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hambil 03-13-2009 10:00 PM

[tk] Egg Avatar

A Support Project using the vBulletin Project Tool has been created to support this mod. Please make use of it if you can. Timely support will still be given in this thread, however, use of the project tool is appreciated because:
  1. I paid for it :p
  2. It makes searching for problems already asked by other users, and possibly solved, much easier than this long thread.
  3. It helps organize and manage issues for me, which will become even more useful as I release more mods.

Ever want to throw something at someone when you read a post? Now you can! Eggs, kisses, bullets, and more.

Video Demonstration Link

Special Notes:
  • Due to some complicated issues involving the coding for animated gifs, largely black eggs (like the bullethole) do not display properly. All that is required, if you make or find your own eggs, is that large black areas be converted to a dark grey or dark blue. I've already done this with the newest bullethole.gif, and as you can see it's not a big issue but I wanted to make everyone aware of it.
  • If you wish to uninstall please upgrade to the lastest version first, as older versions may not uninstall cleanly.

Upcoming 2.5 new features
  • Automatic (optional) integration with [tk] Post Notes (post note of "Username: Threw a <thing> at you." or "Username: Gave you a <thing>" etc.
  • Long promised post stats (how many times a post has been egged, etc.)

  • Fully Phrased.
  • Fully AJAX.
  • Can be configured to work with any credits system, or not use credits (default).
  • Comes configured for vbCredits (just turn on 'Enable Credits' in the admincp options).
  • Integrated with vB Optimise.
  • Manage your own egg images (enable/disable/delete/add).
  • Optionally have eggings effect user reputation.
  • Optional 'Who Egged Me' display in UserCP.
  • 'Eggs' can be cleaned away.
  • Entire avatars can be wiped clean.
  • Usergroup support for viewing, using, cleaning own and cleaning others.
  • Very configurable.
  • Handles animated avatars (animation stops when egged, starts again when cleaned).
  • Fully supports both GD and ImageMagick. Animated avatars do not stop in ImageMagick.
  • Optional Statistics in What's Going On.

Download the [tk] EggAvatar_2.3.4.zip file.
Unzip and upload all files in the upload directory to your forum root.
Import the product file in your admincp.
Make sure to set usergroup permissions - all are turned off by default.

Install vbAdvanced Module:
Import and configure the eggblock.xml module via vbAdvanced in your admincp.

Download the [tk] EggAvatar_2.3.4.zip file.
Unzip and upload all files in the upload directory to your forum root.
Import the product file in your admincp - make sure Allow Overwrite is set to 'yes'.

Version History:
1.0 Original Version
1.1 Support for animated avatars
1.1.1 Fixed a couple minor bugs
1.2.0 Fixed a couple bugs and added file system support for avatar storage.
1.2.1 Fixed bug where function not compiled into standard php 4 was being called.
1.2.2 Fixed bug that cause out of place cost info on popup. Fixed so images no longer lose color when thrown.
1.2.3 Fixed some phrasing. Fixed (?) the bug causes database errors for some users.
2.0 Egg Manager (enable, disable, upload your own eggs). Egg tracking (who egged me). Optional reputation change on egging. Numerous small bug fixes, including PNG support.
2.0.1 Fixed bug with editing existing eggs in admincp.
2.0.2 Fixed bug with EI scrolling menu.
2.0.3 Added some missing phrases.
2.0.4 Fixed IE display problem. Put code in admincp image upload to only allow gifs and to resize if needed (max 50x50).
2.1.0 Full support for animated avatars. Eggs uploaded to the eggs directory but not in the database now show in the Egg Image Manager and can be added. Added Who's Online support. Fixed possible bug with missing dateline from url.
2.1.1 Fixed problem where PHP 5 function was being called.
2.2.0 Fixed problem with cleaned avatars missing dateline (really this time). Dropped back to partial animated gif support (animation stops when egged, starts when cleaned). Added checks and error messages to help with invalid path settings. Fixed bug that caused images not to display in popup. Fixed popup to display properly in all browsers no matter how many eggs are added.
2.2.1 Added additional error checking to the image manager. Fixed the upload button in the image manager.
2.2.2 Fixed uninstall issue. Fixed a couple words that weren't phrased.
2.3 Fixed permissions issues. Fixed a couple more words that weren't phrased. Added support for ImageMagick. Added support for vB Optimise. Added statistics on forum home. Changed the fade time so the eggs won't fade if the user hasn't logged in to see them yet.
2.3.1 Fixed bug in vB Optimise integration.
2.3.2 Fixed bug if paths to avatars has a leading '/'.
2.3.3 Another attempt at fixing the pop 'eggs out of the box' issue. Probably my last for a while. Good luck, cross fingers.
2.3.4 Fixes a "can't view if can't egg" permissions problem that has been plaguing some users. Adds a vbAdvanced Module.

Beta Testing Team! Thanks!

Do not be afraid to click the install button, or whatever :p

Donations (THANKS!):
?10.00 GBP by acegames
$10.00 USD by rule0
$10.00 USD by drupy
$10.00 USD by aztecboi2003
$10.00 USD by TandyServices
$10.00 USD by hIBEES

hambil 03-14-2009 04:26 PM

I knew I reserved the first post for a reason :p

Additional Items:

Submitted by Saviour


Submitted by drupy


Submitted by rinkrat

glorify 03-14-2009 04:33 PM

Looks pretty cool man. Anyway to straight up egg a post, as far as the body of the post over the words?

hambil 03-14-2009 04:36 PM

No, just the avatar

itsheinz 03-14-2009 04:37 PM

waaa why database error.

KevinL 03-14-2009 04:41 PM


This is pretty cool! haha

itsheinz 03-14-2009 04:48 PM

its database error why,help me.

hambil 03-14-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by itsheinz (Post 1768017)
its database error why,help me.

Can you be more specific, or PM me?

itsheinz 03-14-2009 05:11 PM

when im going to click the green icon it will become database error.how is that?
Does this plugin folder should be independent?

Reycer 03-14-2009 05:12 PM

ok, I imported everything like normal but it isn't working. The usergroup permissions are on, but when I select the green button to "egg" someone, all I get is the drop down menu as if I had clicked on their username. If you want to try it out, www.lacledeforum.com/forums/index.php
username: temp1
pass: 12345

DobieGillis? 03-14-2009 05:14 PM

anyone get this to work before I experimnet?

hambil 03-14-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1768028)
ok, I imported everything like normal but it isn't working. The usergroup permissions are on, but when I select the green button to "egg" someone, all I get is the drop down menu as if I had clicked on their username. If you want to try it out, www.lacledeforum.com/forums/index.php
username: temp1
pass: 12345

Actually, just found a bug. One sec and I'll reupload lol.

hambil 03-14-2009 05:22 PM

Uninstall and reinstall the latest file.

hambil 03-14-2009 05:24 PM

The first few installs of a brand new mod always drive me nuts :) Even when I try it on a clean board first I seem to miss something or another *sigh*

DobieGillis? 03-14-2009 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1768039)
The first few installs of a brand new mod always drive me nuts :) Even when I try it on a clean board first I seem to miss something or another *sigh*

is it ok to try this now?

hambil 03-14-2009 05:31 PM

Yes, it should work :)

Reycer 03-14-2009 05:32 PM

ok, it works now. Thanks

Reycer 03-14-2009 05:35 PM

errr....new problem. It caused all of my animated Avatars to quit working.

DobieGillis? 03-14-2009 05:35 PM

Doh! Think I'll wait this one out

hambil 03-14-2009 05:37 PM

It's not going to work with animated avatars. Best I can do is see if there is a way to check if an avatar is animated and not allow it to be thrown at. Well, it will work, but it will kill their animation.

Reycer 03-14-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1768055)
It's not going to work with animated avatars. Best I can do is see if there is a way to check if an avatar is animated and not allow it to be thrown at. Well, it will work, but it will kill their animation.

Darn, that does it for my forum then. Alot of my users, use animated Avatars.

DobieGillis? 03-14-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1768058)
Darn, that does it for my forum then. Alot of my users, use animated Avatars.

mine too, everything is animated. Bummer! Sounded like such a cool mod.

Reycer 03-14-2009 05:41 PM

wish it could be fixed so that this stuff could be thrown at posts.

FiMeTi 03-14-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1768061)
wish it could be fixed so that this stuff could be thrown at posts.

lol! That would be funny :)
Nice idea tho. Good job!

hambil 03-14-2009 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by mdelcour (Post 1768058)
Darn, that does it for my forum then. Alot of my users, use animated Avatars.

Okay, there was more I could do that I thought.

It detects animated avatars and they work now. They freeze when 'egged', and will start moving again as soon as they are clean.

ArnyVee 03-14-2009 06:47 PM

Is there a demo for this mod?

Sounds like a fun mod for a forum to have. :)

rob01 03-14-2009 07:47 PM

why the avatar stops working?

i only see nickname avatar

nascartr 03-14-2009 08:14 PM

When I activate this product the avatars show red x's. When it's disabled they're fine. I have all avatars saved in the file directory instead of database.

hambil 03-14-2009 08:29 PM

I'll have to check it with non custom avatars and avatars saved in the file system. It should work, but I'll run it through it's paces and fix anything I do find.

nascartr 03-14-2009 08:32 PM

ok, I appreciate it. All of ours are custom but like I said, saved in the file system.

as7apcool 03-14-2009 08:35 PM

thanks alot

smnoel 03-14-2009 08:59 PM

Same here. My avatars stopped working. showing an X instead of the avatar.

RedDevil 03-14-2009 09:01 PM

Ive installed this mod, I have a problem.

When i turned it on all my members avatars are not displayed, turn it off they are.

anyone had this problem if you need an account to check hambil i can pm you one

hambil 03-14-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Red-Devil (Post 1768238)
Ive installed this mod, I have a problem.

When i turned it on all my members avatars are not displayed, turn it off they are.

anyone had this problem if you need an account to check hambil i can pm you one

That would be great.

RedDevil 03-14-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1768243)
That would be great.

you have a pm :)

glorify 03-14-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1768055)
It's not going to work with animated avatars. Best I can do is see if there is a way to check if an avatar is animated and not allow it to be thrown at. Well, it will work, but it will kill their animation.

Make the avatar a background, it should still work. I use Profile Photos on forumhome, and I use rounded corners on top of them for effect. Animations still come thru.

hambil 03-14-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by glorify (Post 1768249)
Make the avatar a background, it should still work. I use Profile Photos on forumhome, and I use rounded corners on top of them for effect. Animations still come thru.

I think there is more I can do with animations, and it's on the list - right now it's at least usable (animated avatar stops when egged, starts again when cleaned).

hambil 03-14-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Red-Devil (Post 1768248)
you have a pm :)

The problem does indeed seem to be with custom avatars stored in the file system. I will get on this right away and have a fix up as soon as I can. Thx.

RedDevil 03-14-2009 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by hambil (Post 1768252)
The problem does indeed seem to be with custom avatars stored in the file system. I will get on this right away and have a fix up as soon as I can. Thx.

Np glad to help, if you need any more help let me know

DobieGillis? 03-14-2009 09:26 PM

cool! Can't wait.

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