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Mosh 11-24-2009 10:00 PM

Banned Members Log
1 Attachment(s)
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.

What Does This Hack Do?[hr]Silver[/hr]
It is a update of my v3.8.x hack available here, designed to work with vBulletin v4.0.x.

This hack displays a log of all temporary and permanently banned members on it's own page, it is paginated (with page count on the permanent bans section) if there are more results than you selected per page in the AdminCP, temporary bans are only displayed on page 1 (if you have more temporary banned members than one page, you must be doing something wrong), along with a count on how many temporary and permanent banned members there are. Any users displayed on the page(s) will have links to display their profile, if clicked on.

You can optionally add a tab on the navbar proper or a link in quick links.

This hack is controlled by usergroup permissions.

vBulletin Version Compatibility[hr]Silver[/hr]
This hack can be used with vBulletin versions 4.0.0 - 4.2.0.

For the v3.8.x version of this hack, which will also work with v3.7.x and v3.6.x - check here.

Hack Support/Feature Requests[hr]Silver[/hr]
IMPORTANT: This hack is no longer supported.

There is a small unobtrusive block of copyright branding text at the bottom of each page generated by this hack, which is there to promote my work and allow you to use this hack for free.

You are NOT allowed to remove my copyright branding from this hack.

Install/Uninstall Instructions[hr]Silver[/hr]
The readme.txt instructions file is included in attached .zip file.

Version History[hr]Silver[/hr]
v4.1.0 - Saturday 23rd June 2012
-- Updated: total rewrite of navbar functions of this hack to support vBulletin 4.2.0 and above

v4.0.5 - Wednesday 8th December 2010
-- Fixed: "maxversion" so product can be installed on vBulletin 4.1.0 and above

v4.0.4 - Saturday 27th November 2010 (first released to Wolfshead Solutions on Wednesday 27th October 2010)
-- Changed: version number formatting
-- Changed: ban_log.php (to enable use of Friendly URLs)
-- Changed: changed branding, so you do not get duplicates
-- Updated: 4 templates - bring up to date with vBulletin 4.0.8 & use of Friendly URLs for username links
-- Removed: 1 template (css template) - no longer needed

v4.0.003 - Wednesday 23rd December 2009
-- Tested & working with v4.0.0 Gold
-- Changed: Changed & relocated branding, so it is less obtrusive

v4.0.002 - Thursday 26th November 2009
-- Changed: 1 template (removed css)
-- Changed: 1 plugin (to add 3 more navbar locations)
-- Changed: 1 AdminCP Option (to add 3 more navbar locations)
-- Updated: Installation Instructions
-- Added: 1 template (css template)
-- Added: 1 dependancy (can not be used with vBulletin below v4.0.0 Beta 1)

v4.0.001 - Wednesday 25th November 2009
-- Initial vBulletin v4.0.x release
-- Changed: ban_log.php (compatibility with vBulletin v4.0.x)
-- Changed: 4 templates (compatibility with vBulletin v4.0.x)
-- Updated: Installation Instructions
-- Updated: Screenshots
-- Removed: 2 plugins (no more banned member count on forum home)
-- Removed: 1 AdminCP Options setting (no more banned member count on forum home)
-- Removed: 1 phrase (no more banned member count on forum home)
-- Removed: 1 cron job (no more banned member count on forum home)
-- Removed: 1 cron file (no more banned member count on forum home)
-- Removed: Required edit to config.php (no more banned member count on forum home)

Show Your Appreciation [hr]Silver[/hr]
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.

abdobasha2004 11-25-2009 08:25 AM

looks useful

lolo? 11-25-2009 11:42 AM

tagged four futur use ;)

Brandon Sheley 11-25-2009 12:20 PM

nice mod, thanks for sharing!

SİMAR 11-25-2009 02:03 PM

thanks man

Mosh 11-25-2009 10:57 PM

Update: v4.0.002 - Thursday 26th November 2009
-- Changed: 1 template (removed css)
-- Changed: 1 plugin (to add 3 more navbar locations)
-- Changed: 1 AdminCP Option (to add 3 more navbar locations)
-- Updated: Installation Instructions
-- Added: 1 template (css template)
-- Added: 1 dependancy (can not be used with vBulletin below v4.0.0 Beta 1)

AzzidReign 11-26-2009 06:02 AM

Why do you say this:
if you have more temporary banned members than one page, you must be doing something wrong

A problem with the mod? Or a problem with how I run the site...?

Gaskell 11-26-2009 10:59 AM

Installed with some basic modifications to suit my site (removal of ban usergroup, for example). Thanks for the release :)

g00gl3r 12-13-2009 04:49 PM

I think if you need a banned members modification you're doing something wrong!

Surely the list in the admincp would suffice anyway?

Mosh 12-22-2009 08:59 PM

Update: v4.0.003 - Wednesday 23rd December 2009
-- Tested & working with v4.0.0 Gold
-- Changed: Changed & relocated branding, so it is less obtrusive

I will no longer be supporting Alpha, Beta & Release Candidates of vBulletin 4.0.0.

BBR-APBT 12-22-2009 09:08 PM


Changed & relocated branding, so it is less obtrusive
Sure did I cant even find it my self. May I ask where you put it? I don't see it at all even in the code.

Mosh 12-23-2009 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1935790)
Sure did I cant even find it my self. May I ask where you put it? I don't see it at all even in the code.

It is in the footer, under the vBulletin copyright.

BBR-APBT 12-23-2009 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Mosh (Post 1935946)
It is in the footer, under the vBulletin copyright.

I have to check what it uses to attach cause it doesn't show in my footer. I haven't even edited any of the templates. I haven't edited nothing but stylevars.

Mosh 12-23-2009 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by BBR-APBT (Post 1936016)
I have to check what it uses to attach cause it doesn't show in my footer. I haven't even edited any of the templates. I haven't edited nothing but stylevars.

Does it show when you use the default style?
Have you changed the wording of the vBulletin copyright: Powered by vBulletin? Version 4.0.0 Copyright ? 2009 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.?
Or have banding-free vBulletin license and have removed the copyright?

As this hack adds it to the of the copyright branding.

Beava 12-30-2009 04:19 PM

Hey, Thanks :)

Mosh 01-02-2010 12:32 AM

Hi all,

It is with regret that after over 4 years (and thousands of hours) spent providing free support for my free hacks released here, as of today I will no longer be able to provide support for free.

This is due to being unemployed for a while, being strapped for cash and unable to rely on the virtually non-existant donations from here to help to pay the bills or put food on the table for my family. I am now providing all support for my free hacks released here over at Wolfshead Solutions via an annual support subscription (for a small fee).

It does not mean I will be no longer release free hacks, I will, but I will just no longer be supporting them for free.

My free hacks have and always will remain free to download and use. And so will updates/bug fixes.

I will be releasing more free hacks, but if you require any support at all for those free hacks, you will need to purchase an annual support subscription over at Wolfshead Solutions to receive support.

I am really sorry I have to do this, but revenue generated by my programming gigs are now my only source of income, and I can no longer afford the luxury of providing free support here, when that time can be spent creating new commerial products, doing paid work requests or providing paid support to pay the bills.

Thank you for the understanding.



HolyKiller 02-23-2010 01:56 PM

A little bug on new PHP 5.3.x.

When you Save options, you get Warning msg:

Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in [path]\includes\adminfunctions_options.php on line 795

Anyway thanks again for perfect hack, works fine on 4.0.2 :)

Mosh 03-23-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by HolyKiller (Post 1989622)
A little bug on new PHP 5.3.x.

When you Save options, you get Warning msg:

Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in [path]\includes\adminfunctions_options.php on line 795

Anyway thanks again for perfect hack, works fine on 4.0.2 :)

That is a bug in vBulletin 4.0.2 (and I am assuming earlier versions) and not this hack, because of PHP 5.3.x and the trim() function behaving differently.

You will want to post this as a bug at vBulletin.com, there is something very similar to your problem (but not exactly the same) - see http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...?issueid=28703 & http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...?issueid=35122

BUDIMAN 08-08-2010 10:22 PM

guys..u should update this mode

Here's another bug fixed:

Since version 4.0.1, there has been an additional template variable call (to grab additional.css) in the HEAD.

Please add the following:

{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

Before </head> in your template and you're done

Mosh 08-22-2010 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by BUDIMAN (Post 2081059)
guys..u should update this mode

Here's another bug fixed:

Since version 4.0.1, there has been an additional template variable call (to grab additional.css) in the HEAD.

Please add the following:

{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}

Before </head> in your template and you're done

I will have a look into it and update it.

Mosh 10-27-2010 04:43 AM

Hi all,

This hack has now been updated to v4.0.4.

This version will be released unsupported here at vBulletin.org on Saturday 27th November 2010.


Mosh Shigdar, Wolfshead Solutions.

Mosh 11-26-2010 11:17 PM

Updated: v4.0.4
-- Changed: version number formatting
-- Changed: ban_log.php (to enable use of Friendly URLs)
-- Changed: changed branding, so you do not get duplicates
-- Updated: 4 templates - bring up to date with vBulletin 4.0.8 & use of Friendly URLs for username links
-- Removed: 1 template (css template) - no longer needed

Taurus1 12-08-2010 01:39 AM

Hi Mosh. Can you please update it for use in 4.1 and later. Thank you.

SuperTaz 12-08-2010 04:42 AM



The following dependencies were not met:

1. This product is not compatible with version 4.1.0 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 Beta 1 / Incompatible with 4.0.999 and greater)
Any fix?

Mosh 12-08-2010 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Warden-B- (Post 2130719)

Any fix?

Bugger forgot to take that out :(

Will fix it up tonight :)

Mosh 12-08-2010 06:15 AM

Update: v4.0.5
-- Fixed: "maxversion" so product can be installed on vBulletin 4.1.0 and above

SuperTaz 12-10-2010 05:55 AM

Thank you. :)

Mosh 01-08-2011 01:15 AM

Hi all,

Free support has now been moved back to vBulletin.org.

Please see the first post for more information (and also this thread at Wolfshead Solutions).

Enjoy :)


Mosh Shigdar - Wolfshead Solutions.

res6cue 01-08-2011 07:43 AM

Nice mod, makes it so much quicker and easier to view these accounts rather than fumbling through the CP.

Any possibility of adding sort by Ban Usergroup (with username as secondary sort)?

Or even better, but more complicated to do, subsections for both the Temporary and Permanent sections that would segregate by Ban Usergroup.

I have a number of ban usergroups for various reasons, and it would be really nice to be able to easily distinguish between them on that page (the vB CP is also lacking that ability)


Mosh 01-08-2011 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by res6cue (Post 2145865)
Any possibility of adding sort by Ban Usergroup (with username as secondary sort)?

That I can probably do, we shall see in the next version.


Originally Posted by res6cue (Post 2145865)
Or even better, but more complicated to do, subsections for both the Temporary and Permanent sections that would segregate by Ban Usergroup.

That does not really float my boat, so I am probably not going to add this, sorry :(

ifitsmedia 03-21-2011 07:49 AM

Great addon, thanks.

Would be even greater if we could click the column headers to sort.

HolyKiller 04-10-2011 02:41 AM

+1 for sorting idea !

Works fine with 4.1.3

POL_ED 12-23-2011 10:55 PM

Works fine with 4.1.9
Thanks :)

Nirjonadda 02-25-2012 05:37 PM

not working on 4.1.10 database error . please upgrade for 4.1.10

Note: Now working on 4.1.10

Sunka 02-26-2012 06:28 AM

It is working on vB v4.1.10 very well
If you coul C/P your database error here, maybe someone could help you.
This stance you show with your message is make people not willling helpfull to you

SuperTaz 05-20-2012 07:52 PM

On vBulletin 4.2.0 Beta 1, the option for automatic link creation does not work. It will only add a tab and not the links. Just an FYI.

lapiervb 06-13-2012 10:07 AM

Anybody have this working with 4.2?

SuperTaz 06-17-2012 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by lapiervb (Post 2339230)
Anybody have this working with 4.2?

The mod itself works, you just need to set the automatic link creation to none and add a link manually until Mosh fixes it.

Mosh 06-18-2012 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by SuperTaz (Post 2340522)
The mod itself works, you just need to set the automatic link creation to none and add a link manually until Mosh fixes it.

I forgot about this hack. Will update it at the weekend at the latest.

Mosh 06-23-2012 12:20 AM

Update: v4.1.0
-- Updated: total rewrite of navbar functions of this hack to support vBulletin 4.2.0 and above

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