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Shelley_c 03-21-2009 09:59 AM

Why have you set the time limit to report each spam post to 60 seconds? With increasing porn images being posted the time limited should be decreased. I spent 8 minutes yesterday reporting spam posts and even then only some of the posts were removed. Don't forget there are children viewing the board and have bought the vbulletin software who have even admitted their age in posts and whilst I'm sure we adults can handle it childrean and miners shopuldn't be exposed to this material any longer than they have to.

I'm asking for the time limit between reporting spam to be cut down to 30 seconds? The sooner you know about it the quicker the spam related posts are removed and spammers dealt with.

Dean C 03-21-2009 10:46 AM

I agree. I don't expect to come to vB.org and see pornographic content. I'd have expected better protection to be in place.

nexialys 03-21-2009 10:56 AM

there are some hacks here avoiding guests/newbies to post links and images, this is pathetic to see that even if these are some of the most requested features in a load of sites, vb.org is not using them... which would avoid 90% of the spam i find on this place...

DanTHEGREAT 03-21-2009 11:04 AM

Yep....I'm only 13 years old. :O

Paul M 03-21-2009 12:21 PM

Whether its 30 seconds or 60 seconds is not going to make any difference, if staff are around its going to take more than 60 seconds to deal with multiple reports, if they arent its totally irrelevant anyway.

Shelley_c 03-21-2009 01:49 PM

It's not about the volunteers paul. It's about members who may not have the time to report (8 posts) like I did yesterday which took 8 minutes whereareas they would only report 1 or two because of time restrictions they may/will have.

It's always good practice to reduce spamming by implementing the proper precautions but when they aren't in place your relying on the good members of the forum who take the time (who will not always have the time) to report multiple posts when by reducing it they can report more vulgar/porn related posts which are increasing here.

I don't think it's fair on members and children to view porn (and this morning) full bared woman, grannies untill a volunteer came along to remove it (which in my books is far too long) and damaging to the children (and yes they are children) that are exposed to this vulgar material.

It's not about our grievances anymore this is about exposing material and reporting more of it within a time limit so the post is reported and not left unreported within a less restricted timeframe.

If we can reduce this it's always a good thing to do and reducing the reporting limit to 30 seconds members will have more time to report the multiple porn spam that is posted here rather than walking away because they haven't got the time and/or cannot be bothered to report it. Luckily, I took the time to report posts because spam should always be combated and reduced as much as possible.

nexialys 03-21-2009 01:51 PM

Shelley, i would suggest that you go to vB.COM to suggest a little change in the process... Report Posts is based on Post Delay, which cause the 30/60 seconds delay in posting reports... i find it obvious personally that it's not a good way to deal with delay in reports, it have to be a independant setting...

UKBusinessLive 03-21-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1773375)

I don't think it's fair on members and children to view porn (and this morning) full bared woman, grannies untill a volunteer came along to remove it (which in my books is far too long) and damaging to the children (and yes they are children) that are exposed to this vulgar material.

I saw that this morning before i went to work, I had to drive 64 miles to work with that on my mind, I tell ya i had to double my concentration :p

Seriously i agree, More has to be done to prevent spammers like this from appearing, so perhaps a hack to prevent links and pictures, as well as making it easier to reporn such occurances.


Lynne 03-21-2009 03:09 PM

Usually, once a moderator gets on site, they take care of all the spam. One thing you might want to do if there are multiple posts/threads from a single spammer is just report one of them and say something like "there are several from him - please delete them all" or something like that. So, one 'report' per spammer and then that hopefully cuts down on the number of reports you have to do.

Brandon Sheley 03-21-2009 03:13 PM

I don't see how the post get made anyways, there are plenty of hacks that would prevent the post from going into public view in the first place ;)
I have them implemented on my forums, and very few spam post make it to the public eye.

Shelley_c 03-21-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lynne (Post 1773400)
Usually, once a moderator gets on site, they take care of all the spam. One thing you might want to do if there are multiple posts/threads from a single spammer is just report one of them and say something like "there are several from him - please delete them all" or something like that. So, one 'report' per spammer and then that hopefully cuts down on the number of reports you have to do.

Lynne - When it comes to spam I will not cut corners, And rely on the staff to take care of the spam. I like to make sure that when I report spam it's all reported even if it's by the same registrant. The reason spamming is here longer than it is is because of just that. corners and shortcuts are taken which fortunately is something I don't do in life so it's not something I do which will migrate to the forum (especially when pornographic content viewable to children) is involved.

I filed a report to vbulletin.com before I created this thread and wrote a follow up ticket after and ask yourself this. The system your applying simply isn't working because members are even having a chance to reply to such porographic threads which means it's there and no shortcuts should be taken but rather prevention and other implementations to combat this.

nexialys 03-21-2009 03:16 PM

also, please consider locking down access to the Community Lounge to non-licenses... i don't see why they have access other than the Pre-Sales at first place, and if you read all the threads that were started on this site by non-licensed, you will see that ALL THE TIME, the mods are calling the "you show as unlicensed so you do not have to post here so we lock your thread" thing...

guests have no need to post here, it's a place to build friendship and make contact between licensed clients...

and the more place you let guests post, the more place we see spam.

and pathetically, you always comment that moderators and staff have no time to see everything on the board... cut off these capabilities and your job will be eased at 500%... if you prefer letting moderators doing all the job, just state that in the forum, that nobody will ever see the potential of vBulletin here because you let the staff do the dirty job instead of involving the filters available on the latest version of the script...

oh, yeah, sorry, you have no time to install it... tsss... sorry, forget that

King Kovifor 03-21-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Shelley_c (Post 1773258)
Why have you set the time limit to report each spam post to 60 seconds? With increasing porn images being posted the time limited should be decreased. I spent 8 minutes yesterday reporting spam posts and even then only some of the posts were removed. Don't forget there are children viewing the board and have bought the vbulletin software who have even admitted their age in posts and whilst I'm sure we adults can handle it childrean and miners shopuldn't be exposed to this material any longer than they have to.

I'm asking for the time limit between reporting spam to be cut down to 30 seconds? The sooner you know about it the quicker the spam related posts are removed and spammers dealt with.

I'm also technically one of those minors.


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1773414)
also, please consider locking down access to the Community Lounge to non-licenses... i don't see why they have access other than the Pre-Sales at first place, and if you read all the threads that were started on this site by non-licensed, you will see that ALL THE TIME, the mods are calling the "you show as unlicensed so you do not have to post here so we lock your thread" thing...

guests have no need to post here, it's a place to build friendship and make contact between licensed clients...

and the more place you let guests post, the more place we see spam.

and pathetically, you always comment that moderators and staff have no time to see everything on the board... cut off these capabilities and your job will be eased at 500%... if you prefer letting moderators doing all the job, just state that in the forum, that nobody will ever see the potential of vBulletin here because you let the staff do the dirty job instead of involving the filters available on the latest version of the script...

oh, yeah, sorry, you have no time to install it... tsss... sorry, forget that

Those are only the ones that you see that are unlicensed. Quite a few posts in both forums don't get those replies, and since you are not staff, you would not know if they were started by a licensed member or not.

nexialys 03-21-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by King Kovifor (Post 1773448)
Those are only the ones that you see that are unlicensed. Quite a few posts in both forums don't get those replies, and since you are not staff, you would not know if they were started by a licensed member or not.

that's one of the things that is not good here... we can reply to someone asking for anything related to vB, and we see our efforts trashed because the OP is unlicensed... i don't say we need to see who is licensed, but why at first let them post in a place where only licensed people have the right to be... logically if the only rights you have here are the ones of licensed people, i don't see why guests can post outside the pre-sales... if they want to have a friend, they can go elsewhere... this is my boring 2?

R1lover 03-21-2009 04:03 PM

I agree, the members should know who is licensed and who is not... What's the harm in knowing a fellow member is licensed?

I know for one I would not help people who are not licensed. I could care less who can see if I have a license, I think this should be looked at by the admins here. I also agree that the majority of the forum should be closed to unlicensed members. They have no business here if they are not licensed.

King Kovifor 03-21-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1773470)
that's one of the things that is not good here... we can reply to someone asking for anything related to vB, and we see our efforts trashed because the OP is unlicensed... i don't say we need to see who is licensed, but why at first let them post in a place where only licensed people have the right to be... logically if the only rights you have here are the ones of licensed people, i don't see why guests can post outside the pre-sales... if they want to have a friend, they can go elsewhere... this is my boring 2?

There's a difference: vBulletin help should never be given to anybody in the community lounge OR pre-sales. Yes, answers can be given in Pre-Sales, but not help.

UKBusinessLive 03-21-2009 04:41 PM

theres a lot of great ideas and coments posted on this thread and a lot of negativity from vb.org, its almost like we didn't think of it so thats final.

This is something thats effecting members, so surely, Whats wrong with saying, yeah thats a great idea, we'll see if we can get it implimented.

I feel that certain staff members are just very negative, and will simply block out any fresh ideas or improvements recommended by members.

Like nexy says, make the comunity forums for licenced members only, perhaps others can view but they can't post, surely some thing as common sense as this can be easy to arrange?

May also be a good idea if there was a usergroup created for licienced and non licienced members, where other will be able to see, who is and who isn't ;)

Anyway guys, thats my 50c don't hate me for it :D

R1lover 03-21-2009 04:53 PM

I agree with above, it's seems that they know best and don't care what we think at times.

I agree with your statement... it's always better to listen to your members, most of the time that is where the best ideas some from.

nexialys 03-21-2009 04:54 PM

the "that's good and we will discuss it" sentence was used too much in the past, i think they learned to avoid it and i think it's better, because people wait less and stop asking what's the outcome.

btw, these are just suggestions in the myst, i prefer building my own sites with these details, not trying to focus on how vb.org is driven... they have their goals and targets... we're not part of it, we can not decide if they are right or not, we can even leave if we're not happy.

Shelley_c 03-26-2009 08:08 PM

May I ask why this thread has been re-opened after being locked.

Is this subject open to discussion?

I'm still asking that the 60 second rule limited between reporting spam posts is changed to a more acceptable 30 seconds. This will allow members who make up the bulk of the reports to report more multiple spam with a less time limit.

The benefits of this, are that members will not walk away from spam posted 8 times and report all threads because the time limit is more acceptable and within a lower timeframe.

Like I stated, I reported 8 spam threads which I didn't have time to do but I did regardless because spam prevention should be looked at, discussed and action taken where necessary.

towermatt 03-26-2009 08:55 PM

We use some kind of hack that mod que's posts that have links, pics or offensive language in them until staff can look at it.

Catches legitimate posts every now and then and causes a bit of inconvenience to new members but I would much rather than than the site seeing the kind of porn it catches. WOW!

lasto 03-26-2009 10:26 PM

fairly easy to solve really - if u licensed you can post in the sections.
If not licensed then no posts allowed.Who is going to risk their license to post pron links - no one.
If your not licensed then set up one section where they can ask for presales help etc.

Shelley_c 03-27-2009 12:24 PM

Perhaps my reply was overlooked. I'm quite sure the question(s) I asked were within guidelines and never broke any rules.

Paul M deemed fit in locking this thread and now the topic is again open on the assumption it's open to discussion and seeing as staff are the only people that can prevent and implement suggestions some kind of response would be appreciated.

Again, It's with regards to the 60 second time restriction which I suggested be lowered to 30 seconds you can read my previous response and many others in here which explain why this is beneficial.

Dilmah 04-10-2009 11:41 AM


Lynne - When it comes to spam I will not cut corners, And rely on the staff to take care of the spam. I like to make sure that when I report spam it's all reported even if it's by the same registrant.
How very noble of you. lol

Shelley_c 04-10-2009 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dilmah (Post 1788154)
How very noble of you. lol

Dilmah, If you are the kind of person who doesn't mind having pornography exposed to under aged kids then there's nothing noble about it. Common sense, yes.

Fully bared woman of all ages is something this forum doesn't need and normally I would oblige you with the sarcasm but it's seeming to escape me these days.

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