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UKBusinessLive 07-17-2009 03:18 PM

Did Man Really walk on the Moon??
This made me laugh,

Forty years ago more than half a billion people crowded around TV sets around the world to watch Neil Armstrong take the first steps on the Moon.
Unfortunately the footage was so blurry, it was sometimes difficult to see what the first two astronauts were doing on the lunar surface.

Now newly restored footage of the first Moon walk allows us to see images of the momentous occasion as never before.

Theres always be an element of doubt that man did indeed set foot on the moon, when you think in terms of the technology of the day etc.. in 1969 the computers we're so basic that now we have more powerful watches :rolleyes:

Nasa's refurbished videos capture details not clear from the original ghostly copies, some of which have not been viewed for decades.

The space agency employed a specialist Hollywood film restoration company to help clean up the images originally beamed to Earth from Apollo 11 on July 20 1969.


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's first steps on the moon's surface were captured by a single small video camera aboard the lunar module.
But the grainy images that the world saw in 1969 came from a TV camera pointed at a giant wall monitor at mission control, of a live feed from pictures sent by satellite from Australia to California and relayed by landline to Houston.
The videos were originally stored on giant reels of tapes that contained 15 minutes of video along with 13 other channels of live data from the moon. But in the 1970s and 1980s, Nasa wiped and reused some of the tapes due to a shortage.
This is the bit i find VERY hard to believe


The videos were originally stored on giant reels of tapes that contained 15 minutes of video along with 13 other channels of live data from the moon. But in the 1970s and 1980s, Nasa wiped and reused some of the tapes due to a shortage
I mean one of the most historic events in the whole history of the Earth, and some guy decided to Record over them because they didn't have any more film?? yeah right!!

The whole of the Moon landings i feel were a scam, Things just don't add up, theirs been films of the US flag flapping about on the moon?? Whats that about, theres no wind on the moon???

Do you believe that Man landed on the moon in 1969, with the primative technology we had then, and that no one has even bothered to land their since??



Your gonna love this one


AdrianH 07-17-2009 04:14 PM

I think these photos prove that it was all big story :

http://www.stuffucanuse.com/fake_moo...n_landings.htm ;)

Attilitus 07-17-2009 04:17 PM


The videos were originally stored on giant reels of tapes that contained 15 minutes of video along with 13 other channels of live data from the moon. But in the 1970s and 1980s, Nasa wiped and reused some of the tapes due to a shortage
Why is this so hard to believe? They probably had hundreds of hours of taped footage from the moon, from multiple cameras. Alot of it was likely junk.

Also the flag had a wire mesh in its fabric, which means it would have oscillated given an external force (which could have been either a transient input due to it being opened/moved, or a persistent input due to some small force on it due to the lunar environment).

Paul M 07-17-2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1850609)
Do you believe that Man landed on the moon in 1969, with the primative technology we had then, and that no one has even bothered to land their since??


PhilipAlv 07-17-2009 05:00 PM

Yes....and it'll be forty years to that occasion in a few days.


KevinL 07-17-2009 05:03 PM


I mean one of the most historic events in the whole history of the Earth, and some guy decided to Record over them because they didn't have any more film?? yeah right!!
They needed something to tape their soap operas on :/

cheat-master30 07-17-2009 05:49 PM

I've always believed they landed on the moon. These conspiracy theories that say otherwise quite frankly have way too many problems and holes in them to be even remotely believable.

lasto 07-17-2009 07:58 PM

and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????


HMBeaty 07-17-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1850609)
Do you believe that Man landed on the moon in 1969, with the primative technology we had then, and that no one has even bothered to land their since??


CarlitoBrigante 07-17-2009 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1850609)
Do you believe that Man landed on the moon in 1969, with the primative technology we had then, and that no one has even bothered to land their since??

Absolutely yes, with no doubt.

On a note, in these days the first photos of the landing sites taken by the amazing Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have been published. They are breathtaking, google for them.

--------------- Added [DATE]1247865952[/DATE] at [TIME]1247865952[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1850763)
and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????


I hope you are joking right?

You cannot imagine the importance of the study of the moon soil to mankind, the advancements of technology at ALL levels thanks to the space programs (not only the US one), and finally the fact that the moon exploration has really changed completely the way we perceive the earth - people born after the landing have a completely different view of our planet, and this has been discussed many, many times.

Just a few years before the landing, reaching the moon was considered impossible. If one were to choose a single achievement that changed the world in all possible ways, well the first landing on the moon is definitely a good candidate.

Not to mention, one of the things that make mankind extraordinary is our desire of surpassing our limits, of going where we have never gone before - and this is, in the end, what will probably save us from extinction. Read a bit on the subject from scientists, and you will understand why space exploration means survival for the human race.

Shelley_c 07-17-2009 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1850763)
and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????


Look at the bigger picture lasto. Space travel is the future and having you eggs located in one basket is pure silliness. Although you think nothing was gained the science that was gained is invaluable.

And it was billions that the Americans spent during the mercury/apollo era.

With regards to the moon landings, I personally don't think they were faked. The conspiracy theorists have nothing better to do with their time but to create tales and capture the public's imagination in a negative way.

Reflectors (to determine whether the moon was spinning away from the earth) was placed on the moon and lasers setup on earth to confirm this. 4 vehicles are still present on the moon. They didn't get there themselves esp the reflectors.

Personally, I don't think they were faked. Nasa should have already been setting moon bases and taking advantage of the moon (think of the fuel saved) Costs are said to be a quarter of what the take off costs are. I believe when the americans said by the end of the decade they would land a man on the moon and return him safely they did just that.

AWS 07-18-2009 11:18 PM

The question isn't did man step on the moon, it's why haven't we been back?

Shelley_c 07-18-2009 11:53 PM

Money, and towards the latter stages of the appollo missions the taxpayers where getting tired of it. Routine as it may have been I personally don't think it should only fall on americas heads in returning to the moon. Russia had a space program that nearly rivalled americas, they are the most expereinced in living in space for long durations. China have a great space program on the go (could even rival nasa one day) and the european space agency is very advance. Nasa and the european space agency worked together on the cassini mission to saturn so I can't see why all the countries can't pull their resources and knowledge together and returning to the moon. Would cut down the financial burden on one country.

Trip 07-19-2009 12:15 AM

I believe man has been on the moon. There is no convincing scientific arguements to prove otherwise. I guess I'll take the americans at their word ;).
Space travel is probably on the back burner for awhile. Too much unrest in the world to be worried about how far you can lob a golf ball on the moon. IMO:cool:

AdrianH 07-19-2009 03:59 AM

These images show the actual site and footprints seen from space :



DieselMinded 07-19-2009 06:47 AM

The moon landing only happened because of the Cold War and we had to show our muscles

Google : Apollo vs. Sputnik

Shelley_c 07-19-2009 10:46 AM

And let's not forget the testing beforehand. Nasa using pure oxygen in their capsule and exposing wires which frayed and sparked an explosion cooking 3 astonauts to their deaths. infact, one of the astronauts advise another astronaut who wasworried & killed (Gus Grissom) to complain but he didn't for fear he would have been taken off the program.

During the early stages, Nasa where guilty of cutting corners and putting the lives ahead of the need to gain one step ahead of the russians.

Let's also not forget if it wasn't for the talents of Wernher von Braun and had the russians not captured him first in world war 2 it would have been a whole different story.

That said. The mercury program made this all possible. The astronauts took a hell of chance perform spacewalks and performing docking procedures that even made the apollo program even possible.

JakeS 07-19-2009 02:15 PM

I watched a whole documentary about how we could not have got to the moon in that day and age.

My question is:

If they really got to the moon, why are they struggling to get this robot things to land on it still? and loosing signal with some of them? surely if they sent man there, and never lost signal at all? then sending a robot should be easier?

napy8gen 07-19-2009 03:49 PM

after 40 years no man land on the moon again?

I simply not believing it and will not believed it. They can fool some kids to inspire them but not me.

I want new prove, I want new images, I want new astronauts on the moon.

Now we are in the millenium ages,modern technology is far more better, why not prove again you landed on the moon, I dont buy those 40 years crap new enchanced images.

NASA been the most big liar in the world.

They knew 7 layers of sky/space. and they never touch the second layer just yet.Each layers guarded by angels and prophets.

Reycer 07-20-2009 02:51 AM

Here's what's got me. 40 years ago we learned how to get to the moon, and walk on it. 40 years later we can't figure out the toilet:

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ? The bathroom lines at the already crowded space shuttle and space station complex got a lot longer Sunday because of a flooded toilet. One of two commodes aboard the international space station malfunctioned, right in the middle of complicated robotic work being conducted by the two crews. The pump separator apparently flooded.
Mission Control advised the astronauts to hang an "out of service" sign on the toilet until it could be fixed. In the meantime, the six space station residents had to get in line to use their one good toilet. And Endeavour's seven astronauts were restricted to the shuttle bathroom.

There have never been so many people ? 13 ? together in space. The toilet repair work fell to Belgian Frank De Winne, who had to don goggles, gloves and a mask.

Flight director Brian Smith declined to speculate whether overuse caused the toilet trouble.
"We don't yet know the extent of the problem," Smith told reporters. "It may turn out to be of no consequence at all. It could turn out to be significant. It's too early to tell right now."
Teams of specialists in Houston and Moscow hurriedly convened to discuss the problem. The Russian-built, multimillion-dollar toilet flew up on a shuttle last November.

Smith said there is no urgency to the bathroom situation, at least for now. But he said if the toilet remains out of action for several days, "then we'll readdress the situation and see what we have to do."
Going into this mission, NASA wanted at least four of Endeavour's crew to use the space station's bathrooms, so the shuttle waste water tank would not fill up.

As long as Endeavour is docked to the space station, it cannot eject any waste water. The nozzle is located near the newly installed porch on the Japanese lab; the attach mechanisms for experiments could corrode if sprayed by water.

Two bathrooms ultimately are needed for a full station crew of six. Smith said he did not know how long six occupants could rely on a single toilet.
Both the shuttle and station are equipped with other ways for the astronauts to relieve themselves, Smith said, including Apollo-era urine collection bags.
Much of Sunday ? the eve of the 40th anniversary of man's first moon landing ? was spent using a pair of robot arms to move a large cargo carrier, loaded with batteries and spare parts, from the shuttle to the station. It was a relatively quiet day sandwiched between spacewalks.

The 13-by-8-foot platform holds an antenna, pump and engine for the station's rail car, all of which will be removed and secured to the space station during a spacewalk Monday. NASA wants to store as many big spare parts as possible at the space station, before shuttles stop flying at the end of next year.

Arkham 07-20-2009 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1850609)
The whole of the Moon landings i feel were a scam, Things just don't add up, theirs been films of the US flag flapping about on the moon?? Whats that about, theres no wind on the moon???



Of course a flag can wave in a vacuum. In the shot of the astronaut and the flag, the astronaut is rotating the pole on which the flag is mounted, trying to get it to stay up. The flag is mounted on one side on the pole, and along the top by another pole that sticks out to the side. In a vacuum or not, when you whip around the vertical pole, the flag will ``wave'', since it is attached at the top. The top will move first, then the cloth will follow along in a wave that moves down. This isn't air that is moving the flag, it's the cloth itself.
Here's a site I pull up once in a blue moon (ha) just for people like you.

PukkaBen 07-20-2009 05:56 PM

So we spend millions, maybe billions to land on the moon. We "do it" (apparently) but yet we don't go back. Bit funny eh?!

Brandon Sheley 07-20-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1850763)
and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????


why spend any money on R&D than, if you don't see something immediate, it must be a waste of money..lol :rolleyes:

and yes, I know they did land :up:

as for the endless question of why we don't go back to the moon, maybe NASA is busy exploring other planets ;)

Arkham 07-20-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Loco.M (Post 1852358)
why spend any money on R&D than, if you don't see something immediate, it must be a waste of money..lol :rolleyes:

and yes, I know they did land :up:

as for the endless question of why we don't go back to the moon, maybe NASA is busy exploring other planets ;)


Not to mention the fact that I think anyone who witnessed a rocket launch (I saw one in the 70s, granted it was a satellite... ;)) can't help but be impressed. So what do these people think happened? Buzz and Armstrong (edit: forgot Collins) just orbited the Earth to "kill some time"?

Oh, that's right. They can't orbit the Earth: It's flat!

"Watch out for the Sun God in the sky. You better pray he shows up tomorrow...
" ;)

UKBusinessLive 07-20-2009 06:28 PM

Mind you quite a few of the original apollo astronauts died in strange circumstances, how do you figure that one out, The only ones that managed to live where the ones that kept quiet ?? :eek:

Could their be some truth there??

Arkham 07-20-2009 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1852371)
Mind you quite a few of the original apollo astronauts died in strange circumstances, how do you figure that one out, The only ones that managed to live where the ones that kept quiet ?? :eek:

Could their be some truth there??

The answer is simple: Aliens forced the government to kill them in order to shut them up.

It's really the interstellar equivalent of the old mean man next door complaining to a bratty kid's parents to keep him out of their yard.

UKBusinessLive 07-20-2009 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 1852379)
The answer is simple: Aliens forced the government to kill them in order to shut them up.

It's really the interstellar equivalent of the old mean man next door complaining to a bratty kid's parents to keep him out of their yard.

Ha Ha :D:D:D

Reycer 07-20-2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Loco.M (Post 1852358)
why spend any money on R&D than, if you don't see something immediate, it must be a waste of money..lol :rolleyes:

and yes, I know they did land :up:

as for the endless question of why we don't go back to the moon, maybe NASA is busy exploring other planets ;)

I like the commercial that was on TV a few years back. It was so true and no words were ever spoken. It simply was a picture of the moon and said this.

"For years man thought that the moon was made of cheese. Man went to the moon and discovered that it was made of rock. We haven't been back........ah behold the power of Cheese."

MrEyes 07-20-2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1850763)
and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????

Something interesting that I learned recently:

Every dollar in space is used to produce 7 dollars here on earth in the form of new products and services

As for the naysayers, forget about waving flags, odd crosshairs, lack of stars, shadows etc etc*. The race to the moon was born out of the cold war, it was Russia vs America in a game of my toys are bigger than yours. Considering that Russia most definitely had the technology to track the mission, do you not think that they would have immediately cried foul? Unless of course you also believe that the cold war was also a fabrication.

* All of which have been debunked with real science anyway

Tim Skellett 07-22-2009 01:40 AM


Did Man Really walk on the Moon??

He hopped.

The photographic evidence is unmistakable and inescapable; they all hopped, rather than walked, on the Moon.

Arkham 07-22-2009 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Tim Skellett (Post 1853263)

He hopped.

The photographic evidence is unmistakable and inescapable; they all hopped, rather than walked, on the Moon.

You're fuller of win than Fully The Win Moon Winner.


HMBeaty 07-22-2009 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 1853276)
You're fuller of win than Fully The Win Moon Winner.


I got tongue twisted just reading that

Arkham 07-22-2009 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinemotorsports (Post 1853281)
I got tongue twisted just reading that

I bruised something just typing it. ;)

HMBeaty 07-22-2009 02:07 AM


1Unreal 07-22-2009 09:24 PM

If you can be bothered to read it...


Arkham 07-22-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Arkham (Post 1852242)
Here's a site I pull up once in a blue moon (ha) just for people like you.


Originally Posted by 1Unreal (Post 1853778)
If you can be bothered to read it...


Heh, good to see I'm not the only one who has that page bookmarked. ;)

07-23-2009 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1850763)
and the final question is : what did we gain by spending millions on sending a man to the moon ????


Agreeing with that...:up:

and NASA spends lots of money just to picture of space-dust...FTW??

Tim Skellett 07-23-2009 04:57 AM


They could have spent all the money instead at Las Vegas, and had a very good time, and then spent some more money on drying-out clinics and therapy for gambling addiction and STD treatment!

And that would have done the Las Vegas economy marvels!

1Unreal 07-23-2009 03:58 PM

Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement

Rapscallion 07-23-2009 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by AWS (Post 1851400)
The question isn't did man step on the moon, it's why haven't we been back?

What would be the point?

The initial landing was a PR coup scored against the USSR in the days of the cold war. The US got there first. They learned a huge amount in the process, but the next logical step for this would be to set up a permanent moon base. Technology back then wasn't advanced enough for that. It's probably more or less there now - not looked into it - but that's no guarantee that it's going to happen while rushing the job.


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