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EidolonAH 06-25-2009 10:00 PM

Cyclone 3.8.3
Theme removed, please delete thread.

EidolonAH 06-26-2009 09:54 PM

Held for future use.

Sofia 06-26-2009 10:13 PM

Wow. Very good work ;)

mikey1991 06-27-2009 01:08 AM

Marked as Installed mate, great work as always.

quarum 06-27-2009 01:17 AM

Very nice indeed! Installed and 5 Stars!

EidolonAH 06-27-2009 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sofia (Post 1838109)
Wow. Very good work ;)


Originally Posted by mikey1991 (Post 1838171)
Marked as Installed mate, great work as always.


Originally Posted by quarum (Post 1838175)
Very nice indeed! Installed and 5 Stars!

Thank you for the positive feedback, much appreciated, makes my time and effort spent designing this Theme as a FREE product worthwhile.

Chrisg20 06-27-2009 06:22 AM

VERY nice! Marked as installed. I like to see more !

EDIT: Your skin doesnt work correctly. My homepage of the forums does not look right. Uninstalled.

EidolonAH 06-27-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1838266)
VERY nice! Marked as installed. I like to see more !

EDIT: Your skin doesnt work correctly. My homepage of the forums does not look right. Uninstalled.

Don't blatantly make such comments about a Theme like that, you haven't provided any evidence of your comment. Making these Themes takes a hell of a lot of time, my FREE time, it wouldn't hurt you to be a little helpful in telling me what your problem is instead of spamming this thread with junk like that.:mad:
Looking at your previous posts, I see this is not the first time you have ranted like this.
Did you even bother to read the README file?

Chrisg20 06-27-2009 05:15 PM

Yes, followed every step. And if it sounded mean, then sorry. I speak the truth and get straight to the point. What I meant by not looking correctly is the index of the homepage isnt in it's right position. Like, the "Last post by: Admin" the number of posts and such are under the title of the forum.

s-p0k 06-27-2009 07:16 PM

love it..........one day i will get a
Theme on my new site lol

mikey1991 06-28-2009 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1838494)
Yes, followed every step. And if it sounded mean, then sorry. I speak the truth and get straight to the point. What I meant by not looking correctly is the index of the homepage isnt in it's right position. Like, the "Last post by: Admin" the number of posts and such are under the title of the forum.

What would help us work it out is:

Link to your forum OR
A screenshot of the problem
Other mods you have installed which could cause this problem.

EidolonAH 06-28-2009 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1838494)
Yes, followed every step. And if it sounded mean, then sorry. I speak the truth and get straight to the point. What I meant by not looking correctly is the index of the homepage isnt in it's right position. Like, the "Last post by: Admin" the number of posts and such are under the title of the forum.

You may feel you have every right to behave however you want, but the fact is you need to consider that we make these Themes completely out of the goodness of our hearts. The absolute least you can do is to come here and ask for help in a considerate and respectful manner. If you cannot do this then why on earth would you think anyone would want to help you, life is not all about you.
As Mike has stated, please provide us with the link to your site so we can see the problem, a screenshot is no use, I will need to see the problem on a live environment as I may need to view the page source code to find the problem.
I am wondering if you are meaning the categories are uneven, this can happen width fixed width Themes and separated categories, if that is the problem try this:
Set your last Thread length to 20, this is to align the forums in compensation for the split categories, follow this path:
vBulletin Options
Forum Listings Display Options
Last Thread Title Maximum Displayed Characters
set value to 20

Chrisg20 06-29-2009 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by EidolonAH (Post 1838709)
You may feel you have every right to behave however you want, but the fact is you need to consider that we make these Themes completely out of the goodness of our hearts. The absolute least you can do is to come here and ask for help in a considerate and respectful manner. If you cannot do this then why on earth would you think anyone would want to help you, life is not all about you.
As Mike has stated, please provide us with the link to your site so we can see the problem, a screenshot is no use, I will need to see the problem on a live environment as I may need to view the page source code to find the problem.
I am wondering if you are meaning the categories are uneven, this can happen width fixed width Themes and separated categories, if that is the problem try this:
Set your last Thread length to 20, this is to align the forums in compensation for the split categories, follow this path:
vBulletin Options
Forum Listings Display Options
Last Thread Title Maximum Displayed Characters
set value to 20

I'm reuploading the skin and I will let you see it. My forum link is MLGForums.com and I have set the length to 20, we will see if it works :)

EDIT: It does the same thing, please take a look when you can. I have set it as default skin so you may see.

SirHappy 06-29-2009 05:29 AM

EidolonAH, nice work.:)

freewilley 06-29-2009 06:06 AM

wow!! I find great skins at vb.org nowadays great work mate!! I love your skin..

EidolonAH 06-29-2009 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1839309)
I'm reuploading the skin and I will let you see it. My forum link is MLGForums.com and I have set the length to 20, we will see if it works :)

EDIT: It does the same thing, please take a look when you can. I have set it as default skin so you may see.

Wow, it really doesn't like being on your site at all does it, what mod's have you got installed?
I've uninstalled and re-installed this Theme 5 times on my dev site now and it installs fine each time. Looking at the FF html checker I can see 35 warnings, a mod you have installed will be causing it. If you tell me what you have installed I can look at them and see if I can find the problem.

Chrisg20 06-29-2009 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by EidolonAH (Post 1839404)
Wow, it really doesn't like being on your site at all does it, what mod's have you got installed?
I've uninstalled and re-installed this Theme 5 times on my dev site now and it installs fine each time. Looking at the FF html checker I can see 35 warnings, a mod you have installed will be causing it. If you tell me what you have installed I can look at them and see if I can find the problem.


Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics 6.6.1 Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics

Cyb - PayPal Donate 4.8.2 Cyb - PayPal Donate

Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager 2.5.1 Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager

Doublepost Prevention Plus 1.3 This Modification prevents doubleposts by merging post together, if the last poster of a thread tries to post again.

Gamercard Profile Block 1.0 Displays your members gamercard in their profile.

Members who have Visited 3.8.002 Display members who have visited the forum.

Sig Of The Week 2.0 Hack to display sotw on forumhome

Spider Display 2.0.0 Show the spiders browsing your board in the What's Going On box of your Forum Home Page.

vB Ad Management 5.02 vB Ad Management engine.

vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator 2.5 Generate a Google & Yahoo Sitemap for your Forums

EidolonAH 06-29-2009 05:00 PM

I don't stand a chance checking all of those mod's for code problems, let us try this next, through your ACP disable each of those mod's one by one, checking the forum index after each until the forum index displays properly. When you have targeted the mod that is causing problems please come back and tell me which one it was and then I can go from there.

Chrisg20 06-29-2009 08:46 PM

That didn't help, it still does it even with all of them disabled. :( any other ideas?

mikey1991 06-29-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1839700)

Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager 2.5.1 Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager

Sig Of The Week 2.0 Hack to display sotw on forumhome

vB Ad Management 5.02 vB Ad Management engine.

These three directly or indirectly affect forumhome code, I have a strong feeling it is the sub forum manager, as it looks as if your sites threads are being treated as sub forums.

Back up the settings and make sure you retain a copy of the mods and completely uninstall those three, see if this fixes it.

Also, you can quickly disable the mod system by adding a line at the top of config.php

Chrisg20 06-30-2009 01:52 AM

Thanks, Ill try this

EDIT: Uninstalled all 3 and still the same.

EidolonAH 06-30-2009 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1839819)
That didn't help, it still does it even with all of them disabled. :( any other ideas?

I have to admit this has me lost for an answer, the Theme is working fine my side and no-one else seems to be having this problem, most perplexing. If you have a test site or a xampp setup could you try an install on a clean environment, see if you get the same problem.

Chrisg20 06-30-2009 06:54 PM

It's doing it for every skin that I install now. So its not just yours. I am installing a new clean version of vb.

EidolonAH 06-30-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chrisg20 (Post 1840319)
It's doing it for every skin that I install now. So its not just yours. I am installing a new clean version of vb.

Sorry to hear you're having such a troubling time, I hope you get it all fixed up soon.

expeditionman 07-01-2009 02:24 PM

This is a very cool skin, downloaded.

Before I go through with the install, permission is requested to customize the header and modify the background imagery.

EidolonAH 07-01-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by expeditionman (Post 1840761)
This is a very cool skin, downloaded.

Before I go through with the install, permission is requested to customize the header and modify the background imagery.

No-one can dictate to you what you do with a Theme on your very own site in terms of customising it for your own needs, you don't need to ask permission from any Theme designer for that. Don't let anyone get away with trying to tell you otherwise, there are of course circumstances where will will ask you to put a notice in the footer stating you have altered the Theme from the original if you really change it a lot.
Some people just have no idea what they are doing and they totally destroy a Themes cosmetic layout, when people land on their site it can look bad on the original Theme designer.
So yeah, do what you want with it to make it fit your site the way you want it, but if you do make a mess of it please let others know in the footer!

expeditionman 07-01-2009 10:21 PM

Thanks for the reply. Clicked installed....

Here is a live link to my site to show what I did differently, even though you said I do not need permission, but just to show my appreciation for a well designed free skin.


One bug I have not quite nailed down yet is the fact that only certain smileys I have installed on my board work, and a bunch do not work.

Anyways, great skin!!!:up:

EidolonAH 07-02-2009 07:02 AM

Smiley problem is due to my using an images/smilies replacement variable to compensate for the crap default smiley pack on dark themes.
ACP/Style Manager/Cyclone/
on dropdown menu select 'Replacement Variables'
Click radio button for images/smilies and click save.

expeditionman 07-03-2009 01:49 AM

That did the trick! Thanks.

s-p0k 07-08-2009 09:11 PM

how do i get this not to show in the main forum?


dptw27 07-09-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by s-p0k (Post 1845388)
how do i get this not to show in the main forum?


Go into your Admin CP==> vbulletin Options==> Forum Listings Display Options second from the bottom you will see Show Moderator Column set it to No.

s-p0k 07-10-2009 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by dptw27 (Post 1845840)
Go into your Admin CP==> vbulletin Options==> Forum Listings Display Options second from the bottom you will see Show Moderator Column set it to No.

ty for the info

fta_nightwizard 07-12-2009 12:57 AM

Great theme...INSTALLED...Thank You:D

klavorus2 07-12-2009 02:35 AM

Absolutely FANTASTIC. Well done!

TheInsaneManiac 07-12-2009 03:15 PM

Having an issue. I had to upload the default smilies and post icons into the cyclone folder. Kind of annoying, maybe in the future you should make it so it loads the default from the images folder.

EidolonAH 07-12-2009 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1847502)
Having an issue. I had to upload the default smilies and post icons into the cyclone folder. Kind of annoying, maybe in the future you should make it so it loads the default from the images folder.

Do you know what I find annoying, your not bothering to read the thread.


Originally Posted by EidolonAH (Post 1841239)
Smiley problem is due to my using an images/smilies replacement variable to compensate for the crap default smiley pack on dark themes.
ACP/Style Manager/Cyclone/
on dropdown menu select 'Replacement Variables'
Click radio button for images/smilies and click save.

TheInsaneManiac 07-13-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by EidolonAH (Post 1847512)
Do you know what I find annoying, your not bothering to read the thread.

Over 116800 hours are put into a persons life of JUST reading forums. You'll have to excuse me, but I am a busy person and don't have time to read every single page of every topic to just find what I am looking for.

mikey1991 07-13-2009 05:23 PM

Nice statistics, but if you're looking for support, always read the thread before you ask, even if it's a massive thread, you can use that search function up to search your keyword. :p

EidolonAH 07-14-2009 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1848211)
Over 116800 hours are put into a persons life of JUST reading forums. You'll have to excuse me, but I am a busy person and don't have time to read every single page of every topic to just find what I am looking for.

Wow, 13 years huh!
Enough said.

TheInsaneManiac 07-18-2009 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by EidolonAH (Post 1848445)
Wow, 13 years huh!
Enough said.

My bad, when calculating I left off a decimal. 11680 hours which is roughly a year and a half, and that's if a person spends 1 hour every day on a forum, which I myself spend a little more than that, considering I own 3 websites which both use forums.

Anyway I uninstalled this template. It is not too friendly with images and quote tunnels as it seems the fixed template is a little to strict and doesn't understand the meaning of "scroll".

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