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-   -   Major Additions - iTrader v2.8 - Powerful Rating System (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=232044)

entertain 01-02-2010 10:00 PM

iTrader v2.8 - Powerful Rating System
1 Attachment(s)
Please nominate this mod for MOTM!

iTrader 2.8
Click here for a version for vBulletin 3

This modification offers you a rating system for trades which are made on your board. As it is an advantage of the rating system on ebay, this gives your users some secureness.


I added vBulletin 4 support for this modification because Nexus (vbenhancer) announced that he won't do this in the next time. He gave me the permissions to release it here. Thank you!

Please do not contact vbenhancer for support! He is not responsible for this version.


The installation is as easy as abc. You only have to upload the files and import the product in your vBulletin admincp.

Also updating this modification (including this from vB3) isn't very difficult. Only overwrite all files and the product in your vBulletin admincp.

Attachment 113970
Rate a trader/seller

Attachment 115760
iTrader Profile

Attachment 115759
iTrader Main Page

Attachment 113973
iTrader Profile Tab

Known issues:

Feature requests:

- microCLASSIFIEDS/AUCTIONS integration (?)
- latest threads of a selected forum on itrader main page

* Implemented in upcoming release

Release History
Cick here

- German by Andre31

Please DONATE for further releases!

entertain 01-03-2010 03:37 PM

Release History:

Release Candidate 1:
[FIX] template rewrites
[NEW] URL check included
[OPTIMIZED] code optimizations

Release Candidate 2:
[FIX] Wrong usernames in contact info
[FIX] Ratings in Postbit: Link is clickable, but not colored
[REMOVED] Trader Ratings in Members List: Own column isn't working
No way to get this work any more
[NEW] "Rate" button in the first post of a trade thread (has to be activated in the settings. It is disabled after installing/updating)

Release Candidate 3:
[FIX] navbar menu isn't displayed correctly in IE
[FIX] "Rate Trade" button is shown even if the user has no permissions to rate others
[FIX] wrong example urls above url entry when submitting a new feedback
[FIX] "Rate Trade" button was renamed to "Rate Seller"
[NEW] automatically add the url when clicking on "Rate Trade" button
[NEW] added PHP 5.2 compatibility (untested)

[FIX] Profile tab is now working

2.5.1 (vBulletin 4.0.1)
[FIX] Profile tab isn't working with vB 4.0.1
[FIX] hardcoded phrases in navbar menu
[NEW] "Submit feedback for XXX" in profile tab
[NEW] URL check enhancements

2.5.2 (vBulletin 4.0.2)
[FIX] Profile tab issues
[FIX] A few design issues

2.6.0 (vBulletin 4.0.2)
[FIX] Page Title on Submit Feedback Page
[FIX] Page Title on Options Page
[FIX] Options Page Templates not cached
[FIX] Typo 'bocksubhead' in Template "memberinfo_block_cat_itrader_stats"
[FIX] Invalid User Message - now there is a login
[FIX] Main Page - Wrong Rating Counts
[FIX] Design Enhancements
[FIX] Feedback Score Memberlist Issues
[FIX] Feedback Score Postbit Issues
[NEW] Completely redesigned Search Pages
[NEW] Optimized Layout of Submit Feedback/Answer Page

2.6.1 (vBulletin 4.0.2)
[FIX] specialtemplates added - might prevent some bugs
[FIX] Queries optimized for boards with slave servers
[FIX] Template for Feedback Stats in Postbit wasn't cached
[FIX] German Phrase on Submit Feedback Page
[NEW] Redesigned Feedback Bits

[OPTIMIZED] Design Enhancements
[OPTIMIZED] Code Cleanings
[OPTIMIZED] iTrader Profile Tabs replacing "normal" links
[OPTIMIZED] Rewritten Postbit Feedback Score (Simplier Editing by templates)
[NEW] Hide URL Input Option

[FIX] Feedback Score: Missing </vb:if>

[OPTIMIZED] Rate Trade Button - Check "Valid Forums Only" setting instead of Feedback Score forums
[NEW] Navbar Links - Permission Check

[NEW] Main Page Redesigned
[NEW] User Page Redesigned
[NEW] Feedback Page Redesigned
[NEW] Sidebars
[NEW] Search Username Suggestions

2.7.1 (internal release)

[OPTIMIZED] Speed optimizations by index changes
[NEW] Select stats displayed on the main page
[NEW] Setting to display rate trade button in all posts
[NEW] "Not rated yet" message on itrader user page
[NEW] Own iTrader vBulletin Tab
[FIX] Moderator/Admin Rating Change Error
[FIX] User Avatars
[FIX] "Your iTrader Profile" phrase hardcoded

[FIX] vBulletin >4.0.4 guest issues
[FIX] Add {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} to prevent custom style issues
[FIX] Installation T_STRING error
[FIX] itrader_rate_trade uncached
[FIX] iTrader Options Page Issues
[FIX] Left for others issues on itrader page

[FIX] Main Page: Words Seller, Buyer and Trader were mixed up
[FIX] User Page: Different Feedback Counters were not displayed

[FIX] Report Rating: Wrong URL in PM
[FIX] iTrader Details: Database Error as Guest
[FIX] Added 'itrader_total' index to user table to minimize query loads
[FIX] Cache 'itrader_membertab_css' template
[NEW] Restructured Settings
[NEW] AdminCP: iTrader Settings Link in Navigation

[FIX] Wrong path to IP graphic
[FIX] Editor issues (vBulletin 4.1.4)

- vBulletin StyleVars
- Differentiation between Rate Seller and Rate Buyer
- Show feedback score in private messages
- Threads for reported ratings
- Redesign Pages
- Clean-ups in PHP Code
- Clean-ups in Templates
- Clean-ups in Product

[PLANNED][NEW] Speed optimization for itrader main page (in big forums)

MattZ DSLR 01-03-2010 03:46 PM

thank you this is great mod

askeroglu 01-03-2010 03:49 PM

What does exactly this mod do? Does it enable to sell something for the forum members?

entertain 01-03-2010 03:57 PM

Maybe you can take a look here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=230543

When you are running a market area on your board where users deal with goods, the users can rate each other for the trades and so on. It's like the rating system on ebay.

yahooooh 01-03-2010 04:40 PM

thank you for updating

abdobasha2004 01-03-2010 05:17 PM

good mod

Kolbi 01-03-2010 07:17 PM

Thank you!

Wird es eine deutsche ?bersetzung von dir geben?

Wo sind die Vorteile gegen?ber microCLASSIFIEDS (General Classifieds) au?er dem Bewertungssystem?

entertain 01-03-2010 08:03 PM


No, I am not translating this modification into German. It's a matter of time. :(

microCLASSIFIEDS and iTrader are two completely different mods:
With the one you can sell your products and iTrader just consists of the rating system. The deals with iTrader are made via pm or threads.

Kolbi 01-03-2010 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 1946317)

No, I am not translating this modification into German. It's a matter of time. :(

Can a previous translation be imported? Does a translation exists? :)

entertain 01-03-2010 08:14 PM

yes this may work, but I don't know if there is one. :o

TrailRecon 01-03-2010 08:15 PM

Thank you for this!! Was waiting for it!

Clicked installed!!

messengermatt 01-03-2010 08:25 PM

I wont install this until its guaranteed to work because the known issues are the most important features of iTrader.

Tagged for future consideration.

BlackJacket 01-03-2010 09:03 PM

This would be awesome if we could implement this to work with microClassifieds/Auction

Thanks for the update.

Kolbi 01-03-2010 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by NittoMOD (Post 1946381)
This would be awesome if we could implement this to work with microClassifieds/Auction

Thanks for the update.

That could be great!

entertain 01-03-2010 09:26 PM

Could be a later feature. At the moment I am rewriting the URL check because of the new url structure(s!) of vB 4.

Alex@Mk3OC 01-03-2010 09:50 PM

Perfect, thank you for updating this mod :)

Hornstar 01-03-2010 09:53 PM

I was not sure what the fate of iTrader was going to be when Nex said he was not going to update it for vb4. Nice to see you update it.
Tagged for when I upgrade.

messengermatt 01-03-2010 10:15 PM

Nex is doing the native vb4 version of iTrader v3 this year

saihat 01-03-2010 11:51 PM

thank you

min0taur 01-04-2010 12:53 AM

Tag for later use :) thanks

masons 01-04-2010 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by entertain (Post 1946317)

The deals with iTrader are made via pm or threads.

Or with Microclassifieds.

MOGmartin 01-04-2010 07:41 AM

really looking forward to the final version of this, I bought it about a month ago for v3.8 :(

thanks for picking this up!


Cyrus [Hwluxx] 01-04-2010 07:57 AM

There is no german translation at moment for public. if entertein enter final status for the itrader i export our translation and give it to him.

entertain 01-04-2010 12:24 PM

Release Candidate 1:

The release candidate now includes a url check for each url type of vBulletin 4!

The functions were splitted into 2 php files to optimize the code:
- functions_itrader.php
- functions_itrader_urlcheck.php

Make sure that both files are uploaded.

Secondly, most of the templates are rewritten for vBulletin 4. A few of them still use the old table code, but it would be very very difficult to create them without any tables.

And at last I'd like to inform you about the profile tab:
I am not sure if this is my fault that it isn't working or it is a bug of vBulletin 4. I'll wait until 4.0.1 is released to continue fixing it.

vbenhancer 01-04-2010 04:06 PM

a note about this release:

1- i'm the script owner, that does not mean you have to contact me for the support, contact @entertain for it, as this is HIS version. i gave him the ability to release this version of his because he was interested in the process, and as i'm not releasing this 2.5 version for vBulletin 4.0, his idea was a good alternative for the people willing to have this version quickly.

This version is not available on my site, you have to download it here, in this thread. this is a good thing, entertain will be able to provide you with his own support.

as messengermatt said earlier, on the official distribution of iTrader, we plan to release the 3.0 version of the script, compatible with vBulletin 3.8 AND 4.0... i will keep entertain informed of that development if he is interested to play with it... :)

good luck !

entertain 01-04-2010 04:52 PM

yes I'd be very interested in playing with 3.0. :) Thanks!

UnNaTuRaL 01-04-2010 10:10 PM

Thanks alot, i've been waiting for this.

I just didn't expect it to be released that fast :)

SuperGLS 01-04-2010 11:36 PM

Thanks guys. I've found one small problem.

Take a look at this image. This is the iTrader page for a member named Tricked on my site. You can see that by the red underlining I've done. However, as you can see with the red arrows it lists contact information for member SuperGLS (which is obviously me).


Other than that everything seems to be in order! Once the addons get worked out this'll be great!

entertain 01-05-2010 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by SuperGLS (Post 1947367)

Thanks for reporting.

Search in template itrader_user for:
HTML Code:

{vb:rawphrase itrader_full_profile_for_x, {vb:raw bbuserinfo.username}}
Replace by
HTML Code:

{vb:rawphrase itrader_full_profile_for_x, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}

search for
HTML Code:

{vb:rawphrase send_message_via_email_to_x, {vb:raw bbuserinfo.username}}
and replace by
HTML Code:

{vb:rawphrase send_message_via_email_to_x, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}
Will be fixed in the next release. :)

SuperGLS 01-05-2010 12:46 AM

Will do. Thanks for the quick response. Yep, that worked great!

I got one more for you. The postbit is a bit messed up. Anyway we can have that stacked above Join Date or even better would be below the Blog Entries part?


lycheepassion 01-05-2010 12:49 AM

I have an auction review forum, would it be possible to use iTrader to review the sites we discuss? Thanks

pozo 01-05-2010 04:18 AM

I have a little problem with the visibility of the iTrader tab in user profiles.
I set "Show iTrader Stats in Memberinfo" to "show as the first tab", but I can't see any tab in user profiles.

Can somebody help me with my problem?? :(

mikeylikesitz 01-05-2010 04:26 AM

Known issues:
- Profile Tab is not working - that's why this feature is disabled

is the answer if im not mistaken

RedWingFan 01-05-2010 04:31 AM

Thanks for taking the lead on this one, entertain. I'm not installing yet, but am watching for later releases (I've subscribed to this mod). iTrader and Sphinx search are the two deal killers for us using vB4 on our production forum, so having a new iTrader gets us one step closer!

oldlock 01-05-2010 08:11 AM

Seems to conflict very badly with VBSEO. I uploaded the files (did'nt even get to install it) and my forum broke badly. Even with the files all deleted I have problems with no images displaying correctly now. Use caution (more than I did) if you have VBSEO installed .....

oldlock 01-05-2010 08:49 AM

Here's the errors :


Warning: include_once(/home/antique/public_html/vbseo/../includes/config.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/antique/public_html/vbseo.php on line 17

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/antique/public_html/vbseo/../includes/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/antique/public_html/vbseo.php on line 17

Warning: require(./includes/class_bootstrap.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/antique/public_html/global.php on line 15

Warning: require(./includes/class_bootstrap.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/antique/public_html/global.php on line 15

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/class_bootstrap.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/antique/public_html/global.php on line 15

webmastersitesi 01-05-2010 09:00 AM

I knew it was not free mod :S But anyway thats good :D

Erbium 01-05-2010 09:17 AM

I'm getting this:

Erbium, you do not have permission to access this page.
I'm the forum admin!

entertain 01-05-2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Erbium (Post 1947692)
I'm getting this:

I'm the forum admin!

You have to set the usergroup permissions. :-)

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