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-   -   Major Additions - YABBSEO[vB] Lite - Another Better SEO Module for vB 3.8.x (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=203849)

yabsoft 01-31-2009 10:00 PM

YABBSEO[vB] Lite - Another Better SEO Module for vB 3.8.x
1 Attachment(s)
The FULL version is available here.


YABBSEO[vB] is a well-developed easy-to-use lighty module for vBulletin aiming at optimizing your forum for Search Engines. This is a lite version and a full version will come with GUI for controling lots of options of YABBSEO.

Main Features:
1. Customised Forumdisplay, Showthread, Member profile url, etc...
Edit yabbseo/data/config.php:
PHP Code:

'template' => 
    array (
'showthreadpage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-page{thread_page}.html',
'showthread' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}.html',
'showthreadnew' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-newpost.html',
'showthreadpost' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-p{post_id}.html#post{post_id}',
'forumdisplaypage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/index{forum_page}.html',
'forumindex' => 'forumindex.html',
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
'member' => 'members/{username}.html',
'memberlistpage' => 'memberlists/{member_page}.html',
'memberlistltr' => 'memberlists/{letter}.html',
'memberlistltrpage' => 'memberlists/{letter}-{member_page}.html',
'memberlist' => 'memberlists',

2. Built-in Multiple languages supported. You don't need manually list the special chars to convert. Tested with Deutsch, Espa?ol, Fran?ais, T?rk?e.

3. 301 safe redirecting dynamical url to the above static url.

4. Add "no=follows" for all external site url.

5. Lots of options in yabbseo/data/config.php. For example, removing comman words in static url, customised keyword separator. Ability to create your customised url for other content.

6. Parse archive pages and redirect thread links to the static one.

7. Improve meta keywords for thread pages.

8. Canonicalization Url Support.

9. Redirect external urls by a custom script.

Lots of other improments...

Live Demo(vB3.7.1:

Live Site(vB 3.8.4):

|YABBSEO[vB] Installation Requirements

1. Mod-rewrite Module for Apache server.
2. Entered Forum URL at vBulletin Admin CP > vBulletin Options > Site Name / URL / Contact Details.

Installing YABBSEO[vB]


1. Extracting the installation package

Download and extract the installation package into a directory in your local computer.

2. Uploading YABBSEO[vB] to the Server.

You only need upload all files in /upload to your vBulletin installation.

3. Go into vBulletin's Admin CP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products.

a). Click on 'Import Product' and select 'overwrite'.
b). Click on the 'Browse' button, and browse to the location where YABBSEO[vB]'s installation package was extracted.
c). Find a file named Product-YABBSEOLite-1.0.xml in the root directory YABBSEO[vB].
d). Click on 'Import'.

4. Uploading the .htaccess file

If your server does not have a .htaccess file in its root, then upload the .htaccess file found in the YABBSEO[vB]'s installation package.

If your server already has a .htaccess file in its root of vBulletin installation, then the content of YABBSEO[vB]'s .htaccess will have to be merged into the main .htaccess file.
YABBSEO[vB] Lite v1.1.0 At 01 Nov 2009
YABBSEO[vB] Lite v1.0.1 At 15 Feb 2009
YABBSEO[vB] Lite v1.0.0 At 05 Feb 2009

Updates of YABBSEO v1.1: Latest version!
Please see the following post with detailed directions and explanations of yabbseo/data/config.php.

Updates of YABBSEO v1.0.1:
1. Now YABBSEO supports mysqli connection.
2. Fix a serious bug that cause script not to parse the external url correctly.
3. Adding a miss hook in v1.0.0 for search members to redirect to the correct profile url.
4. Adding some HTML tags parsing to correct some images not showing.
5. Fixing some redirecting error reported by members here.
6. Fix a bug for parsing the birthday members profile url in the front page of forum.

How to update your installation of YABBSEO v1.0.1:
Untill now, you only need redownload the attachment to update the php scripts files and then reimporting the product XML file. BUT you must be careful if you have modified the file yabbseo/data/config.php. When you upload new scripts, please don't overwrite your customised config.php. And a backup of old installation is recommended when you make any updates on current installation.

Some previous installation may not include such TAG parsings in yabbseo/data/config.php, if yes, you need add them manually(suppose you don't want to overwrite config.php directly)
PHP Code:

'import' =>
    array (
=> '\\@',
=> 'url',
=> '\\(',
=> '\\"',
=> '1',
'image:' =>
    array (
=> 'background\\-',
=> 'url',
=> '\\(',
=> '\\>',
=> '1',

The previous installation miss a hook called "Search members" at Plugins & Products>Plugin Manager, if you don't want to reimport the product XML file, you can add this hook as follows:
Plugins & Products>Add New Plugin

Hook Location:


Search members
Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:

include 'yabbseo/forumhook/match_member.php'

We provide tech support for the lite version via vB.org forum. If you have any questions, just reply this thread or PM me.

Click INSTALL if you like this plug-in.

yabsoft 02-01-2009 05:56 PM

Upgrade guide for YABBSEO Lite v1.1:



Before you upgrade, you need know we have changed the product id of YABBSEO Lite to be "yabbseo" in v1.1(in v1.0 and v1.0.1, it was yabbseolite). So a product import from vBulletin CP will create a new product, not upgrading your YABBSEO lite v1.0 or 1.0.1.
So for upgrading YABBSEO v1.0 or v1.0.1 to v1.1, you can follow the following steps:
1. Disable the YABBSEO v1.0 or v1.0.1
2. Upload all scripts in YABBSEO v1.1 to your server to overwrite all of your old files.
3. Import the product-YABBSEO-Lite.xml from vBulltein > Plugins.
4. If you have modified yabbseo/data/config.php, you donot need upload the new config.php in the downloaded YABBSEO Lite v1.1 to overwite your modified config.php in the step 2.
5. Check if YABBSEO v1.1 is working fine with your forum. If it is OK, you can delete YABBSEO v1.0 or 1.0.1 which is already disabled in step 1.

Explanation of some sections of config.php:

GLOBAL Configuration in yabbseo/data/config.php:

absolutebburl: 1 or 0

1: your domain will be automatically added in all forum urls:
forum/f_id/t_id.html -> http://yourdomain.com/forum/f_id/t_id.html.
0: YABBSEO will detect the relative urls to be absolute one:
images/buttons/xxx.gif -> /forum/images/buttons/xxx.gif
301_redirect: 1 or 0

1: Redirect dynamically urls to the static ones:
showthread.php?t=x to http://yourdomain.com/forum/f_id/t_id.html
redirect_showthreadpost: 1 or 0

1: redirect showthread.php?p=id to http://yourdomain.com/forum/f_id/t_id.html#postid
or http://yourdomain.com/forum/f_id/t_i..._x.html#postid if the post is not on the first page.
PHP Code:

array (
'script' => '',
'fragment' => 'goto_threadtools',
'query' => 
array (
'nojs' => '1',


The above options are the criterons to detect which urls to add "nofollow" attribute:
script: the php script name or html file name
fragment: the parts after #
query: an array which holds the parameters in the forum urls.

The above example will match the urls like this:

PHP Code:

array (
'"' => '',
'\'' => '',


The array holds the special chars and their correpondences in english to convert.
keyword_separator: - or _ or other symbol

The separator will be used to separator the keywords in static forum urls
PHP Code:

array (
=> 'an',
=> 'a',
=> 'on',
=> 'to',


This is an array to hold the common words you want to remove from the static forum urls.
redirect_externalurl: 1 or 0

Convert the external urls on your forum to something like this:
http://externalsite.com to http://yoursite.com/bbredir.php?url=...ternalsite.com
PHP Code:

array (
=> 'yabsoft.com',
=> 'www.yabsoft.com',
=> '',


This is an array to hold the urls which are not to be converted as above if redirect_externalurl is enabled, for example your friend sites.
post_parseurl: 0 or 1


If this option is enabled(=1), YABBSEO will try to parse all forum links by even query the database to get the information. By default, this is turned off: since YABBSEO can parse every normal forum links. Some links could not be parsed in rare cases: you use cite another dynamically thread url in your current thread, the cited dynamically url could not be parsed by default. But this will redirect to the static one after users click it.
Url Template Setting in yabbseo/data/config.php
PHP Code:

'template' => 
    array (
'showthreadpage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-page{thread_page}.html',
'showthread' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}.html',
'showthreadnew' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-newpost.html',
'showthreadpost' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-p{post_id}.html#post{post_id}',
'forumdisplaypage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/index{forum_page}.html',
'forumindex' => 'forumindex.html',
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
'member' => 'members/{username}.html',
'memberlistpage' => 'memberlists/{member_page}.html',
'memberlistltr' => 'memberlists/{letter}.html',
'memberlistltrpage' => 'memberlists/{letter}-{member_page}.html',
'memberlist' => 'memberlists',

The array holds the static url templates which be automatically loaded for the dynamical url according to its key: for example, the template
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
will be used for all dynamically urls of forumdiaplay.php.


You can modify the above templates to get your cutomised template, but you must be care about the order of templates. The order of templates in the array is just the order to match each static url: for example, a static forum url "f1-main-forum.html" is passed, YABBSEO will try to follow the order of templates in array to match the the url "f1-main-forum.html". Once one template(for example,f{forum_id}-{forum_title}) matches the url, the corresponding {forum_id} and {forum_title} will be extracted. But it is important to note that different orders may give the chances that the incorrect template matches the url before YABBSEO tries to use "f{forum_id}-{forum_title}" to match it.

jujubins 02-01-2009 06:06 PM



yabsoft 02-01-2009 06:08 PM

Thanks:) This is my first released addon for vB!

Hasann 02-01-2009 06:15 PM

Does it support turkish character?

jujubins 02-01-2009 06:28 PM


Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 717

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 717

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in [path]/yabbseo/forumhook/301.php(46) : eval()'d code on line 7

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in [path]/yabbseo/forumhook/301.php(46) : eval()'d code on line 7
How it works with subdomain?

rizelim 02-01-2009 06:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks @yabsoft my forum problem.My forum root .htaccess file How to edit file..

yabsoft 02-01-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by jujubins (Post 1731160)
How it works with subdomain?

I only tested my addon with mysql server. But your vB is using mysqli. Maybe that is the reason of your errors. Now maybe you should disable the mod and I will try to make it work with mysqli. When it is done, I will update here. Sorry for the issues.

yabsoft 02-01-2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by rizelim (Post 1731161)
thanks @yabsoft my forum problem.My forum root .htaccess file How to edit file..

Could you PM your link to check your issue?

rizelim 02-01-2009 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by yabsoft (Post 1731179)
Could you PM your link to check your issue?


turkish character problem!

sheppardzwc 02-01-2009 06:57 PM

I'm getting style issues when I try to use this.


Any clue why it would do this?

yabsoft 02-01-2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by rizelim (Post 1731186)

You can temporarily disable the option "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files?" at vBulletin Options > Style & Language Settings. Thst should fix your display issue. I will give a fix soon.

oPPoSiTe 02-01-2009 07:26 PM


Turkish Character Problem :(

yabsoft 02-01-2009 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by sheppardzwc (Post 1731197)
I'm getting style issues when I try to use this.


Any clue why it would do this?

You mean the logo is disappearing? Could you let me know how you link to your logo? via CSS property?

AWMGolfer 02-01-2009 07:42 PM

I'm usually a pretty aware guy but I can't find the .htaccess file anywhere in the zip file? Is it missing it or am I just getting old? :) Thanks!!

yabsoft 02-01-2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Xhaiden (Post 1731246)
I'm usually a pretty aware guy but I can't find the .htaccess file anywhere in the zip file? Is it missing it or am I just getting old? :) Thanks!!

I just updated teh attachment with some fix with css display issue. For .htaccess, maybe your PC can not show the file since it has not a name only an extension.

I attached the content of .htaccess file for your convenience:

Options +FollowSymLinks
# Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning)
# to disable mod_rewrite functions.
RewriteEngine On
# Please note: RewriteBase is the path of your forum
# to your root vB installation (i.e. / or /forums without ending slash / if it is a subdirectory)
RewriteBase /forum

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} (admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images)/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ yabbseo.php?bbseourl=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]

rizelim 02-01-2009 07:53 PM

thanks @yabsoft but forum root


and Turkish Character Problem?

universosymbian 02-01-2009 08:03 PM

I am working with VBSEO.COM, THIS PRODUCT IS NECESSARY ?????????

yabsoft 02-01-2009 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by rizelim (Post 1731259)
thanks @yabsoft but forum root


and Turkish Character Problem?

Edit config.php, search the following line:
PHP Code:

'forumindex' => 'forumindex.html'

change to
PHP Code:

'forumindex' => ''

About your Turkish Character Problem, I am not sure what you mean exactly. I don't know Turkish. Buy as I see, your forum url has been converted to english chars.

yabsoft 02-01-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by jujubins (Post 1731160)
How it works with subdomain?

Now YABBSEO supports mysqli.

mark370 02-01-2009 09:20 PM

Thanks guna try this :)

Phaedrus 02-01-2009 09:33 PM

Does it work with the blogs?

Hasann 02-02-2009 07:44 AM

I am repeating my question Sir
Does it support Turkish Character to the SEO Links?

projectego 02-02-2009 09:06 AM

Looks interesting. Me thinks I'll be taking this hack for a spin... Cheers!

/me clicks install

yabsoft 02-02-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1731663)
I am repeating my question Sir
Does it support Turkish Character to the SEO Links?

Yes, it supports Turkish Character to be converted to the corresponding english chars. YABBSEO also supports you to enter your special chars to convert in the yabbseo/data/config.php:
PHP Code:

'specialchars_convert' => 
    array (
'"' => '',
'\'' => '',

yabsoft 02-02-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by universosymbian (Post 1731271)
I am working with VBSEO.COM, THIS PRODUCT IS NECESSARY ?????????

Some features of YABBSEO are similar to vBSEO. Just another choice for vB users. And we also use a totally different methods to do the rewrite things and do lots of performence optimization.

yabsoft 02-02-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Phaedrus (Post 1731348)
Does it work with the blogs?

Sorry, blogs is not supported currently. We will add this soon.

Hasann 02-02-2009 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by yabsoft (Post 1731758)
Yes, it supports Turkish Character to be converted to the corresponding english chars. YABBSEO also supports you to enter your special chars to convert in the yabbseo/data/config.php:
PHP Code:

'specialchars_convert' => 
    array (
'"' => '',
'\'' => '',

Okei thanks


you have there a problem.

yabsoft 02-02-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1731770)
Okei thanks


you have there a problem.

Thanks for your report. It has been fixed also.

Hasann 02-02-2009 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by yabsoft (Post 1731813)
Thanks for your report. It has been fixed also.


you have got one problem too

is this beta version?

yabsoft 02-02-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Hasann (Post 1731831)

you have got one problem too

is this beta version?

Thanks for your report. I have fixed it. Since on my site, I used another URL format which is not tested fully.

gsmlover4u 02-02-2009 05:24 PM

latest post link in the forum stats not working ?
any solution ?

yabsoft 02-02-2009 06:00 PM

You mean your forum or our forum not working with last url?

Adam21 02-03-2009 09:30 AM

Edit: Its there a way to remove the forum id from the rewrite url?

http://www.myforum.com/forum/forumid-forum description/thread title.html

elmati 02-03-2009 01:17 PM

I installed it and so far it works perfect!

Thanks for this great mod :)

yabsoft 02-04-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Adam21 (Post 1732870)
Edit: Its there a way to remove the forum id from the rewrite url?

http://www.myforum.com/forum/forumid-forum description/thread title.html

Yes, it is supported:
edit yabbseo/data/config.php,
PHP Code:

'forumtitleonly' => '0'

PHP Code:

'forumtitleonly' => '1'

And then you remove the f{forum_id}_ from
PHP Code:

'template' => 
    array (
'showthreadpage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-page{thread_page}.html',
'showthread' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}.html',
'showthreadnew' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-newpost.html',
'showthreadpost' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/{thread_title}-{thread_id}-p{post_id}.html#post{post_id}',
'forumdisplaypage' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}/index{forum_page}.html',
'forumindex' => 'forumindex.html',
'forumdisplay' => 'f{forum_id}-{forum_title}',
'member' => 'members/{username}.html',
'memberlistpage' => 'memberlists/{member_page}.html',
'memberlistltr' => 'memberlists/{letter}.html',
'memberlistltrpage' => 'memberlists/{letter}-{member_page}.html',
'memberlist' => 'memberlists',

You need note that you have to make your forum titles are different. And this lite version doesn't support customise your forum title without actually changing the forum title. Our full version will support customise the forum title.

yabsoft 02-04-2009 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by elmati (Post 1733032)
I installed it and so far it works perfect!

Thanks for this great mod :)

Thanks for your report:)

Adam21 02-04-2009 11:52 AM

For some unknown reason,all images posted using the [img] tags cant be displayed in all posts.It's just a blank instead of images.

yabsoft 02-04-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Adam21 (Post 1734130)
For some unknown reason,all images posted using the [img] tags cant be displayed in all posts.It's just a blank instead of images.

Make sure you have the following code in config.php:
PHP Code:

'img' => 
    array (
=> '<',
=> 'src',
=> '=',
=> '>',
=> '1',

Becareful NOT
PHP Code:

 4 => '0'

gsmlover4u 02-04-2009 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by yabsoft (Post 1732172)
You mean your forum or our forum not working with last url?

sir i mean in the top 10 or 5 forum stats all link not working

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