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Abe1 12-29-2009 10:00 PM

[AJAX] Post Thank You Hack
1 Attachment(s)
Post Thank You Hack

Note - The mod author has been unreachable for some time, but the vbulletin.org community has stepped up to provide a number of individual fixes over the years. ForceHSS, Hippy, and Seven Skins have all combined many of these fixes into product files.

ALL CREDIT STILL GOES TO ABE1 And this is still 'his' mod. Please still mark the mod as installed if you use any version of it.

That said so you don't need to apply a dozen + small fixes yourself you should consider downloading one of the updated packages below:

Hippy has one in this post.


ForceHSS has one in this post.


Seven Skins has one in this post.

- Original File Specs: post_thanks_7_82.zip (26.4 KB, 24844 downloads) - Original file removed, replaced with patched files including search fix (some admins noticed hackers attempting to use outdated code to exploit search in attempt to gain administrator password or similar).
- There are five total patched versions available, some with and without the search fix - I've replaced the main file with the patched versions... please be sure to download and install the correct version, the main mod post contains links to additional information and patched files!
- If Abe1 returns he can request these packages be removed.

About this hack:
One of the biggest problems on forums as you may know is 'posts boosting'. There are users who LOVE to say 'thanks' when ever they can. How can it hurt? Their post count goes up, they have nothing to loose.

There are also users who really like to express their thanks to post but don't like posting a post that looks like they're post boosting.

Then comes the moderators who have to delete people's thanks yous so a thread can look readable with out the thanks yous thrown around.

Finally comes the posters of these useful posts. They have no idea how many people really likes their posts if only some people say 'thanks'.

What this hack does is fix ALL these problems - except those users who like post boosting. This places a button called 'thanks.' When a user clicks on it, it places his username in a box right under the post saying that so-and-so says 'thanks' for the post. Every-one who clicks is placed in one box.

By giving your users the extra feature, you forum will look allot nice and organized. It is a guaranteed liking by ALL the members of your forum.

  • Uses vBulletin easy Product installer/updater/uninstaller
  • Uses AJAX technology so your users don't have to refresh when they thank.
  • Places an easy to use button next to the edit button
  • Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
  • Places all Thanks into one small box
  • Uses only ONE query every time you view a showthread page!
  • Users can't thank twice
  • Option to not allow users to thank their own post
  • Guests don't see 'thanks' button
  • Counts how many thanks a user gives
  • Counts how many thanks a post gets
  • Shows how many thanks a user gave in every post of his
  • Shows how many thanks a user gave in profile
  • Shows how many thanks a user got
  • Shows how many posts or a user are thanked
  • Shows info in profile
  • Search for a users thanked posts
  • Search for all thanked posts
  • Administrator can remove all Thanks from a single post
  • Users can remove their own Thanks
  • Turn on and off hack totally
  • Turn on and off hack for only some forums
  • Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread
  • Option to turn off hack for all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
  • Option to turn off hack view of date for specific or all forums
  • Option to add to post count when someone clicks 'thanks'.
  • Option to give a user who receives thanks reputation points.
  • Ban Usergroups
  • Ban Users
  • Uses Phrases
  • Cache Templates
  • Guaranteed to be liked by ALL users on your forum!
Installation information on hack:
  • Files edited: 0
  • Templates edited: 0
  • Files to upload: 8
  • Time to install: 1 minute max

Version 7.80 (12/30/09):
  • Release of this hack for vBulletin version 4.0

Version 7.81 (01/02/10):
  • Fixed some install and uninstall database errors.
  • Made styling for postbit legacy a little better.
  • Fixed the "separator" issue.
  • Javascript file updated.

Version 7.82 (01/03/10):
  • Fixed info alignment issues in the postbit for custom edited phrases.
NOTE: *** Offer for paid services removed ***

Abe1 12-30-2009 08:30 AM

A few things to note:

1) If you did not upgrade to 4.0 and want to save your thanx when upgrading; disable, but NOT uninstall the post thanx before upgrading to 4.0. Once you upgrade to 4.0 upgrade post thanx hack how you would normally upgrade a hack. It should automatically re-enable post thanx hack.

2) No searching feature yet

3) No legacy version of the box with thanx. If you have legacy enabled on your site, you will get the same box as non-legacy users.

4) If you want to move the Thanx button to near the edit post button,
open template postbit
HTML Code:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
and move it under
HTML Code:

<span class="postcontrols">
5) thanx to I.am and RobbieZ for help with the pictures

6) and a big thanx to the few of you who have donated in the past few days and will do in the coming days.

RS_Jelle 12-30-2009 08:33 AM

Thanks a lot!

(first :D)

Raug 12-30-2009 08:35 AM


Just a quick question since I haven't downloaded it as I need the legacy to work, but if we still have the old hack and upgrade, will all the thanks carry over?

mgurain 12-30-2009 08:38 AM

Thank You Very Much Abe1, Finally one of the Most Have is upgraded.
Many Thanks, I need to press the button here :)

linuxututs 12-30-2009 08:40 AM

Super job Mate !!!

Thank You,

P.S. Still wonder why vB doesn't make simple features like this default in vB....?

lifedaniel 12-30-2009 08:40 AM

Un tr?s grand merci pour ce tr?s bon Hack ! :)

Abe1 12-30-2009 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Raug (Post 1942296)

Just a quick question since I haven't downloaded it as I need the legacy to work, but if we still have the old hack and upgrade, will all the thanks carry over?

I updated the 2nd post to reflect your 2 questions.

BozzaJos 12-30-2009 09:01 AM

Damnz... first Jelle releases the DownloadsII mod and now you with the Thank You mod. The two most used features on my forum!

Fantastic job Abe, really appreciate your hard work and for converting the mod to vB4 in such a short period of time. I will upgrade this mod when I get home, hopefully everything will go fine.

One question though; You say there isn't a legacy version. With this you mean the postbit_legacy template? If so, will there be in the near future? Or is there perhaps a manual workaround?

Again, thank you so much for your hard work! Rated 5 stars and nominated it so that it can compete with the DownloadsII mod! :-D

akee 12-30-2009 09:05 AM

Thanks, I'll try it

RobbieZ 12-30-2009 09:09 AM

Thanks for this Abe1. Glad I could help too :D

jackichan70 12-30-2009 09:14 AM

sorry, do not understand this sentence: and move it under ???

compact123 12-30-2009 09:15 AM

this is my favorite mods, thank you so much ^O^

RobbieZ 12-30-2009 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by jackichan70 (Post 1942319)
sorry, do not understand this sentence: and move it under ???

AdminCp>Styles & Templates>Style Manager>Postbit

Now find this in postbit

HTML Code:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
Highlight it, copy it and delete it.

Now find this bit in postbit

HTML Code:

<span class="postcontrols">
and press enter after it and paste the first one.

PHP Code:

<div class="postfoot">
div class="textcontrols">
span class="postcontrols">
vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}
img style="display:none" id="progress_{vb:raw post.postid}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/progress.gif"  alt="{vb:rawphrase loading_editor_please_wait}" />

akee 12-30-2009 09:30 AM

Thanks, works fine

lovechandigarh 12-30-2009 09:32 AM

I'd been waiting for this. Going to install now... Cheers!

redlabour 12-30-2009 09:34 AM

Still no integration of Post Groan Hack. :down: This has been promised since the first 7.x Release. :mad:

And of course a Update for Post Groan is missing for 4.0. :cool:

Magz 12-30-2009 09:35 AM


(if there was a thanks button here too, id use it ;)

Hornstar 12-30-2009 09:39 AM

This beats the rep feature by far. Love it.

The Coon 12-30-2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Magz (Post 1942332)

(if there was a thanks button here too, id use it ;)

I agree! :cool:

Charlie98902 12-30-2009 10:12 AM

Thanks for the update. I did the template edit in the postbit to move it by the edit button however it is still at the default location instead of being by the edit button.

iguano 12-30-2009 10:15 AM

thanks, installed and nominated
this is necessary and important in every forum :)

saviola8x 12-30-2009 10:22 AM

I like your mod. But i dont use it.
This is demo my developer this mod : http://uevf.net/forum/showthread.php...&p=283#post283


coberr 12-30-2009 10:36 AM

Hello, first thanks for the update.

I have a problem with the post thanks plugin.

I updated it from the last version 3.x and after I enable the plugin the server start with a high load average and forum doesnt load.

I disable all plugins/ blog and /cms and only enable the post thanks, the home page load fine but when I want to see the post there is only a blank page.

How can I check the error, I checked the error.log from the apache but there is nothing.


valendono 12-30-2009 10:36 AM

the thumb image and the thumb hover its not showing..

HTML Code:

<style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
        padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;

just me or ?

Doctor Death 12-30-2009 10:41 AM

I installed per directions (like other plugins) and the thank you button doesnt show... I am using default skin so there is no reason why it shouldnt. I see the code in the template but the button doesnt appear.

When I try to uninstall (because my tempate is now messy) I get this

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `vywhbabh_user` DROP `post_thanks_user_amount`;

MySQL Error : Can't DROP 'post_thanks_user_amount'; check that column/key exists
Error Number : 1091
Request Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 07:44:06 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, December 30th 2009 @ 07:44:06 AM
Script : http://www.ddsog.com/forums/admincp/...do=productkill
Referrer : http://www.ddsog.com/forums/admincp/...post_thanks&s=
IP Address : 70.333.40.132
Username : xxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard

Please help!


dnk.it 12-30-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by valendono (Post 1942372)
just me or ?

me too

RobbieZ 12-30-2009 10:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Magz (Post 1942332)

(if there was a thanks button here too, id use it ;)


Originally Posted by The Coon (Post 1942337)
I agree! :cool:

The thanks button or image is in the zipfile under the buttons folders.

Vb4 Doesn't use buttons like they do in 3.8 and predecessors.

It is text with an image next to it. As you hover over the colour will change.

Doctor Death 12-30-2009 10:53 AM

When you click on the THANKS button, the button goes away but the two separators where the button was remain... any way of removing them so it doesnt appear as if a button was supposed to be there?

valendono 12-30-2009 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by RobbieZ (Post 1942381)
The thanks button or image is in the zipfile under the buttons folders.

Vb4 Doesn't use buttons like they do in 3.8 and predecessors.

It is text with an image next to it. As you hover over the colour will change.

r u sure ?

Stylevar - ImagePaths - Button Image Directory - Image Path: images/buttons

Kolbi 12-30-2009 10:53 AM

Thank you!

Dr.osamA 12-30-2009 10:56 AM

installed & nomineted

thanxxx great job

can i translet to arabic and add her plzz ?
Host And Design

bollie 12-30-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by valendono (Post 1942372)
the thumb image and the thumb hover its not showing..

HTML Code:

<style type="text/css">
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks.png) no-repeat transparent left;
        padding-left: 20px;
.postbitlegacy .postfoot .textcontrols a.quickreply:hover, .postbit .postfoot .textcontrols a.post_thanks_button:hover  {
        background: url(images/buttons/post_thanks-hover.png) no-repeat transparent left;

just me or ?

me too

Silencer Groans 12-30-2009 11:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you, my mentor

Annex in Arabic

Dr.osamA 12-30-2009 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Silencer Groans (Post 1942395)
Thank you, my mentor

Annex in Arabic

??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?????

this product not the sem Post Thank You Hack !!!!
Royal Star Tour Deluxe

Dr.osamA 12-30-2009 11:18 AM

loooooooooooooooooooool Silencer Groans

Big tits sex

Skyrider 12-30-2009 11:21 AM

Any vB4 demo's or screenshots?

Silencer Groans 12-30-2009 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.osamA (Post 1942400)
loooooooooooooooooooool Silencer Groans



بالغلط حطيته يا اسامة ^^

Gnoll 12-30-2009 11:33 AM

No error @ install , works nice :)

Installed , 5 Star

coberr 12-30-2009 11:36 AM

I have a problem.

When I click on the Thanks I get the follwoing:


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