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-   -   Chat Modifications - Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 (uses AJAX) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=210126)

DionDev 04-01-2009 10:00 PM

Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 (uses AJAX)
1 Attachment(s)



(see attached)


- Uses AJAX so new shouts show up without the page having to be refreshed
- Set the title and other language features to anything you want
- Will ignore empty shouts, and ones that are being repeated one after the other
- Enter how many shouts you want it to show
- Enter how many days you want it to store shouts in the database (even forever)
- Enable or disable guest shouting
- Members names are linked to their profile pages
- Admins can delete shouts directly through the shoutbox itself
- A fully customizable shout archive with pagination
- Works with any custom theme automatically
- Parses BBcode, smilies, and images if you allow it to
- Installation takes about 5 minutes and is all done through the admin CP
- You can even modify the amount of time it waits in between checking for new shouts
- Plus lots more!

Installation instructions:

1.a) Extract the "ddshoutbox2.zip" file onto your computer using a program like winrar, or winzip

2. Log in to your admin CP, everything will be done within here

3.a) Go to Plugins & Products -> Manage Products
3.b) Click on the "[Add/Import Product]" link
3.c) Browse for the "product-ddsb2.xml" file
3.d) Click on the "Import" button

4. Upload all the ".js" and ".php" files into your main vbulletin directory (the same directory as index.php)

5 Decide where you want the shoutbox on your site (I recommend the top of your forum index)

If you want the shoutbox at the top of your forum index, go to the "FORUMHOME" template, find:
"<!-- / guest welcome message -->
<br />
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.

If you want it at the top of every page, go to the "navbar" template, find:
"<!-- / nav buttons bar -->
<br />"
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.

6.a) Go to vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options
6.b) Select "Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 Options"
6.c) Click on the "Edit Settings" button
6.d) Edit all of the values as you desire
6.e) Click on the "Save" button

Additional options:

1. If you want to change the time in which it checks for new shouts, open up "shoutshow.js" with notepad, find "timeint = 2000" at the top of the file, and change "2000" to the time (in milliseconds) you want it to wait before checking for new shouts. 1 second equals 1000 milliseconds. If you want shouts to show up faster, set it to a lower number. If you are worried about server load, set it higher. Don't forget to upload it to your server after you change it so the new timer takes effect.

2. You can edit the shoutbox width and height by changing the iframe width="100%" and height="200" attributes from the "template.txt" file.

You're done! Please donate anything you can spare to donations@diondev.com before removing my copyright notice.

gwerzal 04-02-2009 12:24 PM

Looks good

Will test it out and have a play

Thank you

lostguy 04-02-2009 12:51 PM

No color text option and Smilies option ?

DionDev 04-02-2009 12:53 PM

The BBcode is mainly used to turn URL's into links. However, it will convert other BBCode (if you enable shoutbox bbcode in the admin CP). Also, smilies are automatically converted into images so if someone type :) it gets turned into the image.

I made it this way so that the shoutbox isn't cluttered. I wanted to keep it simple and clean.

macc 04-02-2009 01:04 PM


can we get username colors on shoutbox?



DionDev 04-02-2009 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by macc (Post 1782364)

can we change time on shoutbox to 24 h and how?




In the admin CP, under "Dion Dev v2.0 Shoutbox Options" you can change the time format to whatever you want. The time format uses the php date() function: http://ca3.php.net/date

It is really easy to do.

macc 04-02-2009 01:08 PM

yes ...sorry ...because i just look on demo site not pictures here ... thanks



ahmed-samara 04-02-2009 04:13 PM

Ummm good .. but can't read arabic ?

and what is diffrant from the livechat ?

|Jordan| 04-02-2009 04:47 PM

Does the shoutbox use vbulletin's censor system?

Also, can you add the ability to ban specific users from using the shoutbox?

DionDev 04-02-2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by |Jordan| (Post 1782523)
Does the shoutbox use vbulletin's censor system?

Also, can you add the ability to ban specific users from using the shoutbox?

Yes. The reason words are not censored in my demo is because I do not have any censored words set up yet.

DionDev 04-02-2009 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by ahmed-samara (Post 1782499)
Ummm good .. but can't read arabic ?

and what is diffrant from the livechat ?

What do you mean, can't read arabic?

Also, what is livechat?

goxy63 04-02-2009 08:21 PM

Nominated, rated....thinking about install, but..

How about main page under VBA cmps ?!

Just downloaded and would like this mod on my main page under one of my modules

Any suggestions ?!

Super Jinni 04-02-2009 08:42 PM

seems good
gonna give it a try and see

thanks mate

TheLastSuperman 04-02-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1782662)
Nominated, rated....thinking about install, but..

How about main page under VBA cmps ?!

Just downloaded and would like this mod on my main page under one of my modules

Any suggestions ?!

Hey goxy :D

Did you check his Readme/Install file??

It was in there ;)


5. Decide where you want the shoutbox on your site (I recommend the top of your forum index)

If you want the shoutbox at the top of your forum index, go to the "FORUMHOME" template, find:
"<!-- / guest welcome message -->
<br />
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.

If you want it at the top of every page, go to the "navbar" template, find:
"<!-- / nav buttons bar -->

<br />"
Copy and paste the contents of "template.txt" underneath.
So basically open up template.txt included in the download and copy the entire code...

PHP Code:

<!-- Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 -->
iframe src="shoutbox.php" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
Browser does not support iframes
br /><br />
end Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 --> 

Now paste it in any template i.e.
  • Forum Home for main forum
  • Forum Display for Subforums etc
  • Navbar if you find a good spot
  • Header
  • Footer
  • etc
  • etc

Also note you can change some of the variables i.e. height width etc as seen in the code!

--> width="100%" OR just 900 for px

--> height="200" Same as above but you can increase to 300px by changing to 300 etc etc.

--> frameborder="0" To add a border etc so put in 1 or 2 etc etc.

Enjoy and thanks DionDev for the new Shoutbox for vB owners :D


Super Jinni 04-02-2009 08:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
it does not support Arabic language, it gives unknown output characters when input in Arabic.
also, it does not Arabic language direction which is rtl.
see the attachment.

if you can find a workaround it will be really great.
thanks again

Markos 04-02-2009 09:30 PM

thanks going to test it out

goxy63 04-02-2009 10:25 PM

thanks for this nice hack

Hay mate nice to hear from you :D
Thanks a lot for details

Would like to pay few rounds of beer, and I hope that once... :D


TheLastSuperman 04-02-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1782743)
thanks for this nice hack

Hay mate nice to hear from you :D
Thanks a lot for details

Would like to pay few rounds of beer, and I hope that once... :D


No prob Goxy ;)

Yeah I was out for a while, a friend was in the hospital then I had some RL issues but spil't milk as they say or shiz happens :cool: but back to the mod, it is nice and useful... some might like another more or less however not all forums need the same shoutbox ;) so hats off to DionDev eh?


zero5854 04-02-2009 11:54 PM

thanks but no thanks too generic looks like that horrible looking one phpbb cam out with a while back

TheLastSuperman 04-03-2009 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by zero5854 (Post 1782775)
thanks but no thanks too generic looks like that horrible looking one phpbb cam out with a while back

Well use some of your forums css if using a custom style OR google css, find a good site w/ some tutorials and do something about it ;) remember what I said, to some this might be all they need.

goxy63 04-03-2009 12:51 AM

Everything is just fine...but I got one small problem

On my main page, I placed shoutbox under one of my modules...problem is that it is not collapsable module and colapse bar is under shoutbox not above as it should

TheLastSuperman 04-03-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1782795)
Everything is just fine...but I got one small problem

On my main page, I placed shoutbox under one of my modules...problem is that it is not collapsable module and colapse bar is under shoutbox not above as it should

PM me a copy of it Goxy, I'll glance @ it tomorrow... night all!

Chadi 04-03-2009 02:20 AM

Nice mod.

Just a quick suggestion:

It would be nice to have the files uploaded to /forum/shoutbox for example instead of adding the 10 files in the root folder, causing a bit of a clutter.

Also, I noticed you're using frames. Probably a bad idea.

Just an idea.

goxy63 04-03-2009 05:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, will senad you asap...will post it here also

Copy of module (CMPS)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <moduleinfo>
- <module>
  <identifier />
  <templatelist />
  <parent />
  <formcode />
  <link />
- <templates>
- <adv_portal_shoutbox>
- <![CDATA[
<iframe src="testvb/shoutbox.php" width="500" height="200" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
Browser does not support iframes
<br /><br />


Attachment 97246

macc 04-03-2009 06:35 AM

nice mod nd shoutbox ...but can we get more vbulletin look? mean borders and colapse button ?



CFodder 04-03-2009 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1782795)
Everything is just fine...but I got one small problem

On my main page, I placed shoutbox under one of my modules...problem is that it is not collapsable module and colapse bar is under shoutbox not above as it should

Have to put a <tr> and <td> command before Dion's code and then a </td> then </tr> after it, that should do it :). Your code/template should look like this:



<!-- Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 -->
<iframe src="shoutbox.php" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
Browser does not support iframes
<br /><br />
<!-- end Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 -->

Dion, I've installed it all ok and put it under my forumhome however no shouts appear when typed in :confused: ... however if I go to the archive it show's the shouts there :). Get no error messages, any ideas on what could be causing this, am using 3.8.1 PL1

DionDev 04-03-2009 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1782662)
Nominated, rated....thinking about install, but..

How about main page under VBA cmps ?!

Just downloaded and would like this mod on my main page under one of my modules

Any suggestions ?!

Place the template.txt code in any template you want.


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 1782680)
Hey goxy :D

Did you check his Readme/Install file??

It was in there ;)

So basically open up template.txt included in the download and copy the entire code...

PHP Code:

<!-- Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 -->
iframe src="shoutbox.php" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0">
Browser does not support iframes
br /><br />
end Dion Dev Shoutbox v2.0 --> 

Now paste it in any template i.e.
  • Forum Home for main forum
  • Forum Display for Subforums etc
  • Navbar if you find a good spot
  • Header
  • Footer
  • etc
  • etc

Also note you can change some of the variables i.e. height width etc as seen in the code!

--> width="100%" OR just 900 for px

--> height="200" Same as above but you can increase to 300px by changing to 300 etc etc.

--> frameborder="0" To add a border etc so put in 1 or 2 etc etc.

Enjoy and thanks DionDev for the new Shoutbox for vB owners :D


Great tutorial!


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1782840)
Nice mod.

Just a quick suggestion:

It would be nice to have the files uploaded to /forum/shoutbox for example instead of adding the 10 files in the root folder, causing a bit of a clutter.

Also, I noticed you're using frames. Probably a bad idea.

Just an idea.

All of the shoutbox files start with "shout*" so its easy to distinguish.

Why are frames a bad idea? The only thing I can think of is in regards to SEO, and the "iframes are bad for SEO" school of thought is 100% incorrect. Iframes get indexed fine, they are simply considered their own pages.


Originally Posted by macc (Post 1782920)
nice mod nd shoutbox ...but can we get more vbulletin look? mean borders and colapse button ?



I will add a collapse button and the forum table header style to the next version.


Originally Posted by CFodder (Post 1782952)
Have to put a <tr> and <td> command before Dion's code and then a </td> then </tr> after it, that should do it :). Your code/template should look like this:

Dion, I've installed it all ok and put it under my forumhome however no shouts appear when typed in :confused: ... however if I go to the archive it show's the shouts there :). Get no error messages, any ideas on what could be causing this, am using 3.8.1 PL1

Show me the link please. You may have done something wrong.

Chadi 04-03-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by DionDev (Post 1783031)
Why are frames a bad idea? The only thing I can think of is in regards to SEO, and the "iframes are bad for SEO" school of thought is 100% incorrect. Iframes get indexed fine, they are simply considered their own pages.

A lot of people have frames disabled in their browsers. That's why.

goxy63 04-03-2009 01:52 PM

Works like charm, thanks :up:

Thank you all guys


Hall of Famer 04-03-2009 02:11 PM

How can I place this shoutbox at the bottom of each page?

columbonet 04-03-2009 02:24 PM

Is there an edit I can do to allow mods to delete chatbox posts? We only have 2 admins and don't have time to monitor the chatbox.

DionDev 04-03-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Chadi (Post 1783036)
A lot of people have frames disabled in their browsers. That's why.

Well, frames are disabled on most mobile phones and ancient web browsers. Considering neither of these support AJAX, it doesn't really matter.


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 1783062)
How can I place this shoutbox at the bottom of each page?

Place the template.txt code in your "footer" template just above "$spacer_close"


Originally Posted by columbonet (Post 1783077)
Is there an edit I can do to allow mods to delete chatbox posts? We only have 2 admins and don't have time to monitor the chatbox.

Currently only admins can delete them. I will add a mod option in the next version.

Markos 04-03-2009 04:01 PM

hmm weird but one of my mods cant shout its saying she must be logged in to shout but she is logged in :S

columbonet 04-03-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by DionDev (Post 1783113)
Well, frames are disabled on most mobile phones and ancient web browsers. Considering neither of these support AJAX, it doesn't really matter.

Place the template.txt code in your "footer" template just above "$spacer_close"

Currently only admins can delete them. I will add a mod option in the next version.

Dang. I was hoping it was quick code insert. I'll just shelve this until the next version comes out.

DionDev 04-03-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 1783119)
hmm weird but one of my mods cant shout its saying she must be logged in to shout but she is logged in :S

Is her user ID = 0?

Markos 04-03-2009 06:28 PM

nope its 7 and its only her the other mods can see it and use it

CFodder 04-03-2009 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by goxy63 (Post 1783048)
Works like charm, thanks :up: ...

Oooooh, usually it's the other way 'round :p :).

Have to put those tr and td's in any template/code you create for modules and you won't have that title bar or layout problems :) ... learnt that one the hard way myself ;).

Dion, if it's ok I'll pm you the link as will have to create a temp account for you to log in with.

Reycer 04-05-2009 03:54 PM

works great! One question though, is there any way possible to add a smilie box directly to the side of the shout box?

DionDev 04-05-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 1783204)
nope its 7 and its only her the other mods can see it and use it

Makes no sense. Have her try and log out and back in.


Originally Posted by CFodder (Post 1783232)
Oooooh, usually it's the other way 'round :p :).

Have to put those tr and td's in any template/code you create for modules and you won't have that title bar or layout problems :) ... learnt that one the hard way myself ;).

Dion, if it's ok I'll pm you the link as will have to create a temp account for you to log in with.

Cfodder I checked your site and it seems to be quite slow. This lag could cause a large delay in the AJAX response.


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1784350)
works great! One question though, is there any way possible to add a smilie box directly to the side of the shout box?

Next version there will a small smilies dropdown and a few bbcode buttons.

Reycer 04-05-2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by DionDev (Post 1784363)
Makes no sense. Have her try and log out and back in.

Cfodder I checked your site and it seems to be quite slow. This lag could cause a large delay in the AJAX response.

Next version there will a small smilies dropdown and a few bbcode buttons.

cool. Can't wait for that one.

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