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daveaite 01-02-2010 10:00 PM

Ultimate Green SEO Themes | vBSocial.com | vBulletin 4 Styles 2.28.2013
1 Attachment(s)
Themes Compatible vB4.2.3

vBSocial.com:#1 vBulletin Third Party Plugins and Themes

Support Me!!
Mark As Installed!

This is a very light-weight professional theme that will boost your registrations and activity!

Image Preview!

Digital Green Theme (Inspired by DigitalPoint.com)

Green SEO Fixed Width -Theme (Inspired by vBSEO.com)

Green SEO Theme Full-Width (Inspired by vBSEO.com)

Dark Green SEO Theme(Inspired by videogamesonline.com)

Fully Designed CMS: Yes!

Fully Designed Forums: Yes!

Fully Designed Blog: Yes!

Fix Log:
4.29.2015 - Fixed some minor glitches
4/11/2015 - Updated to latest version of vBulletin 4.2.3 PL4 - With bug fixes and support is back.
12/11/2011: Updated to 4.1.9, Fixed some glitches
9/2/2011: Small repairs to to CMS sections and other minor changes
6/26/2011: Repaired Dark SEO Theme and Fixed Width Green Theme. Releasing Premium Versions at Forum-Skins.com
9/13/2010: Fixed Width SEO Theme Corrected
6/23/2010: Themes Compatible with Facebook OpenGraph & vB4.04
4/12/2010: Release of Dark Version,
4/9/2010:updated to vb.4.03
3/28/2010: Updated
3/17/2010: Added Digital Forums Theme.
3/10/2010: Fixed white line in header for both versions when using a larger image. Added fixed width and fluid width versions for normal Professional Green SEO Theme
2/27/2010: Pagination fix.
Major Fix: 2/26/2010: Updated borders, and menu colors. Release JS + CSS version as well with expandable/contracting headers. beta1.0

9.10.2012 - Uploaded 4.2 compatibility.

MikeHolohan 01-03-2010 04:06 PM

Beautiful, I love it...

daveaite 01-03-2010 04:08 PM

Thank you :)

fix:: Just re-uploaded it.

Note: Accepting proposals for next theme design. Any suggestions, tips, questions. I'm here to help.

Prostr 01-03-2010 06:34 PM

I really would like a design, matching something like www.speedmotiv.com ..

Simpel, beautifull and easy to find out.


MikeHolohan 01-03-2010 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Prostr (Post 1946212)
I really would like a design, matching something like www.speedmotiv.com ..

Simpel, beautifull and easy to find out.


That isn't even a vbulletin site...

Prostr 01-03-2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by MikeHolohan (Post 1946214)
That isn't even a vbulletin site...

Nope youre right..
But would it be very difficult to match ?

Itworx4me 01-03-2010 11:16 PM

Thanks Dave....Appreciate It


Maouze 01-03-2010 11:21 PM

Nice. installed.

beduino 01-03-2010 11:49 PM

Instaled and registered ;)

A question: in your demo site the color of category titles is very very soft - nearly invisible.
How change this?

All the best
joao barroca
aka beduino

daveaite 01-04-2010 02:05 AM

Thanks for the support. I will check out www.speedmotiv.com, and since there have been no other requests yet that may be the next project

Lizard King 01-04-2010 07:43 AM

Looks like you cloned vBSEO.com Style and released it as your own. Great job on cloning other sites styles and releasing it as your own .

daveaite 01-04-2010 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lizard King (Post 1946698)
Looks like you cloned vBSEO.com Style and released it as your own. Great job on cloning other sites styles and releasing it as your own .

It does have some resemblance to your site...weird. xD Thanks for the compliment.

beduino 01-04-2010 08:15 AM

Hi Dave,

Originally Posted by beduino (Post 1946483)
Instaled and registered ;)

A question: in your demo site the color of category titles is very very soft - nearly invisible.
How change this?

Any news about this?

daveaite 01-04-2010 08:35 AM

I will fix it asap, and re-upload soon. =)

Lizard King 01-04-2010 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1946704)
It does have some resemblance to your site...weird. xD Thanks for the compliment.

It is actually not compliment , i advise you to search for ironie and then judge your own actions.

Unfortunately what you did only has one word ...

If i quit developing one day , trust me the reason will be people like you. Who has no respect to anyone else's work and just steal what other people does.

daveaite 01-04-2010 09:03 AM

To Beduino: Fixed mate =)

To Lizard:"Irony", I believe, is what you were trying to spell. I didn't steal anything of what you did. To create a theme it takes alot of work. Piecing it together. Its not something you can just look at the source code and copy and paste it. Building the theme took hours of my time and for you to say I'm stealing it is just completely wrong. It's like an artist looking at another drawing and then drawing his/her rendition of it. Exactly the same thing. I didn't go on your servers and steal your theme.xml. It's built from scratch by me. Further note, if you come here to say negative things about my judgment, then I have the right to defend myself/fightback.

So if you didn't notice, you should revise your site:
It states: vBulletin 4.0 + vbseo3.5 = [the most powerful vbulleting software]^2

This should be vBulletin 4.0 + vbseo3.5 = 2[the most powerful vbulletin software]
vbulletin 4.0 x vbseo3.5 = [the most powerful vbulletin software]^2

But thats only assuming that vbseo = vbulletin in stature, ...so the entire equation just falls apart there.
You think someone designing thie most powerful software would know basic arithmetic.

If you need more math help, please let me know.

daveaite 01-04-2010 09:17 AM

To Prostr: The theme you requested is almost complete and will be available as a free download. =)

beduino 01-04-2010 10:08 AM

Hi Dave,
One more thing? ;)
The notification box appears with the same color of the link [when we logged of course], all white. How I can change the link color?
Tks in advance

daveaite 01-04-2010 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by beduino (Post 1946759)
Hi Dave,
One more thing? ;)
The notification box appears with the same color of the link [when we logged of course], all white. How I can change the link color?
Tks in advance

No sure what your saying. My notifications box has a white background with black-color lettering.

beduino 01-04-2010 10:34 AM

Hi Dave
I register in your site demo and send a msg to you
See now ... you can see what I'm saying :)
All the best

daveaite 01-04-2010 10:36 AM

Gotcha. It will be in the next fix, give me 10 minutes.

daveaite 01-04-2010 10:46 AM

Fixed and updated. v1.02

Marco van Herwaarden 01-04-2010 11:47 AM

Demo links removed as there is no license for that site.

daveaite 01-04-2010 12:42 PM

What.....its my one testing site... We are permitted 1 testing site, are we not? I'm not trying to turn that board into a comunity. As you can see I have created the discussion section on BuyPoe.com's site. (The liscensed site) Also, test.buypoe.com is on the same server and is only used for testing new themes.

edit :>Looked it up.

You may set up one additional temporary test forum for the purpose of testing code, template and database modifications. Such a test forum must be password protected, and not made available to the general public at any time.
ah...I see now..lame

Lizard King 01-04-2010 01:34 PM

Subject has nothing to do with spelling or vBSEO features.

Subject is very clear : You are taking someone's work and effort and brand them with your own forum name without permission.

There is only one word that explains this behaviour. Guess what ?

daveaite 01-04-2010 01:55 PM

Well your wrong.
I have taken no ones work. This theme was created by my own fingers and sweat. I find it offensive that you are trying to claim my theme.

If you were observant you would've seen "Facebook Themes" on vbulletin.org as well as many others. Now please go, leave this thread alone, no one wants to hear you talk about your site.

buurman 01-04-2010 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard King (Post 1946901)
Subject has nothing to do with spelling or vBSEO features.

Subject is very clear : You are taking someone's work and effort and brand them with your own forum name without permission.

There is only one word that explains this behaviour. Guess what ?

Tsss, the theme is green, wtf are you making this a big big problem about...

I have nothing to do with this theme, the designer, but I think it better to quit doing what your doing right now...

Ok, he could change the name, but thats it... and again.... its GREEN dude... :D

haothiencz 01-04-2010 02:00 PM


I thinnk if your topic name was Green-Black skin for Vbulletin or st like that. It could make things easier.

Putting vBSeo there without permission, even a name could be important for members here. You don't respect the others member.

The "Clone" word even make thing worse.

Calm down guys, we are not child any more.
Duplicate a skin is such an easy thing for designer, but If you respect the work of others, you won't do it.


andreamarucci 01-04-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1946102)
Note: Accepting proposals for next theme design. Any suggestions, tips, questions. I'm here to help.

Hello! Thanks for the theme. What you think about creating a new elegant and at the same time minimalistic theme for vbulletin? i mean something very fast with not too much graphics, good use of the white space, very readable and elegant using good fonts like georgia or something like that...

Look at this one for example


Another idea is a good working template specially made fot iphone. Something like that one


beduino 01-04-2010 03:28 PM

The last xml shows a different [blue] skin :(

daveaite 01-04-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by buurman (Post 1946914)
Tsss, the theme is green, wtf are you making this a big big problem about...

I have nothing to do with this theme, the designer, but I think it better to quit doing what your doing right now...

Ok, he could change the name, but thats it... and again.... its GREEN dude... :D

Thank you mate for the support. I was hoping people would stand behind me.

daveaite 01-04-2010 06:05 PM

My latest theme: SpeedMotiv Cloned Theme! (Rendition of a non-vbulletin-theme)

@beduino: Please be more specific. =) Please check his out for the demo since I do not currently have a demo server running: http://www.vb-brasil.org/forums/forum.php

rinunez 01-04-2010 06:37 PM

When the First BETA of vBulletin 4 was released, I made a skin like the vbseo.com theme. vBSEO contact me and I remove It.

Why did You make the skin and posted here saying: VBSEO CLONED THEME, If you are a vBSEO forums user, You will know that they are planing to release the ORIGINAL skin when they want.

If You have some ethic please remove It.

haothiencz 01-04-2010 06:42 PM

Seems that you are having fun with cloning theme from other designers lol

MikeHolohan 01-04-2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard King (Post 1946901)
Subject has nothing to do with spelling or vBSEO features.

Subject is very clear : You are taking someone's work and effort and brand them with your own forum name without permission.

There is only one word that explains this behaviour. Guess what ?

I know, I know... clever!

He cloned your colours and layout, so what, it's not like he actually took anything from you, he is not reselling a hacked version of your product, he just copied the colours...


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1946912)
Well your wrong.
I have taken no ones work. This theme was created by my own fingers and sweat. I find it offensive that you are trying to claim my theme.

If you were observant you would've seen "Facebook Themes" on vbulletin.org as well as many others. Now please go, leave this thread alone, no one wants to hear you talk about your site.

and very good work it is too friend... keep up the good work...

kall 01-04-2010 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by MikeHolohan (Post 1947161)
he just copied the colours...

Yep. This.

Given that all the changes in the xml from the original are colours (he didnt even bother making images, or styling it correctly going by the demo images), you might not want to call him a thief, or a plagarist, but it's pretty clear he lacks creativity/imagination.

(Gotta say, the lack of respect for the vBulletin License Agreement by having a public test site amuses me. Explains the lack of respect for other people's work and Copyright/Brand.)

Taragon 01-04-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by daveaite (Post 1946732)
To Lizard:"Irony", I believe, is what you were trying to spell.

You wrote vBSEO wrong...

haothiencz 01-04-2010 08:48 PM

Lol stop finding typo here guys ^^

dejanl 01-04-2010 11:47 PM

where to upload images thank you

daveaite 01-05-2010 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Taragon (Post 1947226)
You wrote vBSEO wrong...

No vBBSeo is the name of the theme. xD

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