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-   -   Mini Mods - People You May Know (vbadvanced module) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=224089)

christian8a 09-27-2009 10:00 PM

People You May Know (vbadvanced module)
1 Attachment(s)
People You May Know version 1.0.0
Another mod by eibuddy.com! :up:

Like Facebook or Myspace, this mod will display random people from the site with the title, "People You May Know" or also "New People".

  • Displays members with avatars only
  • Random people (People You May Know)
  • New People (latest registered)
  • Number of members
  • Avatars or Avatar Thumbnails
  • Displays Custom Profile fields

Upload Module: admincp / vBa CMPS / Download/Uploadmodule / browse and select latestorrandomusers.xml

Active: yes
Style: default or your desired templates
Set Permissions: as you wish

Hit SUBMIT and Done!

DEMO http://www.eicorvette.com - Enjoy!

Log on 09-28-2009 06:54 AM

is there any example or screenshot !!

sensimilla 09-28-2009 07:25 AM

Is there any chance the skin will be released ? The old one isnt as good as yours :)

elenh 09-28-2009 09:34 AM

Hey nice mod!INSTALLED

But i get a error

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in [path]/modules/users.php on line 93

TNCclubman 09-28-2009 12:28 PM

anyone can make a non-vbadvanced version of this?

alhindasi 09-28-2009 08:15 PM

can you upload your style to as please ... dear

concepts 09-28-2009 08:20 PM

If the member is already "a friend" the link still shows.. I would much rather have a View Profile link instead. What needs to be added/changed to make this happen?

nectons 09-28-2009 11:23 PM

It show but when clics just a popu says you have allready this on your list. So is great.

Bytheway it works like a CHARM and thanks alot for the mod. Just a question. How can i change the title of the module? I mean th people you may know. I cant doit from any template or phrase or the module settings its self. I cant find where is this :P

Please help?

installed and MOTM


concepts 09-29-2009 01:10 AM

wow, I was on a work comp IE.6 I think so I did not see that popup until I got home and used the MAC and DELL... so... no worries! lol. thanks!


Originally Posted by nectons (Post 1892042)
It show but when clics just a popu says you have allready this on your list. So is great.

Bytheway it works like a CHARM and thanks alot for the mod. Just a question. How can i change the title of the module? I mean th people you may know. I cant doit from any template or phrase or the module settings its self. I cant find where is this :P

Please help?

installed and MOTM


christian8a 09-29-2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by concepts (Post 1891970)
If the member is already "a friend" the link still shows.. I would much rather have a View Profile link instead. What needs to be added/changed to make this happen?

I will find the conditionals to check if is already a friend to not display, but display add to ignore list...


Originally Posted by nectons (Post 1892042)
It show but when clics just a popu says you have allready this on your list. So is great.

Bytheway it works like a CHARM and thanks alot for the mod. Just a question. How can i change the title of the module? I mean th people you may know. I cant doit from any template or phrase or the module settings its self. I cant find where is this :P

Please help?

installed and MOTM


You go to your ftp / modules / users.php and download it to your computer, then open it and look for:

$mods['title'] = 'People You May Know'

$mods['title'] = 'New People'
Replace either one or both tittles with your title, then go to the ftp / modules / users.php delete the file, do not replace it, and then re upload the users.php file edited and done.

ChopSuey 09-29-2009 02:40 AM

Its working great :D

yotsume 09-29-2009 05:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)

This needs cleaned up. The person's username is so large is scary! You are missing a small font code in your templates. You are using this: <span class="bigusername"> WHY???

For anyone who wants to remove the jumbo username just remove the code in red below from the template: user_random_latest


<span class="bigusername"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$user[userid]"><b>$user[musername]</b></a></span><br />
BUG #1: If a members is already a friend they should not show in this mod. You need to update this please to correct this.

This will force us to use this mod for new members only obviously. ;) (CORRECTION: Even is set as new members those members who are already on our friends list as still showing in the list with a link to Add As Friend) Sorry but this mod has a few bugs that need worked out. I think we are missing a few "<If Condition>" statements here...

BUG #2: When you set this module to display new members is it not showing my actual latest registered members. WHY? It shows new members but not my most recent members who have registered and have been excepted... What criteria is this making the list of new members from? A member that has just joined my site is not on this list and I have it set to show 10. This new member should be at the top of the list since she just joined???

I look forward to your support. I need to configure this so my real latest members who do not have avatars will display. How can I achieve this?

SUGGESTION: This mod need to have a scroll bar so we can have a list of 30 new members displayed and not stretch our homepage. Can you please help me to code that change? Also, the Add As Friend link in the block needs to go across the bottom and should not break to use two lines. ;) I think you have it setup in the template to have a specific width so the avatar is in it's own column... I am going to recode that so the link is across the full width of the bottom of each cell of this block. That will make this much cleaner looking. (NOTE: I set the width of the block to be 70% instead of 75% and this made the link show on one line. ;) see my second screenshot)

Please see my attached screenshot. I have highlighted your link in a red box that breaks to two lines. I also highlighted in red how the link to add as freiend should be coded. How can we make that happen?

I would like to have this as a center block as well with a better layout so I can add in more custom fields. I will have to draw up a layout and see about this...

Being able to add custom fields is awesome!

klaush 09-29-2009 09:53 AM

Same here!


Originally Posted by elenh (Post 1891698)
Hey nice mod!INSTALLED

But i get a error

Warning: mktime() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in [path]/modules/users.php on line 93

klaush 09-29-2009 10:05 AM

O.k., you can fix this temporarily with removing "age" from the Custom Fields.

nectons 09-29-2009 10:18 AM

I have the same error. NOT allways but sometime whe the page loads gives me the error at the header. But everething works fine. When the page reloads the error dissapearing.


expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in [path]/modules/users.php on line 93

christian8a 09-29-2009 12:12 PM

I havent had any of those problems mentioned... thats weird. If age is giving problems, just remove it for now and see if we can find a fix for it.

christian8a 09-29-2009 12:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1892157)

This needs cleaned up. The person's username is so large is scary! You are missing a small font code in your templates. You are using this: <span class="bigusername"> WHY???

For anyone who wants to remove the jumbo username just remove the code in red below from the template: user_random_latest


<span class="bigusername"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$user[userid]"><b>$user[musername]</b></a></span><br />
BUG #1: If a members is already a friend they should not show in this mod. You need to update this please to correct this.

This will force us to use this mod for new members only obviously. ;) (CORRECTION: Even is set as new members those members who are already on our friends list as still showing in the list with a link to Add As Friend) Sorry but this mod has a few bugs that need worked out. I think we are missing a few "<If Condition>" statements here...

BUG #2: When you set this module to display new members is it not showing my actual latest registered members. WHY? It shows new members but not my most recent members who have registered and have been excepted... What criteria is this making the list of new members from? A member that has just joined my site is not on this list and I have it set to show 10. This new member should be at the top of the list since she just joined???

I look forward to your support. I need to configure this so my real latest members who do not have avatars will display. How can I achieve this?

SUGGESTION: This mod need to have a scroll bar so we can have a list of 30 new members displayed and not stretch our homepage. Can you please help me to code that change? Also, the Add As Friend link in the block needs to go across the bottom and should not break to use two lines. ;) I think you have it setup in the template to have a specific width so the avatar is in it's own column... I am going to recode that so the link is across the full width of the bottom of each cell of this block. That will make this much cleaner looking. (NOTE: I set the width of the block to be 70% instead of 75% and this made the link show on one line. ;) see my second screenshot)

Please see my attached screenshot. I have highlighted your link in a red box that breaks to two lines. I also highlighted in red how the link to add as freiend should be coded. How can we make that happen?

I would like to have this as a center block as well with a better layout so I can add in more custom fields. I will have to draw up a layout and see about this...

Being able to add custom fields is awesome!

Im sorry for leaving some default options there, I totally forgot how ugly some default stuff that vbulletin puts like that big username, you just gotta change the class="bigusername" to other CSS that you can make or just change to class="smallfont"

The "Bug1" is not a bug, is made like that, random people will display all random people on the site, it will be an option to make it like you say but maybe could be added later. The conditionals is actually something I could figure out now and find a fix so it doesnt display Ad as Friend link if they are already friends.

The "Bug2" is also not a bug, this mod will display only newest people, IF they have uploaded an avatar already, otherwise it will show the newest member with avatar. Just you dont want a question mark for every member that joins, IMO. It can be added later too.

The suggestion is good, but this mod is actually intended to show between 1 to 3 members as seen in most of the sites, 5 being the most so it keeps the looking for a just people suggestion type of mod. I can help you out in adding the scroll bar, is very easy but yea can be just an external addont to this. I will look for the code and will post here the scroll bar for you ;)

You have to play with it a bit, is very simple to modify stuff on it... see screenshot of how mine looks, neat and simple just diplaying 1 member.
Feel free to ask more questions, ill help in what I can :up:

TNCclubman 09-29-2009 01:03 PM

someone please make this work for a regular vbulletin install? I dont use vbadvanced, but I have a right sidebar that I want to put this in. I can manually edit the template to add this, just have a xml file that will make the changes to the files/database. Oh please! I need this!!! lol

sensimilla 09-30-2009 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by nectons (Post 1892230)
I have the same error. NOT allways but sometime whe the page loads gives me the error at the header. But everething works fine. When the page reloads the error dissapearing.

I get same error here. Will ty to remove age.

klaush 09-30-2009 06:48 AM

See post #14.


Originally Posted by nectons (Post 1892230)
I have the same error. NOT allways but sometime whe the page loads gives me the error at the header. But everething works fine. When the page reloads the error dissapearing.

christian8a 10-05-2009 11:42 PM

Havent seen any of those errors, I hope they will get fixed soon ;)

Brandon Sheley 10-05-2009 11:44 PM

great idea
it would be nice if it worked like facebook and recommended ppl that know your friends :)
I'll check it out either way

I see a few bugs

we shouldn't see ppl who are already on our friends list
when I have thumbnails "on" they are broken images.. when I have it "off" they show

[high]* Brandon Sheley clicks install[/high]

inciarco 10-19-2009 05:16 AM

I noticed that the List of Members Include "Banned Users". :confused:

How can I Filter the Banned Users, (Usergroup 8), and Users from other Usergroups (Like the Usergroups 3 and 4, and other Usergroups), from Being Displayed on the Displayed List of Persons? :confused:

What Code Line Should I Edit and Where? :confused:

I Appreciate Your Guide.

My Best Regards.


Lianelli 10-22-2009 05:40 PM

Are you able to setup this modification as a stand-alone? I don't want to install vbAdvanced just to show this box. But I do like what this mod does...

*Waits to install*

Konstantinos 07-01-2010 06:41 PM

avatars dont show for me . just a clickable username where the avatar should be

cgway.net 07-12-2010 12:46 AM

can you help me please if user not select any Avatar

will show default Avatar image

Blueracer66 09-15-2012 03:24 AM

Can this be updated for 3.8.7 please? :)

3raq4all 09-19-2012 07:27 AM

someone please make this work for a regular vbulletin install

tommydamic68 09-19-2012 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by 3raq4all (Post 2366624)
someone please make this work for a regular vbulletin install

I agree, this would be great stand alone!

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