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-   -   Add-On Releases - IMDB Info Generator (Lite) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=215082)

laztrix 05-31-2009 10:00 PM

IMDB Info Generator (Lite)
1 Attachment(s)
Click Install Please.

Only Vb 4.0.x.

What is this plugin for?

This plugin makes it possible to show data from IMDB Movie Database using the movie ID with a BBCode.

As far as I know many users were looking for a plugin something like this which pulls data from IMDB and shows directly in the post.

This plugin uses a script which is contributed under GPL. However, a big part of the system was rewritten and a lot of coding were done to integrate both systems.

Plugin Pulls these movie information:
- Contry (Lite)
- Genre (Lite)
- Time (Lite)
- Language (Lite)
- Director (Lite)
- Cast (Advanced Version)
- Description (Advanced Version) (Extended)
- IMDB Score (Advanced Version)
- Thumbnail Picture (Advanced Version) (Now larger picture avaliable for Advanced Version)
[s]-Trailer Link (Advanced Version)[/s]
- Advanced control of style, language and dimension. (Advanced Version)


Included in the zip file under "Documentation"

How To Use

You simple copy the part at the end of the IMDB link and copy after the tt letters the IMDB ID and write it between the tags.

Example: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/ you copy 0468569 and write it between two tags like this : [IMDB]0468569[/IMDB]

Common Mistakes With This Plugin:
- Your host must have the allow_url_open option set as OPEN or ON.
- Images and cache folder's CHMOOD must set to 777 ( Files and Subfolders )
- The Format of usage is [IMDB]0468569[/IMDB] not [s][IMDB]tt0468569[/IMDB] [/s]or [s][IMDB]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/[/IMDB][/s]

Credits and Notes:
- Part of the plugin was written under GPL.
- Special Thanks to Melih B?y?k who made this plugin work.
- Thanks to salusoft of showing his modification of the plugin. I benefit from his style to make some changes.
-Bug reports, suggestions that would help improve this plugin are always welcome.

Plugin Website: http://plugins.diviksfilm.com

Websites Using The Plugin:


2.6 (01.02.2010)

- SQL Prefix Issue Solved.
- Poster & cast pictures path problem solved.
- IMDB adres wasn't pointing to the adress, solved.
- SQL error after removing plugin, solved.
- Some CSS bug fixes.
- Documentation Updated.


Bug Fixes

- Duration field not appear (solved.)
- Browser loading problem due to timeout (Javascript compression added.)
- TAG won't appear (Cache Sysem Implemented.)

New Features - Changes

- Ability to show cast member pictures.
(Advanced Version)
- Theme system has been changed. Now instead of using custome style the plugin will take the style from the template the forum is using.
- Ability to change the language by simply editing the xml file or via language manager of vbulletin.
- Added support for larger cover pictures.
(Advanced Version)
- Tag is now a plugin rather than a fully external addon.
- Ability to change & edit themes via Style Manager
- Changed & extended the plot.
(Advanced Version)
- Added extra field like Producer, Writers etc.
- Ability to control certain features like enabling/disabling the TAG, Cast Pictures and changing the dimentions of the thumbnail picture via AdminCP.
(Advanced Version)
- Added the ability to compress cover pictures in order to save bandwith and webspace.
- The static data the plugin is been creating will be saved to the forum's database as well as some information will be cached externally.
- No more manual template editing !


* Language files are now under /langs folder.
(Advanced Version)
* Removed the "tema" folder, style.php file. (Advanced Version)
* Created buttons folder and moved the graphic files. (Advanced Version)
* Created pluginsettins.php. All settings can be controlled now from one file. (Advanced Version)
* Added de.php (german) and tr.php in /lang (Advanced Version)


Added languages.php in "imdb" folder. Users can now customize the file into their language.
(Advanced Version)

* Plugin was creatin an iframe which caused many issues. Now It acts like a BB Code when modifying post.
* Certain core files were causing CPU load. Fixed
* Reduced template modification to one.
* Added 3 more styles in order to make customization easier (advanced)
* Added Trailer link to the plugin (advanced)
* Plugin is now encrypted (advanced & lite) and must be licenced first (advanced)

* Some minor modification on imdb.php
* Updated installation and imdb_tag_hacks_lite.V1.01.zip file
* Added instructions to the post.
* Added a modified example class_bbcode.php file
* Added $bburl to the plugin which automatically fixes the website adress issue what caused "Page Not Found Error"

compact123 06-01-2009 04:53 PM

Thank you, I've installed. the best mode of all time.

devrimow 06-01-2009 05:45 PM

Thank you nice mod installed

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 06:36 PM

Getting error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VAR, expecting ';' or '{' in /home/mysite/public_html/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 1996
Line 1996 is:

var $imdb_count = 0;

The D 06-01-2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821478)
Getting error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VAR, expecting ';' or '{' in /home/mysite/public_html/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 1996
Line 1996 is:

var $imdb_count = 0;

I get the same error.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 06:51 PM

Hmmm... thanks, will wait to see what the coder says.

Uninstalled for now

Stoebi 06-01-2009 06:54 PM

remove var

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 06:59 PM

Makes no difference

compact123 06-01-2009 07:34 PM

Very good, works perfectly.



AcidX 06-01-2009 07:49 PM

Nope, doesn't work. I get i blank page in User CP when I edit the class_bbcode.php file.

laztrix 06-01-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821478)
Getting error


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VAR, expecting ';' or '{' in /home/mysite/public_html/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 1996
Line 1996 is:

var $imdb_count = 0;

Guys, actually It is working. But if you have made any changes before with class_bbcode.php it is possible to get an error.

I updated the installation.txt for those. Please report if there is a change.

laztrix 06-01-2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by AcidX (Post 1821531)
Nope, doesn't work. I get i blank page in User CP when I edit the class_bbcode.php file.

Guys come on, the plugin is working, I added an actual working website adress.
Also for those who are getting errors I updated the installation.txt

Please review your steps and try it again.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 08:06 PM

Just upgrading 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 will report back

AcidX 06-01-2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by laztrix (Post 1821537)
Guys come on, the plugin is working, I added an actual working website adress.
Also for those who are getting errors I updated the installation.txt

Please review your steps and try it again.

Well, it wasn't working with the previous installation steps :)
Hold on, lemme give it another try...

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 08:24 PM

* Upgraded VB to 3.8.2

* did template edit as per NEW instructions, to class_bbcode.php

Im sorry but Nothing, albeit no errors.

What are we looking for ? In terms of bbcode, as it is in editor no imdb.gif is shown, nor in code source

laztrix 06-01-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821562)
* Upgraded VB to 3.8.2

* did template edit as per NEW instructions, to class_bbcode.php

Im sorry but Nothing, albeit no errors.

What are we looking for ? In terms of bbcode, as it is in editor no imdb.gif is shown, nor in code source

Can't you use it at all ? Did you try to use [imdb]0383574[/imdb]
it for example?

TimberFloor would you please make a screenshot and please PM me your class_bbcode.php file.

Note: Here is where the imdb.gif used:
PHP Code:

<!--custom code start -->
td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_cmd_wrap0_imdb"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/imdb.gif" width="21" height="20" alt="Wrap [imdb] tags around selected text" /></div></td>
custom code end --> 

Just have a closer look my friend :)

AcidX 06-01-2009 08:45 PM

Nope, still doesn't work.

imdb.gif doesn't display in the editor box. I tried [imdb]0383574[/imdb], but I get this error:
Failed to Connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.

DobieGillis? 06-01-2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by AcidX (Post 1821574)
Nope, still doesn't work.

imdb.gif doesn't display in the editor box. I tried [imdb]0383574[/imdb], but I get this error:
Failed to Connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.

same here

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 09:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Class BBCODE enclosed.

No gif ( perhaps path is incorrect in editor_toolbar_on )

Can you also explain why people would use 05674687 as a imdb code ?
Surely this should/be better if it was like:

[imdb]Star Wars[/imdb]

laztrix 06-01-2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by DobieGillis? (Post 1821575)
same here

Ok guys, obviously something is not quite right.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

I made some more changes on the core and installation.txt

laztrix 06-01-2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821586)
Class BBCODE enclosed.

No gif ( perhaps path is incorrect in editor_toolbar_on )

Can you also explain why people would use 05674687 as a imdb code ?
Surely this should/be better if it was like:

[imdb]Star Wars[/imdb]

PHP Code:


Put the imdb.gif into your own style's editor directory.

I prefered to use the ID insead the name. Otherwise It would be confusing because there are films which have nearly the same name. ID is much more reliable.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by laztrix (Post 1821593)
PHP Code:


Put the imdb.gif into your own style's editor directory.

I prefered to use the ID insead the name. Otherwise It would be confusing because there are films which have nearly the same name. ID is much more reliable.

Totally disagree with the last sentence, as most of our users, would happily wish to share films with online friends, but not necessarily wish to go onto imdb site to get the films code.

Will try changing the path

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 09:21 PM

Mate our style is Australia on our forum ( style name )

I cannot even locate imdb.gif in the source code...

Somethings wrong huh

Using Firefox all we get is a left aligned iframe with: Failed to Connect

In fact its trying to connect to localhost ????

Reuploaded your latest version, and re uploaded product file. Still fails, still no gif

laztrix 06-01-2009 09:40 PM

Well I might figure it out what's wrong here.

I update the threat and added a class_bbcode.php example who getting difficulties modifying it.

tipoboy 06-01-2009 09:48 PM

i'm trying to install your latest version but i cant follow the instructions as their partly in a foreign language

laztrix 06-01-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821601)
Totally disagree with the last sentence, as most of our users, would happily wish to share films with online friends, but not necessarily wish to go onto imdb site to get the films code.

Will try changing the path


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821607)
Mate our style is Australia on our forum ( style name )

I cannot even locate imdb.gif in the source code...

Somethings wrong huh

Using Firefox all we get is a left aligned iframe with: Failed to Connect

In fact its trying to connect to localhost ????

Reuploaded your latest version, and re uploaded product file. Still fails, still no gif

Well mate, are you planning to share the IMDB TAG Code with other ones? I do not see the point here by doing that.

Plus, it is always a possible that you write the film name wrong or remember it not right. At that point the TAG will parse the ID wrong and you have to it all over again.
It is much more comfortable to search it on imdb and get the id (thats my opinion).

Please follow the instructions again, I certainly hope this is the final one :)

laztrix 06-01-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by tipoboy (Post 1821624)
i'm trying to install your latest version but i cant follow the instructions as their partly in a foreign language

Yes, beacuse of that I did write the instructions on the threat. Please follow the steps there. I'm sure this time It's going to work.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 09:55 PM

Thanks LAZ.

I have now totally installed. As per new instructions.

NO GOOD im afraid.


I think perhaps, in Turkey you get a different version of IMDB to us lol

Will reinstall when other english only boards on 3.8.2 have it working, keep up the good work, you will get there.

Also may help to instruct people what to put in the bbcode. As no explanation doesnt actually help.

Most films we look at on IMDB > are listed as such http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796366/

Ste * uninstalled for now*

DobieGillis? 06-01-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821627)
Thanks LAZ.

I have now totally installed. As per new instructions.

NO GOOD im afraid.


I think perhaps, in Turkey you get a different version of IMDB to us lol

Will reinstall when other english only boards on 3.8.2 have it working, keep up the good work, you will get there.

Also may help to instruct people what to put in the bbcode. As no explanation doesnt actually help.

Most films we look at on IMDB > are listed as such http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796366/

Ste * uninstalled for now*

we were just going to try this again... thanks for the heads up

laztrix 06-01-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821627)
Thanks LAZ.

I have now totally installed. As per new instructions.

NO GOOD im afraid.


I think perhaps, in Turkey you get a different version of IMDB to us lol

Will reinstall when other english only boards on 3.8.2 have it working, keep up the good work, you will get there.

Also may help to instruct people what to put in the bbcode. As no explanation doesnt actually help.

Most films we look at on IMDB > are listed as such http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796366/

Ste * uninstalled for now*

It gets the information from the universal adres, there is no particular adress for the Turkish ones :)

I made an instruction on the threat at final. If you follow it right you will get it work.

tipoboy 06-01-2009 10:18 PM

ok tried installing it did all the edits installed the plugin, now when i try to get the number you've quoted [imdb]0383574[/imdb]
now i've got a internet explorer can not display the web page screen in my post
any fix yet?

skol 06-01-2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821627)
Thanks LAZ.

I have now totally installed. As per new instructions.

NO GOOD im afraid.


I think perhaps, in Turkey you get a different version of IMDB to us lol

Will reinstall when other english only boards on 3.8.2 have it working, keep up the good work, you will get there.

Also may help to instruct people what to put in the bbcode. As no explanation doesnt actually help.

Most films we look at on IMDB > are listed as such http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0796366/

Ste * uninstalled for now*

You are unreal mate,if you dont know were it is from that url you need to lay off the amber nectar.....Your attitude is well out of order..

tipoboy 06-01-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 1821645)
You are unreal mate,if you dont know were it is from that url you need to lay off the amber nectar.....Your attitude is well out of order..

i'm sorry but the only one around here with the wrong attitude is you. Timberfloor is pointing out the the author of the mod that there is a problem that others, including myself are experiencing. Please have you never heard of the saying if you've got nothing nice to say.........


i did all the edits and have tried several diffent links and still only get the can not connect screen so uninstalling for the moment


laztrix 06-01-2009 10:31 PM

Guys listen up! I totally forgot to mention that your host has to have the allow_url_fopen = on

Other than that I could not see why some of the users can not this plugin get working.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by tipoboy (Post 1821650)
i'm sorry but the only one around here with the wrong attitude is you. Timberfloor is pointing out the the author of the mod that there is a problem that others, including myself are experiencing. Please have you never heard of the saying if you've got nothing nice to say.........

Thankyou, I didnt think I was being disrespectful to the coder far from it. I have invested a good few hours this morning, trying to get this wonderful hack to work.


Originally Posted by laztrix (Post 1821651)
Guys listen up! I totally forgot to mention that your host has to have the allow_url_fopen = on

Other than that I could not see why some of the users can not this plugin get working.

Will check on our server, thankyou.

laztrix 06-01-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by tipoboy (Post 1821650)
i'm sorry but the only one around here with the wrong attitude is you. Timberfloor is pointing out the the author of the mod that there is a problem that others, including myself are experiencing. Please have you never heard of the saying if you've got nothing nice to say.........


i did all the edits and have tried several diffent links and still only get the can not connect screen so uninstalling for the moment


Please guys, do not fight over this. I did not feel anything wrong whith Timber's words.So please calm down. As I posted before your host must have the allow_url_fopen = on set open.

Please aware this is actually one of the most important thing to get this thing working.

TimberFloorAu 06-01-2009 10:49 PM

My immediate concern is the security risk imposed.


Could CURL be a safer bet ?


laztrix 06-01-2009 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu (Post 1821664)
My immediate concern is the security risk imposed.


Could CURL be a safer bet ?


Well it would not cause a huge security risk to a/your servers security. Most of the server owners disable this option beacuse of the low usage, need thats all. I personally disable a feature if I'm not using it...

Using curl is another option, but it would increase the servers load and slow the page down. So I prefered allow_url_fopen option.

xug 06-01-2009 11:18 PM

Adjust the link in the 'idmb' template ;)

by adjusting that link I finally have some live in this add-on, it projects the movie info but on top of the iframe box in my posting I get the following error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/imdb.php on line 17

laztrix 06-01-2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by xug (Post 1821676)
Adjust the link in the 'idmb' template ;)

by adjusting that link I finally have some live in this add-on, it projects the movie info but on top of the iframe box in my posting I get the following error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in [path]/imdb.php on line 17

please reuploate the plugin, that would solve your problem.

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