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unenergizer 04-14-2009 02:16 PM

Way to GANGSTA for vBulletin.org
Na jk <3 vbulletin! :)

Please vote in poll.


nexialys 04-14-2009 02:31 PM

ok, and what are we supposed to vote for ???

Shazz 04-14-2009 06:29 PM


Shelley_c 04-14-2009 07:16 PM

Are we socially cool? Are we socially vbulletin cool? I'm confused. Which automatically makes you cool right? We are stupid for responding, we appear confused. it makes you cooler or are you asking us for an opinion if your cool? I think your cool, too cool for me, even nexy (i know he's confused) heck I'm confused. We are stupid. Look at shazzy, his brain as gone into meltdown, and I know he's super cool-ish.

That's my final answer was I correct?

iogames 04-14-2009 08:44 PM

when I'm @ vB I tap my feet in the floor with the rhythm of a song... does it counts? :confused:

nexialys 04-14-2009 09:22 PM

again, Shelley messed with my brain... i'm lost

KevinL 04-14-2009 09:54 PM

I don't get it.

Brandon Sheley 04-14-2009 11:00 PM

I voted!

nexialys 04-14-2009 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Loco.M (Post 1791377)
I voted!

yeah, we see Leo voted too... right hand up... lol

unenergizer 04-15-2009 12:28 AM

i amuse myself


rock on!

nexialys 04-15-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1791409)
i amuse myself


rock on!

you know that... vBulletin.org is not your playground.... isn't it?!

you have your website, your forum, your own vBulletin where you can amuse yourself ?!...

unenergizer 04-15-2009 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1791419)
you know that... vBulletin.org is not your playground.... isn't it?!

you have your website, your forum, your own vBulletin where you can amuse yourself ?!...

You are absolutely correct. I don't know what I could have been thinking.

Ziki 04-15-2009 01:05 PM

Woo,I love sarcasm.It's my fourth name right after Person In Managment Position and God.

TheLastSuperman 04-15-2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1791261)
Are we socially cool? Are we socially vbulletin cool? I'm confused. Which automatically makes you cool right? We are stupid for responding, we appear confused. it makes you cooler or are you asking us for an opinion if your cool? I think your cool, too cool for me, even nexy (i know he's confused) heck I'm confused. We are stupid. Look at shazzy, his brain as gone into meltdown, and I know he's super cool-ish.

That's my final answer was I correct?



And btw, your not a Gangsta'... your a Coda' foo ;)

--------------- Added [DATE]1239804936[/DATE] at [TIME]1239804936[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1791419)
you know that... vBulletin.org is not your playground.... isn't it?!

you have your website, your forum, your own vBulletin where you can amuse yourself ?!...

Booooo, Poor Sport I say... Even Shelley was cute w/ her reply :p & besides I have my own forums too but COMMUNITY LOUNGE Anyone :D

(Although on a side note, this is not professional @ ALL :p and forgive us if any :erm: borderline clients see this :eek:)

Shelley_c 04-15-2009 01:21 PM

You have to love these random threads, it's the kind of threads that will annoy the hell out of someone that cannot make sense from it when there's no sense to made from it. As superman said, community lounge, chat, jargon should be embraced, carressed, loved embraced (I said that already?) and the odd little chunkage of sarcasm thrown in to complete the thread before it finally goes off-topic into a more serious thread like "when was the last time you blew a chunk" or "obama - Our great messiah" or "help me my database has just crashed" and people come swarming in telling the poster that he/she's posted in the wrong area and a report is made thus calling for a member of staff to remove it.

anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth and probably ten more as this thread evolves into the greatest thread in the community lounge.

Shazz 04-15-2009 01:24 PM

How do you write such big posts for pointless threads shelley :confused:

nexialys 04-15-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1791695)
(Although on a side note, this is not professional @ ALL :p and forgive us if any :erm: borderline clients see this :eek:)

i love that... where was it indicated that it was professional ?!... i consider unenergizer correctly, he is not in trouble here, i just commented his own fact (his playground)... basically, if you prefer posting your fun stuff elsewhere than your own forum, i suppose there is a problem... no ?

he have the right to post such poll, i just don't understand it and he never gave any explanation to it, so i ask... is it wrong?

--------------- Added [DATE]1239805820[/DATE] at [TIME]1239805820[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1791703)
anyway, that's just my 2 cents worth and probably ten more as this thread evolves into the greatest thread in the community lounge.

there is no vote button for posts here... would be good to implement....


Shelley_c 04-15-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Shazz (Post 1791706)
How do you write such big posts for pointless threads shelley :confused:

It all started 5 years ago, I took a peak at vbulletin.org and noticed the graphics within the graphic database where mainly default stock. I returned 2 years later as a customer/member and noticed the same graphics. I got involved, submitted, battled, supported thy neighbour and endeavored to post untill I was ready to move onto the next board software (I average about 2-3 years using board software) so reality, time isn't on my side and this thread is now concentrating on why I post long and useless posts. I'm going with the flow, there's not much in the way of common sense responding i could type in a thread that simply throws common sense out the window (not saying it's a bad thing). Like I said, some people will just get aggravated, some will laugh, others will merely join in with the party and make fools of themselves whilst others will glance walk away and enjoy a nice cup of tea and venture into areas where they will benefit from the knowledge that members provide on a constant basis to the community.

@nexy - There's nothing to understand, it's a random post. It happens.

edit: it happens while we debate amongst ourselves the meaning of this thread. roflmao

nexialys 04-15-2009 01:40 PM

hopefully we're not debating if yes or no we have to vote... because i never vote without being fully informed... my prime minister was elected by blind/deaf people...

TheLastSuperman 04-15-2009 02:27 PM

I love you guys/gals... Mentally that is :p

Ok, time for lunch... Wendy's... #6 Spicy chicken w/ cheese.. sub out fries for chili & med Dr. Pepper FTW :D

KevinL 04-15-2009 02:53 PM

That made my mouth water

TheLastSuperman 04-15-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by KevinL (Post 1791774)
That made my mouth water

You better learn to close that kinda statement - in my world you left yourself wide open :p

But it was good... I changed to a #5 (Grilled) w/ cheese when I pulled up... last minute and it was gone before I got back to the shop... don't drink and drive but eat and drive eh? Well at least I did better getting back then the guy on the cell phone in front of me :erm:

iogames 04-16-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1791713)
It all started 5 years ago, I took a peak at vbulletin.org and noticed the graphics within the graphic database where mainly default stock. I returned 2 years later as a customer/member and noticed the same graphics. I got involved, submitted, battled, supported thy neighbour and endeavored to post untill I was ready to move onto the next board software (I average about 2-3 years using board software) so reality, time isn't on my side and this thread is now concentrating on why I post long and useless posts. I'm going with the flow, there's not much in the way of common sense responding i could type in a thread that simply throws common sense out the window (not saying it's a bad thing). Like I said, some people will just get aggravated, some will laugh, others will merely join in with the party and make fools of themselves whilst others will glance walk away and enjoy a nice cup of tea and venture into areas where they will benefit from the knowledge that members provide on a constant basis to the community.

@nexy - There's nothing to understand, it's a random post. It happens.

edit: it happens while we debate amongst ourselves the meaning of this thread. roflmao

Twitt me that! :D

unenergizer 04-16-2009 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1791713)

@nexy - There's nothing to understand, it's a random post. It happens.

edit: it happens while we debate amongst ourselves the meaning of this thread. roflmao

Whoa! HOLD UP!

Did you forgot your in the presents of greatness. Errr. I mean Gangstaness.

This thread is not random. It was completely planned. Only a true homie understands how gangsta a gangsta really is.

I don't expect a WO-MAN to understand. LOL :up:

Shelly goahead and click "I wish you were my "babys daddy"" because I know u want to!!!



Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1791718)
hopefully we're not debating if yes or no we have to vote... because i never vote without being fully informed... my prime minister was elected by blind/deaf people...

Yes you have to vote, don't be parcel. I know you feel a brotha. Don't hate appreciate and don't debate on the fact that I like cake.

Don't make me go young jeezy on yo azz. :eek:

lasto 04-16-2009 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1792255)
Whoa! HOLD UP!

Did you forgot your in the presents of greatness. Errr. I mean Gangstaness.

This thread is not random. It was completely planned. Only a true homie understands how gangsta a gangsta really is.

I don't expect a WO-MAN to understand. LOL :up:

Shelly goahead and click "I wish you were my "babys daddy"" because I know u want to!!!


Yes you have to vote, don't be parcel. I know you feel a brotha. Don't hate appreciate and don't debate on the fact that I like cake.

Don't make me go young jeezy on yo azz. :eek:

what is this thread about ?

nexialys 04-16-2009 10:51 AM

it's all about Andrew transformed into a Dr Dre...

lasto 04-16-2009 11:50 AM


Gangsta is what we American black people started, write, and say. It's written to represent the way we say gangster.
A true gangster/gangsta is a professional criminal. A gang banger is a foot soldier to a true gangsta and in some cases is a student who will learn and some day become a gangsta.
To me its a useless and selfish lifestyle thats addictive like heroin. Many have to die or lose for few to prosper. Children left fatherless, mothers having no choice but to resort to prostitution... Don't get into it or affiliate with it if you haven't. Trust me.
I remember this Puerto RIcan girl I used to deal with. So beautiful... She got into a relationship with a drug dealer and the last time I saw her she was on the Ave begging for money looking like she hadn't combed her hair in yrs.
To say that the word was created on the basis of Italians is a big misconception.
Back in the days of slavery, if three or more black men were seen talking amongst each other they were considered a gang and would be immediately dispersed of. That was actually a law. It was when those few black men revolted and decided to stick together they became gangster's.
And as a matter of fact, when the Italians began their illegal activities in America, they were called and associated as non-whites. Thats why you'll never see an Italian in any real white supremist organization. The media then gave those Italians the names of gangsters.
Blacks in America foolishly chose fake Italian names because the media loves promoting financially successful Italian criminals. Godfather trilogy, Casino, Goodfella's, A Bronx tale, Mobster's, Soprano's, etc.
These poor black kids see/saw rich Italian men getting rich from doing the same things they and their neighborhood idol's do. People also forget about all those black gangster's and mobster's of old. Even from the 1800's. Black Americans have left the idea of taking the names of Italians and have started taking the names of other black gangsters like 50cent and Rick Ross.
Now the same Italian "gangster's" made/make the money and made sure they educated their kids. Those educated children of Italian gangster's became the doctor's and lawyers of today. It's usually those people that are the first ones pointing fingers at blacks with total disregard for how their Italian families became wealthy or well off.
Either way you cut it or slice it, it's all bullsh^t...
sounds like bull to me.

KTBleeding 04-16-2009 01:26 PM

More like gayngsta.

nexialys 04-16-2009 01:38 PM

ok, have to deliberate on that one for a moment.... Tyler really helped out everybody here...


Shelley_c 04-16-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1792255)
Whoa! HOLD UP!

Did you forgot your in the presents of greatness. Errr. I mean Gangstaness.

This thread is not random. It was completely planned. Only a true homie understands how gangsta a gangsta really is.

I don't expect a WO-MAN to understand. LOL :up:

Shelly goahead and click "I wish you were my "babys daddy"" because I know u want to!!!


Yes you have to vote, don't be parcel. I know you feel a brotha. Don't hate appreciate and don't debate on the fact that I like cake.

Don't make me go young jeezy on yo azz. :eek:


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1792331)
what is this thread about ?

Try holding your mobile like a man and not like a kindergarten girly then. We may just be persuaded that you are a gangster and not one of these super cool gangster type that pops asses. Do you pop asses btw? You look like the kinda guy that receives but on the thinking of.....

1. Your holding a mobile like a sissy.
2. your english is super fine on your forum but not here a gangster is for life not just for vbulletin.org
3. graphics forum - change those stock vbulletin images for something custom, a gangster would have blinged his own forum style and graphics unless your cheap gangster.

and to round off that remove the cap, you look like a girl, you know you do but with all that I still think your cool and super because you seem to take pride in holding your mobile devices with great dexterity. Your post was random, post your points why you think we should consider you as a gangster, display your true attributes and it might be your time to shine. :D

Btw Sorry for the bad english, I'm english. :p

hambil 04-16-2009 04:40 PM

Bah, not worth it...

RedSpiral 04-16-2009 04:48 PM


Nice poll!

Stay off my turf bruv!

vb is my hood!

unenergizer 04-16-2009 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1792627)
Try holding your mobile like a man and not like a kindergarten girly then. We may just be persuaded that you are a gangster and not one of these super cool gangster type that pops asses. Do you pop asses btw? You look like the kinda guy that receives but on the thinking of.....

1. Your holding a mobile like a sissy.
2. your english is super fine on your forum but not here a gangster is for life not just for vbulletin.org
3. graphics forum - change those stock vbulletin images for something custom, a gangster would have blinged his own forum style and graphics unless your cheap gangster.

and to round off that remove the cap, you look like a girl, you know you do but with all that I still think your cool and super because you seem to take pride in holding your mobile devices with great dexterity. Your post was random, post your points why you think we should consider you as a gangster, display your true attributes and it might be your time to shine. :D

Btw Sorry for the bad english, I'm english. :p

Holla. Shorty you mad fly.


Originally Posted by RedSpiral (Post 1792643)

Stay off my turf bruv!

vb is my hood!

Who you rep for? i rep that texas mayne


nexialys 04-16-2009 06:56 PM

i like it when people with no personality try to leech other's mood and apply them somewhere they have no influence...

just making a point Andrew, please calm down, you look like having 11...

Shelley_c 04-16-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by unenergizer (Post 1792719)
Holla. Shorty you mad fly.

Who you rep for? i rep that texas mayne



You've won me over. LOL

Yehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! *swirls ten gallon hat around and performs the riverdance *


nexialys 04-16-2009 07:06 PM

please, Shelley, not the riverdance...

unenergizer 04-16-2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1792733)
Yehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! *swirls ten gallon hat around and performs the riverdance *


Shake It!


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1792721)
i like it when people with no personality try to leech other's mood and apply them somewhere they have no influence...

just making a point Andrew, please calm down, you look like having 11...

hater :down:


Shelley_c 04-16-2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1792737)
please, Shelley, not the riverdance...

Some useless info. Whenever I type your screenname it's about the only name I abbreviate yet your the only person you types my name correctly. What does that mean nexy? It has to mean something? For you, I'll refrain from doing my version of the riverdance though I can't promise unenergizer won't give it an attempt.

Anyway, this thread is becoming mind boggling to the point were I think it's normal. 2009 is a long way from being over Andrew but the candidate for the greatest thread is definitely for the running you shined you swine. :D:p

Edit: Oh, I see you posted some deluxe riverdance gangster style type shoes. I thought they were two plates of zebra for a moment.

*Stop typing shelley*

TheLastSuperman 04-16-2009 07:26 PM

Hmmmmm, a southern boy here must contest that Gangstas simply cannot rep the yeehaw without contest... no matter if Shelley shakes it or you break it... for more info refer to the plumbers crack dictionary on "sagging" unenergizer, clarification is required as tact in an urban sense you seem to have but rationality in common is just that... simply unenergized at best ;).

unenergizer 04-16-2009 07:27 PM

No one on the corna have swagga like us.

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