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Pedro! 02-11-2009 10:00 PM

Pedro!'s Post Report Manager 0.93
1 Attachment(s)
This system offers an advanced management system for all types of reported content including:
  • Posts
  • Group Messages
  • Group Pictures
  • Profile Album Pictures
  • Group Picture Comments
  • Profile Album Picture Comments
  • Private Messages
  • Visitor Messages

Features of this hack (some of which are illustrated by the screenshots):
  • Report tracking for the reporter
  • Report management area accessible from the Mod CP and Admin CP
  • Full integration with notifications menu
  • Commenting/update system
  • Ajax loading of the reported content from within the CP
  • Quick links related to the report/report discussion
  • Can set to only display reports that moderators have permissions to 'do something about'
  • Fully phrased to allow easy translation

Installation Instructions
  1. Backup your forum database. You are installing this modification at your own risk - I will not be held responsible for any damages or losses to your computer/web server/site data/vBulletin installation that occur from trying to install/uninstall this hack.
  2. Extract the files from the .zip archive
  3. Open the upload directory
  4. If you have changed the directory names of the Mod CP or the Admin CP from the defaults you will need to apply the same changes here.
  5. Upload the contents of the 'upload' directory to the forum directory on your web server
  6. When the uploads are complete go into the Admin CP and expand the 'Plugins and Products' menu on the left-hand side.
  7. Click the 'Manage Products' link in the menu you just expanded.
  8. Click the '[Add/Import Product]' link at the bottom of the page.
  9. In the 'OR import the XML file from your server' text box change 'product.xml' to 'product-pprm.xml'
  10. Click 'Import'
  11. Click OK on the prompt
  12. Make sure in the vBulletin Options menu under 'User Infractions & Post Reporting Options' that Post Reporting Email is not set to 'no e-mail'. Due to the core hook location of this hack it will not work if e-mailing is not enabled in the vBulletin options. However, this can be overridden on the PPRM configuration page.
  13. and you're all done :) You may wish to change the configuration of PPRM, this can be done from the Post Reports menu in the Admin CP navigation.
  14. Mark the mod as installed, this is so you can receive updates regarding the mod. I won't spam you or send you drunken e-mails lolol.

This hack is still in beta phase and I would really appreciate your feedback with any bugs/errors/design issues you encounter. Things to watch out for are compatibility issues with non-major browsers and the 'acknowledge permissions' setting not working as I've only done a very limited amount of testing on it.

The inspiration for this hack came from Distance's Advanced Post Report System for 3.6 which was an upgrade of a mod by some guy called pig, lol.

Change Log
__________________________________________________ ______________________

Version 0.91
  • Fixed install issue, oops, lol.
  • Removed unnecessary include from /pprm.php

Version 0.92
  • Removed depreciated define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1) in /pprm.php
  • Fixed malformed information in e-mails.
  • Fixed enable/disable e-mail option.

Version 0.93
  • Fixed security hole.
  • Fixed bad links in 'Closed Reports' pagination.

Known Issues
__________________________________________________ ______________________
  • [S]0.90 - 'mismatched tag' error on install[/S]
  • [S]0.91 - E-mail override doesn't work.[/S]
  • [S]0.91 - E-mails don't link correctly.[/S]
  • [S]0.92 - Pagination broken on Closed Reports page.[/S]
  • [S]0.92 - Security Hole[/S]
  • 0.92 - With 'Acknowledge moderator permissions...' enabled an SQL error may occur when a moderator tries to access open/closed reports.
  • 0.92 - With 'Acknowledge moderator permissions...' enabled moderators can see reports for posts that are in forums they do not moderate.
  • 0.92 - Date doesn't display correctly for those who are using a localized date setting

blind-eddie 02-12-2009 03:40 AM

Nice, Been waiting on something like this for a long time, Thanks
I will test it out.

Pedro! 02-12-2009 03:44 AM

Thanks man, let me know what you think!

tafreeh 02-12-2009 04:08 AM

woooow man .. great mod...thanks

students_forum 02-12-2009 05:05 AM

Looks good, will have a look soon :)

maxicep 02-12-2009 05:52 AM

Nice Hack, i' ll wait the full version of this mod : )

Magnumutz 02-12-2009 05:53 AM

Whoa... this really looks awesome.
Will install later today!

twister17e 02-12-2009 07:38 AM

Your mod looks good, but I got an error when trying to install your mod to test it out. The error reported was:
XML Error: mismatched tag at Line 52.

Leo Brazil 02-12-2009 11:28 AM

This looks great, I'm gonna try it out.


ragtek 02-12-2009 11:39 AM

PHP Code:


isn't needed

use templates instead of
PHP Code:

    $comments "<tr><td class=\"alt1\"><div class=\"commentleft\">" $vbphrase['pprm_you']
vbdate('d/m/Y @ G:i'$rpt['reporttime'], truetrue)
"</div>" $rpt['reason'] . "</td></tr>"

Pedro! 02-12-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by twister17e (Post 1741605)
Your mod looks good, but I got an error when trying to install your mod to test it out. The error reported was:
XML Error: mismatched tag at Line 52.

Thanks for pointing this out, should be fixed in 0.91 :)


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1741808)
PHP Code:


isn't needed

Ah thanks I didn't realise it was depreciated!


Originally Posted by ragtek (Post 1741808)
use templates instead of
PHP Code:

    $comments "<tr><td class=\"alt1\"><div class=\"commentleft\">" $vbphrase['pprm_you']
vbdate('d/m/Y @ G:i'$rpt['reporttime'], truetrue)
"</div>" $rpt['reason'] . "</td></tr>"

thanks, lol, I will template that in a future version.

ssslippy 02-12-2009 01:41 PM

Very happy to see this made. Does this import from the other post report mod?

Pedro! 02-12-2009 02:10 PM

There's no importation from Distance's Advance Post Reports for 3.6. I could try knock up a script to do it but it won't be ready for a couple of days though as I've got to do some skinning in time for Valentine's Day. I can't see any problem with installing mine though and leaving that one disabled in the meantime.

ssslippy 02-12-2009 03:01 PM

Any importer would be amazing. No matter the time it takes.

jambo_1969 02-12-2009 03:24 PM

It would be a brilliant addition to this hack, if you could add in a functionality to remove reporting rights for members who abuse the system, or, are suspended etc....

Pedro! 02-12-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by jambo_1969 (Post 1741990)
It would be a brilliant addition to this hack, if you could add in a functionality to remove reporting rights for members who abuse the system, or, are suspended etc....

Yeah that's a good idea, I'll look into it.

Alfa1 02-12-2009 05:34 PM

This is a really interesting hack. The default post reporting function can greatly be improved.

It would be awesome if you would add post report -> infraction integration:
  1. When filing a post report, a member would would select the reason for the report from predefined options and would add an explanation. These options are the same as the infraction reasons.
  2. When the moderator handles the report, the moderator has the option to convert the report into an infraction.
  3. When the member is infracted, the infraction discussion includes a link to the report discussion or even better: the discussions are merged.
  4. It is possible to see both the infraction discussion thread as the report discussion thread from the infraction tab on profile.
What do you think?

Pedro! 02-12-2009 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1742120)
This is a really interesting hack. The default post reporting function can greatly be improved.

It would be awesome if you would add post report -> infraction integration:
  1. When filing a post report, a member would would select the reason for the report from predefined options and would add an explanation. These options are the same as the infraction reasons.
  2. When the moderator handles the report, the moderator has the option to convert the report into an infraction.
  3. When the member is infracted, the infraction discussion includes a link to the report discussion or even better: the discussions are merged.
  4. It is possible to see both the infraction discussion thread as the report discussion thread from the infraction tab on profile.
What do you think?

Yeah those are some good ideas, when this comes out of beta, if there is enough interest in the mod I'll look at including some of the suggestions in this thread :)

ssslippy 02-12-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1742120)
This is a really interesting hack. The default post reporting function can greatly be improved.

It would be awesome if you would add post report -> infraction integration:
  1. When filing a post report, a member would would select the reason for the report from predefined options and would add an explanation. These options are the same as the infraction reasons.
  2. When the moderator handles the report, the moderator has the option to convert the report into an infraction.
  3. When the member is infracted, the infraction discussion includes a link to the report discussion or even better: the discussions are merged.
  4. It is possible to see both the infraction discussion thread as the report discussion thread from the infraction tab on profile.
What do you think?

The issue with making this a default function is a major part of forums do not use the report function for just this. We also use this to request stickies and post moves.

kidthanh86 02-12-2009 08:01 PM

so great... we're waiting good version next times

joe1989 02-12-2009 08:03 PM

Does it still work if we disable the discussion thread and email setting?

joe1989 02-12-2009 08:09 PM

OK i see in installation that it says we need to have one of those set. Disregard my question!

Pedro! 02-12-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by kidthanh86 (Post 1742238)
so great... we're waiting good version next times

Urrr, what? lol

ImmortalForums 02-12-2009 09:17 PM

Install this but its not doing anything when a post is reported.

joe1989 02-12-2009 09:40 PM

This is what I noticed...

The email that is sent to the moderators/administrators has some errors. For starters, it doesn't properly display the reporter's name. For example, the email begins like this:


( mailto: ) has reported this post:
Second thing I noticed in the email was the link for the post. This is how it is displayed in the email:


( mailto: ) has reported this post:

Notice there is no post number.

Additionally, the same problem comes up with the thread link:

Again, lacking a thread ID number.

The reason for the post is also not displayed properly. It says "This is the reason the user gave:" but there is nothing listed, and I know there should be, because I did this as a test and I did put something in as a reason!

Ironically, the discussion thread link is created properly!


A discussion thread has been created at http://www.supportingteens.net/forum...read.php?t=343
Thanks for a great mod!! I love it!!

joe1989 02-12-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by ImmortalForums
Install this but its not doing anything when a post is reported.
Reply With Quote

I don't know if this is the problem for you, but here are two possible solutions for you to try:

1) Any post reports made BEFORE you installed this mod will not show up...sorry
2) Make sure that in Vbulletin options you have enabled the email sending feature AND a discussion thread, as it says in the installation directions! If you do not enable each of these, the mod will not work!!

Hope that helps,

Black Tiger 02-12-2009 10:56 PM

Awesome mod! I will tag and follow this for now... and install if it's templated.:)

ImmortalForums 02-12-2009 11:10 PM

Nvm fixed

Pedro! 02-12-2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by joe1989 (Post 1742302)
Make sure that in Vbulletin options you have enabled the email sending feature AND a discussion thread

Half right, lol. The mod will still work even if you do not have discussion threads for reports enabled in the vBulletin options.

jawatkin 02-13-2009 12:14 AM

Brilliant, I have been waiting for this... I've been using Distance's Post Reporting Hack on 3.8.1 but it doesn't catch the reported visitor messages, PMs or pictures, and I love the AJAX updating in the CP!! :)

joe1989 02-13-2009 07:28 AM

Pedro... Did you see the bugs I listed with the email?? You didn't respond, so I wasn't sure if you saw them!!

Pedro! 02-13-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by joe1989 (Post 1742631)
Pedro... Did you see the bugs I listed with the email?? You didn't respond, so I wasn't sure if you saw them!!

Ah, no, I somehow overlooked them, eep. Are you running it with e-mail enabled? If so might be something to do with my somewhat cumbersome solution to overriding the e-mail setting. I'll pop over to the .com forums later and request a new hook location and have a look if I've accidentally unset any of the arrays/variables the e-mail code uses. The reason it works in the CP is that the e-mail reporting is run after the hook that the mod uses.

As for the reported content thing, what was it you were reporting and what browser are you using? Does it work for any other reports and what was the content of the post? Also do you get any javascript errors? lol use Ctrl + Shift + J in Firefox to check or if you're using IE the click the triangle in the bottom-left of the tab.

thelulz 02-13-2009 05:58 PM

When I report something, in the control panel there is no open or closed reports. :S

Pedro! 02-13-2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by thelulz (Post 1743126)
When I report something, in the control panel there is no open or closed reports. :S

I RE:'d your e-mail too but I post here aswell anywayz


Originally Posted by me
This is odd, on my live forum which was never used for testing after I installed 0.91 it worked fine, judging from your first e-mail it looks like distance's advanced post reports might not have been removed properly... I'm thinking that there might be a plugin left over that is interfering with my mod. is anything being created in the database? if the notification count changes then the reports are in the DB but aren't being returned, could you possibly crack out phpMyAdmin and have a look? there are three tables used... pprmReports pprmComments and pprmOptions, it's pretty obvious what each one is for ;)

are your runninng 3.8.1? if you are it may be something to do with that cos we're still running 3.8

Also would be nice if anyone can confirm if this works on 3.8.1.

students_forum 02-13-2009 07:55 PM

I can confirm that it works beautifully on 3.7.2 except for PMs ..

Well done to you :D

joe1989 02-13-2009 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro!
Also would be nice if anyone can confirm if this works on 3.8.1.

That's what I have. I installed it on 3.8.1 and it's working great!


Originally Posted by Pedro!
As for the reported content thing, what was it you were reporting and what browser are you using?

I reported a post. I use Firefox (whatever the most recent version is).


Originally Posted by Pedro!
Also do you get any javascript errors?


Alfa1 02-14-2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pedro! (Post 1742138)
Yeah those are some good ideas, when this comes out of beta, if there is enough interest in the mod I'll look at including some of the suggestions in this thread :)

I am sure you will get a lot of interest and installs.


Originally Posted by ssslippy (Post 1742213)
The issue with making this a default function is a major part of forums do not use the report function for just this. We also use this to request stickies and post moves.

It could be added as an option. Would also be good to add an option for 'no rule breach/other reason'.

Pedro! 02-14-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by joe1989 (Post 1743244)
That's what I have. I installed it on 3.8.1 and it's working great!

I reported a post. I use Firefox (whatever the most recent version is).


Hmmmm, what mystery! I'm also running the latest version of FF and it works just dandy. What exactly was the content of the reported post? I'm thinking maybe the BB code wasn't parsed properly or something :/

joe1989 02-14-2009 06:46 PM

Based on the update to fix the "email errors" as you called them, I'm guessing you solved and corrected the problem?!


Pedro! 02-14-2009 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by joe1989 (Post 1744129)
Based on the update to fix the "email errors" as you called them, I'm guessing you solved and corrected the problem?!


Ahhhhh, I was getting epically confused: I thought you were saying the e-mail was broken and for some reason you couldn't preview the reported content from within the CP but you didn't say that at all, so I must be going mad lol.

Yes the e-mail issues are fixed (: so your problem is too :up:

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