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UncoderMom 01-31-2009 04:25 PM

Do you think Walmart breaks the law?
The monopolization law that is? Seems they are taking over everything! Their latest feat, the electronics. Its no wonder large companies are going under too, like circuit city. What with walmart commercials touting same TV for hundreds less then their competitors .

I mean, dont get me wrong, 100's less is great and all that but at the cost of what? In the long run. They will end up the only company as they are driving so many out of business.

youtube wal-mart LOL

70% of their products come from china. :eek:

Shelley_c 01-31-2009 04:31 PM

yup, that's the way it's going. Companies and not just large are our-sourceing to countries like china and india which means jobs in usa,uk and other prospering countries in the past years is coming to an end. Like i said, the good times have past. :)

UncoderMom 01-31-2009 04:44 PM

And, the US government turns the other cheek instead of enforcing the law. :eek:

We are becoming drones to large corporations!

Good times have passed for now but people will catch on and get beyond tired of it and thats when a revolution starts.

It used to be America, land of the "free".

Now its America land of the appearance of free but really slaves to large corporations... They've enslaved the government too. agh!

Brandon Sheley 01-31-2009 05:16 PM

The only reason I go to walmart if to drop off our recyclables ;)
that store is evil, I don't shop there

nexialys 01-31-2009 06:02 PM

they are not controling any market, they are resellers only, that is far from controling the market... Sony, Microsoft etc, they decide to sell their product there and elsewhere too... these are the companies who can control the market when they decide to sell ONLY at Walmart, something they can not do, or they would break their own rules...

i go shop at Walmart not because of the market or the control... i don't care... i buy there when i see something that fits... why pay something 10$ at "Canadian Tires" when you can have it at Walmart for 3$...

Shelley_c 01-31-2009 06:03 PM

I'd shop at walmart. If we had one.

lasto 01-31-2009 06:21 PM

Long Live Walmart

Its a dog eat dog world out there and at least they selling stuff cheap.I dont care if its made in sweat shops so long as its cheap im happy :)

Back later,off to Primark to get some cheap clothes :)

Shelley_c 01-31-2009 06:26 PM


Primark just opened a new store where i live, about 1 minutes walk away. They do have a cheap clothing range especially in the lingerie range.

UncoderMom 01-31-2009 06:27 PM

LOL Shelley.

When walmart is offering you that product for 3 dollars when it cost them 5 dollars just to put Canadian Tires out of business, they are breaking antitrust laws. Walmarts negotiators are cut throat sales men/women who have a HUGE impact on the over all health of the economy. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/...tml?page=0%2C1 This type of behavior buts suppliers in a bad situation and forces outsourcing.

Dont get me wrong... I to shop at walmart but I feel so dirty. LOL Walmart is not very American anymore!

--------------- Added [DATE]1233433758[/DATE] at [TIME]1233433758[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1730169)
Long Live Walmart

Its a dog eat dog world out there and at least they selling stuff cheap.I dont care if its made in sweat shops so long as its cheap im happy :)

Back later,off to Primark to get some cheap clothes :)

Even if they are contributing to the economies instability? Less might be costing you when you shop there but your gonna need walmart when your pay check starts to shrink because of inflation in their downstream. LOL

harmor19 01-31-2009 06:43 PM

Go to Giant Eagle, Shop 'N Save, Foodland, or any other super market and look at the price of food. Now go to Wal-Mart and look at their prices. Where would you rather buy your food?

In a Wiki about the history of Wal-Mart it read "As a typical businessman, Walton was always looking for better deals from his suppliers, and he realized that he could obtain higher sales volume by passing on the savings to his customers, instead of pocketing them."
(Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Wal-Mart)

The one thing I won't buy at Wal-Mart are clothes and that's because I'm not fond of the styles there. I prefer Pacsun.

Shelley_c 01-31-2009 06:44 PM

You cannot just point the finger at walmart. I think the finger should directly be pointed at yourselves, me, you, the poor bastard that carved that piece of fake ivory oranamant that resides by our stands. We aren't forced to buy from these large corps/re-sellers.

Part of the blame (sure) is down to the goverment. They have no backbone. Look at microsoft when they broke laws. Billy gates blubbered like a baby when they were going to break is microsoft up but changed their minds.

Sure, in the long run it's harmful to the economy (depends on which economy you refer to) Yours, yes. It's helping other less prospering countries that look to be gaining more growth at a faster rate than the usa (china for instance). Is that a bad thing? imo no. It's happening here in the uk and I can say you can certainly feel the pinch but that's not to say it's all bad we just won't be that well off than what we are used to.

lasto 01-31-2009 06:49 PM

Asda`s is owned by Walmart in the Uk.

I dont care if walmart own everything.Who cares if they sell it cheaper than the competition - teach them to charge so much for an item wont it.

nexialys 01-31-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1730177)
Walmart is not very American anymore!

actually they never were Americans... that's why people in USA are sometimes "against" its logic... but nobody forced noone to work there... so there are some americans that are slaves in the head or something...

personally, i know a lot of people who are not no-brainers and they are happy to work there...

and with their "local deals rule", where they have to promote local products, there is a ton of companies which were selling small that are now in the big league because they are able to sell to the masses...

iogames 01-31-2009 07:05 PM

YES, ALWAYS... WHY? :confused:

UncoderMom 01-31-2009 07:19 PM

@ Shelley, your right but its a little difficult when they pray on weaknesses. LOL we are all only human. I think walmart has predatory marketing tactics.

@ lasto ...WOW LOL your missing the point and the logistics of economics.

So yo think its smart for a few large companies to own the worlds economic spending?

Once walmart destroys its competitors its prices go up. Its already happening. They're carrying less and less GV (great value, their store brand) and the store brands that are left..... they are going through HUGE price increases. Their store brands force competitors to lower their prices to an unfesable price then once they get this result.. they increase price of there generic or discontinue it. :eek: This practice breaks the anti trust laws.

I think todays walmart is NOTHING of the vision that Sam set out for.

Did you know Walmart even tried to patent the smiley?? ROFL.

Does ANYONE see what I'm trying to say here?

Are they or are they not monopolizing the multiple industries and using tactics that break the antitrust laws??

--------------- Added [DATE]1233436849[/DATE] at [TIME]1233436849[/TIME] ---------------


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1730215)
actually they never were Americans... that's why people in USA are sometimes "against" its logic... but nobody forced noone to work there... so there are some americans that are slaves in the head or something...

personally, i know a lot of people who are not no-brainers and they are happy to work there...

and with their "local deals rule", where they have to promote local products, there is a ton of companies which were selling small that are now in the big league because they are able to sell to the masses...

hahahahaha Nex! The local deals rule must be a Canadian thing!! One more thing your government must be doing better then ours! haha

nexialys 01-31-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1730226)
hahahahaha Nex! The local deals rule must be a Canadian thing!! One more thing your government must be doing better then ours! haha

actually it's so "local" that this is something unique to Qu?bec, the province, not the entire country. 33% of all the merchandise in Walmart have to be from local providers... the other is from USA/China.. lol

we work their way from the begining so they had to face their own truth here....

UKBusinessLive 01-31-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1730226)
hahahahaha Nex! The local deals rule must be a Canadian thing!! One more thing your government must be doing better then ours! haha

In Asda, The UK version of Wal-Mart, they sell local produce which is sourced from surrounding areas, But has anyone noticed that before all this recession and before the greedy bankers ripping us off, The average cost of your weekly shopping was gradually creeping up in costs, Now Prices seem to be at an all time low in supermarkets with one competitor trying to out do the other, In the UK we see Ads on TV, ASda are UK's Cheapest, the next hour we see Tesco's are the cheapest, then Morrisions, It drives you mad.

Its true what they say the Supermarket Giants are making Billions from this ressession

Shelley_c 01-31-2009 08:20 PM

The supermarket ads are beyond belief. LOL I have noticed that the cost has come down, I can't say the same thing about iceland (supermarket here in the uk not the country) that all the stuff I purchase has gone up, I also noticed that iceland raise their prices on a wekly basis. They sneakly put the prices up on best selling products so I just stop buying and go without. Asda has become really cheap, One shop I noticed that raised their prices on alot of their goods is nettos. I don't usually shop their for food but i have a good memory on prices what were and what prices are now.

I'm quite sure that vein on alan hansens head will explode one day doing those morrisons commericals.

UKBusinessLive 01-31-2009 08:30 PM

You got to listen to this :D


Shelley_c 01-31-2009 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1730290)

ROFLMAO Classic. :up: :D

nexialys 01-31-2009 08:42 PM

you can prank ANY company with the exact same speech, this is pathetic

UncoderMom 02-01-2009 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive (Post 1730290)

Oooh man.... wheres the ROFL smilie when you need him!! LOLOL

GSeybold 02-01-2009 08:24 AM

That's funny as hell.

Hate Walmart with a passion- Cheap, disposable products from every other country except the U.S. and their food departmetn is usually gross as well. I would much prefer a mom and pop store any day. In my neck of the woods, there are FIVE walmarts within 7 miles of one another. Just lovely. I'm sorry- a haven for lowlifes were I live. It's one thing getting a bargin, but I dress code and conduct is a must. Or at least a friggen BRA! Oh and leave the parrots at home. I've been to some decent walmart stores with decent people but...

lasto 02-01-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by GSeybold (Post 1730702)
That's funny as hell.
Or at least a friggen BRA! Oh and leave the parrots at home.

If they want to let them hang free who are we to complain :)

Also tesco`s aint cheaper than Asda`s - they well expensive

Wayne Luke 02-02-2009 01:46 PM

People need to do their research. Wal-mart's prices usually aren't lower than their competitors and for the most part their quality is lower. When you buy a television for hundreds less at Wal-mart, you are buying one with fewer features and/or a lower resolution. Many times if an item is on closeout or sale, its because its last year's model that was picked up from a discounter.

Circuit City's demise may have been influenced by Wal-mart but wasn't caused by Wal-mart. When you walk into a Circuit City there are over 100 television models to choose from, not 10 or 15. Even with those 10 or 15 televisions, the same sale prices and closeouts often apply. In other electronics departments the choice disparity is even greater. What Wal-mart sales is the illusion of choice combined with convenience. It is one location where you can buy a television, a gallon of ice cream while getting your tires rotated. However their selection is very limited in each category. They are just counting on people who don't care whether they get the best product or not as long as they get something that does the job.

As a consumer you dictate the market. Would you rather buy a $10.00 knife that you have to replace every year because it gets dull or a $50.00 knife that will last you generations? Wal-mart doesn't sell the $50.00 knife and they never will. The same goes for many of their products. Unfortunately, most people will buy the $10.00 knife because they don't think long term and about lasting value. They need a knife to cut their steak that night, not next year. They don't care or even consider the fact that the $50.00 knife will last 50 years where the $10.00 knife will be replaced in 1 year. This is how Wal-mart succeeds. They cater to the present instead of those people who look to and plan around the future.

Tigga 02-02-2009 03:38 PM

Personally I try to avoid Wal-Mart for the most part after seeing how their employees are treated and some of the sweatshops they outsource to. I'd rather do business with the smaller local companies when I can.

iogames 02-02-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wayne Luke (Post 1731907)
People need to do their research. Wal-mart's prices usually aren't lower than their competitors and for the most part their quality is lower.

But I think .99 Cents store got less ethics than Wal-Mart [save the explanation, I know 99 cents stores doesn't have the same structure than WalMart, but I hate those russian guys whose got nothing at 99 cents :'( )

nexialys 02-02-2009 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tigga (Post 1732026)
Personally I try to avoid Wal-Mart for the most part after seeing how their employees are treated and some of the sweatshops they outsource to.

THAT is something people have to put in stasis... the employees are not forced to work there.. they know the situation, they know how the people work there, they know every detail of what the owner is, because everybody talk about it...

if you are moron enough to go to a job where you will be badly treated, the population do not have to give any pity for you... people would say "there is no other place where to work"... yeah yeah... Walmart never install where there is no place to work, because they install their shops where there is a large market to cover...

lasto 02-02-2009 08:49 PM

Supply and demand

No demand then no supply - so on that view i do not think they are breaking any laws.
Maybe their Morals are in question but thats about it.

KTBleeding 02-02-2009 08:50 PM

I go to Walmart simply because I enjoy leaving the store with an extra $40 on average after shopping when compared to other local markets.

Saving that much money is worth dealing with all the retarded, slow moving shoppers and long lines.

lasto 02-02-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding (Post 1732366)
I go to Walmart simply because I enjoy leaving the store with an extra $40 on average after shopping when compared to other local markets.

Saving that much money is worth dealing with all the retarded, slow moving shoppers and long lines.

My Sister could be one of them slow moving retards that you speak so highly of!

Then again you`d still be right :)

KevinL 02-03-2009 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys (Post 1732328)
THAT is something people have to put in stasis... the employees are not forced to work there.. they know the situation, they know how the people work there, they know every detail of what the owner is, because everybody talk about it...

if you are moron enough to go to a job where you will be badly treated, the population do not have to give any pity for you... people would say "there is no other place where to work"... yeah yeah... Walmart never install where there is no place to work, because they install their shops where there is a large market to cover...

Well they tend to open in a place that by them opening everything around them (small businesses) close. So a lot of people don't really have a choice but to work there if it really is the only place to work around....sad state of affairs.

Wabuf 02-03-2009 04:28 AM

I don't like Walmart for much of anything. I'd much rather go to Target which is better overall in quality.

dismas 02-03-2009 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by UncoderMom (Post 1730074)
70% of their products come from china. :eek:

One of the many reasons I won't shop there.

I've never been to a Starbucks. I don't shop at Wal-Mart. Do you sense a pattern? :D

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