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-   -   Chat Modifications - Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.1 (AJAX) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=213225)

DionDev 05-08-2009 10:00 PM

Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.1 (AJAX)
1 Attachment(s)




- simplicity was kept in mind
- new archive layout that uses a table with name, message, time, and ip & delete for admins/supermods
- shoutbox files are all in one folder
- new option to change the width and height of the shoutbox iframe
- new option to allow supermods to delete shouts
- new collapsable shoutbox template that flows better with forums
- ip addresses are now stored along with shouts
- B, I, U, and color buttons for shouts that are remembered for each shout until the member navigates away from the page
- javascript bug fixes that caused messages with "&" and other symbols to cut off
- name colors based on group open and close tags
- new option to automatically parse urls
- removed guest shouting all together (after being disgusted with some of the things written in the shoutbox on my site, i will never re-add this feature so don't bother asking)
- new hide shoutbox from guests option
- uses a little cache system so it only redraws shouts if a new shout has been made (saves bandwidth)
- and some more features I may have forgot to mention

You can see the old feature lists in the old shoutbox vb.org threads:
Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0
vBulletin 3.x Shoutbox 1.0



1. uninstall the old shoutbox product from your admin cp
2. delete all the shout*.php files from your web server
3. remove the old shoutbox code from whatever template you added it to
4. follow the "fresh installation instructions" below



1. extract the zip file onto your computer
2. log in to your admin cp
3. go to plugins & products -> manage products -> add/import product -> browse for "product-ddsb2.1.xml" -> click "import"
4. upload the entire "shoutbox" folder (DO NOT RENAME IT) to your main vbulletin directory
5. copy and paste the entire contents of "template.txt" into the template you want the shoutbox to show up in

if you want the shoutbox to show at the top of your forum index, go to the FORUMHOME template and find:

"<!-- / guest welcome message -->
<br />

and copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" after that.

6. go to vbulletin options -> select "dion dev shoutbox v2.1 options" at the very bottom of the list
7. edit all the options as you please and then click on the "save" button



1. if you want to change the amount of time it checks between shouts, open up "shoutshow.js" in notepad and change "2000" to whatever number, in milliseconds, you want it to wait between checking for new shouts



Hall of Famer 05-09-2009 06:30 AM

Where's the .xml file?

DionDev 05-09-2009 06:57 AM

My bad. Please re-download the zip file, I've added the XML file to it.

WEBDosser 05-09-2009 07:20 AM


computergeek 05-09-2009 01:18 PM

nice! Thanks for the redirect!

saviola8x 05-09-2009 01:27 PM

Not bad.

Reycer 05-09-2009 01:27 PM

what about the smilie box we talked about....lol I like the new update. ESPECIALLY the Ip address thing.

Thanks for this.


Reycer 05-09-2009 03:12 PM

I can't get it to work right. Take a look


User: test
Pass: testing

saadessa 05-09-2009 03:20 PM

thank you
realy it is greate job

Reycer 05-09-2009 06:47 PM

Nevermind, I got it working. Thanks for this one. Can't wait to see a smilie link somewhere.

Reycer 05-09-2009 06:58 PM

ok Dion, it works and then stops working. Here's whats going on. It will sometimes post the messages I just typed and other times I am having to "Refresh" my browser to get it to work.

Reycer 05-09-2009 07:16 PM

ok, when trying to post a smilie code, I am getting a broken image picture. When I right click and go down to properties, I see that this is where the box is trying to pull the smilie from. http://lacledeforum.com/forums/http:...smilies/69.gif

For some reason, it's repeating my home address.

Also does this in the image tag.

OK, scratch that, I fixed it, in shoutshow.php I had to remove ../ from line 32. Otherwise it did what I stated above.

vuive360 05-09-2009 07:22 PM

Hi Dion Dev,i have a question .
I dont want smod can delete shout, but i want the other group can do like that, so how do i fix this thing ! thanks a lot

Reycer 05-09-2009 07:27 PM

hmmm. I also need to adjust the font size. How do I do that?

DionDev 05-09-2009 08:31 PM

The smilies are automatically parsed. So if someone types :) it gets turned into the smilie.

To change the font size you'll have to edit the "shoutshow.php" file, look for <font>'s that use the "smallfont" class and remove them.

Now currently only admins and SMOD's can delete shouts. You can disable SMOD's ability in the admin CP.

Ross L 05-09-2009 09:42 PM

In comparison to the Inferno Pro Shoutbox, how much does this affect the server load? Is it any better?

Also is it possible to make normal mods able to delete shouts?


nNJ 05-10-2009 02:00 AM

Is this safe to instrall if you have another chatbox installed?

I want to throw a conditional around your chatbox to only show up in certain forums that only mods, s.mod, and admins have access to, but I need to know if its safe to install this if inferno shout lite is installed

TheLastSuperman 05-10-2009 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by nNJ (Post 1807790)
Is this safe to instrall if you have another chatbox installed?

I want to throw a conditional around your chatbox to only show up in certain forums that only mods, s.mod, and admins have access to, but I need to know if its safe to install this if inferno shout lite is installed

I would assume it is safe as the coding uses different phrases/variables blah blah lol however you know what they say about assuming but nice idea, I did that once for admins on a forum so they could chat rather quickly.


nNJ 05-10-2009 02:08 AM

exactly my intended use.

I was worried that they would use the same phrases, or they would cause a conflict in the database.

I'll backup and test, and let you all know.


P.s. Thanks S-MAN

DionDev 05-10-2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ross L (Post 1807714)
In comparison to the Inferno Pro Shoutbox, how much does this affect the server load? Is it any better?

Also is it possible to make normal mods able to delete shouts?


I don't know. I have never used Inferno Shoutbox or any other for that matter. All this shoutbox does is perform a mysql query every 2 seconds (or however long you set it to in the javascript file). Honestly, this is nothing. People use way more queries than this just browsing forums. If you're worried about server load then please edit "2000" to a higher number, such as "5000" for 5 seconds.

Also, the shouts are only redrawn if a new shout is made while you're viewing the shoutbox, therefore this version significantly reduces bandwith consumption.


Originally Posted by nNJ (Post 1807790)
Is this safe to instrall if you have another chatbox installed?

I want to throw a conditional around your chatbox to only show up in certain forums that only mods, s.mod, and admins have access to, but I need to know if its safe to install this if inferno shout lite is installed

Yes it should be fine. All the plugin variables are prefixed with "ddsb_".

Update on version 2.2:

The changes for 2.2 will be minor. They will involve the BBcode buttons and perhaps a smilies dropdown list of some kind. I also might add the ability to give power to people in groups that you specify.

silvermerc 05-10-2009 01:25 PM

Looks rather nice!

m0rgulvale 05-10-2009 09:34 PM

hey dion,thx for great mod

im using the old version but about to ugprade, but im getting these errors every now and then:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) AS count FROM session WHERE session.userid>0 AND session.lastactivity>1241945068;

MySQL Error : Out of memory (Needed 1048548 bytes)
Error Number : 5
Request Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:08 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:14 PM
Script : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_.../shoutshow.php
Referrer : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...m/shoutdiv.php
IP Address : xxxxx
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) AS count FROM session WHERE session.userid>0 AND session.lastactivity>1241945065;

MySQL Error : Out of memory (Needed 1048548 bytes)
Error Number : 5
Request Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:05 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:14 PM
Script : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_.../shoutshow.php
Referrer : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...m/shoutdiv.php
IP Address :
Username : a
Classname : xxxxx
MySQL Version :

Database error in vBulletin :

Invalid SQL:

FROM datastore
WHERE title IN ('','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forum cache','usergroupcache','stylecache','languagecach e','products','pluginlist','cron','profilefield',' loadcache','noticecache');

MySQL Error : MySQL client ran out of memory
Error Number : 2008
Request Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:10 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 10th 2009 @ 07:51:10 PM
Script : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_.../shoutshow.php
Referrer : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...m/shoutdiv.php
IP Address : xxxxx
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

should i be worried? what is causing this? my VPS has 1 gig of ram

does new version fix this if it was a bug?

DionDev 05-11-2009 12:46 AM

Upgrade to the new version.

Sdahe 05-11-2009 06:20 AM

Dion, I would like to add this shoutbox in one of my vBadvanced CMPS modules so I can have it in my portal page... can you tell me the steps to do this?


DionDev 05-11-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by PhotoBoricua (Post 1808432)
Dion, I would like to add this shoutbox in one of my vBadvanced CMPS modules so I can have it in my portal page... can you tell me the steps to do this?


Install it as normal, and insert the template.txt code into your VBA CMPS portal template.

PaleRiders 05-12-2009 05:41 PM

I like it.

Cyberkef 05-12-2009 07:47 PM

Doesn't really work here...

You use mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) instead of $db->fetch_array($sql) methods, so on some configurations all your queryreaders are fubar. Looks like using MySQLi does the trick.

I found:
line 21 in shoutshow.php
line 8, 9, 18 in shoutinsert.php
line 34, 75 in shoutarchive.php

I hope changing all the methods will make it work.

DionDev 05-13-2009 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Cyberkef (Post 1809587)
Doesn't really work here...

You use mysql_fetch_assoc($sql) instead of $db->fetch_array($sql) methods, so on some configurations all your queryreaders are fubar. Looks like using MySQLi does the trick.

I found:
line 21 in shoutshow.php
line 8, 9, 18 in shoutinsert.php
line 34, 75 in shoutarchive.php

I hope changing all the methods will make it work.

Yes I will be changing that for the next version. I've also used mysql_result in a couple of places, that will be changed as well.

|Jordan| 05-14-2009 07:07 AM

How do i change the color of the default shouts? (shouts that dont have a color selected), it defaults to black and its hard to read black and a dark background.

Hall of Famer 05-14-2009 04:40 PM

I want the shoutbox to be used by staff members only. Can I make it impossible for ordinary registered users to post in the shoutbox?

kyrenator 05-14-2009 06:18 PM

the 2.1 edition is awesome!!!

kyrenator 05-14-2009 06:26 PM

Buy there is a prob! It does not show the emoticons! :(
I have the Parse smilies to yes but it shows a space instead of the smiley!

P.S. When i write in greek it shows something like this "%u03B5λληνικα"!!

Any suggestions?

m0rgulvale 05-15-2009 10:40 PM

this is an awesome mod dion!

my users love it (marked as installed) =)

the only odd issue i have is, sometimes i get this error:

atabase error in vBulletin

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) AS count FROM session WHERE session.userid>0 AND session.lastactivity>1242367818;

MySQL Error : Out of memory (Needed 1048548 bytes)
Error Number : 5
Request Date : Friday, May 15th 2009 @ 05:16:58 PM
Error Date : Friday, May 15th 2009 @ 05:17:44 PM
Script : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...shoutcache.php
Referrer : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...x/shoutdiv.php
IP Address : xxxxxx
Username : xxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

i don't understand what these means... mysql didn't crash and my vps has 1gig of ram

however sometimes i get emails with this error in it

any idea what could be causing and how to fix?

DionDev 05-17-2009 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1810534)
How do i change the color of the default shouts? (shouts that dont have a color selected), it defaults to black and its hard to read black and a dark background.

I will add this option to version 2.2


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 1810761)
I want the shoutbox to be used by staff members only. Can I make it impossible for ordinary registered users to post in the shoutbox?

This would require a hack to the PHP files.


Originally Posted by kyrenator (Post 1810839)
Buy there is a prob! It does not show the emoticons! :(
I have the Parse smilies to yes but it shows a space instead of the smiley!

P.S. When i write in greek it shows something like this "%u03B5λληνικα"!!

Any suggestions?

Please PM me the URL of your site so I can see.


Originally Posted by m0rgulvale (Post 1811534)
this is an awesome mod dion!

my users love it (marked as installed) =)

the only odd issue i have is, sometimes i get this error:

atabase error in vBulletin

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) AS count FROM session WHERE session.userid>0 AND session.lastactivity>1242367818;

MySQL Error : Out of memory (Needed 1048548 bytes)
Error Number : 5
Request Date : Friday, May 15th 2009 @ 05:16:58 PM
Error Date : Friday, May 15th 2009 @ 05:17:44 PM
Script : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...shoutcache.php
Referrer : http://laserpointerforums.com/laser_...x/shoutdiv.php
IP Address : xxxxxx
Username : xxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

i don't understand what these means... mysql didn't crash and my vps has 1gig of ram

however sometimes i get emails with this error in it

any idea what could be causing and how to fix?

Theres a fix in this thread: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=616487

rmxs 05-17-2009 06:48 PM

Many problems :(

No css style at my box.
No greek inside.(multilang)I use utf8 for my site
No emoticons

check here

Shazz 05-17-2009 09:21 PM

Nice options and layout.

|Jordan| 05-19-2009 03:06 AM

In the next version can you make the background of each shout alternate between alt1 and alt2 css?

DionDev 05-19-2009 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by rmxs (Post 1812545)
Many problems :(

No css style at my box.
No greek inside.(multilang)I use utf8 for my site
No emoticons

check here

That page is blank.


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1813260)
In the next version can you make the background of each shout alternate between alt1 and alt2 css?

It does.

rmxs 05-19-2009 05:54 AM

Yes because i remove it...
I fount that after you edit 2-3 files and remove some ../ from pathes and correct the path to css then works..
Byt normally must work without user edits :)

kyrenator 05-19-2009 12:11 PM

have you fixed the errors with emoticons and greek?

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