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cclaerhout 08-04-2009 10:00 PM

Advanced BB Codes Toolbar
Advanced BB Codes Toolbar
-Version 1.5b-
Created by C?dric Claerhout
for www.vBulletin-fr.org

Version history:

20 August 2009 : 1.5b version : bbcode parse pb fix

20 August 2009 : 1.5 version | MAJOR UPDATE
-Code has been fully rewritten
-Usergroup permissions to display toolbar
-Checking datas sent by user. If the width is incorrect or to high, a default with replace the value. See the options.
-Better integration for the path configuration of Latex script
-A few bugs have been corrected

If you don't, you will have to delete one by one bbcodes added by 1.4 version before to make work 1.5 version

5 August 2009 : 1.4 version | Tested with IE 8, FF, Opera, Chrome and Safari.
- New code management
for "article, "encadre" and "encadrex" BB Codes. No need to edit CSS templates anymore. FIRST ENGLISH RELEASE.
-Special CSS for IE - autodetect.
-Special CSS styles with dark background - new settings in Product options
-Normal CSS in other cases.
Style sheets are in three external files that needed to be uploaded on your server.

5 August 2009 : 1.3 version | Update for vB 3.8 templates. Some BB Code have been modified to make them display well in the Nice and Wonderfull IE 8 (May be as good as IE 6 ^^).

8 September 2007 : 1.2 version | New Fieldset BB Code & Code Rewritten
September 2007 : 1.1 version | Phrased Product... and special translation system
4 septembre 2007 : 1.0 version

This product adds a new toolbar in the Editor with up to 13 new BB Codes. It gives your members a better opportunity to display their messages. Some of the BB Code might be familiar to you. I've used them for years and updated them to my needs. Some are home made BB Code. This product strength is its high simplicity to install and configure.

Quick tour of these incorporated BB Codes:
  1. BIMG BB Code: Resize a big picture
  2. BIMGX BB Code: Resize a big picture giving its width
    [Safety Default&Max Width System included]
  3. IGAUCHE BB Code: Insert a picture in absolute position to the left of a text
  4. IDROITE BB Code: Insert a picture in absolute position to the right of a text
  5. IGAUCHEX BB Code: Insert a resized picture in absolute position to the left of a text (width in px)
    [SDMWS included]
  6. IDROITEX BB Code: Insert a resized picture in absolute position to the right of a text (width in px)
    [SDMWS included]
  7. ARTICLE BB Code: Display an article inside a message
  8. ENCADRE BB Code:This BB Code insert a text box to the right of a message. Default width is 20% of window
  9. ENCADREX BB Code: This BB Code insert a text box to the right of a message. You can change width giving a value in "%"
    [SDMWS included]
  10. SPOILER BB Code: This [spoiler] code allows to hide a part of a text
  11. Justify Text BB Code: Display justified text
  12. LATEX BB Code: Latex typesetting system allows to display mathematical content or graphics (YOU HAVE TO INSTALL LATEX ON YOUR SERVER !)
  13. FIELDSET BB Code: This BB Code inserts a [fieldset] with a custom title
Don't worry : even though these BB Codes are many, displaying them won't mess up your editor. Just have a look to the pictures.

Style normal
Style sombre

How to install
Very hard ! Unzip, upload, import and configure the module options (in vB options).

How to update
Uninstall the product and re-install it again. Don't forget to configure the options if you've got styles with dark background.

How to use Text Box
Let's consider that you want to have a main text and a box text at his right. In order to display this, your members have to insert at first the Text Box, then the Main Text. Here is what the code looks like:

Things to know
All the BB Code installation is automatic. Their Editor buttons use javascript to display popups in order to help your members.

I do want to thank Viper007Bond for his hack "Embed XHTML valid YouTube and Google Video into your posts". Thanks to him I manage to understand how to make mine works. And, of course, I really want to thank this great young retired coder who is TheGeek for his module GARS. Thanks to his "New page" button I manage to use javascript.

This hack belongs to vBulletin-fr and I. If you want to distribute it elsewhere, you have to ask permission. If you're an other French team board, don't ask. The answer will be "no".

I hope this hack will work immediately for you because I won't have get time to support it. Sorry for this.

erel34 08-05-2009 09:26 PM


bposner 08-05-2009 09:39 PM

Tried resize picture, shut down server :(

meraia 08-06-2009 01:36 AM

thxxx i,ll try it


yotsume 08-06-2009 05:56 AM

Ill watch this one. An upgraded tool bar menu with better editor features has been seriously long over do for VB and seriously neglected.

Cybertims 08-06-2009 07:03 AM

It doesnt seem to show in the quick reply though

cclaerhout 08-06-2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by bposner (Post 1862173)
Tried resize picture, shut down server :(

...Are these new BB Codes on the BB Codes Manager ? If it's the case, i don't see why this would shut down your server. This hack is just a way to design some BB CODES. What was the message?


Originally Posted by Cybertims (Post 1862395)
It doesnt seem to show in the quick reply though

Yes. A quick reply is made to reply quick, not to create a layout in a tiny window.

bposner 08-06-2009 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by cclaerhout (Post 1862439)
...Are these new BB Codes on the BB Codes Manager ? If it's the case, i don't see why this would shut down your server. This hack is just a way to design some BB CODES. What was the message?

I don't know either. I took a really big picture, then put in a bunch of text ( more than that's alllowed by VB) and the combination of too much text and the resizing crashed the db. I tried to take worse case scenario a user would do. Normally if text is too much VB will let you know that it exceeded the limit. I don't have a message, sorry. I will try this again to see if I can replicated during an off time. But let me ask. Is there a way to limit BBCODE use to user groups? More of a general question.

Thank you for doing this for free and supplying support. I appreciate anything that's done at no charge and look forward to using some of these codes. I just want to keep them way from people that may abuse them :)

cclaerhout 08-06-2009 02:47 PM

The idea to limit the display of this toolbar for usergroups ID is a good. I was expecting this request ^^. As soon as i get time, I will do it.

Could you please send me by email the test message that might have caused a server crash. Because French vB users have been using this hack for 2 years, and I never heard this kind of problem before. And please, try to do the test of the Very big Picture With & Without my hack ; BB Codes are just CSS or javascript (spoiler), there are not supposed to kill your website. If a problem exists, it might come from my installation code.

mail: cedric.claerhout@free.fr

bposner 08-06-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by cclaerhout (Post 1862613)
The idea to limit the display of this toolbar for usergroups ID is a good. I was expecting this request ^^. As soon as i get time, I will do it.

Could you please send me by email the test message that might have caused a server crash. Because French vB users have been using this hack for 2 years, and I never heard this kind of problem before. And please, try to do the test of the Very big Picture With & Without my hack ; BB Codes are just CSS or javascript (spoiler), there are not supposed to kill your website. If a problem exists, it might come from my installation code.

mail: cedric.claerhout@free.fr

I will when I get time, just I have no test system, just a live system. I think it was a combination of trying to A. justify text, B. resize a picture and C. deal with too much text in the message. I was doing a preview when it crashed, so it was never saved. Some of these codes are very nice, however my regular users may inadvertently abuse them or combine them in a conflicting way and we'll have a crazy mess of formatted posts :) That's why I'd like to see a permissions option. This is no way criticizing your work, just know who our users are :)

Kolbi 08-07-2009 10:02 PM

Found a little issue in the Spoiler phrase "dispay" instead of "display".

Great mod!

yotsume 08-08-2009 01:11 AM

Installed and seems to work great. I have to test each code and see.

I wish this had a table BB code though.

Slugger00001 08-08-2009 02:09 AM

Yup what the guy said above, vb is in some serious needs of editor tools and this just might do the trick!

Mike-D 08-10-2009 10:32 AM

Wonderful Addon. Exactly the one I need right now :) Installed!

On a side note: Nice to have you back, C?dric (aka cclaerhout). I remember using your legendary Addon called BBcode Manager. This one runs strong till today without any problems. Keep it up :up:

zmickzalois3 08-10-2009 11:26 AM

could we have the XML in french, I saw a view that there would avoid to translate.
thank you in advance

Alfa1 08-12-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1863376)
I wish this had a table BB code though.

Please add table BB code.

Bibbo 08-19-2009 12:30 AM

The images from the editor folder aren't loading.
It looks like this:

cclaerhout 08-19-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bibbo (Post 1870178)
The images from the editor folder aren't loading.
It looks like this:

Because you have customised your editor pictures path. Either you revert this in style manager, either you upload bbcode toolbar pictures inside your style directory.

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 01:45 AM

20 August 2009 : 1.5 version | MAJOR UPDATE
-Code has been fully rewritten
-Usergroup permissions to display toolbar
-Checking datas sent by user. If the width is incorrect or to high, a default with replace the value. See the options.
-Better integration for the path configuration of Latex script
-A few bugs have been corrected

If you don't, you will have to delete one by one bbcodes added by 1.4 version before to make work 1.5 version

yotsume 08-20-2009 02:21 AM


Two things... First this needs a TABLE BB CODE! Second how do you enter a math equation? Umm are there instructions anywhere for the BB codes?

EDIT: Ok I see we need to install something to our server for the math formulas to work. (mimetex.cgi)
So where are the instructions for that please???

VonDoom 08-20-2009 03:23 AM

Kick A** ive been waiting for these updates.

ETA: Nothing showing in my wysig editer. will try a reinstall..

ETA2: Still nothing, wish i could provide more information. But it installed properly and i have installed everything and permissions are set. but this mod just dosent show up in the editer.

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 1870791)

Two things... First this needs a TABLE BB CODE! Second how do you enter a math equation? Umm are there instructions anywhere for the BB codes?

EDIT: Ok I see we need to install something to our server for the math formulas to work. (mimetex.cgi)
So where are the instructions for that please???

Sorry i'can support mimetex installation. It depends on your server.


Originally Posted by VonDoom (Post 1870824)
Kick A** ive been waiting for these updates.

ETA: Nothing showing in my wysig editer. will try a reinstall..

Have you configure the new options (usergroups, etc.) ?

VonDoom 08-20-2009 04:46 AM


Have you configure the new options (usergroups, etc.) ?
Yes it is configured as the default options Admin, Super Moderator, Moderators. Im assuming its a conflict with another mod as my wysig editor is pretty heavily modified already.

However i did notice that if i manually input the BB code they do work.

Also i noticed what might be a bug... while editing a post all the custom BB code reverts to standard text and the code is removed..

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 04:56 AM

I've just tested again the english version of this product on two websites. Everything is working.

Did you fully uninstalled 1.4 version as it was said in quite pretty big ? Just check in your BBCode manager. With 1.5 version, you shouldn't see anymore bccodes of this hack. If it's the case, you didn't fully uninstalled 1.4 version. So just delete bbcodes one by one.

VonDoom 08-20-2009 05:05 AM

Hmm thats not my problem as ive never had 1.4 installed. This was a fresh install a cpl hrs ago at most. then a complete reinstall just a few minutes ago still nothing. Ill keep it as i only wanted it for myself for articles. and i can manually input the new codes. Either way great mod and much needed. Im almost sure its a conflict with another mod to my editor. Ill play around with it and report back when i figure somthing out.. thanks for the support..

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 05:15 AM

Oh I understand. If your "editor_toolbar_on" template is a lot modified, that's why it doesn't work. But it shouldn't remove code...

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by VonDoom (Post 1870846)
Hmm thats not my problem as ive never had 1.4 installed. This was a fresh install a cpl hrs ago at most. then a complete reinstall just a few minutes ago still nothing. Ill keep it as i only wanted it for myself for articles. and i can manually input the new codes. Either way great mod and much needed. Im almost sure its a conflict with another mod to my editor. Ill play around with it and report back when i figure somthing out.. thanks for the support..

Sorry, you were right. Your bug is confirmed.

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 08:04 AM

20 August 2009 : 1.5b version : bbcode parse pb fix

VonDoom 08-20-2009 04:09 PM

Any way i can get these codes for manual addition since i cannot get this to work on my board??? esp this one (IGAUCHEX BB Code: Insert a resized picture in absolute position to the left of a text (width in px)

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 07:17 PM

Well, your problem is only that you've changed a lot your "editor_toolbar_on" template. As you already told before the bbcodes delivered with that hacks are working. So it's not a code problem but a cosmetic problem. Just do your own surgery ^^ It's easy to do : have a look to my "editor_toolbar_addon" template (this template is installed with the product). Then pick up the button you need selecting his code. And paste it in your "editor_toolbar_on" where you want. If you manage to customised your template before, you should easily succeed this :) 頑張って !

cclaerhout 08-20-2009 07:25 PM

Personal message : l'm leaving Paris after tomorrow to go in Taiwan for several months. I don't think I'll get a lot of time to support this hack. Good news, I don't think much support will be needed ^^ I'm quite proud of this 1.5(b) version. I know that some of you would like a TABLE BBcode to be integrated. You should ask the author of this hack to make an option to integrate it with mine. If he doesn't want, I will try to do it (making only a special optional button). But to be honest I've never tried TABLE BBcode, so I don't know how it works ^^

Thanks for your messages and your ideas even though I were and I will pretty busy :)

VonDoom 08-20-2009 08:04 PM

cclaerhout thanks again for this hack, im sure i can easily manualy add the code and admit i havent opened the product. so theres still a lot to work with here so i have no doubt i can straighten this out easily. *Installed* *Nominated*

cloferba 08-22-2009 08:26 PM

i can help with a spanish translation...im going to install this hack..:)

crazymilk 08-23-2009 05:18 PM

Install but the images from editor are not showing?

crazymilk 08-23-2009 07:07 PM

Sorted did not put in my style editor

Kolbi 08-24-2009 07:25 PM

In the latest update we canĀ“t modify the bb-codes in the admincp?

cclaerhout 08-29-2009 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Kolbi (Post 1873626)
In the latest update we can?t modify the bb-codes in the admincp?

No you can't any more. The code has been rewritten to allow the "Safety Default&Max Width System". If you want to change bbcode, you have to modify the xml files ; it should be quite easy.

Kolbi 08-29-2009 02:52 PM

Okay thank you.
This is, because I have to translate them to German.
Phrases are translated but the BB-Code I want to modify, too.

Kolbi 09-02-2009 09:41 AM

What happens if I uninstall this addon?

Will the BB-Code removed of a thread or still be displayed as for example:

cclaerhout 09-05-2009 10:07 AM

Like any other bbcode, if you delete it in the admincp, the message will display [ARTICLE]text...[/ARTICLE]

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