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mferguson 10-19-2009 10:00 PM

DTO Thread Move Notification - automatically send friendly message when moving thread
1 Attachment(s)

DTO Thread Move Notification is a free product that automatically sends thread authors a friendly private message when a moderator moves their thread to another forum. By automating the process this tool delivers a consistent moderation ?tone? in communicating with thread authors as well as speeding the task of moving threads. When set to active thread notifications are sent in the following ways:
  • If the thread is moved from a forum that the author can see to another that he/she can see the author will receive a notification via private message.
  • If the thread is moved from a forum that the author can see to another that he/she cannot see, the moderator performing the move will receive a private message notification reminder to contact the author and let them know why it was removed from the publicly visible forum.
  • If the thread is moved from a forum that the author cannot see to another that he/she can see the author will receive a notification.
  • If the thread is moved from a forum that the author can see to another that he/she can see and a redirect is left in the previous forum the author will receive a private message notification that includes text to inform them a redirect was left and the duration the redirect will remain active.

Key Features
  • Messages based on phrases
  • Easily translated
  • Host of variables available to customize messages to meet the needs of your site
  • Fully documented
  • Fully supported

  • Fully compatible with vBulletin 3.6.8 through vBulletin 3.8.x
  • PHP 5.X or later is recommended.

Translations - see attachments below
  • German - contributed by Kolbi

Mac OS X users - Please Read
Information on downloading and decompressing product packages

Installation & Configuration for vB 3.6.x through vb 3.8.x
  1. Prior to installation/upgrade we recommend that you perform a back up of your site's database and files.
  2. After unzipping the attached package open readme.html in your browser.
  3. Click on the ?Documentation & installation instructions? to view the complete documentation for Thread Move Notification.

    Alternatively, you can also access documentation by visiting our web site under the Support tab.

Copyright & Licensing
  • DTO Thread Move Notification is copyright protected by Drive Thru Online, Inc.
  • You are free to download and install this plugin on any vBulletin forum for which you hold a valid vB license.
  • Unauthorized distribution of any code and/or documentation, whole or in part, included here is strictly prohibited.
  • In addition, any supplied copyright notice must be maintained.

Other Drive Thru Online Products

We will provide support in this thread on an as-needed basis to members that have marked this modification as Installed. Additional support resources can be found on our site under the Support tab.

Release and Version History
1.0.3 - October 29, 2009
Bug fix release

  • Corrected documentation linking in help.

1.0.2 - October 27, 2009
Enhancement and Bug fix release

Enhancements and Fixes
  • Updated Thread Move help template to be XHTML compliant.
  • Added additional check to insure that thread copy does not trigger thread move notification functions.

1.0.1 - October 26, 2009
Enhancement and Bug fix release

Enhancements and Fixes
  • Removed cache_templates plugin as no templates are being delivered that required dynamic loading via plugin.
  • Removed init_startup plugins as phrasing is now loaded directly by thread move function.
  • Resolved phrasing conflict with AddonChat plugin reported by customer.

1.0.0 - October 20, 2009
Initial release

taxick 10-20-2009 06:04 PM

Nice Hack :)

mferguson 10-20-2009 06:18 PM



TheLastSuperman 10-20-2009 06:35 PM

Installed 3.8.4 (see my post in 3.7 thread :p)


Robert Waanders 10-20-2009 07:26 PM

Hey, this is great! Thank you Mark, another fine product ;-)


mferguson 10-20-2009 07:40 PM

Check it out and let me know what you think. Nathan and I have used a version of this on our respective sites for several years and it really seemed to keep our members happy when their threads were moved. Before that it was difficult to get our mods to take the time to send a note to the thread author. Without the note the author, when he couldn't find his thread, would get angry and stir up the rest of the community. This little mod seemed to keep everything on the site a little calmer.



Robert Waanders 10-20-2009 08:33 PM

Yes, I've installed this mod half an hour ago and its working fine. Indeed it is very importand to be consequent to the users. This mod is really helping a lot.

A bit off-topic, but a bit in line with this mod. I'm looking for a mod that sends an e-mail when a topic is deleted, whith the possibility to enter a reason for deletion.. This would also be a lot appreciated i think ;-)

Now on-topic again ;-)


gnatster 10-20-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Waanders (Post 1902831)

A bit off-topic, but a bit in line with this mod. I'm looking for a mod that sends an e-mail when a topic is deleted, whith the possibility to enter a reason for deletion.. This would also be a lot appreciated i think ;-)


Interesting idea...shall we move that discussion here? To leave this one on topic of course.

Robert Waanders 10-20-2009 09:03 PM

yeah, sorry ;-)

SorentoUltimate 10-20-2009 10:02 PM


TheChaosFactor 10-21-2009 09:47 AM

My mods will love this, and I'm sure the members will appreciate it too. Great mod.

Faizan 10-21-2009 10:32 AM

Excelent Nominate

gnatster 10-21-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by SorentoUltimate (Post 1902873)


Originally Posted by TheChaosFactor (Post 1903103)
My mods will love this, and I'm sure the members will appreciate it too. Great mod.


Originally Posted by Faizan (Post 1903119)
Excelent Nominate

Thanks for the kind words...

Leo Brazil 10-21-2009 08:01 PM

This is a great idea. I'm gonna try it out.

Just one thing, why not implement other moderation actions like move, delete, combine, etc but not only threads but also por posts ?
May be e-mails traffic would increase but would be nice.

mferguson 10-21-2009 08:13 PM

Good ideas. I'll consider this for future enhancements if others feel that it would be useful as well. To be honest in using this on several sites ourselves we never had the need to expand it beyond the thread move functionality. Regardless we'll give this some consideration for future releases.



TheChaosFactor 10-23-2009 05:27 AM

Ever since I installed this, I've been getting this error on various pages. The only one I can think of at the moment is my Gameroom and my addonchat... There's only one other mod I installed at the same time I installed this one so I'm just trying to figure out what/which one is causing the problem?

"Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/init.php(304) : eval()'d code on line 241"

mferguson 10-23-2009 05:35 AM

I believe we use an init plugin to load the phrase group where the messaging phrases are stored. Can you disable the Thread Move product and see if you continue to receive the messages? If the errors stop, let me know via PM and I'll work with you to get the issue resolved.



RedHacker 10-23-2009 07:22 AM

Not worked...

mferguson 10-23-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1904174)
Not worked...

If you will mark this mod installed and send me your contact information via PM I'll work with you to determine why it isn't working on your system.



Vitaly 10-24-2009 09:41 AM

Great idea!

SEOvB 10-24-2009 11:53 AM

This is a great modification. Surely the member will like it a lot. Worth voting for as a mod of the month. Good job!

gnatster 10-24-2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1905548)
This is a great modification. Surely the member will like it a lot. Worth voting for as a mod of the month. Good job!

Thanks for the kind words and the nomination.

mferguson 10-24-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1905548)
This is a great modification. Surely the member will like it a lot. Worth voting for as a mod of the month. Good job!

As Nathan said...thanks for the nomination!

Also, when you have a chance be sure to mark this installed so we can easily notify you when we push out a new version.

Thanks again!


mferguson 10-26-2009 06:02 PM

A new version of DTO Thread Move (1.0.1) has been released. This is primarily a fixes release that resolves some phrase loading issues experienced by some users.



dandanch 10-26-2009 08:09 PM

every time i try and use the copy mod tool in the thread i get this

Fatal error:

* Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
#0 vb_error_handler(256,
need some help.thanks

i'm using v3.8.4

mferguson 10-26-2009 08:16 PM

Do you mean our DTO Move Thread product? You mention copy mod tool above.

If you do mean DTO Move Thread tool are you using version 1.0.1? I found a case where this was happening in the 1.0.0 version but we have not seen this in the version we released today.

Feel free to PM me directly and I'll work with you to get this resolved.



RedHacker 10-27-2009 05:45 AM

Installed,uploaded and "Thread Move Notification Active" are put "Yes" and the "PM Sender Username" put "Administrator" and go to the move one thread but no send pm in user who crated the thread moved...


mferguson 10-27-2009 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by RedHacker (Post 1906774)
Installed,uploaded and "Thread Move Notification Active" are put "Yes" and the "PM Sender Username" put "Administrator" and go to the move one thread but no send pm in user who crated the thread moved...


Can you private message me with information on what version of vBulletin you are running? I'm working with another user that is having a similar issue so information on your installation (vB version, products you have installed, etc.) would be very helpful.



Kolbi 10-27-2009 04:00 PM

Still me, the template dto_threadmove_help isn?t xhtml valid :)
Won?t take long time to make it valid.
I sent you an PM with the valid code :)

mferguson 10-27-2009 09:42 PM

Kolbi - thanks for the PM. I took your code and found an additional XHTML compliance issue that I've fixed and will include this in our next release. I'm currently trying to determine why this mod is sometimes throwing errors on some sites but not others. When I get that resolved I'll package and release a 1.0.2 version that will contain this updated template.



mferguson 10-28-2009 04:05 AM

With help from dandanch and Kolbi I was able to identify and resolve a couple of issues with the 1.0.1 version of Thread Move. I've just provided a new release (1.0.2) that includes fixes for the following:
  • Updated Thread Move help template to be XHTML compliant
  • Added additional check to insure that thread copy does not trigger thread move notification functions

Enjoy and, if you like DTO Thread Move, be sure to mark it installed and nominate it for Mod of the Month. Thanks!


TheChaosFactor 10-28-2009 05:10 AM

Nominated. :cool:

This is one of the most useful mod tools I've found so far.

mferguson 10-28-2009 03:57 PM

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback!


Hostboard 10-29-2009 11:48 AM

The admin help file needs to be uploaded to admincp/
Also when I click on it I get a white screen.

Leo Brazil 10-29-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1903386)
Just one thing, why not implement other moderation actions like move, delete, combine, etc but not only threads but also por posts ?
May be e-mails traffic would increase but would be nice.


Originally Posted by mferguson (Post 1903395)
Good ideas. I'll consider this for future enhancements if others feel that it would be useful as well. To be honest in using this on several sites ourselves we never had the need to expand it beyond the thread move functionality. Regardless we'll give this some consideration for future releases.

I had this idea, specially to newbies that never used a forum plataform before and go around your site posting everywhere if you know what I mean. If expanded to several areas depending on the text you use on notification, you can give an educational character and not only moderation.

You could even include those levels on admin cp and choose each level will be turned on and off, I mean, if you want it only for moving threads, delete or moving posts, delete threads, etc.

Just an idea for the future.

Kolbi 10-29-2009 04:00 PM

Thank you for the addon.

I?m working on a German translation :) and will send it to you, if you wish.

mferguson 10-29-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hostboard (Post 1907755)
The admin help file needs to be uploaded to admincp/
Also when I click on it I get a white screen.

Actually the file dto_threadmove_help.php should be delivered to your FORUMROOT directory and not admincp. The reason for this is that if you run something out of the admincp directory it uses a different global.php to set up the environment and you don't have everything you do when running from the forumroot.

I did realize that I had screwed up on the versioning and had forgotten to configure help on our server side. This resulted in the help not being found which could explain the issue you were seeing.

If you can verify that you have the dto_threadmove_help.php in your FORUMROOT then go into admincp and click on the documentation link. If you still don't get the help loaded please let me know if you happen to be running your admincp from a different directory that may be in some other location. We'll get this sorted out so everything is working properly.



mferguson 10-29-2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1907857)
Thank you for the addon.

I?m working on a German translation :) and will send it to you, if you wish.

That would be great. I'll add it to the release notes as an additional option for others to use and give you credit for it.



mferguson 10-29-2009 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1907840)
I had this idea, specially to newbies that never used a forum plataform before and go around your site posting everywhere if you know what I mean. If expanded to several areas depending on the text you use on notification, you can give an educational character and not only moderation.

You could even include those levels on admin cp and choose each level will be turned on and off, I mean, if you want it only for moving threads, delete or moving posts, delete threads, etc.

Just an idea for the future.

Interesting idea. If you would be open to expanding on these ideas a bit more I would love to capture the requirements for consideration in a future release. We could discuss them in this thread or we can pick the discussion up in the Thread Move discussion forum on our support site. Let me know which works best for you.



profanitytalker 10-29-2009 07:44 PM

Wow. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!

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