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al3bed 02-16-2009 10:00 PM

Ain - Advanced Google AdSense
1 Attachment(s)
peace on you

work on vBulletin 3.8, 3.7 and 3.6 latest Versions
remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.

please do not nominate this mod in any case
and in case become in MTOM please do not vote for it
and in case won the MTOM do not worry they will kick it out because of the two lines above :)

About this hack:
Advanced Ads for famous Google adsense program (for the program, click here) are now very high-class show in all pages of your forum, many options to offer more than a way of advertising in all pages. this product contains group of main features:
  • Google adsense Manager: system to add, edit and display adsense in your vbulletin forum
  • adsense revenue share: share with admins, friends or users
  • rotate ads: rotate adsense with other ads

why this is better than "Google AdSense Integration" feature:
Google AdSense Integration have only specific packages. And these packages have no options.


but let's take a look on Advanced Google AdSense features

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/49.jpg https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/50.jpg https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/02/51.jpg

Main features:
  • you can add adsense ads info into your database then call them by variables.
  • You can exclude or add forums, users, usergroups or ips from display ads to them.
  • practicability to show ads in specific locations with tables and borders or css divs.
  • practicability to choose best alignment to show your ads.
  • practicability to add extra ads under side left/right adsense ads.
  • with adsense share you can specifying how many post should user reach, percentage of share and either you want to share users or admins.
  • practicability to show adsense for search in popup forum search menu in navbar.
  • practicability to use old style of adsense code and use it with your fourm.
  • practicability to rotate adsense ads with other program ads for example like bidvertiser.
  • practicability to add specific ads for specific forum.
  • very high classifying options to show your adsene in different locations.

First: admincp options
Second: google adsense manager
Third: display options pages

Install/upgrade the product:
- upload file cpnav_ain_adsens.xml inside includes\xml (replace it if you are upgrading from 6.0)
- Import product-ain_adsens.xml file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product] (Allow overwrite if you are upgardeing)

How to use it:
  1. after installation/upgrade go to your forum admin control panel (main page) and check out if your publisherid is empty or not. if it is, ads will not work until you update it. please visit ads setup options page to update it.
  2. in ads setup options, click on the link in the second option. you will be redirected to ads units system to ad your ads. from there you can delete, update or preview your adsense codes. if you planning to use adsense share it's better to add custom adsense unit.
  3. any ads already in your list, you can use it in any template. if your ad unit id is 5 and you want to display it in header template. you can go to header then add this code:
    PHP Code:


    this in case you want to do it by yourself.
  4. in case you want to display your ads by the avilable option, go to Display options then click on the link you want to edit options in it. for example, you want to mange your adsense ads in forum home page. after you enterd the page, you have to choose locations where you want to show your ads. then on each location you choosed there are place to put ad id you preferd to that location. finally save and enjoy :)
  5. if you want to exclude users, usergroups, forums or ips you can do it from main options. you will need to take a look on options there.
  6. adsense share is completely optional, if you want to enable sharing take a look on Adsense Share options and if you still have questions I will be here to help if possible.

  • v1.0 - not released beta.
  • v2.0 - first release for 3.7
  • v3.0 -
    • coordinating options in admincp.
    • options to display ads as links unit.
    • option to use css tables with ads.
    • add new option to display ads under first post only.
    • add new option to display ads beside the first post.
    • options to display ads in search result page.
  • v4.0 -
    • enhance tables show position when tables option checked.
    • add option to display ads left hand side in forumhome.
    • add option to display ads left hand side in forumdisplay.
    • new options to show link units ads.
    • new option display ads between post after x post.
    • add member profile page to 'show ads in different pages' option.
    • enhance codes & templates to work perfect with board.
  • v5.0 -
    • add option to show ads on side for showthread page.
    • new options to show ads on albums.
    • new options to show ads on social groups.
    • new option to exclude users id from showing ads.
    • option added: change phrase that shows beside ads
    • option added: to auto reload ads every x sec.
    • option added: to choose best direction to show vertical ads
    • enhance and fixed some codes in templates & plugin.
  • v5.1 -
    • fixed bug in code of reload ads every x sec
    • fixed problem with display ads between posts
  • v5.2 -
    • option added: exclude or add forums
    • option added: exclude or add groups
    • bug fixed: ads not showing to gusts
    • bug fixed: exclude forums problems
    • all permission are enables on archive
  • v6.0 -
    • divide options in ACP, create cpnav file
    • options added for adsense revenue share
    • option added for alignment ads in pages
    • options added to create old adsense unit
    • options added for rotate ads
    • option added to include ads in each forum
    • option added for google adsense search box
    • options added to choose different ads to show for each ads group
    • options added to choose type of cincturing for each ads group
    • codes enhanced, variable for ads available to use in any template
  • v7.0 -
    • divide adsense share in new group options, edit cpnav file
    • option removed auto refresh option
    • option added to exclude ip addresses
    • adsense share: option added to share revenue with admins, friends or users
    • adsense share: auto build new field for users
    • new system to add ads info into database table
    • extra ads to display under side left/right ads
    • another field to add code for rotate stuff
    • new pages for display options
    • options removed links ads and search page
    • extra options to dispaly ads in archive

Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack.
Thank you for supporting this modification, donate to make this mod even better
don't forget to Click to Mark as Installed


SEOvB 02-17-2009 09:30 PM

Nice work, looks pretty extensive

RvG2 02-18-2009 01:26 AM

how about the current ads I have added manually? what will happen to them?

al3bed 02-18-2009 03:07 AM

updated .. fixed small problem.


Originally Posted by FRDS (Post 1747289)
Nice work, looks pretty extensive

thanks and good luck.. :)


Originally Posted by RvG2 (Post 1747460)
how about the current ads I have added manually? what will happen to them?

you can delete them from your custom templates if you want!.. this hack will not doodle other codes in your forums

Playa82 02-18-2009 04:34 AM

whoa... nice mod ! thank you !

Rat1972 02-18-2009 05:27 AM

Strange, when i use the option in the signature and on ALL pages first post, it only disapear in the openingspost, but no ads on the other pages. ;)

VonDoom 02-18-2009 06:58 AM

Installed and Nominated

al3bed 02-18-2009 03:34 PM

updated .. 5.1


Originally Posted by Playa82 (Post 1747550)
whoa... nice mod ! thank you !

you are welcome sir! if you have any comments or suggestions on this product leave me a tip.. cuase you are coder too :D


Originally Posted by Rat1972 (Post 1747572)
Strange, when i use the option in the signature and on ALL pages first post, it only disapear in the openingspost, but no ads on the other pages. ;)

check your custom template :) .. it's work prefectly on defualt style..
check the last version 5.1 .. I fixed something wrong in one of codes

goodl luck


Originally Posted by VonDoom (Post 1747626)
Installed and Nominated

thanks .. have fun .. :)

ABDALWAHID 02-18-2009 08:08 PM

Thanks, installed...

samuelss 02-18-2009 08:49 PM

Have set the options as mentioed to yes in the admin cp but no ad is showing for me.. I am using vb 3.81. Any idea?


Seems working Now

PossumX 02-18-2009 11:54 PM

Is there a limit to exclusions? When I separate with commas (9 usergroup IDs, with some being 2 digits), it shows no ads at all. If I delete all exclusions, all AdSense ads show to everyone, which I do not want. It seems to function only if I have no exclusions.

put here groups ids you want to exclude them from show google ads - separate including a comma

This makes no sense. Please advise, as this looks to be the easiest AdSense hack to administer and maximize monitization.


brandonroy 02-19-2009 01:44 AM

What about showing the ads for guests only?

PossumX 02-19-2009 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by brandonroy (Post 1748641)
What about showing the ads for guests only?

There's no option to show only to certain groups, such as guests, only the option section to exclude certain groups from being presented the AdSense content.

I have tried this every way I know, and ripped through the code too, to no avail as of yet.

Need help from the developer, however, I appreciate your suggestion.

In the interim, I had to go back to my previous "hack", but if this one can be gotten to function, it will replace the other, immediately.

al3bed 02-19-2009 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by samuelss (Post 1748444)
Seems working Now

good luck .. :)


Originally Posted by PossumX (Post 1748583)
Is there a limit to exclusions? When I separate with commas (9 usergroup IDs, with some being 2 digits), it shows no ads at all. If I delete all exclusions, all AdSense ads show to everyone, which I do not want. It seems to function only if I have no exclusions.

Here is the list from the following section:

put here groups ids you want to exclude them from show google ads - separate including a comma


This makes no sense. Please advise, as this looks to be the easiest AdSense hack to administer and maximize monitization.


hi PossumX

I will check that and back to you


Originally Posted by brandonroy (Post 1748641)
What about showing the ads for guests only?

option will be added to add or exclude gruops soon
thank you

PossumX 02-19-2009 03:20 AM

Much appreciated. I think this is the BEST AdSense integration around with its' coverage and flexibility. Getting it to work will make this a mainstay for may forums, in my opinion.

the sooner the better, as there's money to be made here....LOL

al3bed 02-19-2009 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by PossumX (Post 1748691)
Much appreciated. I think this is the BEST AdSense integration around with its' coverage and flexibility. Getting it to work will make this a mainstay for may forums, in my opinion.

the sooner the better, as there's money to be made here....LOL

you are right; there are problems with these options.
wait a second I'm producing the 5.2 then you will be able to make money .. :D

PossumX 02-19-2009 06:44 AM

Excellent. I am fairly adept at this stuff here (php & vB), so I figured something was awry. Eagerly awaiting your resolution. THANKS!!

Ocean-Wonders 02-19-2009 08:08 AM

Great Mod thank you

al3bed 02-19-2009 09:56 AM

updated ..
- option added: exclude or add forums
- option added: exclude or add groups
- bug fixed: ads not showing to gusts
- bug fixed: exclude forums problems
- all permission are enables on archive

good luck to all .. if there any bugs or suggestions tell me please :)

PossumX 02-19-2009 10:14 AM


Much appreciated, your addressing this critical issue so quickly.

elmati 02-19-2009 01:47 PM

Just Amazing

Rated y nominated.

BozzaJos 02-19-2009 06:21 PM

Amazing mod mate, so great, especially for the ones who don't have to knowledge to pull it off by themselves.... like myself haha.

One question: There are ad units and link units. How many of each are you allowed to have on each page and combined? I can recall you can have 3 ad units on a single page but does that mean you can't have a single link unit on that same page?
Is there also someone who can tell me if there is a different in revenue if you choose only to display text ads only for ad units? Text ads only would blend in my site a lot more but if it lowers the Page eCPM, I'll have to choose to display the image ads as well.

I'm hoping for a quick answer so I can continue playing with it. Many thanks for your help and congrats with creating such a lovely mod!

Two more questions:

1) Is it possible to show text ads only in the ads after the first post? So no flashing images but just text. The rest of the forums can contain image ads but I don't like the looks of it underneath the first post.
2) There is an option to auto-reload ads on your forum. Enabling that option, would that mean you can impressions every 60 seconds and if so, isn't that against Google Adsense policy?

truespirit 02-19-2009 06:33 PM

great mod and simple to use - downloaded, installed and nominated - wtg :up::up:

al3bed 02-19-2009 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by PossumX (Post 1748876)

Much appreciated, your addressing this critical issue so quickly.

don't worry dude .. I'm here for any problem with this mod :D


Originally Posted by elmati (Post 1749010)
Just Amazing

Rated y nominated.

thanks alot :)


Originally Posted by BozzaJos (Post 1749239)
Amazing mod mate, so great, especially for the ones who don't have to knowledge to pull it off by themselves.... like myself haha.

One question: There are ad units and link units. How many of each are you allowed to have on each page and combined? I can recall you can have 3 ad units on a single page but does that mean you can't have a single link unit on that same page?
Is there also someone who can tell me if there is a different in revenue if you choose only to display text ads only for ad units? Text ads only would blend in my site a lot more but if it lowers the Page eCPM, I'll have to choose to display the image ads as well.

I'm hoping for a quick answer so I can continue playing with it. Many thanks for your help and congrats with creating such a lovely mod!

hello BozzaJos,

not sure if i understand what you're trying to say .. are you suggest to add new options to add link units in different pages? or you want know if possible to add more adds on one page. there are no problems with ads itself, but there are 3 problems if you put many of them in one page:

1. cause excessive loading on the page >> lead to upset users and guests
2. as I tested.. google ads don't shows more than 5 ads in one page even if ads from different accounts.
3. most of users and guests hates ads .. if you put 5 ads every page they will leave your site :)

I elected ads locations depending on an article here in vb.org .. also I am try to find best places to put them.. if you have some where in your forum you think it's better to add ads on it tell me please :)

I have 2 features in my mind for next update:

1. adsense share
2. adsense search

thanks and good luck


great mod and simple to use - downloaded, installed and nominated - wtg
thanks for your vote :)
have fun

BozzaJos 02-19-2009 07:41 PM

Thank you for the quick answer al3bed!
What I am talking about is that I am using the ads on multiple locations on my forums. I would like to show text and images ads on all locations except for the ads beneath the first post. On that location, I would like to use text ads only. However, in the options, there is only one code I can place for long ads code. So I guess I have to use text and image ads only or only text ads.

For example, all the ads in your screenshots are text ads only. But if you look at my site, you will see that I use both text and image ads. Is there less revenue if you only use text ads?

Also, could you please answer my question about the auto-reload time. What exactly is it for?

Thanks again mate, really appreciate it!

al3bed 02-20-2009 02:23 AM


1) Is it possible to show text ads only in the ads after the first post? So no flashing images but just text. The rest of the forums can contain image ads but I don't like the looks of it underneath the first post.
yes it possible, but not with options (may with next releases) try do this:
Go to you style templates and search for: ain_adsense_postbit

PHP Code:


replace it with your google code that only show text ads.
it should be work!

about profitable ads, depending on statistics, google optimization team and vbulletin team they found that Text ads are less invasive to your users but not as effective. it's not about which one is more profitable.. it's about which one is more clickable.


2) There is an option to auto-reload ads on your forum. Enabling that option, would that mean you can impressions every 60 seconds and if so, isn't that against Google Adsense policy?
there is no term prevent from reload ads. auto-reload is like when you refresh your page, but this mode refresh only your code without the whole page every x second. if google adsense team overseeing every reload to check if it's a user reload or auto-reload there server will be like bombed hell. :D

I think that option is not very useful you better to disable it .. if you want.

KURTZ 02-20-2009 04:08 AM

just a question: can i use this hack with the default integration or not?

al3bed 02-20-2009 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1749605)
just a question: can i use this hack with the default integration or not?

yes, you can
but it's will be better if you disable some options

KURTZ 02-20-2009 11:26 AM

what options? :)

al3bed 02-20-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by KURTZ (Post 1749835)
what options? :)

I mean some options in this mod if you use it with default integration like where be antinomy.

Will.Spencer 02-21-2009 07:19 PM

Very nicely done! :)

al3bed 02-22-2009 07:52 AM

thanks Will.Spencer .. I hope it's deserve that :)

I am working on next release and will be available on 10 Mar, 2009

PossumX 02-22-2009 04:30 PM

Is it possible to show Google Ads Side-by-Side with this mod?

What I am trying to accomplish is to have two 336x280 block ads show side-by-side, one with text and one image based.

I have tried playing around with the AdSense code snippets, to no avail as of yet. I am sure it can be done and will keep trying...

I am attempting to use this in the "Leaderboard" section (but the question could apply to any, depending on varying admin's needs).

al3bed 02-23-2009 11:58 AM

I guess you can use div with float to do that

next version will be the last update for this hack
then will be a new one for whole google webmaster services

kronnos 02-23-2009 12:09 PM

Would it be possible to rotate other adds besides google in the ad spots?

al3bed 02-23-2009 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by kronnos (Post 1752242)
Would it be possible to rotate other adds besides google in the ad spots?

nice idea.. wait until 10 Mar, 2009 it will be here (in sha allah)

tafreeh 02-24-2009 06:35 AM

great mod.. but its not working wid me... ads are not shoowing anywhere.....:(

al3bed 02-24-2009 07:10 AM

hi DON,

try to update your custom templates. to be sure if it's work or not try it with default style
if you just put your codes wait for a period until google spiders offside on your forums

best wishes

tafreeh 02-25-2009 06:10 AM

do i have make any templates changes ?

beishe8 02-28-2009 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by al3bed (Post 1752250)
nice idea.. wait until 10 Mar, 2009 it will be here (in sha allah)

Waiting for it! :D

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