changes' when youre finished.

-nav sub-links- if you want a horizontal row of links to appear under the tabs when clicking a tab and navigating to a particular page, you may add them here. in order for sub-links to appear, the parent tab must be in a selected state. if you havent managed to get the tab to appear highlighted, your sub-links will not appear.
click 'add item' at the bottom and bring up the following
-----parent tab- which tab is this a sub-link item for? select it from the list. if the tab is not listed, check to make sure you set its 'tab is a menu' option to no.
-----menu text- what you want the link to say on the sub nav bar.
-----url- the page you want to link to
-----target- determines if the link should open a new window or not. _self=same window, _blank=new window. if you are attempting to use javascript* to open a new window you may want to leave this set to _self if extra windows open.
-----allow/not allow- you can make links visible to admin-only, invisible for the unregistered, etc.
-----menu item active- you can turn off a link item if need be
-----display order- in what order will these links appear in the sub nav bar? enter a numeric value. lower numbers appear first, a tab with an order of 10 will appear before one with an order of 20.
*you can set multiple menu items' display orders in one shot on the main nav sub-links item page. remember to click 'save changes' when youre finished.

*about launching javascript windows: RK1gaming found he could get a tab to launch a javascript window by using the following injection as the tab url:

'javascript:void(0)' onclick='window.open("http://www.example.com/somepage.html","","height=407,width=650,status=1")
leave 'target = _self'. this is an unsupported use, but it appears to work.

here are THIS_SCRIPT for things
  • vbadvanced home - adv_index
  • ispy - vaispy
  • vbcms 'content.php' - vbcms
  • PhotoPost - ppindex
  • links and downloads manager - local_links
  • ibProArcade - arcade
to find a this_script:
open the php file (locally, not the webpage!) youre trying to link to and look for this line in the code:

define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'blahblahblah');

insert the blahblahblah into the 'this_script' field (without the quote marks).
although not chiselled in stone, generally this_script is is the same as the script file name.

Jhonnyf 01-20-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1961225)
these nav hacks are getting better and better :)
any plan to expand the functionality to include subnav links?

Examples? with Imagen please

dieKetzer 01-20-2010 02:20 PM

meaning to allow us to dictate the sub-links associated with each button.
for example, how 'forum' has these sublinks ' New Posts | Private Messages | FAQ | Calendar | Community'

Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1961230)
Examples? with Imagen please

rbc 01-20-2010 02:31 PM

thanks, works great - :)

Jhonnyf 01-20-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by dieKetzer (Post 1961236)
meaning to allow us to dictate the sub-links associated with each button.
for example, how 'forum' has these sublinks ' New Posts | Private Messages | FAQ | Calendar | Community'

I did not noticed that there are different links depending on tab, I will do that for the next version or for 500 installs

Skyrider 01-20-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1961257)
I did not noticed that there are different links depending on tab, I will do that for the next version or for 500 installs

I hope next version, 500 might take a while. I also would like to see sub-tabs.

I can't delete any tabs! Attempting to delete them brings me to an empty admincp page.

Jhonnyf 01-20-2010 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1961278)
I can't delete any tabs! Attempting to delete them brings me to an empty admincp page.

Fixed. download again

Thank you for report

Muggz562 01-20-2010 03:33 PM

Awesome! Definitely installed! I have been waiting for something like this for awhile. :)

Skyrider 01-20-2010 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1961304)
Fixed. download again

Thank you for report

Thanks! Do you know how to remove the default tabs by vBulletin? (forum/whats new).

princeedward 01-20-2010 03:46 PM

great mod....this will be the easiest way and fantastic if we can also add sub links below...under each tab we create.... ;) thanks anyway...

Hornstar 01-20-2010 06:19 PM

Thanks, I hope you can update this without having to wait for the 500 installs tho...

tagged for when I upgrade to VB4

texasteamplayer 01-20-2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1961257)
I did not noticed that there are different links depending on tab, I will do that for the next version or for 500 installs

500 installs? that will take months.

you also need to add the ability to add drops downs to the tab.


The "admin tools" came from MARCO1 Quick Admin Tools mod in this forum.

I'd rather have no "sub nav" links, and simply the drop downs. Eliminates the need for a sub nav bar.

And, if you can add drop downs, then even drop downs within dropdowns. Sections within sections. So complex menu's can be made.

texasteamplayer 01-20-2010 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 1961317)
Thanks! Do you know how to remove the default tabs by vBulletin? (forum/whats new).

that too. We need a full tab/nav bar manager, so we can choose what's going to be where. Not vB choosing for us.

Jhonnyf 01-20-2010 07:40 PM

Taken note for the next version (ok,ok, not 500 Installs)
* TABS with Drop menu (post #14)
* Sub link for new Tabs (delete all and create the news for the Tab)(post #3 and #14)

Somethings else?

LoveStream 01-20-2010 08:12 PM

Excellent idea Man :)

How about you add new Navbar menu with option underneath your NabTab?


ascott 01-20-2010 09:06 PM

Excellent, just what I was looking for, thank you.

zbahadir 01-20-2010 09:08 PM

nice work :up:

DjEddie 01-20-2010 10:09 PM

nice mod thanks .. chose this one over the others available.. seems nice n easy .. and sounds better with the added suggestions on the next update..

one more if is possible .. any way to be able to give the tab a color .. either just able to color the text or if possible to color the text and/or tab too?

thanks :)

khuhner 01-20-2010 10:22 PM

How do you REMOVE vb4 default tabs? I'm looking to remove "Blogs" and "What's New".


Sarcoth 01-20-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by khuhner (Post 1961750)
How do you REMOVE vb4 default tabs? I'm looking to remove "Blogs" and "What's New".


If you plan to remove Blogs all together, just disabling the blogs plugin in the Products Manager will remove the tab. Otherwise, it's most likely a plugin under the Blogs area.

madotds 01-21-2010 12:10 AM

Hi thank you for this mod :) great job and voted mod of month.

Now can anyone tell me what the "THIS_SCRIPT" would be for vbadvanced please?

Mark :)

Edit: Sorry I found it "adv_index"

Great mod! cheers

3DUInc 01-21-2010 01:30 AM

OUTSTANDING!!! I have been waiting for just this!

I agree with posts #3 and #14 and I wish you much more then 500 installs :)

Thanks again! :)

Juggernaut 01-21-2010 02:47 AM

Thank you for this great addon.

badawidollah 01-21-2010 04:36 AM

this is great

i love it

Leo Brazil 01-21-2010 02:08 PM

I'm tagging this one. If we have dropdowns option for tabs would be perfect.

Datenpapst 01-21-2010 02:35 PM

Any possiblity to get a tab to be marked active if the link is to a section of the CMS?

Like: content.php?118

Jhonnyf 01-21-2010 06:45 PM

I have the DROP DOWN System complete (100%)


This is new option for the hack, the first menu (Manager) is the same

when I finish the Sub menu system I going to release a new Version

viganothing 01-21-2010 08:48 PM

for the ones who want to remove Whats New tab follow this steps:

AdminCP > Styles and templates > your style > Edit templates >
in the list double click on

search for the these lines and remove them

<vb:elseif condition="$show['member']" />
<li><a class="navtab" href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getnew&amp;contenttype=vBForum_Post">{vb:rawphrase getnew_tab}</a></li>
<vb:else />
<li><a class="navtab" href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getdaily&amp;contenttype=vBForum_Post">{vb:rawphrase getnew_tab}</a></li>

Save and you're done

choitz 01-21-2010 09:28 PM

Great work!! Such speed on Drop Down too... going to install now and just hope it works as well as it looks/sounds!

InfoNirvana 01-21-2010 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by 3DUInc (Post 1961900)
OUTSTANDING!!! I have been waiting for just this!

I agree with posts #3 and #14 and I wish you much more then 500 installs :)

Thanks again! :)



Originally Posted by Jhonnyf (Post 1962632)
I have the DROP DOWN System complete (100%)

This is new option for the hack, the first menu (Manager) is the same

:up: :up:


when I finish the Sub menu system I going to release a new Version
Subnavs are often annoying and vBulletin is way to subnav happy.

This is shaping up to be thee mandatory Tab System for vB 4.
Great addon.
+++ Tagged ... will install ASAP.

TrailRecon 01-22-2010 01:06 AM

This is a very nice mod. Thank you

However, before we keep it...Is there anyway with this mod to add a tab which points to a custom vb powered page and remain selected?

The page is rendered through a vb custom template and is calling some php code from outside vB. The vb powered page includes the tab bar at the top of it so it looks incorrect to see the tab for the page you are on but the forum tab is the one highlighted. I need to make that tab stay selected when on that page.

Oh and x2 on the ability to set the sub menu items based on the selected tab!

Thanks for the nice work!

InfoNirvana 01-22-2010 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by TrailRecon (Post 1962971)
However, before we keep it...Is there anyway with this mod to add a tab which points to a custom vb powered page and remain selected?

Anyone using this mod on their site ?
I would like to verify that when you click a Tab made by this mod ... that the Tab Appears Selected. Other TAB mods suffer from this problem.

SonicGT 01-22-2010 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by InfoNirvana (Post 1962990)
Anyone using this mod on their site ?
I would like to verify that when you click a Tab made by this mod ... that the Tab Appears Selected. Other TAB mods suffer from this problem.

Currently it does not

TrailRecon 01-22-2010 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by InfoNirvana (Post 1962990)
Anyone using this mod on their site ?
I would like to verify that when you click a Tab made by this mod ... that the Tab Appears Selected. Other TAB mods suffer from this problem.

If it is an internal page it DOES stay selected. For example if you specify THIS_SCRIPT for a tab to the member list then it does stay selected.

Does not stay selected if it is and external link.

Seems there must be a way for a custom page that is powered by VB which is what my question was in reference to how to do...or if it is possible

TrailRecon 01-22-2010 02:21 AM

ok, figured it out. Forgot the .php on the name.

For those of you that have a vb powered page, all you have to do is DL your php file for that page and open it it wordpad. Towards the top you will find THIS_SCIPT. Right after it will be the name you use.

As long as you define any php file I imagine it will still show selected

Thank you and marking installed! I have used a few nav tab mods and this one is the best for sure. Once the sub menus are able to be changed based on the sleeted tab this will for sure be the definitive tab mod!

joseduddy 01-22-2010 02:43 AM

Great Mod.
I want to ad a blank between each tab so to space them out. Is there a code for this.
Thanks in advance

Jhonnyf 01-22-2010 02:46 AM

Option to create TABS DROP DOWN MENU 100%
Option to create Sublink for TABS 95%
Full Admin System 95%
Testing with my Betatesters (my friends) = 0% :P

When my friends testing the opcion I release this version

War.Frog 01-22-2010 03:19 AM

Great mod...can anyone touch up the language and re-issue a more English hack version?

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