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vB Enterprise Translator
1 Attachment(s)
Great thanks to all who nominate vBET and allow us to win MOTM :):up: This mod translates your forum using FREE translations for over 30 languages from Yandex API. It is 100% FREE in version described here (2.x). Note: using this mod (vBET 2.x) is free and bound by license agreement (see below) :) Yandex translation gives you 1 000 000 FREE characters per DAY to translate. Please note that Yandex do not supports all language pairs, but vBET detects automatically which are supported for your forum language. Version for vBulletin 4.0 is here: vBET 2.4.x for vBulletin 4.0 vBET 3.x released! Please note that vBET 3.x is developed as separate product line and it is available here: vBET 3.x. Full version is paid, it supports 53 languages each to each translation, using: Google, Microsoft, Apertium, Yandex, SDL BeGlobal and DetectLanguage. It has lot of optimizations for booth performance and translations costs. LIVE DEMO - note that demo shows functionality of full version (3.x/4.x), which has more features than 2.x See also screen shots below, for configuration options :) Features: - Translation by Yandex (in PRO version supports 53 languages using several translation providers) - Optimized cache, algorhitms and more performance options - PRO version only - Translates URLs and RSS - PRO version only - Supports multi language communities (allows to write in different languages) - PRO version only - Links appropriate for SEO consensus (configurable) - even without any SEO mod - Long texts are translated no matter how big those are - Translation cache (after first translation results are cached and next page generation is much faster) - Doesn't translate BB codes for code, php and html (must refresh post cache to see effect on existing posts Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Post Cache) - Easy installation - just upload files and import product file - Highly configurable and easy configuration - by Admin CP (see screenschots) - Configurable place for flags - simply select in options where you want to have translation flags. NO MANUAL TEMPLATE MODIFICATION. Supported: Footer-Bottom, Footer-Top, Navbar-Bottom, Navbar-Top, Custom - Possible custom place for flags - in such case just edit template which you want and add $vbenterprisetranslatorflags - Translates also archive pages - Reverse page direction for Arabic, Hebrew and Persian languages - Not translated save areas - if you need something to be not translated simply edit appropriate template and put it between <!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> and <!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> (note: you cannot use any mod which removes comments to use this functionality) Installation: 1. Download zip package (last release - see index at the end of file name) 2. Upload to your forum directory on server everything inside upload directory 3. Import in vB Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product -> Choose product file, set Allow Overwrite to yes and click Import 4. Click here: "Mark as Installed" :D Thanks! 5. Configure in AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> vB Enterprise Translator You MUST configure at least Forum language and Yandex Translation API key. NOTE that there are some other important options - especially if your forum is in subdirectory or if you use vbSEO. For MORE INFO and troubleshooting please read first post :) There is FAQ. So save your time for writing questions which are already answered and get your solution faster :) Known issues: - link for page on which you are doesn't track translation, cause it has same URL as flag for forum default language ENJOY! :D:up: And thanks for nominations ;) Already donated (great thanks:):up:): PossumX, adwade, roymogg, zipperty, CoZmicShReddeR, RedHacker, john devost, mandingo, chris, smnoel, Audax666, Damas, TurkeySub, nectons, Scalemotorcars, TheWite, Cybershaolin, burlesque, Ransy72560, chick, jaryx, linuxututs, cormee, dai-kun x2 :):up:, imported_silkroad, Megatr0n, KrisP, CareyCrew, ghisirds, vitoreis, cyc, mosz, CThiessen, actolearn, jaconi, andie215, yahoooh, bollie LICENSE AGREEMENT - using this mod you agree for those conditions: - you are NOT allowed to remove credit link under any conditions - removing credit link means BREAKING LICENSE AGREEMENT and you lose your rights to use this mod - using it after that is illegal, it is software PIRACY and it will be notified in vBulletin community and other places, including appropriate government/police units in your country - author of this mod reserves the right to change the terms of this license agreement at any time. Failure to receive notification of a change does not make those changes invalid. A current copy of this license is and will be available here. Please note that in full vBET version there is possibility to buy branding free license. There is no such possibility in free version included here. Version history: 2.3.15 Changes: - Fixed canonical link - Fixed issue with SSL verification 2.3.14 Changes: - Added 48 new languages pairs - Updated link to Yandex in configuration - When translation limit is reached now we show original text instead of empty message 2.3.13 Updated link to Yandex API key 2.3.12 Google changed to Yandex translations 2.3.11 Added "Affiliate Program" parameter 2.3.10 Footer bug corrected 2.3.9 userip added to Google translation request + small bug fixed 2.3.8 Small bug fixed - now all supported languages can be chosen as forum default language 2.3.7 Bugs fixed: - weird redirections with vbet_lang - double language in URL - changing text direction for specific languages Added support for: - usernames not translated in who is online - supported URL replacements for canonical URL 2.3.6 Important fix! - there was issue with sending referrer header which is necessary by Google conditions. This one was fixed + issue with # in translation links 2.3.5 Important change - According to Google conditions referrer header must be added to each translation query - otherwise you can be banned by Google. Install this version to avoid any troubles. Changes: - Added referrer header for Google translation queries - Corrected bug for returning to forum main page from translated page Also according to actual Google conditions your "Powered by Google" information should have Google logo. So please change text for flags in your vBET configuration to something like this: Code:
Automatic Translations (Powered by <span style="vertical-align:sub;"><img src="http://www.google.com/uds/css/small-logo.png" alt="Powered by Google" border="0"/></span>): 2.3.4 Important bug fixed! Corrected translation of meta keywords and description 2.3.3 Important bug fixed! And also some other bugs fixed ;) - Fixed bug with shifted results caching - Fixed bug for URLs to javascript functions - Fixed bug for not translating usernames in postbit - Little cosmetic changes 2.3.2 Really little changes. - Changed default value of "Links title" attribute, to be more accurate for Google conditions - Little template changed for flags, so "Link title" font will be smaller (just like vB info in footer) - Small bug fixed 2.3.1 Some little bug fixes. Confirmed working with vbSEO 3.3.1 and confirmed working SEO links on forums with vbSEO and subdirectory in URL 2.3.0 Great news for those without vbSEO - Supports translation SEO links even without vbSEO - Translate Google Maps (configurable) - Little optimizations (i.e. included only necessary things for not translated pages) - Supports several cache cleaning strategies (optimization for really big forums) and automatically disables cache for cleaning time to avoid read/write conflicts 2.2.1 Small bug fixed with returning to default language for main page and SEO links (happens only for specific vbSEO configuration, so you don't need to update if 2.2.0 is working for you) 2.2.0 Translation tracking is working even when redirection by some mod occures (configurable reaction time) 2.1.0 9 new translation languages added! Also: - Redirect to user language functionality - configurable (disabled, forced, after asking user does he want to be redirected). - Fixed bug for SEO links with forums acting like directories by id. - Corrected several flags Update note: if you use SEO links you must change .htaccess file according to description in first post. If you changed any vbseo.php rules ? un-change those. 2.0.3 Quick bug fixing (issue with bitfields in options panel) 2.0.2 Added option to set your forum main domain for tracking URL's in subdomains 2.0.1 Small bug fixed and added direction changing suport also for Hebrew 2.0.0 Some small or medium changes and one big - for vbSEO users now SEO consensus links available. What's new: - Links appropriate for SEO consensus (configurable) - Persian support added - Doesn't translate BB codes for code, php and html (must refresh post cache to see effect on existing posts Admin CP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Post Cache) - Reverse page direction for Arabic and Persian languages - Option to set forum directory if not linked to domain - Few bugs fixed 1.1.1 Some little changes and bugs fixed - Re-encode not translated parts, so there is no strange signs in scripts, images title etc. - Corrected flag for Sweden - Few harmless bug fixed in translation tracking and cache disabling - Respecting Google conditions default flags title have link to Google (configurable) 1.1.0 Lot of new features and no longer in beta stage :) - Long texts are translated no matter how big those are - Cache is working for chosen languages (you simply select for each language does translations should be cached) - Option to add Google Translate API key for translation requests - Configurable cache time to live and scheduled task which automatically remove old cache. - Option to show flags only for guests - Option to easily remove flags border (without any style changing) - Option to not translate usernames - During translation changes param lang in html tag - Option to translate messages changed by vBSEO to JavaScript (it has such functionality for SEO purposes) 1.0.5 Flags showing correctly for forums in subdirectory + corrected returning to base language 1.0.4 Bug fixed with translation of '0' string. Also added little feature - if some parts of your forum uses vbSEO and some are not then now flags will have appropriate URL's everywhere 1.0.3 Big bug fixed ;) Mod doesn't mess in template anymore (it did in some specific cases) 1.0.2 Small bug fixed - error with array merge solved 1.0.1 Small bug fixed - now choosing supported languages in options works fine 1.0.0 Great mod released :D |
This is FAQ :)
Questions: What is required for this mod to work? After translation I get blank page - what is wrong? After translation all text disappear - what is wrong? I have SEO translation links on, I use vBSEO and main page is not translating - what is wrong? What to do, to have translations links good for SEO consensus? I have indexed pages from old translator (with hl=) - what to do? I have indexed pages from old links type (with language=) and want switch to SEO links- what to do? How do you get back to default language after you click a flag? I have warnings in safe mode - what to do? Can I add translated pages to sitemap? Answers: What is required for this mod to work? - You must install it ;) and configure it appropriatelly (please read parameters descriptions carefully) :) - You must have installed CURL in your php. Most servers already have it. Just install this mod and if it is not working then ask your server stuff to install CURL. In meantime you can disable mod or remove flags so users will not be affected. If you get blank page for translation pages (it will not affect your normal pages) it means that you don't have CURL installed - just install it :) - You must have installed ICONV in your php. Most servers already have it. If not an error will occur or blank page for translations. After translation I get blank page - what is wrong? Just read answer for previous question :) After translation all text disappear - what is wrong? 2 possibilities: - You didn't fallow installation instructions. You MUST configure at least Forum language option and Yandex Translations API Key. Just configure mod :) - You set wrong Yandex API key - just set there appropriate value. I have SEO translation links on, I use vBSEO and main page is not translating - what is wrong? First, make sure that your .htaccess rules are OK - especially for forums with subdirectory in URL. What to do, to have translations links good for SEO consensus? You have to set appropriate option in Admin CP and change/create .htaccess file (NOTE: you can use SEO translation links even without vbSEO!) for users without vbSEO - If you don't have .htaccess file then use the one from do-not-upload directory in mod package - just upload it to your forum directory - If you have .htaccess file, then add those lines there: Code:
RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ index.php?language=$1 [L,QSA] Add into .htaccess this 2 rules BEFORE all rules for your SEO mod: Code:
RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|sq|ca|et|tl|gl|hi|id|lv|lt|mt|sl|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ index.php?language=$1 [QSA] for vbSEO users Edit .htaccess file: Above all rules to vbseo.php put this rules Code:
RewriteRule ^/?(af|sq|ar|be|bg|ca|zh-CN|hr|cs|da|nl|en|et|tl|fi|fr|gl|de|el|iw|hi|hu|is|id|ga|it|ja|ko|lv|lt|mk|ms|mt|no|fa|pl|pt|ro|ru|sr|sk|sl|es|sw|sv|zh-TW|th|tr|uk|vi|cy|yi)/$ vbenterprisetranslator_seo.php?vbet_lang=$1&redirected=/ [L,QSA] I have indexed pages from old translator (with hl=) - what to do? Just set rewrite rule in .htaccess - Google will know that page have new place and will reindex it without any loss :) Code:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (hl=)(zh-TW|zh-CN|..)$ First make SEO links available. After that add this rule to .htaccess (before SEO rules): Code:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (hl=|language=)(zh-TW|zh-CN|..) How do you get back to default language after you click a flag? If you have set tracking option on, then to go back to your default language you must just click flag for your default language :) I have warnings in safe mode - what to do? Just turn off save mode - it is DEPRECATED in php and not supported in future versions. See here for details: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.sec...#ini.safe-mode Can I add translated pages to sitemap? You can simply integrate vBET with vBSEO Sitemap Generator (it is free) to include links to translated pages into generated sitemap. Please note that instructions below will allow you to add into your sitemap links for threads translated pages. Because of performance reason those links will not be translated - there will be only added language code. Google will find real page anyway since you will get 301 redirect. Please note that it is not best approach - Google prefers to have final links in sitemap not redirecting one, but forcing translation of thousands links in all languages in the same time could kill your server or be threated by Google as attack (if links are not cached yet). If you have any PHP programming skills you can modify instructions below to support also other parts of sitemap - not only threads URLs. Solution below will add translated links only for first pages of threads. Integration instructions: You just have to edit one file: vbseo_sitemap_functions.php in vbseo_sitemap directory. Find: PHP Code:
For SEO links PHP Code:
Also if you disabled some languages in option panel you have to delete its codes too. For links with language= PHP Code:
Also if you disabled some languages in option panel you have to delete its codes too. NOTE FOR SITEMAP INTEGRATION If you want to add to sitemap also links for other thread pages (if thread have several pages), then additional code must be added BEFORE: PHP Code:
Piece of cake :) |
Good mod but I can,t see Arabic language ;) . Is there a way to add languages ?
This mod did not need new database like other one to work ! Can this cause server loads as result of the queries ? However. I like it and nominate it .. |
There are the advantages to other translation addons?
Does it use the google translator? |
ok its cool i need it
thank you NLP-er |
Glad to see this.
Does this mod create the same type of URLs as the retired mod? Code:
.... link.html?tl=lang Code:
.... /lang/link.html Code:
.... link-lang.html Or (better yet) can the user select the one they like? Thanks! |
Can you please add the option to add a Google Translate API key in the mod CP? |
It works very well, thank you.
It seems to also work in vBadvanced. I only have my portal page but it translated it nice and quick. Time for me to dig a bit and see if I could make it work on other external areas of my site. |
Yeap - this mod is fully integrated with vB Server Loads - use queries by series and there should be no problem. Old translator made dozens of queries - one for each translation. This one can take also related data (which was added in same time) so there is much, much less queries to DB - also to Google :) Thanks for nomination :D |
Advantages to other :D This one is FAST. It is fully configurable nad easy to install. It manage translation cache (optimized - batch queries for insert and selecting by series – remembers which translations are used together). It is alive (Dave put his one to graveyard). It track translation in URL's. It keeps yours domain during translation (one translator simply redirects to Google) so you have benefit in AdSense and indexing. It supporrts 42 translations languages. |
.... /lang/link.html Right now this mod is smart enought to add language param even if already exists some other param in URL (recognizes which one to use ? or &). So it's fully functional. |
Does this store data locally like the previous mod?
Hello. It also supports Persian language?
what about the vbseo warning for the previous mod
Translations can be stored if you use cache. By default cache is on. You can simply disable it in option panel :) Also note that each cached data has stored time of caching. So if you want you are able to remove old translations from DB. Google don't want to cache their results too long - so you have possibility to be ok with it. Now you can make it manually querying DB. If there will be needing I will add scheduled task for this. It's is up to you do you want to respect what Google is asking for or not - this mod gives you possibility to respect it. |
Looks very promising, at least more so than the other translators on here or ones I have simply added via scripts so thanks for spending the time. I'll see how it goes after I finish mowing... taking a break now it feels like a 100+ out there lol.
S-MAN p.s. I would move forward with this mod IMO, many sites will not use the alternatives as they look sloppy or don't work as well, however as always, IMO. |
great mod ! , but 2 errors 1) click on first flag : Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 523 English / french / german is translated ! , and works fine , other flags comes the error ! 2) in CP just 5 flags marked ! , but they all show on forum ! 3) when you translate , you cannot go back to standard language ! (= dutch) Do you perhaps have a solution for it ? editing some php file , to take care that not all flags are showing ? Regards |
1) Can you give me link to your forum? On my side it is ok and I want to see what happens. I need to reproduce error to be able to work with it and it's working fine on my forum. ALREADY CORRECTED IN 1.0.2 - I think - I cannot reproduce, but found typo in variable name so it should solve the problem of error :) Tell me what with those translations on your board (link would be helpful). 2) About flags - I must to mess smoesthing after testing - It don't works on my side too. I will corect this fast. ALREADY CORRECTED IN 1.0.1 3) About going back after translation - click on flag for your language and you will go back or just dissable tracking |
Looks awesome.
I'll install when it is out of Beta! :)q |
Corrected little bug. Now mod will show translation flags appropriate to your choose in options. |
I prefer to leave it in this stage for some time just in case - people have lot of different configurations on theirs forums, but it's working fine on my forum :) So keep in touch :up: |
Taged for now!
Small bug fixed - error with array merge solved I know - previous release just come in, but this is beta stage and I bet that you prefer have working solutions ASAP, especially when installation of new version is so easy :D |
can u help :) i am use 1.0.2
Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode in [path]/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 116 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:3277) in [path]/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php on line 117 |
Tagged for future use. Will wait till gold comes out.
Are the URLs the same as the old one? Also will I need to make any edits for vbseo sitemap generator? Thanks!
It isnt translating our sidebar properly unlike the old one:
Please take a look: Teen Forums Also, when another language than our primary language is chosen it somehow removes the text from our footer and places it in the sidebar somehow. I would also like to be able to show only to guests too. Cheers! EDIT: and the flags seem to load every time I go to another page, also when I try to get back to English after having the language tracking on I click the UK flag to be presented with Norwegian. |
http://us2.php.net/manual/en/functio...time-limit.php 2nd one is because of 1st warning. Just turn off safe mode. I will not made updates because of safe mode, because it is DEPRECATED in php, see: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ini.sec...#ini.safe-mode |
You can see it in live demo :) |
Thanks for letting me know, I am guessing I need to remove the old vbseo edit for the sitemap generator for now. What about the other problems I am having, any ideas? :D
sidebar, sidebar... Which part you are talking exctly? Give me some citat, because as I see there is everything translated. I have 3 at night right now, so I can miss somesthing ;) Give me some text which is not translated and I will find it. Also footer looks for me same in translated and not translated page. Sorry - I don't see what you writing about. To see only to guest just right now you have to modify templates. Templates are listed in features. You can also wait for nest release - I put it in TODO list. So it will be easily configurable :) |
NO - don't remove it. Just hange hl= to language= and it's fine :) About other one - as I wrote I don't see it. Please be more specific - like for kid: "you see this text ..... it should be translated, but it stays without translation. And see this one.... it should stay in footer, but now it on ....". It will help me :D |
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tried it and flags arnt showing plus the site goes out of layout, although this maybe a vbadvanced problem not the mod
On teen forums, click a translator flag and look at our footer, all of the copyright text is gone. :) Also how can I show to guests only? :) |
my only reason for apprehension against installing this module is the url contention it may cause to google... once this mod generated urls like this one
.... /lang/link.html I am good to go... |
If problem fith other mod tou have always Custom flags plaacement :) It is designed to give you full flexibility. Set place to custom ans set it manually in template. And if you don't like the way of displaying - it is based on templates - you can easily change it and even customise for each style :) Enjoy! :) PS. I don't have vB Advanced. I will gladly add support for it but need acess to even test forum where it is set - don't have time for setting test forums, but will find it to implement support if someone will give me access to forum with avadvanced :) |
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