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Valter 01-09-2009 10:00 PM

Cyb - ChatBox
1 Attachment(s)
Powerful AJAX-based ChatBox for vBulletin.

Main Features:
-One step installation (no file uploads, no manual template modifications required)
-Put ChatBox on any forum page by setting script name and adding variable to desired template
-"ChatBox Full" (always available on separate page)
-"Messages Archive" (available on separate page, with options to edit/delete messages)
-"ChatBox Search"
-Option to block usergroups from viewing ChatBox
-Option to delete messages older than x hours automatically
-"ChatBox Statistics" (new messages since last visit, messages in last x hours, total messages, top x chatters,...)
-View users active in ChatBox (available in CBFull and Archive)
-Text formatting options (color, weight, style, decoration,...)
-Advanced Smiliebox
-Smiliebox options: total smilies available, smilies per row, smilie clipping, disable smilies...
-A lot of customizable stuff, including: set new/old status icons, time/date format, box height, message order, auto-refresh intervals,...
-One-click actions: View all messages posted by user X, Delete all messages posted by user x, Ban/unban user from ChatBox, View last message posted by user X, View your last message, View first unread message
-"/me" action (used when you want to refer to yourself in the "third person")
...and more...

See screenshots for more details.

1. Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
2. OPTIONAL (custom placement on forum page)
Open desired template and put "$cybchatbox" to desired line.

To set options:
Go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - ChatBox

To have ChatBox enabled on desired page:
1. THIS_SCRIPT must be defined in php file (by default all important vBulletin files has this)
2. Hack options - You must add THIS_SCRIPT value for target page to "Show ChatBox on" setting field
3. Main template called on target page must contain "$cybchatbox" variable

To have ChatBox enabled on vBa CMPS:
1. Hack options - Add "adv_index" to "Show ChatBox on" setting field (values in this field should be separated by commas) > Save
2. vBa CMPS Default Settings - add "cybchatbox" to "Portal Output Global Variables" field (values in this field should be separated by carriage return) > Save
3. [Optional] Template "adv_portal" - add "$cybchatbox" to line where you want ChatBox to appear (for example below "$navbar") > Save

v1.0 - Sep 15. 2007.
-First version
v1.1-v1.6 - Sep/Oct 2007.
-Bug fixes, improvements, several new options added,...
v1.7 - Oct 07. 2007.
-Released at vB.org
v1.8 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where moderators can not delete messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for messages
-New: Set auto-refresh interval for active users
-New: Option to enable auto-refresh for guests
-New: Option to reverse message order (newest at bottom)
v1.8.1 - Oct 11. 2007.
-Fixed bug where colspan in Archive is not set correctly for moderators
-Added ability to disable date in mesages (simply leave date field blank)
-Added option to have ChatBox always collapsed by default (ChatBox Full not affected)
v1.8.2 - Oct 12. 2007.
-Fixed bug (reversed message order gives wrong results)
-New: Set timecut in minutes for active users listing
-New: Automatically parse links in messages (can be disabled)
v1.8.3 - Oct 13. 2007.
-Auto-prune setting field restored
-Fixed bug where some users are logged-out after posting message
-Improved detection and listing of active users
-If user is active in ChatBox it will be shown in profile and wol list
v1.9 - Oct 15. 2007.
-New: Not all smilies are loaded on startup. Set how many of them you want to show before user clicks "More".
-New: "/me" user action ("/me" in submitted message will be replaced by author's username, and message appears in color you set)
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.1 - Oct 15. 2007.
-Fixed bug from previous version where message area height not follows your settings properly
v1.9.2 - Nov 06. 2007.
-New option in user menu: View messages posted by user
-Option to allow users to delete their own messages
-Fixed bug where admin with primary usergroup different than 6 is not able to delete all messages
-Fixed bug where links to member profiles in messages are broken at "/member.php"
-"Delete Selected" moved to phrases
v1.9.3 - Nov 20. 2007.
-New: Set groups able to view Chatbox but not post messages
-New: Set groups able to edit/delete all messages, and ban/unban users from ChatBox
-New: Customize color list in message posting interface
-New: Ban list
-Fixed default text color
-Fixed some compatibility issues for "/me" action
-Fixed bug where some users get db error when importing product
-Fixed bug where you need to refresh page after "Busy" message to continue chatting
-Minor bug fixes
v1.9.4 - Nov 21. 2007.
-Fixed bug with changing colors in IE
-Some code optimization done
v1.9.5 - Nov 26. 2007.
-Fixed bugs with stripping html tags and "/me" action
v1.9.6 - Nov 29. 2007.
-New: ChatBox Search
-New: Click on message icon in main box to open message for editing/deletion
-Fixed bug with page navigation
-Minor bug fixes/code improvements
v1.9.7 - Dec 01. 2007.
-New: Find first unread message
-New: Find your last message
-New: Find last message by user X
v1.9.8 - Dec 05. 2007.
-New: Ban certain BB tags from being used in the ChatBox
-New feature in user messages view: "Locate this message in Archive"
-New: Message icons in Main box now opens Archive where requested message is highlighted
-New in "Top Chatters": Click on number to view chatter messages
-New in "My Messages": Click on number to view your own messages
-Fixed bug where space after username is lost in "/me" action message
v1.9.9 - Dec 06. 2007.
-New: Users with post count less than X can not view ChatBox
-New: Log/view/resolve IP addresses in CB messages
-Fixed bug with searching last message by user X
v2.0 - Apr 30. 2008.
-New: "Locate message in Archive" option in search results
-CSRF protection added
-Compatible with vBulletin 3.7 Gold (may not work with Beta/RC releases)
v2.1 - Jun 24. 2008.
-Fixed bug (users always shown using their primary group display parameters)
-Fixed bug (if there are whitespaces in banned tags setting it will not work properly)
-You can now choose which usergroups are able to moderate ChatBox (not just switch between 5/6/7)
-"Below Forums" added to auto-insert locations (ForumHome only)
-New: Option to disable parsing of manually entered smilie codes
-New: Disable message time in ChatBox (Archive not affected)
-New: Submit button added
-New: Option to change text size (display)
-New: Option to set width of [code], [php] and [html] BB code blocks in ChatBox
-New: Limit message lenght
-Several minor bug fixes/code improvements
v2.2 - Jul 10. 2008.
-New: auto-hiding Status bar to inform you about ChatBox activities
-Improved ChatBox performance
-Improved char counter compatibility/look
v2.3 - Sep 22. 2008.
-Fixed XSS vulnerability in ChatBox Search
-Improved Tags Banning feature
-Fixed bug (user can add forbidden tags by editing already posted message)
-Fixed bug (user blocked by low post count can access ChatBox on separate page if url is known)
-Fixed bug (page shifting on refresh in IE)
-Fixed bug (Smilies menu breaks row on expand in Opera)
-Minor bug fixes

MARK AS INSTALLED to get support and updates.

Kitmitsu 01-10-2009 01:32 PM

Thanks once again Cyb.

veenuisthebest 01-10-2009 01:41 PM

I hope this one has no changes than this one, as both are 2.3


-=Leb=- 01-10-2009 02:04 PM

Finally :)

SuperTaz 01-10-2009 02:20 PM

Thank you.

Saviour 01-10-2009 03:49 PM


Two things:

1. How to rename the navbar link from "ChatBox Full" to simply "Chat"
2. How to put the navbar link in the new "Community" link of the navbar


Sorry, but I found out how to do this on my own. Directions are listed below for those interested:

1. Login to your Admin CP/Languages & Phrases/Phrase Manger. Locate the following phrase: cybcb_chatbox_full and edit it to your preference.

2. First of all, do not check the setting in this mod to add a link in the navbar. Instead, edit the navbar template in each style:


<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=buddylist"><if condition="$show['friends_and_contacts']">$vbphrase[contacts_and_friends]<else />$vbphrase[contacts]</if></a></td></tr>
Add above:

<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=cchatbox">$vbphrase[cybcb_chatbox_full]

That's all there is to it.

Saviour 01-10-2009 10:53 PM


Text colors aren't working...



Saviour 01-10-2009 11:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)

First of all, let me apologize for all these posts, back to back.

Please take a look at the following attachments. As you can see, when the ChatBox page loads, it doesn't show the navigation tree correctly...as compared to the memberlist navigation tree (image attached, as well).

Is there a fix for this?

James Argo 01-11-2009 10:11 PM

I haven't had any chance to update my live forum in production server to 3.8.0, but I did in my testing server. This mod is the first mod to install and it worked as nice as in 3.7 family before.

Soon my production server will update to 3.8.0, and this mod will definitely be installed there!

Thumbs up Cyb! :cool:

* James Argo clicked install *

Nadavy 01-12-2009 02:41 AM

When we do this are all former chatbox posts lost?

Valter 01-12-2009 02:58 AM

ChatBox messages are lost if you:
- uninstall hack
- click "Delete All Messages" in ChatBox menu

So if you do regular upgrade with 'overwrite' checked, then messages will not be lost.

christicehurst 01-12-2009 08:43 AM

The mod stays on Loading the whole time.

Saviour 01-12-2009 10:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Since you were on and didn't reply to this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....22&postcount=8

I'll have to bump the question...

If a user navigates to the ChatBox, the Navigation tree doesn't display correctly. It only shows the [bbtitle]...in my case "Glitch PC Forums". It should show "Glitch PC Forums > ChatBox". Take a look at the images I attached in the post I've referred to so that you get a better understanding of what I'm referring to.

However, if a user navigates to the ChatBox archive page, then the navigation tree does appear correctly. Although it shows "Coder" under my rank here...I'm not that great of a coder. The closest I can figure...is that there's a problem with the XML file coding. When a user navigates to the ChatBox page...it should show this in the navigation tree, but it doesn't. Like I said...it does show correctly if I navigate to the "ChatBox Archive" page...however, on that page it shows "Glitch PC Forums > ChatBox". Shouldn't it read "Glitch PC Forums > ChatBox Archive"?

I've added updated attachments to this post, so that you can see where the problem lies. The first image's navigation tree (circled) should show that I'm on the ChatBox page, but it doesn't. The second image is when I'm on the ChatBox Archive page, but it reads "ChatBox" only...when it should read "ChatBox Archive"...correct?

Again...I feel the issue lies somewhere in the product's XML file, but I don't want to go screwing around with it...for fear I may break the mod.

So...as I have asked you before...is there a fix for this?

Thank you for your time.

Vaupell 01-12-2009 10:51 AM

tx installed, just didnt figure out how to add it to Vba 3.1
not the same install options as descriped. but works fine.

optrex 01-13-2009 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by christicehurst (Post 1709485)
The mod stays on Loading the whole time.

I have the same issue

Saviour 01-13-2009 02:22 PM



Saviour 01-13-2009 10:54 PM

In reference to my previous support request...

Never mind. Product uninstalled.

Lynne 01-13-2009 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Saviour (Post 1709548)
So...as I have asked you before...is there a fix for this?

Thank you for your time.

Just do exactly what he did for the archive page.

(Find code like this and modify as below.)
PHP Code:

            if ($_REQUEST['do']=='cchatbox')
$navbits = array('misc.php?do=cchatbox' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q'] => $vbphrase['cybcb_chatbox']);
$navbits construct_navbits($navbits);
'$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";');


Nadavy 01-14-2009 01:57 AM

In the future it would be nice to be able to report messages people post. If not in the main box, perhaps in the chatbox archive? You could even select a spread of messages if they posted it over a couple messages.

txbritt 01-14-2009 07:48 PM

I love this add on a lot because not only is it an easy to get your members attention it is fully customizable.

Saviour 01-14-2009 09:35 PM


Thank you, so much...all is now good. I'm glad someone took the time to help me out. May the help you gave me come back to you ten-fold.

All the best!

optrex 01-15-2009 01:05 AM

how do you prevent users from being able to edit their own posts?

mastertek2000 01-19-2009 09:32 AM

how can i get this installed globe so it show up on all pages thanks

boandmichele 01-19-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by mastertek2000 (Post 1717684)
how can i get this installed globe so it show up on all pages thanks

go to vbulletin options > cyb-chatbox

find the field that says "index", should be labeled as:

Show ChatBox on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)
Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)
delete the word "index" and it will now be on every page.

mastertek2000 01-19-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by boandmichele (Post 1717819)
go to vbulletin options > cyb-chatbox

find the field that says "index", should be labeled as:

delete the word "index" and it will now be on every page.

i don't see that no where are u sure about this ??????????

algor65 01-19-2009 03:24 PM

How was solved the problem with the security token? I had this problem too and I had to uninstall this Chatbox, although it was very nice



But it isn't working correctly. I'm still getting the security token error. I've upgraded to the gold 3.7.0 version -- I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled the chat box but I still get the error

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

ETA: It works ok in Internet Explorer, but gives the security token error for *some* foxfire users (myself included)

cykelmyggen 01-19-2009 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by optrex (Post 1710646)
I have the same issue

me too...:( Luckily I kept an old version 2.0, which is the only one I managed to run on my board. Its running fine on 3.8.0:up:

mastertek2000 01-19-2009 04:18 PM

yup going to remove this one this one

boandmichele 01-19-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by mastertek2000 (Post 1717831)
i don't see that no where are u sure about this ??????????

yeah its in the options dropdown, just pick the chatbox category. i copied and pasted it from there, and have done it before on my site.

mastertek2000 01-19-2009 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by boandmichele (Post 1718074)
yeah its in the options dropdown, just pick the chatbox category. i copied and pasted it from there, and have done it before on my site.

i don't see it

Nadavy 01-19-2009 08:59 PM

Cyb you should add a report feature to the chatbox!

ValsiSro 01-20-2009 12:13 AM

i want to use this chat on an external page ... in my site www.valsis.ro there

Dream 01-20-2009 03:05 AM

if this chatbox used pages instead of an archive (which I never understood why an archive anyway) I would consider dumping mine on my boards.

cjddrum1 01-23-2009 12:00 AM

my smilies and text colors do not work :(

RedHacker 01-23-2009 02:05 AM

I dont understand this but the ChatBox working excellent.. Open desired template and put "$cybchatbox" to desired line.

Tolas 01-23-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by mastertek2000 (Post 1718126)
i don't see it

go into the Options for Cyb - Chatbox in your admin panel

look for:

Show ChatBox on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)
Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)

The default will have Index listed in the box on that line. If you remove it, it will make the chat load on every page of your site.


Any way to add functionality of private chats? I would love to make it so our users could initiate prive chats in a pop up window or even a tab in chatbox itself.

This mod works great though, no issues and like all your other mods could not be easier to install & setup. Thanks for all your hard work.

Trek 01-23-2009 05:10 PM

No smilies seem to be working for me, any ideas?

Also, what is the format used for the date/time values?

I used this page for reference: http://us2.php.net/manual/sl/function.strftime.php

But it doesn't appear to sync up.

Basically I'm looking for the time format of: 3:30pm

Trek 01-23-2009 06:16 PM

Just an update, the smilies display in the archive, just not the chatbox. Nothing is displayed in place of where the smiley is supposed to be.

dmknights 01-24-2009 03:00 PM

Will try this later

bornoffire 01-27-2009 10:59 AM

What do i need to do exactly to get this in ibproarcade

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