Pedro! |
02-11-2009 10:00 PM |
Pedro!'s Post Report Manager 0.93
1 Attachment(s)
This system offers an advanced management system for all types of reported content including:
- Posts
- Group Messages
- Group Pictures
- Profile Album Pictures
- Group Picture Comments
- Profile Album Picture Comments
- Private Messages
- Visitor Messages
Features of this hack (some of which are illustrated by the screenshots): - Report tracking for the reporter
- Report management area accessible from the Mod CP and Admin CP
- Full integration with notifications menu
- Commenting/update system
- Ajax loading of the reported content from within the CP
- Quick links related to the report/report discussion
- Can set to only display reports that moderators have permissions to 'do something about'
- Fully phrased to allow easy translation
Installation Instructions:
- Backup your forum database. You are installing this modification at your own risk - I will not be held responsible for any damages or losses to your computer/web server/site data/vBulletin installation that occur from trying to install/uninstall this hack.
- Extract the files from the .zip archive
- Open the upload directory
- If you have changed the directory names of the Mod CP or the Admin CP from the defaults you will need to apply the same changes here.
- Upload the contents of the 'upload' directory to the forum directory on your web server
- When the uploads are complete go into the Admin CP and expand the 'Plugins and Products' menu on the left-hand side.
- Click the 'Manage Products' link in the menu you just expanded.
- Click the '[Add/Import Product]' link at the bottom of the page.
- In the 'OR import the XML file from your server' text box change 'product.xml' to 'product-pprm.xml'
- Click 'Import'
- Click OK on the prompt
- Make sure in the vBulletin Options menu under 'User Infractions & Post Reporting Options' that Post Reporting Email is not set to 'no e-mail'. Due to the core hook location of this hack it will not work if e-mailing is not enabled in the vBulletin options. However, this can be overridden on the PPRM configuration page.
- and you're all done :) You may wish to change the configuration of PPRM, this can be done from the Post Reports menu in the Admin CP navigation.
- Mark the mod as installed, this is so you can receive updates regarding the mod. I won't spam you or send you drunken e-mails lolol.
This hack is still in beta phase and I would really appreciate your feedback with any bugs/errors/design issues you encounter. Things to watch out for are compatibility issues with non-major browsers and the 'acknowledge permissions' setting not working as I've only done a very limited amount of testing on it.
The inspiration for this hack came from Distance's Advanced Post Report System for 3.6 which was an upgrade of a mod by some guy called pig, lol.
Change Log
__________________________________________________ ______________________
Version 0.91- Fixed install issue, oops, lol.
- Removed unnecessary include from /pprm.php
Version 0.92- Removed depreciated define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1) in /pprm.php
- Fixed malformed information in e-mails.
- Fixed enable/disable e-mail option.
Version 0.93- Fixed security hole.
- Fixed bad links in 'Closed Reports' pagination.
Known Issues
__________________________________________________ ______________________- [S]0.90 - 'mismatched tag' error on install[/S]
- [S]0.91 - E-mail override doesn't work.[/S]
- [S]0.91 - E-mails don't link correctly.[/S]
- [S]0.92 - Pagination broken on Closed Reports page.[/S]
- [S]0.92 - Security Hole[/S]
- 0.92 - With 'Acknowledge moderator permissions...' enabled an SQL error may occur when a moderator tries to access open/closed reports.
- 0.92 - With 'Acknowledge moderator permissions...' enabled moderators can see reports for posts that are in forums they do not moderate.
- 0.92 - Date doesn't display correctly for those who are using a localized date setting