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Shevko 06-30-2009 10:00 PM

[vBD]-Facebook Bar..!!
1 Attachment(s)
Facebook's Bar For vBulletin.. ByShevko:)

vBulletin (Unofficial) Turkey Support Site..[vBulletinDestek.Org]

Please Look Down The Caps To Understand..

******* INSTALL *********
1) First upload the attached icons in root/imgimg/.. folder.
2) Then in footer
To The Bottom;

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]">
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<div id="bar_bottom" style="width: %80; height: 32px; bottom: 0px;">
<div class="bar_float" style="height: 25px; width: %75;">

<a href="forumdisplay.php?do=markread"><img src="/imgimg/market.png" alt="Mark Forums Read" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/event_bar.png" alt="Calender.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="showgroups.php"><img src="/imgimg/photo_bar.png" alt="Leaders.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>


<div class="bar_float1" style="width: %80">

<a href="private.php"><img src="/imgimg/email_open.gif" alt="PM" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php" accesskey="2">Private Messages</a> :: <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/email_add.gif" alt="Send New Message.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php?do=newpm" accesskey="2">Send New Message</a> |<a href="group.php"><img src="/imgimg/group.gif" alt="Social Groups.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="group.php" accesskey="2">Groups</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=buddylist"><img src="/imgimg/emoticon_smile.gif" alt="Contacts & Friends.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=buddylist" accesskey="2">Friends</a> |<a href="usercp.php"><img src="/imgimg/user_edit.gif" alt="User Control Panel.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="usercp.php" accesskey="2">User CP</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=editpassword"><img src="/imgimg/lock.gif" alt="Edit Email & Password.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=editpassword" accesskey="2">Edit Email & Password</a>

<div class="bar_float2">

<a href="sendmessage.php" rel="nofollow" accesskey="2">Contact Us</a>|<a href="search.php?do=getnew" accesskey="2">New Posts</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[pmunread]">
|<blink><a href="private.php" accesskey="2">$bbuserinfo[pmunread] PM!</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<else />

3) Add To CSS;

#bar_bottom {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;
left: 80px;
right: 80px;
height: 30px;
background:#f3f3f3 url(../imgimg/bar_bottom_bg.png) 0 0  repeat-x;
border-left:1px solid #b5b5b5;
border-right:1px solid #b5b5b5;

.bar_float {float:left;padding:7px 5px 0 5px;border-right:1px solid #b5b5b5;}
.bar_float a{padding:2px;}
.bar_float a:hover{padding:2px;background-color:#fff;text-decoration:none;}

.bar_float1 {float:left;padding:7px 5px 0 5px;height:25px;}

.bar_float1 a{text-decoration:none;color:#749474;font-size:11px;}
.bar_float1 a:hover{font-size:11px;color:#000;text-decoration:none;}

.bar_float2 {float:right;padding:7px 5px 0 5px;border-left:1px solid #b5b5b5;height:25px;}

.bar_float2 a{padding:2px;color:#749474;font-size:10px;cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;}
.bar_float2 a:hover{padding:2px;font-size:10px;color:#000;text-decoration:none;}

.bar_contents {padding-top:6px;text-align:center;}

4) Copyright Don't Appear in Page, For This Reason You Can Add This Code To
"AdminCP>vBulletin Options>Site Name / URL / Contact Details>Copyright Text" End..




1) Only Users See This Modifications..
2) Turkish And English Languages in [VBD] Facebook Bar..!!

v1.01 -Add İf Conditions For Only Users..
v1.02 -Edit Wrongs in ZIP..
-Wipe Hotlink
-Add </div> Later..
v1.03 -Add Polish And Italian Languages With Attachments.. Thanks Marek58 & lordmazus..
v1.04 -Add Serbian Language With Attachments.. Thanks Darkobg..

This Modification's Languages;
1) T?rk?e
2) English
3) Polish ( By Marek58 )
4) Italian ( By lordmazus )
5) Serbian ( By darkobg )
6) Spanish ( By yeku )
7) Hebrew Download Hebrew ( By dacho )

*T?rk?e Modifikasyon Ektedir.. Gerekli D?zenlemeyi Ekteki Code/T?rk?e İ?erisindeki Kodlarla Yapınız..
*Ekte T?rk?e G?r?n?m?de Mevcuttur..

Brandon Sheley 07-01-2009 03:21 PM

i like it :)

Shevko 07-01-2009 03:35 PM

Thanks Loco.. This Modification First Sharing In Here.. I Get Excited...

Preech 07-01-2009 04:21 PM

Would this work all the same underneath let's say my navbar or header.

Sofia 07-01-2009 04:22 PM

Very good idea. Nice work, shevko ;)

Harley77 07-01-2009 05:30 PM

Nice, this saves me the time of developing one. :-)

Shevko 07-01-2009 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 1840841)
Would this work all the same underneath let's say my navbar or header.

Sorry, i don't understand you Preech


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1840843)
Very good idea. Nice work, shevko ;)

I m glad you liked it Sofia :)


Originally Posted by Harley77 (Post 1840882)
Nice, this saves me the time of developing one. :-)

I m glad for you Harley :)

bleros 07-01-2009 06:44 PM

haha nice nice work :)

Shevko 07-01-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by bleros (Post 1840921)
haha nice nice work :)

I'm glad for your thought.. :)

ErrorLog 07-01-2009 09:04 PM

Good Job.

Güzel iş devamını bekleriz.

cygy2k 07-01-2009 11:31 PM

This is great - but a few suggestions...

Could you have a plugin that creates 5 or 6 dropdowns in the UserCP with different sections of the site that the User could chose as their links that show in the bar instead of just those default ones? The bar could have if statements to pull those links.

Selene 07-01-2009 11:47 PM


fluentdesigns 07-02-2009 02:44 AM

Awesome job! looks good!

snowlion 07-02-2009 08:17 AM

Looking good, nice mod ^_^

Shevko 07-02-2009 08:47 AM

Thanks Selene, fluentdesigns, snowlion for your comments :) of course ErrorLog :)


Originally Posted by cygy2k (Post 1841072)
This is great - but a few suggestions...

Could you have a plugin that creates 5 or 6 dropdowns in the UserCP with different sections of the site that the User could chose as their links that show in the bar instead of just those default ones? The bar could have if statements to pull those links.

i only create this modifications.. if you would, you can develop this.. but if you would anythink from i. i can do for you.. :) ;)

OcR Envy 07-02-2009 09:48 AM

/me Tags for later.

How hard would it be to hide/add links as we do not use social groups?

lordmazus 07-02-2009 09:56 AM

Very nice ! But i tested with my IE (italian version) and not fixed, the bar show only in the footer.

Shevko 07-02-2009 10:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by OcR Envy (Post 1841302)
[high]* OcR Envy Tags for later.[/high]

How hard would it be to hide/add links as we do not use social groups?

why dont you use social groups? i don't understand this.. but not hard..


Originally Posted by lordmazus (Post 1841308)
Very nice ! But i tested with my IE (italian version) and not fixed, the bar show only in the footer.

first thanks your comment :) and please look at this caps..

P?ŋĭsЋ?я 07-02-2009 10:40 AM

Very good :) Thanks installed..

Tebrikler ?ok hoş g?r?n?yor

Shevko 07-02-2009 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by P?ŋĭsЋ?я (Post 1841333)
Very good :) Thanks installed..

Tebrikler ?ok hoş g?r?n?yor

Thanks For Your Comment P?ŋĭsЋ?я..

Sizlerden Duymak Daha Hoşuma Gidiyor.. Herkes Yapmaz Yaptığını.. Teşekk?rler P?ŋĭsЋ?я.. :)

Quantnet 07-02-2009 11:42 AM

First, thanks for this nice mod.

On your footer code, there are several wrong or misspell words/links. You used market.png for markread link. LOL

Also, I think it would be better if you put the imgimg folder under /forum/images and change the link. Dont you have a better name instead of imgimg????

lastly, can you make the hover alt image tag like on facebook when you hover an image, it displays a black popup box on top.

Shevko 07-02-2009 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Quantnet.org (Post 1841364)
First, thanks for this nice mod.

On your footer code, there are several wrong or misspell words/links. You used market.png for markread link. LOL

Also, I think it would be better if you put the imgimg folder under /forum/images and change the link. Dont you have a better name instead of imgimg????

lastly, can you make the hover alt image tag like on facebook when you hover an image, it displays a black popup box on top.

First thanks for comment..
1) imgimg about> :) i usually use this folder name for my edit images.. so this modifications affected this case..

2)Where are there misspell words.. if you would fix you must say to wrong..

3)i work this modifications.. i will develop this.. it will better then this..


janslu 07-02-2009 12:22 PM

Thanks for sharing! It's a great idea and I'm happy you've published this.
There's a couple of issues I found when intalling. Maybe it will be of use to others.

1. There's a closing </div> tag missing in footer.
2. Inline styles should be merged with css styles for clarity.
3. IE6 doesn't recognize position: fixed; and the bar is not visible. You can find a workaround using css expressions but I'm not going to waste more time on this browser. Enough is enough.
4. You can use conditions to display one content for registered users and another one for guests:

HTML Code:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]">
  content for users
<else />
  content for guests


Preech 07-02-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by shevko (Post 1840898)
Sorry, i don't understand you Preech

I was only asking. Does it sit in the footer, or does it sit in the header under the navbar.

Shevko 07-02-2009 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by janslu (Post 1841384)
Thanks for sharing! It's a great idea and I'm happy you've published this.
There's a couple of issues I found when intalling. Maybe it will be of use to others.

1. There's a closing </div> tag missing in footer.
2. Inline styles should be merged with css styles for clarity.
3. IE6 doesn't recognize position: fixed; and the bar is not visible. You can find a workaround using css expressions but I'm not going to waste more time on this browser. Enough is enough.
4. You can use conditions to display one content for registered users and another one for guests:

HTML Code:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]">
  content for users
<else />
  content for guests


Janslu Very Thanks For Your Comment and Suggestions..

1. First I Edit Code.. But i don't see wrong in code..
3. I don't know this because I haven't got IE6.. im sorry..

and I will make you say [about (2-4)] :)


Originally Posted by Preech (Post 1841395)
I was only asking. Does it sit in the footer, or does it sit in the header under the navbar.

ok Preech i understand..
I didnt test but it must be.. :) ;)

TNCclubman 07-02-2009 01:29 PM

its like facebook, it sits at the bottom of the browser at all times.

Zbynomas 07-02-2009 05:37 PM

No work with IE6

Pars 07-02-2009 07:01 PM

thanks good idea shevko.

john102774 07-03-2009 04:30 AM


Thanks Shevko. IE 6.0 is not fixed. ;)

Hornstar 07-03-2009 05:10 AM

Thats pretty nice. Thanks for sharing. Now to see if my members would like this or not.

ThePimp 07-03-2009 05:29 AM

1. Your code has lock.gif hotlinked from your site.
2. You need to add another </div>:
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<else />
3. An admincp customizable menu would be pretty slick for this, with dropup menus, like FB.
Menu Icon | Menu Title |
Item Icon | Item Title | Item Link + : -
Item Icon | Item Title | Item Link + : -

Then just output the menus that are created. You could probably do this as a product.

Shevko 07-03-2009 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by ThePimp (Post 1841823)
1. Your code has lock.gif hotlinked from your site.
2. You need to add another </div>:
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<else />
3. An admincp customizable menu would be pretty slick for this, with dropup menus, like FB.
Menu Icon | Menu Title |
Item Icon | Item Title | Item Link + : -
Item Icon | Item Title | Item Link + : -

Then just output the menus that are created. You could probably do this as a product.

OOoo I m Sorry For Hotlink.. i am missing because this first sharing in here.. im very excited..
I Edited These..(1 and 2)

and later i will make this in other version.. i say for tree..

Very Thanks Your Suggestions :)

Marek58 07-04-2009 09:20 AM

Polish version:


<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]">
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<div id="bar_bottom" style="width: %80; height: 32px; bottom: 0px;">
<div class="bar_float" style="height: 25px; width: %75;">

<a href="forumdisplay.php?do=markread"><img src="/imgimg/market.png" alt="Oznacz forum jako przeczytane" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/event_bar.png" alt="Kalendarz.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="showgroups.php"><img src="/imgimg/photo_bar.png" alt="Liderzy.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>


<div class="bar_float1" style="width: %80">

<a href="private.php"><img src="/imgimg/email_open.gif" alt="PM" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php" accesskey="2">PW</a> :: <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/email_add.gif" alt="Wyślij nową wiadomość.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php?do=newpm" accesskey="2">Napisz nową PW</a> |<a href="group.php"><img src="/imgimg/group.gif" alt="Grupy społecznościowe.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="group.php" accesskey="2">Grupy</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=buddylist"><img src="/imgimg/emoticon_smile.gif" alt="Kontakty i znajomi.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=buddylist" accesskey="2">Znajomi</a> |<a href="usercp.php"><img src="/imgimg/user_edit.gif" alt="Panel kontrolny użytkownika.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="usercp.php" accesskey="2">Panel użytkownika</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=editpassword"><img src="/imgimg/lock.gif" alt="Edytuj email i hasło.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=editpassword" accesskey="2">Edytuj email i hasło</a>

<div class="bar_float2">

<a href="sendmessage.php" rel="nofollow" accesskey="2">Kontakt</a>|<a href="search.php?do=getnew" accesskey="2">Nowe posty</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[pmunread]">
|<blink><a href="private.php" accesskey="2">$bbuserinfo[pmunread] PM!</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<else />

basketmen 07-04-2009 09:42 AM

hmm i will take a look into this

how is it guys, it is better for your members with this? or its remind them to fb?

ragtek 07-04-2009 02:34 PM

Is this ajax driven?[/I]

lordmazus 07-04-2009 03:02 PM

Italian Version


<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]">
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<div id="bar_bottom" style="width: %80; height: 32px; bottom: 0px;">
<div class="bar_float" style="height: 25px; width: %75;">

<a href="forumdisplay.php?do=markread"><img src="/imgimg/market.png" alt="Segna come letti" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/event_bar.png" alt="Calendario" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a> - <a href="showgroups.php"><img src="/imgimg/photo_bar.png" alt="Gruppi" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>


<div class="bar_float1" style="width: %80">

<a href="private.php"><img src="/imgimg/email_open.gif" alt="PM" width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php" accesskey="2">Messaggi Privati</a> :: <a href="private.php?do=newpm"><img src="/imgimg/email_add.gif" alt="Invia un Nuovo Messaggio.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="private.php?do=newpm" accesskey="2">Invia Nuovo Messaggio</a> |<a href="group.php"><img src="/imgimg/group.gif" alt="Gruppi Sociali.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="group.php" accesskey="2">Gruppi</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=buddylist"><img src="/imgimg/emoticon_smile.gif" alt="Contatti e Amici.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=buddylist" accesskey="2">Amici</a> |<a href="usercp.php"><img src="/imgimg/user_edit.gif" alt="Pannello di Controllo Utente.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="usercp.php" accesskey="2">Pannello Utente</a> :: <a href="profile.php?do=editpassword"><img src="/imgimg/lock.gif" alt="Modifica EMail e Password.." width="16" height="16" border="0" /></a>-<a href="profile.php?do=editpassword" accesskey="2">Modifica Email e Password</a>

<div class="bar_float2">

<a href="sendmessage.php" rel="nofollow" accesskey="2">Contattaci</a>|<a href="search.php?do=getnew" accesskey="2">Nuovi Messaggi</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[pmunread]">
|<blink><a href="private.php" accesskey="2">$bbuserinfo[pmunread] MP!</a>
<!-- Shevko Facebook PM -->
<!-- Shevko Facebook BAR -->
<else />

Shevko 07-04-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1842708)
Is this ajax driven?[/I]

No Ragtek This isnt Ajax..

And Thanks Marek58 For Polish version :)
I Will Add This Code Now..

Shevko 07-04-2009 03:13 PM

And Thanks "lordmazus" For Italian Version.. :)
ADD.. :)

kaptanblack 07-04-2009 08:49 PM

Thanks for Turkish language.. Who translated to Turkish ?

Shevko 07-05-2009 03:04 PM

:) Thats a good question.. :) Are you a turkish?.. It product translated by me.. And there is my offer to you.. Look at my signature please kaptanblack..

Thanks for your comment.. :)

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